The Ultimate Denouncing of Racism

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Lately, and by “lately” I mean for the past 4 years, the mainstream media and liberals at large have been ridiculously concerned over President Trump denouncing racism, and racist groups.

To be clear, they have ramped that up to a delusional fever pitch over the past couple of weeks, and there’s a reason for that. They have seen more and more minorities showing their support for President Trump in the upcoming election, and why wouldn’t they? After all, it was under Trump’s pre-COVID economic policies that record low unemployment, and record high employment for minorities was achieved.

Along with those numbers came record earnings for minorities, as well as across the board records for women in the workforce and their earnings being at all-time highs as well.

But none of that has quelled the liberal nonsense, pushed by their propagandists in the mainstream media that Trump is inherently racist, and now they’re pushing the false notion that Trump refuses to denounce racism and racist groups.

The liberals, and their propagandists are flogging a dead horse faster than a spastic monkey on crack.

President Trump has a long history of denouncing racism, and racist groups but he won’t do it to the satisfaction of liberals and their propagandists, meaning he won’t do it 24/7 365 and there’s a reason for that too. I don’t believe skin color means very much to President Trump. What matters to the President is the content of a person’s character, not the color of their skin.

Let’s be honest…before he ran for President, there wasn’t a single liberal out there that even once had a negative word to say about Donald Trump and race. In fact, before running for the presidency, Trump was the recipient of numerous awards from minority groups, and minorities, just like everybody else including liberals wanted to be seen with The Donald, wanted their pictures taken with The Donald and wanted to somehow be considered a friend of The Donald.

Suddenly, The Donald came down that now famous escalator, announced he was making a run for the White House, and all of a sudden, according to liberals and their propagandists, he was an avowed racist.

Let’s go back to February of 2000 and hear what The Donald had to say about David Duke and racism 20 years ago.

Here’s President Trump from 3 years ago on the topic of racists and racism…

Now, let’s hear what he has to say about the topic 2 years ago….

Again, and again, President Trump has denounced racism, and racists…here is yet another example of it…

Do you see any difference between Trump’s position past and present? Neither do I and while that SHOULD lay the nonsense to rest, it hasn’t.

Now the mainstream media propagandists are peppering President Trump with demands that he denounce not just racism and racists, but specific groups of that ilk…which he has already, but again not to the satisfaction of the propagandists. Their reasoning is transparent…they must make this election about race because they know the democrat party can’t win on policy. They have to pretend Trump is a racist, and hope it catches on for them to have any hope on November 3rd.

Here’s just some of the problems the democrat party faces with this absurdly, already proven false narrative regarding President Trump.

Racism, unlike ANTIFA is an idea. Naturally, there exists an underwhelming minority of Americans to whom such an idea appeals, but to the overwhelming vast majority of Americans…it doesn’t. Our 1st Amendment protects ideas, just as it protects expression and one’s right to join groups that express ideas and opinions that are morally wrong. In other words, if you want to be an idiot clinging to some notion that your skin color is somehow better than other skin colors, or more worthy of respect than other skin colors, or somehow more deserving of social or economic recognition or status that other’s skin colors…the 1st Amendment protects that idea as a right.

This certainly does not please the liberals, the socialists or the Marxists. They deem it their right to tell everybody else what they should or should not…what they are and are not allowed to believe. News flash for liberals…it doesn’t work that way.

Yes…there are white supremacy groups out there. Groups like the KKK, the Aryan, the Neo-Nazis, the White Nationalists and others, and they are populated by abject morons to whom skin color is everything. Their own skin color is the first thing they think about in the morning, what they think about all day long, and the last thing they think about when they go to bed at night. Their skin color is central to who they are, it’s their driving force, their only cared about identifying factor, and it is upon what they base what they are entitled to regarding socio-economic status.

Should the President denounce such idiots? Of course he should…and he has time and time again as you have seen above but I’m about to take this demand of the liberals and their media propagandists that such groups be denounces seemingly 24/7 365 to a level that will send them reeling.

If we’re to denounce the idea of racism, and the groups of people to which such an idea appeals…shouldn’t we denounce the idea and those who belong to such groups regardless of what form those groups take?

What about denouncing the BLM? There’s a group to whom only 1 color of skin matters. Isn’t that racist? Doesn’t that make the BLM a racist group and aren’t the members of the BLM racists if they believe that ONLY Black Lives Matter?

President Trump should also denounce the BLM.

How about the NAACP? There’s another group whose mission is the promotion of one skin color over the rest. Isn’t that a racist group? It sure seems like it to me, especially after they fired Rachel Dolezal because she was white.

