DNC Unleashes New Attack Poodle: Debbie Wasserman Shultz

In May of 2011, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz became the current Democratic National Committee National Chairperson (DNC National Chairperson).  As such, she is the public face of the Democratic Party and it is her responsibility to implement successful campaign strategies for her democratic comrades in the pending elections.

As the new National Chairperson, according to the Miami Herald, she pledged to “work every single day to re-elect President Barack Obama and Democrats up and down the ballot.”

And for this reason, little Debbie has been especially busy lately.  She is vigorously fulfilling her duty as the latest DNC attack poodle.

And while no one can find fault with anyone for doing their job, the trouble is, how she does her job.  She has potential. She has potential because there is no level of unethical practice that she will not stoop to on behalf of her party in order to insure its success.

Her favorite weapon is to attack any perceived threat to her party with misleading propaganda and character assaults. Character assaults against the Republican Party as a whole and against individuals such as Congressman West who pose a grave threat to the success of the left wing Democratic Party.

In short, she has great potential for misleading the American public, who all too often, is asleep at the wheel because they are pitifully reliant on the media to tell them what is occurring in Washington.  And the media does love Little Debbie.

Now why they are so intent on following the Gospel of Debbie is beyond me.  It is beyond me, because she has repeatedly been proven to be incapable of wielding anything on her podium but baseless character assaults and deceptive misinformation.

According to Factcheck, Debbie “Threw the Truth to the Wolves” when speaking in May of 2011 on Face the Nation in reference to the GOP’s proposed healthcare plan. Factcheck  states the following:

 ‘DNC Chair Throws Truth to ‘Wolves’  May 31, 2011

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz falsely claimed that seniors with preexisting medical conditions would be denied Medicare coverage under the GOP’s plan. The House GOP plan specifically says insurance companies “must agree to offer insurance to all Medicare beneficiaries.”

She also repeated a false Democratic talking point that future beneficiaries — those who are now younger than 55 — would be left on their own to buy insurance in the private market. The GOP plan, as we have written before, would provide subsidies for future beneficiaries to buy private insurance from a Medicare exchange set up by the government.

Their article in its entirety can be found here.

Now one thing we are coming to learn about Debbie. She is consistent.  Not content to “Throw the Truth to the Wolves” in May, the poodle struck again a week later on June 5th 2011, as she stated to CNN’s Roland Martin of “Washington Watch,” the following:

“You have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally-and very transparently-block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates than Republican candidates.”

She later recanted after coming under heavy fire.  You can read of her embarrassing ordeal by reading an article by CNN’s Rebecca Stewart titled DNC chair Wasserman Schultz under fire for Jim Crow comments.”

Now why would Debbie say such a thing? The reason is obvious.  Roland Martin is an African American commentator, and in typical Al Sharpton fashion, Debbie invoked “Jim Crow Laws” because she sought to plant a seed in what she perceived to be an African American arena with an African American audience.

It’s called “pandering to the crowd” at its best. When it is a deliberate effort however to mislead the entire nation, it is called dishonest, deceptive, dishonorable, disgraceful, and unethical.

But faster than you can muzzle the poodle, fueled not by Wheaties, but by “Obama’s Dog Food,” she is in her canine crusader’s cape, and at it again.  On July 19th, no sooner had Congressman Allen West departed the floor of the House, Debbie could not restrain her rush to the podium to declare of him the following:

“The gentleman from Florida who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Unbelievable from a member from South Florida.”

Does this even need to be addressed again?  No, it does not.  Because it bears no truth whatsoever – again.  It has been written about so much, that by now, it has been obviously proven that once more, the wench from Florida hath embarrassed herself and her party – again.

But Liberals, fear not.  Still on the high protein diet provided by the White House, Little Debbie turned up in August at the Iowa State Fair for the Republican Straw Pole.  Amelia Earhart saw her first airplane at the Iowa State Fair in 1908 when she was a child.  Had she been there in 2011, she would have seen the antics of the attack poodle, for yes, there she was, on the stump.

