This, That and The Other Thing

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

There just doesn’t seem to be any let-up in the amount of manure to which we are being subjected by the mainstream media regarding current distractions from Joe Biden’s diminished mental state with now less than 100 days until the election.

While we should all be focused on the economy, China’s assault on freedoms in Hong Kong, Iran’s rhetoric against civilization while various parts of their nuclear facilities keep mysteriously exploding (probably due to mazel tov cocktails) and other assorted happenings, we’re stuck in the revolving door of liberal propaganda.

COVID, BLM, COVID, ANTIFA, COVID and so on and so forth.

Simply put, what the mainstream media is telling us ad nauseam regarding COVID and the BLM/ANTIFA crap is just that…crap…and we need to scrape that crap from the bottoms of our shoes and get to the truth.

First, there’s this…

We’re hearing every day from the mainstream media how the rampaging COVIDS are going to kill us all if we do certain things, or if we don’t do certain other things. For instance, we’re now being told that we can NOT send kids back to school lest we kill them all because of the COVIDS that tend to lurk everywhere.

That’s a load of crap.

Liberals don’t give a happy damn about the health of children or they wouldn’t be pro-abortion. Here’s what liberals are worried about and they’re using the rampaging COVIDS as an excuse. They’re terrified that if parents send their kids back to school, the parents will go back to work and the economy will ramp back up leading into the November election.

They’re terrified that if people go back to work, people will earn a living and thus become self-sufficient rather than relying on the government for their existence.

Sure, liberals will tell you flat-out that their concern is for the well-being of the kids but we know that’s not true, because, in L.A., the teachers union sent out a list of demands before they would agree to reopen their schools. First, the police would have to be defunded. Second, there would have to be a moratorium on charter schools, Third, there would have to be financial support for undocumented students and their families. Fourth…federal medicare for all. And fifth…a state wealth tax would have to be in place.

Did you see ANYTHING on their ransom demands that even ELUDED to the rampaging COVIDS?

Me either, which means that school closures have absolutely nothing to do with the rampaging COVIDS, nor does it have anything whatsoever to do with the health of children.

Consider this…the liberal mainstream media, liberal Governors and liberal Mayors are reinstituting business closures, and mask mandates everywhere they can. Why? Because, they tell us, the COVID cases are ramping up. More and more people are catching the virus they say. New pockets of infections, and higher positive test numbers they say.

What they won’t tell you is that as the number of positive tests rise, the death toll isn’t and there are three reasons for that. 1) We’re learning that the numbers have been cooked, 2) More tests are being done, and 3) this thing has a higher than 99 percent recovery rate.

Here’s how we know for sure that all this liberal hype over COVID is pure crap…Amish communities don’t seem to be having a problem with it and there is one major reason that they haven’t been hit hard by the rampaging COVIDS…

They don’t have access to the mainstream media.

Well, that was this…and this…is that…

What is the clarion call from the BLM, and assorted liberals these days? DEFUND THE POLICE!!! And why? Because, the liberals tell us it’s the only way to stop the killing of black people.

There’s another load of crap.

Let’s check the numbers…in 2018, the last year for which there are full numbers, and according to official FBI statistics, 209 black people were shot and killed by the police nationwide. That’s a total, and it includes those who were, or were not armed at the time that they were killed by the police. Again, in 2018, 209 black people in the United States were shot and killed by the police.

In that same year, 2018, and again according to official FBI crime statistics…2,925 black people were murdered in the United States.

Of that number…of the 2,925 black people murdered in the United States in 2018, 2,600 of the killers were…black.

Here’s some breaking news for elected liberals, the BLM/ANTIFA anarchist goons, garden variety indoctrinated liberals and their mainstream media propagandists…the cops ain’t the problem.

Again, let’s look at the numbers…

So far this year, as of July 5th, 2020, in Chicago alone there have been 373 murders. Of those, statistics show that in Chicago, roughly 75 percent of murder victims are black. Statistics also show that in Chicago, roughly 71 percent of all the perpetrators of murder are black. Given those statistics, we can deduce that of the 373 murders in Chicago so far this year, roughly 280 of the victims were black, and about 265 of their killers were also black.

Again…the cops ain’t the problem.

Watch this video from the Chicago Police Department regarding the killing of one man, and the wounding of a woman.

How many white people did you see on that bridge throughout that video? I saw one white woman near the beginning wearing a black outfit. How many white people did you see in that video, on that bridge when shots were fired? ZERO.

How many cops did you see on that bridge in that video?


So, why would liberals want the police defunded if the police aren’t the problem? Simple. Because this has nothing whatsoever to do with making liberal cities safer for law-abiding citizens, and everything to do with making the streets safer for the criminal element. If criminals are roaming the streets of our big liberal cities unchecked by the police, law-abiding people in those cities will be too afraid to venture out, and thus spend less money so as to further damage the economy leading into the November election.

