Low-Info Voters vs High 2016 Expectations…Part 2 of 2

By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on http://www.americanpbn.com/

Low-information voters…the bane of us all as my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Craig Andresen pointed out in Part One of our two-part series ‘Low-Info Voters vs High 2016 Expectations.’  A brief recap for those who still do not see themselves for what they are…as in the aforementioned low-information voters…folks whose vote is cast either out of misdirected anger that their candidate of choice did not get the nomination; folks who cast their vote based upon media-generated misinformation about the candidate who did; folks who vote solely based upon where a candidate stands on the social issues, which by the way belong on the state not federal level; folks who think that Jesus is on the ballot never mind that He has never nor will ever be; or those folks who don’t vote at all simply because they are just too lazy to get to the polls. And this last group of low-information voters will be the most vocal group of complainers when, just like in 2012, things go horribly wrong.

But possibly the worst of all low-information voters are those who vote third party…misguided sorts who use the excuse that they’re voting their ‘conscious’…never mind that it’s a ‘conscious’ wasted on a fringe candidate who has absolutely no chance of winning anything, but then again they know that. And they also know the reality that most third party candidates are nothing more than avowed anarchists claiming to be ‘warriors for God’ or simple ‘facebook’ candidates who think if they can only get a million ‘likes’ on facebook it will propel them to the White House…in other words low-information candidates custom made for low-information voters.


Enough…We’ve Had Enough…Part 1 of 3

By: Diane Sori

“Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog.”ds 6
Sir Winston ChurchillAnd so they came to Paris…One by one from all over France they gathered to stand strong and united as one against terrorism…against muslim islamic terrorism.

And they came…one and a half million French men, women, and children marching through the streets of Paris (3.7 million marched across all of France)…NOT for a funeral or memorial service per se, but for a quiet and respectful act of protest and show of solidarity against the out of control political ideology known as islam.

The world’s great leaders…over 50 in fact… including Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (the man who warned the world time and again about the dangers of islam)…stood alongside French President Francois Hollande. Joined by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, they all linked arms to march together as one to show the world they stood united with the people of France…to show the world they stood united against islamic terrorism.

Israel’s Allies and Enemies: The Truth Exposed…Part 1 of 3

“I will make you (Israel) a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great… and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2,3)

“Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are – northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see, I give to you and your seed forever.” (Genesis 13:14,15)

The true borders of Israel have been breached as per the word of God…the current borders of Israel mean NOTHING to those out to kill us all.

And so sides have been taken and alliances of sorts made, but while the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan appears on the surface to support Israel in its current battle with Hamas, all is NOT as it appears for below the surface facade lies Jordan’s deep ties with Israel’s enemies, and with a king who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

“We condemn the Israeli aggression and we support the Egyptian cease-fire proposal,” King Abdullah II said last week…seemingly taking both sides yet taking NO side (remember, Egypt’s proposal favors Israel over Hamas)…in other words trying to appear neutral but being neutral in this case is in reality Jordan’s king being what he really is…a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And in this battle for Israel’s very survival, you either stand with Israel or you stand with Israel’s enemies, and Jordan’s king is in fact Israel’s enemy NO matter how the media tries to paint him as Israel’s friend.

To understand this one must look at the modern history of Jordan starting with Israel’s birth as a nation in 1948, and one must also look at who Hamas’ friends and enemies are. It’s easy to say who Hamas’ friends are…as the battle in Gaza goes beyond the obvious battle of muslims versus Jews. Now with this battle…this proxy war…becoming a true ideological battle of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, and their backers Iran, Qatar and Turkey against Israel and the more moderate muslim nations of Egypt and Saudi Arabia…Jordan falls somewhere in between friend and foe with foe actually being their dominant role.

