America Hangs in the Balance

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The mainstream media and elected liberals have been tripping all over themselves for the past couple of months to propagandize the various and widespread acts of violence as “mostly peaceful protests” that are a reaction to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Those same media and elected ilk have also spread the false notion that Floyd was some sort of a saint, and they regaled us all with the visage of Floyd being buried in a golden casket that would have given King Tut coffin envy.

While the mainstream media and elected liberals continue to brainwash the already brainwashed liberals who have their eyes shut to the truth, the truth of what’s been going on is clearly evident to anyone who has a lick of common sense.

The riots and other violence we’ve all been seeing in Portland, in Seattle, in Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit and NYC…in Oakland, L.A. and just about any other liberal run big city you care to mention has nothing whatsoever to do with George Floyd, and none of it is the work of “mostly peaceful protesters.”

As is always the case with liberals, none of the violence being perpetrated by the BLM and their associated goons, ANTIFA is of the grass roots variety. It’s not spontaneous, and it’s not 1st Amendment approved.

The 1st Amendment covers peaceable assembly, not violent riots and regardless of what the mainstream media wants to call what has been going on, it’s not peaceable.

The abject violence is planned. It’s orchestrated, and it’s paid for. Sure, there are several reasons for it which includes trying to intimidate voters before the November elections, and as a means to force Marxism as a replacement for American values, the American way of life, and the American economic system.

I’ve covered all of that in several recent commentaries, but after watching these events, and while always searching for the bigger picture, I can tell you that given a bit of time, a clear pattern of liberal cause and effect always presents itself in relation to a desired result.

What we’ve been watching unfold across this country is no exception to that rule.

Let me recap the basic timeline and events as they have unfolded to reveal what I believe is the desired end result.

The death of George Floyd became the ignition source for what’s been transpiring over the past several months. It should have been a localized incident but thanks to the mainstream media and elected liberals, it quickly escalated into something much broader. Floyd, a common criminal was given sainthood the moment he quit fogging a mirror. His criminal history, including his prison time, his domestic violence history and the fact that he was once arrested for holding a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman, as well as the fact that he had drugs in his system the day he tried to pass a fake $20 dollar bill which led to his interaction with the police the day he died was all immediately swept under the rug.

What resulted was the exact same crap we saw years ago in Ferguson, Missouri when another common criminal, Mike Brown, was pronounced a saint. Looting, arson, assaults, violence and the destruction of property was the BLM order of the day in Minneapolis. In those early days of the George Floyd mob violence, how many white people did you see taking part in it? Very few.

Then, within days, the BLM mob violence started up in just about every major liberal run big city, but within a couple of weeks it wasn’t just the BLM was it? Nope…they were joined by ANTIFA. How many white people did you start seeing then? A lot more.

As soon as ANTIFA joined in on the mob-driven violence, shortly after Floyd was laid to rest in his golden coffin, the targets of ANTIFA became statues and monuments of Confederates from the Civil War. Why? To instill in people a sense of racial tensions and social justice for black Americans. That, I believe, was nothing but a ruse. Meanwhile, the BLM goons started going after any white people they came across and they were videotaping their violence against whites for the purpose of stirring that race war pot.

While all of that was happening, the combination of the BLM and ANTIFA started in on their call to defund and abolish the police which was of course replete with the targeting of police officers nationwide.

Naturally, elected liberals joined the mob chorus in calling for the defunding of police and the mainstream media dutifully started to champion the mob while demonizing the cops and anyone who stood for the cops.

All of the attention of that pretend angst being perpetrated in the form of acts of violence soon became focused on Seattle with the creation of CHAZ, or CHOP which was being done under the guise of the BLM, but was actually being orchestrated and run by ANFIFA. Yes, BLM slogans and the BLM demand for defunding the police were everywhere in Seattle during the CHAZ days, but let’s be honest…how many black people did you see actually running the show in CHAZ? Very few.

That was the point at which the whole BLM thing became the excuse, not the reason for the violence that would continue to expand. That was also the point at which the true nature of the desired outcome began to manifest itself, and make no mistake, elected liberals were using the pandemic as a distraction to mask the reality of what they were doing.

With COVID lockdowns disrupting the nation’s economy, and COVID related mandates usurping our God-given rights, the focus went from statues and monuments to everyday American institutions. We the People were not allowed to gather in groups larger than 10, unless it was for a BLM or ANTIFA riot. Church services were deemed too great a risk, and funerals were out of bounds, unless it could be overlooked in the name of racial justice.

A well-known Rabbi in NYC died, and a few dozen people who attended his funeral were arrested, while hundreds upon hundreds gathered for the funeral of Saint George Floyd, and liberals didn’t bat an eye. BLM/ANTIFA riots drew thousand across the nation, and those were allowed by elected liberals, but a Trump rally was deemed grossly dangerous. Chanting “Black Lives Matter” is considered wholly appropriate, but dare to utter that “All Lives Matter” and you’re an abject racist who should be out of a job, and demonized by the whole of society.

Mobs of violent armed goons shooting cops, or at random people is considered by mainstream media and elected liberals to be nothing but standard operating procedure, but let a husband and wife from St. Louis dare to protect their lives and property from such armed goons, and it’s the husband and wife who get arrested and have their legally owned guns confiscated.

Except in passing, as an excuse, while all of that, while our rights were to gather, to express ourselves, to practice our chosen religion, and our right to protect our lives and our property…how many times did you hear George Floyd’s name mentioned, and how many black people did you see being the instigators of the violence and the warped social justice?