This is also why liberal cities like Chicago and others are allowing the thugs to control their cities and why, if they’re arrested they get turned loose with no charges filed…liberals want as many of these goons on the streets as possible on November 3rd to intimidate voters. They don’t want law-abiding voters going to the polls because they would have a much harder time manipulating the voting machines than they would manipulating the mail-in ballots.

Put as plainly as I know how…ANTIFA, the supposed anti-fascists are decidedly, deliberately, and demonstrably fascists, and the BLM…Black Lives Matter don’t care a crap about black people’s lives. This is all orchestrated chaos for the purpose of voter intimidation in our nation’s liberal cities.

Okay, you’ve read this, and that…here’s the other thing…

Liberal Mayors and liberal Governors are allowing their cities and states to be run by goons, thugs, anarchists, rioters, arsonists, looters and murderers, and they’re doing it because hatred of President Trump far outweighs their concern for their own citizens.

New York City Mayor, Bill De Blasio recently said that should President Trump send federal agents to NYC, he would file suit to stop it. “If [Trump] tried to do it, it would only create more problems, it would backfire, it wouldn’t make us safer, and we would take action in court to stop it.”

Well, I’ve got a surprise for Mayor De Blah, Blah, Blah…guess what? There have been federal agents in NYC for nearly a century already. Apparently, De Blah, Blah, Blah hasn’t heard of the FBI, or the ATF, or the Border Patrol. Apparently, he’s not aware of the existence of the DHS, the DEA, the TSA, the Federal Marshal’s Service or any of the other 22 federal agencies who have agents living and working in NYC.

What an idiot.

Since De Blah, Blah, Blah sided with the defund the police bowel movement, in June of this year there was a 131 percent spike in shootings in NYC. In June of this year, there were 39 homicides compared to 30 last year which accounts for a 30 percent spike and guess what…all 39 victims were “people of color.” Of course, that was June, and this is July. How is NYC doing so far this month? Well, over the July 4th weekend alone, there were 96 shootings, 11 murders and 64 people wounded and again, that weekend’s murder victims were all “people of color.”

Liberals will be quick to tell you that the defunding hasn’t started yet, and therefore hasn’t been the cause for the crime wave spike…maybe they’re right…which makes it even worse. Governor Cuomo, when he wasn’t busy turning nursing homes into death traps, set about releasing violent criminals from Riker’s Island. If the release of violent criminals from Riker’s into the streets of NYC is the cause for the sudden spike on crime there, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until the police get defunded and all hell’s gonna break loose.

As it is right now, I’m not convinced even Snake Pliskin would take the job.

How about Portland Oregon? The Mayor there, Ted Wheeler, is worse than an idiot. He’s a freakin’ moron. He doesn’t want federal agents in his city either, even though Portland has been under siege by thugs and goons for the past 60 days. Wheeler recently said, “We did not ask the feds to be here. We do not want them here. They’re not helping the situation. They’re not appropriately trained, and we’re demanding that they leave.”

Not appropriately trained? Not appropriately trained to do what, exactly? Are they not appropriately trained to stand down? Are they perhaps not appropriately trained to allow arson, looting, assaults and murders occur unchecked? Maybe they’re not appropriately trained to leave innocent people in harm’s way.

Last week in Portland, something calling itself Lilith Sinclair said, “I am an afro-indigenous non-binary local organizer here in Portland, organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state but also the United States as we know it!”

An “afro-indigenous non-binary local organizer…”  I don’t know what that is, and apparently neither does it, but if I might make a suggestion, it should look inside its underwear. If it sees outdoor plumbing, it’s a guy. If it sees indoor plumbing…it’s a girl.

If it sees both, so much the better. It can go screw itself.

Anyway, last week, Mayor Moron decided to go down to the riots and reassure the thugs and goons that he’s on their side, and how did THAT work out for Mayor Moron?

Mayor Moron got berated and booed by the very mob he was trying to support to the point that the mob he cannot control started getting violent which led to federal agents teargassing the mob…and Mayor Moron.

And finally…the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot…

Just last week, before reaching a “deal” with President Trump to allow federal agents into her liberal Mecca of murder, Lightfoot said…”Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump’s troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents.”

Listen Lightfoot, you sawed-off Beetlejuice-lookin’ enema orifice with eyes…your residents are already being terrorized. Not by the police. Not by federal agents. They’re being terrorized by YOUR supporters, and you’re not doing anything but encouraging and emboldening those thugs and goons.

And what “deal” did she make with President Trump when he called her last Wednesday evening? Well, according to a statement from Lightfoot’s own office, “The conversation was brief and straightforward. The President reached out to Mayor Lightfoot this evening to confirm that he plans to send federal resources to Chicago to supplement ongoing federal investigations pertaining to violent crime.”

NEWSFLASH for Mayor Orifice…you didn’t make a deal…you got bitch slapped.

You deserve the truth and you’ll never get it from the mainstream media, but now that you’ve read the truth…

Go forth and Make America Great Again…AGAIN!!!

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Joe Biden, the Democrats, And the Muslim Vote



Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 28th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘BLM…Separating Truth From Fiction’; ‘The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed’; and important news of the day.

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