For example, the infamous oil rich nation of Qatar (who Obama made the keeper of the five terrorists he exchanged for one American traitor) outwardly funds Hamas. Giving $400 million to Hamas in 2012 alone, the Qataris do NOT hide the fact that they support and fund other radical islamist groups as well, including the Muslim Brotherhood under whose umbrella Hamas falls. And Turkey…a nation with deep philosophical ties to the Muslim Brotherhood yet a nation at odds with its desire to become part of the western world…has as its Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who heads what in actuality is an islamic government, and who is a man that outwardly criticizes Israel’s rightful military action in Gaza. And Iran…the very nation who vocally expresses its desire to wipe Israel off the map…while being muslim but NOT being an Arabic nation…is a nation once at odds with Hamas who did NOT share their support of Bashar al-Assad’s government in Syria…is a nation who Hamas has now made amends with and who has now pledged to rearm Hamas as their weapons…their rockets…run low.

To read the rest of Part 1 of this 3 Part series…CLICK HERE!!!

Is the key to the IRS scandal hiding in Russia…part 2 of 3

By: Diane Sori

As we all know Obama and his cronies are currently plagued by many scandals, and the IRS scandal is one of the most grievous of all facing him snow 8and his administration today.

As I wrote earlier this week concerning the missing IRS e-mails, Craig Andresen…my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner…and I both believe they went missing because they show Barack HUSSEIN Obama to be the one who ordered Lois Lerner to award 501(c)(3) status to known terrorist front groups, including to Da’wa, where his brother, Malik Obama, was its secretary at the time the status was given. But this affront is just the beginning of how deep the missing e-mail trail might go.

As Craig presented on Wednesday in part 1 (http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/2014/06/24/is-the-key-to-the-irs-scandal-hiding-in-russia-part-1/) of our 3-part investigative series it’s our belief that Edward Snowden…the man who blew the whistle on the NSA spying on ‘We the People’ by bringing to light an eavesdropping operation that included the phone metadata program; the NSA questioning and tapping into internet communications through companies like Google and Facebook; and with the widespread tapping of international communication networks…that this very man just might hold the key to the missing e-mails. A key that includes his being able to either retrieve them or that he might actually be in possession of them…a scenario that is more likely.


Bowe’s Release: The Truth Exposed…Part 1 of 4

“The Qatari government has given us assurances that it will put in place measures to protect our national security.” 

– Barack HUSSEIN Obama at Saturday’s news conference where he announced the release of Bowe Bergdahl bb 1

Our past presidents have always stood strong in saying that America does NOT negotiate with terrorists…but now it seems that America under this president does indeed negotiate with terrorists for this past Saturday Bowe Bergdahl’s long-hoped for release from five years of captivity at the hands of the Taliban was secured by doing just that.

Bowe’s release (to American Special Operations forces inside Afghanistan near the Pakistan border) was attained in exchange for five GITMO detainees who will now be free to rejoin their comrades in the killing of Americans…five enemy combatants exchanged for this one American who will now come home NOT only to parents who love and cherish him, but to a nation who while celebrating his release questions NOT only the circumstances of that release, but who questions the circumstances of his very capture.

And Bowe also comes home to a question of timing for was his release timed as a PR stunt by this administration’s media machine to divert attention away from the scandals Barack HUSSEIN Obama is awash in…timed for yet another photo-op and self-gratifying pat on the back…timed to make Obama the hero in Bowe’s release in the same vein that he made himself the hero in the ‘supposed’ take down of Osama bin-Laden.

But that is one question I think we all know the answer to.


Government Land Grabs: The Truth Exposed – Part 3


BLM land already owned

Before I begin please read parts 1 and 2 (out of 4) of my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Craig Andresen’s expose on these federal land grabs either on his blog ‘The National Patriot’ www.thenationalpatriot.com or on my blog ‘The Patriot Factor’ www.thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com as each part leads into the next part.

Now let’s recap some important facts…according to the Congressional Research Service, the federal government (including the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, National Parks, and military bases) controls roughly 81% of the land in Nevada, 62% in Alaska, 67% in Utah, 53% in Oregon, 62% in Idaho, 42% in Arizona, 48% in California, 48% in Wyoming, 35% in New Mexico, and 36% in Colorado, and the BLM also controls 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estates throughout the nation.

