Making Our Military PC is Treason

When was the last time our American military won a war?

Ask yourself THAT question. WHEN exactly was it?

I’ll tell you.


THAT was the last time our military won a war.

Did we win in Korea? Nope. Vietnam? Clearly not. Did we win the first Gulf War?

Well, there’s a question. We clearly ran Iraq out of Kuwait didn’t we? Yes, clearly we did that. Saddam had promised the mother of all battles and what we saw was the mother of all retreats. Iraqi Republican Guard units were surrendering to journalists and begging for food. They had heard that journalists carried with them…cookies.

At that point, the Republican Guard would have surrendered to the Girl Scouts.

The Iraqi Air Force fled to Iran and Iran kept the planes. It was a route but…Did we win the war?

No…Not really. We won the battle for Kuwait, but we left Saddam in power and did not invade Iraq.

What about the war in Iraq? Did we win THAT one? No. We got Saddam and his sons and chased al Qaeda around but, upon political timelines and decisions, we bailed out before the job was done and now, al Qaeda and Iranian agitators are moving in leaving Iraq a battleground with no clear direction.

WWII was indeed the last time the American military posted a clear and concise victory. WWII was the last time we won a war.

Why is that?

Political correctness.

It’s not a new thing. It’s not something which has suddenly appeared in the last 20 years. Political correctness has been around a lot longer than most people believe or wish to believe and its effect on military actions has been profound.

Yes, in Korea, we kicked North Korea out of South Korea but, because the north was being propped up by the Chinese, we stopped at the 38th parallel. Now, North Korea has nukes and they continue to threaten South Korea and other neighbors. It’s been a stalemate for nearly 50 years and a stalemate is not a win.

In Vietnam, we did not allow our military, because of rules of engagement, to do what was necessary to win and barely allowed our military to do what was necessary to protect themselves. It was a gross misuse of our military and military personal.

Gulf war? We built a coalition and mandated that the goal was to kick Iraq out of Kuwait but NOTHING further. Essentially, we placed any chance of winning the war aside to win the battle BECAUSE foreign entities controlled the politically correct rules of engagement.

Because our rules of engagement are crippled by political correctness, our Military IS capable of winning battles but, not WARS.

Wars are different now than they were when we last won a war. Then, the enemy wore uniforms. You could tell who they were. They fought with tanks and a navy and planes and all were marked with their country’s insignia.

That started to fade a little in Korea and became blurred in Vietnam.

For the most part, in the Gulf War, Saddam’s troops wore uniforms but not always.

Now…nobody is wearing a uniform. Well, that’s not entirely true. WE wear uniforms, fight with tanks and a navy and planes.

The enemy? No. They dress like civilians, use IED’s and shoulder-fired weapons, and, for the most part, they have no navy and no planes either.

Politically correct rules of engagement do not allow our military to open fire on places like mosques. Oh, we might know that inside the mosque are enemies planning attacks and that they are simply using the mosque as cover, but we won’t blow it up.

It’s not politically correct and they, the enemy, know it.

In WWII, when we dropped bombs on Germany and Japan, it rained hell. There was collateral damage. In fact, there was more collateral damage than direct target hits. Didn’t matter. It was war.

Now, because of improved technology, we engage in surgical strikes.

Our military today is tasked with making friends. Winning over the people.

They wear the uniform of the military but they are told to act like diplomats.

Diplomats don’t win wars.

To win wars, the enemy must be defeated. We defeated Germany in WWII. We defeated Japan, too.

In a politically correct world, nobody loses. There is no defeat. Why, if we were to defeat the enemy, we might upset someone. We can’t have that. This mentality even seeps in to how we deal with the enemies we capture.

If they have information which could save the lives of OUR soldiers or help US win a battle, we have to ask them nicely. Please? Pretty please tell us what we want to know? Threatening them isn’t nice. Scaring them isn’t allowing them to go to their happy place.

Put a pair of underwear on a captured enemy’s head…oh the humanity. Something like that gets out and boy oh boy, it’s gonna rile up the enemy. I have some news for ya…they’re already riled up. In fact, they’re pissed. They’re trying to blow up our soldiers or shoot them. Hell, they’ll cut the head off anybody they think may have helped our military.

And why wouldn’t they? They will kill their own sister because she got raped by their neighbor. Somehow, it was her fault. These are the people who think nothing of blowing themselves to bits just to kill a couple of other people who may not believe in blowing themselves to bits. They’ll strap bombs on women, on kids, and send them into the streets. They’ll PAY a family to allow them to use their daughter as a human IED.

But put a pair of underwear on their head? No, no, no…that will upset their delicate sensibilities.

We catch the enemy on the battlefield and what do we do? We put them in jail and give them 3 culturally correct meals a day. We give them their manifesto to read and write notes to others in. We make sure they are as comfortable as possible.

We call them detainees rather than prisoners of war. POW has such a harsh sound. We’re just…Detaining them…for a while.

