Liberal Catch Phrases Decoded

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

Liberals are known for their use of catch phrases, and throughout this election cycle, they’ve ramped up their deployment of them.

In liberal speak, the catch phrase is always used to mask their real intent by making something adverse to the American culture, adverse to the common good of the people or diametrically opposed to common sense sound palatable to voters.

What they’re hoping is that people won’t realize what they’re really up to, or what their intentions really are. They hope that there are enough people out there gullible enough to vote for them based on their double-speak.

For instance…

During the run-up to the election in 2008, Barack Hussein Obama said, “we’re just five days away from the fundamental transformation of America.” That was code for…”our goal is to make America into a socialist shit-hole.” Had Obama actually said “Our goal is to make America into a socialist shit-hole,” he wouldn’t have been elected, and he knew it…hence…the catch phrase.

Then there was the catch phrase, “The Affordable Care Act,” which in reality was anything but affordable, and was so obtuse and adverse to the common good of the people that the Obama administration had to actually bribe members of congress to vote for it in the dark of night. Knowing what a crock-o-crap Obamacare was, before that vote, crotchety old Nancy Pelosi had to clear things up for the press by telling them, and the American people “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

What she really meant was “we have to pass this crock-o-socialist-crap before you know what’s in it and it’s too late to do anything about it.”

This year’s version of “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy,is Joe Biden’s now oft used catch phrase, “If I take a position, then people will talk about it.” That’s what Dementia Joe said about releasing his list of potential Supreme Court nominees. Joe said he won’t release his short list unless he wins the election because, “If I take a position, then people will talk about it.”

In other words…”my picks for the Supreme Court will be so far to the left, so intent on legislating from the bench, and so adverse to the rule of law that I can’t tell you who they are now and still get your votes.”

Are you starting to see the problem here for liberals? They CAN’T tell you what they actually mean lest they be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.

Here’s a prime example…

Last week, during the Vice Presidential debate, Kamala Harris talked about the Harris/Biden agenda and how they planned to “invest in” so many things. “Invest in” is the catch phrase. How many times did Harris use that catch phrase in a single answer during that debate?

Wow…in a matter of a scant few seconds, Kamala Harris said that her administration would “invest” eight times, and as I said, to liberals “invest in” is a catch phrase which really means…”SPEND.” She said it eight times in that few seconds…”invest in, invest in, invest in, invest in…invest in, invest in, invest in, invest in” which means…”SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND…SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND,” and you can’t “SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND,” unless you “TAX, TAX, TAX, TAX…TAX, TAX, TAX, TAX.”

Liberals can’t just come out and tell you the truth…”we’re gonna tax the ever-lovin’ crap out of you to fund our radical agenda” because even THEY know that nobody wants their taxes hiked up higher than Jerry Nadler’s pants…or can they?

Earlier in the campaign, Dementia Joe, in rare moments of truth because he was unable to remember he was supposed to lie about it, actually did tell voters he intended to jack up their taxes, and his party has been trying to cover for that statement ever since.

Biden can’t just step up and admit or tell people he has no idea what he’s talking about, what the answer to a question is or let on that he’s been caught in yet another lie, so he’s got an umbrella catch phrase to cover any such situation…”Come on man…”

The fact is, ol’ Dementia Joe has rarely been out of his basement bunker over the past several months when he hasn’t used the “come on man” catch phrase. At the very beginning of that clip, when Biden says, “Everybody knows who this guy is…come on man…come on…” what he’s saying is…”YOU probably know who I’m talking about…but I don’t have a freakin’ clue.”

WHITE SUPREMACIST and RACIST, WHITE PRIVILEGE and BIGOT are liberal catch phrases and catch words that are used against anyone with whom they disagree as a way of trying to get said folks to quit telling the truth of some matter.

That goes along with another catch phrase that’s all the rage from liberals during this election year… HATE SPEECH…which they use as a weapon against any Conservative who dares open their mouth.

“Marginalized people or groups” is the liberal catch phrase for any group usually based on race or sexual preference that liberals have conned out of their votes for roughly half a century by promising them the moon and the stars while sweeping them under the rug between presidential elections. Social Justice” is another liberal catch phrase that’s all the rage right now which sounds a whole lot more palatable than telling people you intend to relieve them of their hard-earned social status and money and bestow both upon those who leech off of society and/or are part of the criminal element.

“Social Justice” is how the ilk of George Floyd, a known drug addict with an illegal pharmacy load of narcotics in his system the day he died gets elevated to sainthood while the cops that arrested him for having just committed a crime get demonized and indicted. It’s also how those who have struggled for years to build their businesses and serve their communities get their businesses and their livelihoods burned to the ground by rampaging Marxists who may get arrested, but then get let out to commit more arson, and more looting.