‘Supposedly’ desolate land wanted by BLM

These numbers equate to roughly 260 million acres in the western states…translating into a land grab equal to the size of Colorado and Wyoming combined…with most of that land being listed as mixed-use land (land allowing for two or more different types of uses, for example land used by the public or rented to private companies)…but now the feds want to transfer 140 million of those 260 million acres over to what they call ‘Treasured Land’ status (land that NO citizen or private company can access).


Try swallowing this ObamaCare pill

As many of you know, last week my dear friend Dori was laid to rest after her 16- month battle with brain cancer…and you know of her family’s battles through the nightmare of the health care fiasco known as ObamaCare. The battle is over for Dori but it has just begun for the rest of us.

And that battle begins with us knowing that ObamaCare is a LIE…NO other way to say it. It is NOT health care nor is it affordable as its actual name…The Affordable Care Act (ACA)…claims it to be. ObamaCare from its inception to its roll out to its subsequent implementation is NOTHING but one big scam to ‘insure’, if you will, the ‘sponges’ of our society so they stay in the voting pocket of the Democratic party and NOTHING else.

Obama loves to claim that to date more than eight million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the exchanges, but the truth is more like eight million Americans have perused the Healthcare.gov website and put something into their shopping cart, but have NOT paid that all-important first premium…thus denying the program the dollars needed to keep ObamaCare afloat. And Obama knew this would happen for he knows…and has always known…ObamaCare’s inherent flaws.

And while we conservatives know well ObamaCare’s flaws…like the death panels with the 15-member bureaucratic cabal of DC fat cats who will decide who gets to live and who gets to die…like rationed medicine for the rest of us…and all the other medical peccadilloes that are the hallmark of ObamaCare, but what most don’t know is that something very dangerous was snuck in ever so sneakily and will affect us all…and that is that drug prices for ALL prescription drugs will be substantially going up to cover for the monies needed but NOT gotten to keep ObamaCare afloat. Obama knew the true sign-up numbers would NEVER allow ObamaCare to survive…so drug prices and sign-up numbers have been manipulated to subsidize almost the entirety of the ACA.

And now I will tell you just how much of a drug price increase you will face and it will shock you like few things in ObamaCare have done before…


Benghazi: The Truth Exposed…Part 2

By: Diane Sori

My RIGHT SIDE PATRIOT partner and owner of The National Patriot, Craig Andresen, and I have teamed up to expose the truth about Benghazi…the truth the media…including FOX News…will NOT tell you. And as they say, ‘the devil is in the details’…and those details can be found buried within the entirety of ‘The U.S. Senate Select Committee on INTELLIGENCE REVIEW of the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi’ and NOT within the abbreviated version the media ‘sold’ to the public.

These details are so critical and so ignored that Craig and I are doing a three-part series running today and tomorrow in our respective blogs and on Facebook leading up to our RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio show this Wednesday at 2pm. Comprising our full second hour starting at 3pm, Craig and I will break down our finds into even more details…details and facts Obama and Hillary need to be kept hidden for fear that both a Constitutional crisis and their respective arrests might be in the making. Please visit Craig’s blog thenationalpatriot.com first (Part 1) as he exposes the events leading up to Benghazi.

And now I will pick-up where Craig’s article leaves off…

When foreign diplomats sense their lives are in danger they try to send paper ‘classified documents’ to ‘safe’ places or they destroy those documents which could fall into enemy hands. And if choosing to smuggle documents out they do NOT send them to just one person…they send copies of said documents to many…either couriering them out via a trusted person or most likely in Stevens’ case sending the computer files through the internet and e-mails to those they trust.  I would safely guess that’s what Stevens did, for being the consummate professional he was known to be, he probably documented everything (I believe) he suspected about Obama’s involvement in the guns and weapons running operation, and sent it to those he trusted as the events in Benghazi and around the area started to heat up. And most likely Stevens’ actions and his suppositions were discovered by Obama’s and Hillary’s people, and thus he was marked for a ‘targeted kill’ to silence him, because the presidential election was coming up and Obama could NOT afford any bad press.Sadly, Smith, Woods, and Doherty were mere collateral damage.