President Trump should denounce the NAACP.

I mean…racism is racism…right?

What about such organizations as BET (Black Entertainment Television,) and the Miss Black America pageant? Those organizations exist to promote one skin color over all others, and they too should be denounced by President Trump.

Then there’s La Raza. The Spanish expression la Raza in English, literally translates to, “the race.” About 3 years ago, the National Council of La Raza changed its name to UnidosUS. But ity didn’t change its mission which is widely believed to be in support of illegal aliens…but there’s a whole lot more to it than just that.

In fact, back in 1979, La Raza Cosmica  by Mexican education minister and presidential candidate Jose Vasconelos, was republished by the Chicano Studies department at Cal State University at Los Angeles, and according to him, and supported by La Raza, now known as UnidosUS., students from English, Dutch and Scandinavian backgrounds are “slower, almost dull,” compared to “mestizo children and youths from the south.” Blacks are “uglier stocks” and part of the “inferior races.” The Mongol, “with the mystery of his slanted eyes,” is part of an “exhausted people” that lacks the “boldness for new enterprises.”

According to La Raza Cosmica, the fusion of Spaniards and American Indians is a new race of people that are “infinitely superior to all that have previously existed.”

By the way, this obvious racist organization is greatly funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars.

Shouldn’t UnidosUS. Be denounced by our President, and defunded by American taxpayers at the same damned time?

There exists the National African American Leadership Summit, the National Afro-American Council, the National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame, the National Black Antiwar Antidraft Union, the National Black Child Developmental Institute, and the National Black Deaf Advocates as organizations catering to one skin color over the rest, and any number of charity organizations doing the same thing.

Why aren’t liberals and the propagandists in the mainstream media screaming themselves blue in the face demanding President Trump denounce any of those groups? Obviously, the mainstream media has no problem demanding that President Trump denounce only those cherry-picked groups that fit their agenda, but they certainly don’t want ALL racist groups denounced.

How about the Congressional Black Caucus?

Do you think liberals are really against racism, and racists when they accuse President Trump of being a racist because he won’t make skin color his 24/7 driving force, even though they won’t utter so much as a peep regarding the Black Congressional Caucus? That’s a bunch of racists who are members of a racist organization inside the hallowed halls of our nation’s congress…and the mainstream media propagandists, and all those elected liberals who falsely claim Trump to be a racist absolutely LOVE the Congressional BLACK Caucus.

The left loves and supports all the racist groups and organizations mentioned above and neither the democrat party nor their propagandists can afford to have their own promotion and defense of racism, and racist organizations called out by President Trump, and liberals at large are going to be hopping mad at me for doing just that. Racism is the democrat party’s bedrock. It is the bedrock of their party’s agenda both historically, and today. From slavery, to Jim Crow laws…from the KKK to Affirmative Action, it has been and continues to be the democrat party that has embraced racism.

When the Republican Party moved black slaves off the plantations at the end of the Civil War, the democrat party…the party that fought that war to maintain slavery as an institution simply started creating new plantations in the guise of “helping black people in America” but designed to keep black Americans addicted to, and reliant on their party up to and including today.

Today’s democrat party is 100 percent about being racist, and if you don’t think so, consider the fact that their nominee, Joe Biden, supposedly chose his running mate based on 2 factors…it was a woman, and she was “black.” That’s more than pandering for votes from a plantation voting block…that’s just plain racist. Oh…Joe didn’t stop there either…

Why isn’t the mainstream media demanding that Joe Biden denounce Joe Biden for THAT overtly racist remark?

Remember all those videos above showing President Trump denouncing racism? Well, there are also videos of Joe Biden…not denouncing racism, but making racist statements and while the mainstream media is tripping all over themselves to try and manufacture racism tied to Trump, they willfully ignore the real racism displayed by their candidate of choice, Joe Biden.

Holy crap.

If the mainstream media propagandists and the democrat party really want President Trump to denounce racism as they claim, he should denounce ALL of it including the aforementioned groups and organizations, he should denounce Joe Biden and the whole of the democrat party and be done with it.

Racism is racism regardless of who promotes it and racists are morons regardless of their skin color.

The liberal demand to denounce racism and racist groups is a live grenade and I think it’s high-time that President Trump pulls the pin and hands it right back to the absolute party of racism. If he does that…

BOOM. It will ruin their whole day.

Copyright © 2020 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Designation Needed



Tomorrow, Friday, October 9th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Designation Needed’; ‘The Ultimate Denouncing of Racism’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on our newly launched website Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

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