Almost none, but here’s the key to what the real desired outcome of all of this is…

It’s not racial justice. That ship sailed long ago. It’s not about being oppressed by statues or pancake syrup. And it’s not about black lives. Those are all distractions. That’s just cover to take your attention away from the real goal.

Elected liberals have made no bones about the fact that they intensely hate our Constitution. They have for years seen that document and the Bill of Rights as a roadblock to socialism. Liberals, since the Obama regime have also made no secret of the fact that they hate America. Obama toured the world apologizing for American exceptionalism, and said he would “fundamentally transform America.” Obama reignited racial tensions in this country, and other elected liberals have seized on that tactic ever since.

There was something else initiated by Obama, and it is now the laser focus of the BLM/ANTIFA goons, elected liberals, and it’s being championed by the mainstream media. We have seen it being played out in NYC, in Minneapolis, in Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Portland, Oakland, Seattle, L.A. and just about every big liberal city in the country, and it is part and parcel of the true desired outcome of all of this.

The targeting of law enforcement…literally, and economically.

Consider this…what was the first place targeted by the BLM in Minneapolis? The closest police station to the downtown area. How about in Seattle’s CHAZ? The police precinct. You name the liberal city, and you will find that today, there are two basic targets…police stations, and courthouses. Portland? Oakland? Atlanta? Police stations and courthouses are the primary targets. Chicago? Police stations and courthouses.

Now why do you suppose that is?

I’ll tell you why…economically defunding or cutting police budgets will only slow down the police, but it won’t end the police. Targeting, destroying police stations and running the cops out of liberal cities accomplishes a very important goal. ANTIFA wants anarchy, and they can’t achieve that if there are police in the way to arrest them for their unlawful and violent behavior. They can’t run the streets like rabid dogs intimidating people into submission if there are cops on the streets, and the BLM goons can’t loot, pillage and beat or kill people at random if there are cops anywhere near.

And what of the court houses? Well, burning down courthouses, the destruction of court records and running courts out of big liberal cities serves its own purpose doesn’t it? If there are no cops to enforce the law, and no courts to adjudicate the law guess what?

There is no longer a rule of law is there?

At that point, the true “fundamental transformation of America” really sets in. No system of justice as set forth by the Constitution would mean that social justice based on the whims of Marxists would take its place. Once the Marxists control whole liberal cities rather than just portions of them, liberal state elected officials will expand the dry-run of COVID releases from prisons. Why? Because the Marxists will need their own para-military forces to wreak havoc in red states and red cities and there just aren’t enough ANTIFA goons to wage that sort of war as things now stand.

Certainly, liberals will blow this commentary off as wild right-wing conspiracy theory, but that belies the truth of what we’re now seeing on the ground, and the pattern of liberal backed behavior we’re witnessing every day.

Don’t think so? In Oakland last week, the federal courthouse was set ablaze. In NYC, crime is skyrocketing as COVID prison releases and defunding the NPYD is all the rage. In Chicago, gang and other street violence is also skyrocketing as police are ordered to stand down, and Portland has now seen the highest number of deadly shootings and/or stabbings in a single month since the 1980s.

In July, 2019, Portland had 28 shootings, but in 2019, Portland also had a Gun Violence Reduction Team as part of their police force. That team was disbanded on July 1st of this year under a defunding mandate by Portland’s liberal elected officials. This July, the first month without the Gun Violence Reduction Team, Portland saw 63 shootings.

Similar trends are also being seen in nearly every big liberal city in America, and I can assure you that the desired outcome of all of this is the expansion of it, first on a blue state level, and then as quickly as possible to a red city and red state level.

Right now, the seditionist tactic is being ramped up into high gear and we should expect to see increased violence leading up to the November election. If liberals hold the House, and take the Senate, the seditionist tactics we are seeing right now in blue cities will become national mandates, and it won’t matter one iota who wins the White House, but if Conservatives take the House and hold the Senate…and Trump wins reelection, this seditious, Marxist movement can be ended with decisive force to maintain the rule of law, and our American way of life.

It’s not that there’s a lot at stake in November…make no mistake…this country is at a crossroads and America hangs in the balance.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Crime Numbers Up…Police Numbers Down



Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 7th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Crime Numbers Up…Police Numbers Down’; ‘America Hangs in the Balance; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on our newly launched website Click ‘LISTEN LIVE’ starting at 6:50 pm EST with the show beginning at 7pm EST.

3 thoughts on “America Hangs in the Balance

  1. Craig, this was another amazing and accurate picture of what is happening now. We can, could and should be an October Surprise in that many weapons from China were captured and classified as “auto parts” to supply the Antifa Regime with funding for the guns coming out of China. Along with the Covid Not-19, the left is using every trick in the book.

    Look for a lot of killings to begin in major cities in every state just before the election so it can be pushed back and Trump labeled DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF. I believe God’s hand is on Trump and on America’s side as well, but we sure better be prepared to defend our homes, our families, and our neighborhoods.

    Great article again, my friend!!! (By the way, I sent you some voting information to stop illegal voting….check it out will ya????) xoxo <3

  2. 100% correct!!!And. I too have been saying since the forming of white Antifa and release of prisoners. that the liberal and Soros agenda to gather criminal soldiers to achieve anarchy and that antifa very likely kkk white supremacist fascist natzi\’s and who like the Communist affiliated Clintons tricked our black brothers and sisters.Hillary once said the blacks need to be brought to keel or kneel not sure the word she used but definitely slavery her intented agenda.😥.Lord help us!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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