Obama is No Beethoven

It has been said that, “A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” It has also been said that the above quote came from Mark Twain. That, in and of itself, may well be a lie as it seems more probable that the quote came from Charles Haddon Spurgeon; but aside from this, what of Spurgeon do we know or, for that matter, care.

Regardless of the origin, the quote is true but only up to a point.

It describes but the beginning of the race. Truth, eventually, wins the day because the lie, eventually, stumbles.

As for Twain, a voluminous liar in practice, he did have something to say on the matter.

The glory which is built upon a lie soon becomes a most unpleasant encumbrance. How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”

“Almost all lies are acts, and speech has no part in them.”

I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won’t.”

Twain, indeed had a great deal to say regarding the practice or art of the lie, but perhaps my favorite is this:

There is a prejudice against the spoken lie, but none against any other, and by examination and mathematical computation I find that the proportion of the spoken lie to the other varieties is 1 to 22,894. Therefore the spoken lie is of no consequence, and it is not worth while to go around fussing about it and trying to make believe that it is an important matter. The silent colossal National Lie that is the support and confederate of all the tyrannies and shams and inequalities and unfairnesses that afflict the peoples – that is the one to throw bricks and sermons at.”

To liberal/socialists, history is not something from which to learn rather, a thing to be rewritten.

The lessons of history…The TRUTH…is of little matter to liberal/socialists though rewriting history…The Lie…ahhhh…THAT is something to be held close and dear. The more colossal the closer it must be held and damn those who, either with the truth or in the searching for it, go up against lie.

Damn them for they are not worthy of the basking IN the lie.

And what of those who profit from the lie? Those who achieve greatness on the wings of the colossal lie? What OF them when the colossal lie begins to unravel?

And what of those who, because of the colossal lie, have been led to the brink of disaster?

As the lie unravels so too does the liar. As the lie and the liar unravel, the truth allows those who have been taken to the brink to regain their footing.

Obama is beginning to unravel.

A president of the Harvard law review who’s college records, all of them have been sealed away from prying eyes, who’s thesis is not obtainable, who’s very history from birth through his college years has systematically been shrouded, buried, is unraveling.

A political party which cannot afford to be seen in the light of truth, attempted to label their rivals as Astroturf, racists, angry mobs and insane…Were called pejorative names, called a fringe movement nonetheless handed that part one of the worst shellackings in history.

The labels, the names…Lies.

Now, that same party, the liberal/socialists, attempts the same tact with those who, in seeking the truth, dare to pry into the buried and cloaked past of their liberal/socialist leader.

Were liberal/socialists amenable to learning from history, recent midterm election history, they would see that their lies, relegated to the trash heap of time would hold up no better now but to those liberal/socialists, history is not something from which to learn, is it?

They never counted on a Sheriff who, through a law enforcement agency and the assistance of a Posse of volunteers, would dig for the truth and ignore the intimidation of their lies.

Again, from Twain: “The young ought to be temperate in the use of this great art until practice and experience shall give them that confidence, elegance, and precision which alone can make the accomplishment graceful and profitable. Patience, diligence, painstaking attention to detail — these are the requirements; these, in time, will make the student perfect; upon these, and upon these only, may he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence.”

Had liberal/socialists heeded the advice of the accomplished liar, Twain, they might have taken more care with the creation of their lies so as not to be undone by the racist, insane pejoratively labeled angry mob and their Sheriff’s Posse.

It is however, not just Obama’s rewritten personal history of lies which is unraveling. It is his present as well.

The liberal/socialists told us we would love Obamacare. They told us it would save the nation.

They told us we would have to pass it to find out what’s in it.

It was passed and what we continue to find, are lies.

Liberal/socialists and their leader told us it was constitutional. That determination, due to the challenge of 26 state’s Attorney’s General, is now in the hands of the Supreme Court.

As that lie, that it is Constitutional, seems about to unravel, the perpetrator of it attempts to again, rewrite history by telling us that for the Supreme Court to overturn it would be unprecedented and extraordinary.