“Oppressed minority” is the liberal catch phrase for anyone who is either in this country illegally, or the underwhelming minority of black people who completely lack the gumption to become productive members of society, but have gumption to spare when it comes to rioting, looting and committing arson.

Let me explain it this way…if you can stand in the middle of the street while giving the cops the finger, throwing frozen water bottles and bricks at the cops or burning and stomping on our nation’s flag without being arrested, or getting arrested and then turned back out on the street to continue being a moronic goon…you’re not an “oppressed minority.”

And finally, in this 2020 election year, here’s the biggie when it comes to liberal catch phrases…

“Follow the Science.”

Because liberals can’t tell you what they really mean they have to code things with catch phrases, and in this case what they really mean has nothing whatsoever to do with actual science, and everything to do with POLITICAL science. In other words, when liberals tell you to “follow the science,” what they really means is to “follow their absurd political agenda.”

From the manufactured COVID pandemic panic to green energy, the liberals have an agenda that is so absurd, so adverse to the common good, and so lacking in any aspect of common sense that they have to find a way to make it more palatable, and so they rely on what they hope is the voter’s lack of knowledge of actual science.

With respect to the manufactured COVID pandemic panic, liberals want you to believe that actual science tells you that the only way to beat it is to shut down the nation’s economy, and lock yourselves up in your home. Here’s the truth blast…there is NO actual science behind those absurd mandates…but there IS a political agenda behind them. You see, if the economy is shut down, people suffer, businesses fail, and people lose their jobs which is bad for the guy whose policies invigorated our economy, removed regulations and lowered taxes to allow businesses to thrive, grow and create jobs thus becoming less dependent on the government.

IF the liberal’s “follow the science” mandates were based in ACTUAL science, why weren’t those mandates employed during the H1N1 virus during the Obama/Biden years? See the problem for liberals? They can’t tell you that their mandates are based on their political agenda or nobody would play along.

And how about green energy? “Follow the science?” Under Trump’s policies, we’ve become energy independent for the first time ever. Due to Trump’s policies, refining various sources of fossil fuel is now less costly than ever before making energy derived from such sources less costly to the consumer. Due to innovation, our ability to use fossil fuels has become cleaner, and is becoming cleaner every day but liberals don’t want that. They want energy produced by an industry that has to rely on taxpayer subsidies because left to their own devices, they wouldn’t last a week in a free-market system.

Green energy costs more to produce, it’s not anywhere near as reliable, and consumers have to pay through the nose for it. That’s why the Green New Deal allows for TRILLIONS of dollars in (catch phrase) “investments” in converting every house and business to a “green standard.” Not only will your tax dollars be spent on keeping an industry afloat that would otherwise go bankrupt in a week, but your tax dollars will also be used to force you to completely change your lives.

No more gas powered cars, no more diesel powered trucks, trains or ships, and you can only have your lights on when the government TELLS you can have your lights on. You can verify THAT by looking at California’s rolling black and brown out schedules.

Sure…liberals want you to know so little about real science that you won’t realize it costs three times the amount of fossil fuel to manufacture, transport, erect and maintain an industrial wind turbine than that turbine will produce in its lifetime, and they sure as hell don’t want you to know enough about real science to understand the infrasound dangers of industrial wind turbines or the main component of their “green energy” darlings are filling up landfills because you can’t recycle the giant blades.

If you “follow the science” the REAL science of green energy, you’ll discover it does far more harm to the environment that it could ever do good…and it’s not green at all. The only “green” in green energy is the color of your tax dollars that liberals will steal from you to mandate it.

Now, if liberals REALLY wanted you to follow the REAL science of ANYTHING, they wouldn’t be trying so hard to convince you that “gender is fluid” when there are exactly TWO genders and not five or six dozen.

See the problem?

If liberals wanted you to follow the REAL science, they’d be advocates of creating herd immunity rather than self-isolation, they’d be champions of clean, efficient and cost effective fossil fuel rather than sporadic, costly and taxpayer funded anything but green energy, and let’s cover all the bases here…

Kamala Harris Listening GIF by Election 2020 - Find & Share on GIPHYLiberals are promoting lies, and they KNOW them to be lies, but they want YOU to believe their lies to be truths. If liberals really wanted you to follow REAL science, they wouldn’t be trying so damned hard to make you believe that a woman from India, and a man from Jamaica could produce an African-American baby.

Hey Kamala…we see the problem…do you?

Copyright © 2020 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article On Court Packing and Amendment 25



Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 13th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘On Court Packing and Amendment 25’; ‘Liberal Catch Phrases Decoded’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on our newly launched website Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.