For GOD’S sake, we won’t even call the enemy the enemy any more. They’re “Not per se” our enemy. We want to make nice with them. We’re willing to allow 5 of their detained brothers go home because it’s the nice thing to do. It sends a message that we’re…not really engaged in a war…those men and women wearing those uniforms with American flags are…Diplomats.

I could write volumes of such examples but let’s boil it down to what it really is.

We, as a nation, due to political correctness, no longer send our military to win the war. Instead, we send them to win the peace. War is not politically correct. Peace is.

We train the men and women of our military. We instill in them combat skills. We equip them with the most high tech weapons available to man. We send these men and women, weapons in their own right, to the most God forsaken places on Earth. When they get there, wherever “There” is, people are shooting at them, blowing them up, trying to wreak death and destruction upon them.

And we, due to the political correctness which has become pervasive in our military rules of engagement, expect them not to offend anyone?

In Afghanistan last week, somebody in one of our uniforms, decided to remove a few Korans in which some detainees had written notes pertaining to attacks against our military, and burned them.

Those who have been trying to kill our military personal but are “Not, per se, the enemy” have now killed 4 of our heroes and the streets are awash in anti American riots. Obama did the politically correct thing and apologized. NATO has said they will turn the Koran burning offenders over for public trials because, after all, NATO is politically correct and it’s the politically correct thing to do.

Treason is a word which, lately, has been thrown about, maybe too often. To many, if a politician does something they don’t care for, they employ the word “treason” and most of the time, it doesn’t actually apply.

I am at a loss, frankly, to find a different word for what is being done to our troops at the hands of the politically correct. They won’t provide our troops combat pay in a war zone now, unless that soldier gets shot at. They are all too willing to hold military personal responsible for burning an already defiled manifesto and turn them over to the “Not per se” enemy for public trial. They insist that those captured…I mean…Detained from the field be provided with all the comforts of their culture.

Dear GOD, they gave bin Laden a proper Muslim funeral.

How many of OUR soldiers died or were forever injured looking for that rat bastard? How many of our citizens died on that miserable piece of shit’s orders? And a bunch of goody, goody, win the peace politically correct asses made sure HE had a proper Muslim funeral???

If, in the process of all their politically correct touchy feely clap your hands and happy, happy, joy, joy efforts not to offend those who are actively trying to kill us on the battlefield and at home, the politically correct crowd is not providing aid and comfort to our enemies…I don’t know what they ARE doing and if providing aid and comfort to the enemy is not TREASON…WHAT THE HELL IS IT???

Our military, the great men and women who wear our uniforms, are perfectly trained, equipped and capable of winning any war, anywhere; but they never will again as long as the politically correct traitorous cowards dictate the rules of engagement.

Why have we been in Afghanistan for nearly 10 years? Why were we in Iraq for so damn long?

Because we, our military, was only allowed to win battles when they SHOULD have been allowed to fight and win wars.

Win the politically correct peace?

Kiss my ass and pass the matches. defiled manifestos make great kindling for a pig roast.


3 thoughts on “Making Our Military PC is Treason

  1. I did not serve in Vietnam I only served during the war and have talked to Vietnam combat vets and read a few books. With there rules of engagement only fire when fired upon . the south Vietnam solider where feared more because they shot when they thought the enemy was present . I remember watching an Iraqi engagement on tv. where are troops where taking fire from behind a levee and at some point the enemy laid down there weapons and walked down the same levee . And we just watched them leave to fight another day. I saw that as wrong they did n”T surrender they used are rules of engagement to there advantage not to quit and go home, but to regroup and to try later to kill more of our troops. Are troops have been at a disadvantage for decades. Where is the out rage on how are POWS. have been treated around the globe. these includes WW11 vets. we make allowances for there cultures like The Japanese if they think it dishonorable to surrender and we gave them a pass. for the curlily they commented on or troops.
    IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN BUT WOULD N’T IT BE GREAT IN ORDER TO RUN FOR NATIONAL PUBLIC OFFICE, YOU WOULD HAVE TO HAVE BEEN A VET.Oh no that wont happen congress passed a law, that its ok for politicians to lie about there service or lack there of.There in lyes the problem. The people we have in charge of are country seen to have all the power and non of the RESPONSIBILITY LIKE ERICA HOLDER,AND FAST AND FURRIEST (SP) OBANOA AND SOLINDRA

  2. Let the so called “politically correct ” elected Personal in the House, the Senate, and the President put on a U.S. Military Uniform and go to a Military Base in Iraq or Afghanistan. Let them service as our men and women do and not as any part of Congress. Let them be in the line of fire and see just exactly how nice the other kids play when it comes to the other countries rules of engagement. Wonder how fast the so called “politically correct” will beat it back home? Will this happen; I don’t think so. Its not “politically correct” for elected personal to do anything that calls for them to leave the safety (or comfort) of their offices.

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