The truth lives in history while the rewritten lie runs for cover. The Supreme Court has, as a matter of historical truth, overturned some 158 congressional laws. Add to that, the state laws, city laws, local laws and all the rest and that number swells to 1,539 laws extraordinarily and unprecedentedly overturned by the Supreme Court.

Pesky historical truth brought forth not by a Sheriff and his Posse but by a mere Google search.

Liberal/socialists tell us there is no silver bullet to fix the price of oil and that drilling for our own oil will not bring the price down. Why then do these liberal/socialists and their leader beg Saudi Arabia to produce more to bring down the price?

Historical truth tell us, if we are willing to learn from it, that when George W. Bush announced a loosening of drilling restrictions, we witnessed the largest single day drop in the price of a barrel in history and, that reduction in price continued until the price at the pump, in a few short months, went from $4.11 per gallon to $1.81 on the day the liberal/socialist leader took office.

The liberal/socialists tell us that tax breaks for Oil Companies is not the way but subsidies for Green Energy companies IS. How many green energy companies, with our money in their pockets have gone bankrupt in the last 3 years?

How many oil companies?

Lies and poorly told lies at that, perpetrated by liars, and poorly practiced liars at that.

The liberal/socialist candidate told us he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.

Historical truth proclaims he has out spent all the presidents from Washington, who could not tell a lie, through Reagan put together and the debt the liberal/socialist candidate inherited upon his election, $10 trillion is not…$16 trillion.

The liberal/socialist leader told us that if he couldn’t reduce the debt by half in his first term, he would be looking at a one term presidency.

Now, not to be bound by his own words, he says he needs more time.

The liberal/socialists and their leader are fond of telling us that their foes, conservatives in congress, are obstructionalists. The “Do Nothing” congress is at fault for their, his, inability to get things done.

Historical truth, for those interested in it, will show that in his first 2 years in office, liberal/socialists controlled both the house AND the senate and yet, never passed a budget. In fact, the “Do Nothing” conservatives, now in control of the house HAVE produced and passed 2 budgets while the liberal/socialists in the senate refuse to pass them.

Oh yes, not even the liberal/socialists will cast a single vote in favor of THEIR leader’s budgets. Last year’s Obama budget failed in the senate…The liberal/socialist controlled senate 97-0 and this year’s Obama budget, in the house, fell 214-0.

Remember, during the 2008 campaign, when the 1st term senator, who voted “present” on almost everything, who had, as a candidate for the senate in 2004 read the keynote address at the Democratic Convention stepped onto the stage? Any stage. It didn’t seem to matter where. Women swooned. They passed out. Fainted. It was all the rage.

How many women, from an abundance of emotion or lack of oxygen have dropped like a stone since?

It seems the succumbed may well have been as genuine as those North Korean wailing choreographed yet tearless crowds.

Damn the truth as it can clearly not be trusted.

Wait. Damn the truth? Is this not the liberal/socialist leader who has instituted, “Truth Squads?” Is this not the liberal/socialist leader who has his own website where those who question or disdain him can be turned in?

Yes, damn the truth and those who dare to tell it.

It will not be the lies or the liars who are at the root of the unraveling. It never is. It will not be the Sheriff or his Posse responsible for the unraveling either. It won’t be the racist, pejoratively labeled Astroturf insaniacs nor the courts.

The unraveling of the not-so-neatly orchestrated lies and liars will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

If one can liken music to truth, the liberal/socialist orchestra can be likened to each at an instrument writing their own sheet music as the concert progresses, no two writing the same note or in harmony and while an orchestra, reading from a cohesive manuscript where each and every note has meaning and purpose CAN be directed by a deaf man, neither Obama nor the liberal/socialists are Beethoven.

Obama, because of his present is the liar and because of his past, the lie and the cacophony of the liberal/socialist orchestra is indeed deafening.

The truth’s sweet music will unravel them all.