And like the Ever Ready Bunny, she was still going strong in a post interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation,” where she stated that she was “incredibly proud” of Obama for taking on the health care industry and reforming healthcare so the American people will have coverage.

Newsflash Debbie: The “health care” reform provided by Obama is in serious legal dispute among two Federal Circuit Courts.  It is headed for the Supreme Court of the United States, because it has been ruled unconstitutional by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals – which sided on this case with 26 states who have filed suit against Obama’s “Health Care Reform” as touted by Debbie.

In this same interview, she also lauded President Obama’s taking on of the banks, and his “turning around of the economy.”  Huh? Yes, this was just this last Sunday.  Debbie also stated that the president was “not at all” in trouble, and that he was in “remarkably good shape.”

The polls show otherwise, and once more we learn that we are not to expect anything more from Debbie’s sector than lies and misinformation.  But the best part was the statement that Republicans looked like interchangeable Lego’s trying to pick a candidate.

Don’t be fooled Debbie, we are not playing with Lego’s.  But we certainly will be re-building the House.

The rampaging poodle had best look out: Animal Control is coming to town.  There is a fresh new face on the scene that will aid in building the foundation of that new House, and her name is Karen Harrington, contender for Debbie’s House seat in the upcoming elections.

In her first effort on the political scene, she was defeated by Debbie in the mid-term elections of 2010.  Karen is no career politician, but the daughter of Broward County entrepreneurs.  She has run the family business for 30 years – and she has improved it, successfully expanding it in three locations.

Nationally syndicated conservative talk show host, Mark Levin, has endorsed Karen Harrington’s bid for Debbie’s seat.  You can read about Mark’s endorsement and see a video by clicking here.

Nor is Mark Levin alone.  Others are noted by The Shark Tank to support Karen’s campaign, and you can read their article about Karen Harrington’s endorsements by clicking here.

Karen Harrington also has a website titled http://www.firedebbie.com/, and according to “The Daily Caller” who has a more in depth article on Karen, she also has a good relationship with Congressman Allen West, and will join his ranks. You can read about it at The Daily Caller, by clicking here.

A tip ‘o the hat to the Lady from Florida, Karen Harrington, who will hopefully succeed in firing Debbie.  Karen’s chances are much better in the pending election.  The political landscape has changed, and Debbie’s tell tale record of repeatedly misleading the American people will likely come home to roost.

It has been said the truth would make us free. America is in sore need of the truth, because she stands on the brink of no longer being free.  And the most heinous truth is that the tactics of Debbie and her liberal comrades are contrary to the national interest.

When Debbie stands before the American people and provides nothing but misleading party propaganda, it is a disservice to the interest of all the people, and she commits a breach of her duty as a Congresswoman of the United States sworn to serve all the people.

Debbie may be launching her hate fest at Republicans, but her perpetual assaults on the truth are also a disservice to every American.  Americans who are even now the walking wounded, thanks to the dangerous aim over the years of the likes of the poodle and her pack of liberals.

No American, Republican or Democrat, should applaud her deceptive and unethical efforts. Even those who put her in office are misled and ill informed. As are those who have no idea of what is going on in Washington- they are looking for answers on the news – and sadly, those who do this are many.

What it all boils down to is: Debbie is in no way serving the American people with this misinformation.  She is serving no one but herself, and her political party, the liberals.

The facts do not matter to her.  She is the face of the Democratic Party.  Unanimously elected by her fellow liberal statesmen as their chairperson, she is their attack poodle, and by all the canine gods, she is determined to earn her bone and do her duty.  Even if it means lying to the American people.

“Unlike others, I don’t believe the new DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is stupid. I see her as a devious, conniving, angry woman who will do anything to help her party win, including lie while insulting the intelligence of the American people.” ~Bill Parks, Canada Free Press

One thought on “DNC Unleashes New Attack Poodle: Debbie Wasserman Shultz

  1. Centrist Democrats would consider voting for a Republican like Jon Huntsman. Moreover, independents such as myself who object to the monopoly Dems & Repubs have on politics always look to the candidate most independent from the ideologues of their party, in the absence of a viable true independent.

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