The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots – Commentary

The BLM is all the rage right now, and they’ve joined forces with some pretty obtuse groups. The BLM has aligned itself with the domestic terrorist organization ANTIFA for one, and straight down the line, they consistently show that they are anything but what they claim to be.

To be honest, the BLM has no interest in the lives of black people.

Sure, they will scream and yell at me over such a statement, but their actions speak louder than their words. The BLM is nothing but a political organization hell-bent on trashing American culture, the American way of life, the American judicial system and America herself.

The fact that the BLM is a political organization is as good a place to start with how they’re getting it all wrong as any.

BLM’s co-founder Patrisse Cullors, back in 2015 said that she, and her fellow BLM organizers are “trained Marxists.” That statement leave no doubt that the BLM is a Marxist organization and as such, is political. Marxism is a political ideology based on the teachings and leadership of Karl Marx.

Obviously, they don’t like anything about the American system in any aspect. That much is clear from their actions and their demands. They mean to finish Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America.” And what was Obama’s vision?

Well, from his own memoir, “Dreams From My Father.” He said,  “The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists” and he attended socialist conferences. Obama’s policies were Marxist from his economic and energy policies to his healthcare, education and finance policies, Obama took his lead directly from Marxism.

Sure, Marxism is wrong for America as it always results in a total collapse and failure, but there is yet another reason why the BLM has gotten it all wrong by following Marxism, and they don’t even realize it.

The BLM…BLACK Lives Matter…is following the lead of an unmitigated, unabashed, and complete racist. That’s right…Karl Marx was a racist to his very core, and he had no use for black people.

How about this quote directly from the mouth of Karl Marx, “This splendid territory [the Balkans] has the misfortune to be inhabited by a conglomerate of different races and nationalities, of which it is hard to say which is the least fit for progress and civilization.”

Or this one, “The Jewish nigger Lassalle who, I’m glad to say, is leaving at the end of this week, has happily lost another 5,000 talers in an ill-judged speculation.” Marx then went on to state of Lasalle, “Now, this blend of Jewishness and Germanness, on the one hand, and basic negroid stock, on the other, must inevitably give rise to a peculiar product. The fellow’s importunity is also nigger-like.”

Then there was this from the man whose teachings the BLM is following, Tremaux “proved that the common Negro type is the degenerate form of a much higher one … a very significant advance over Darwin.”

And what was the view of Karl Marx in 1847, towards slavery in the United States? “Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe out North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy— the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations.”

If the BLM really gave a damn about black people and what they call “systemic racism” they wouldn’t be following the teachings of the father of socialist systemic racism…would they?

Next, as I said, the BLM has thrown in with the domestic terrorist organization ANTIFA, but that’s not the only ally they chose poorly.

Recently, leading up to President Donald Trump’s speech at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, the BLM joined with Native Americans to stage a hissy-fit blocking the highway leading to the National Monument.

One of the big things that the BLM claims is an everlasting thorn in their side, is slavery, and how white America has never gotten past being slave owners. At several BLM gatherings over the past couple of months, they have outlined the need for, and demanded “reparations” over slavery that ended in this country 157 years ago.

By the way, do you realize that slavery in the United States only lasted 89 years? It did. It’s a fact. The United States didn’t even exist before July 4th, 1776, and slavery was abolished in this country in 1865 with the end of the Civil War. Before 1776, we were British colonies and the people here were British subjects. In just 89 years, we abolished the practice and given the quantum shift in societal norms that took, that was pretty damned fast, and should be celebrated.

Anyway…back to the BLM alliance with the American Indians…

If the BLM is, as they claim, anti-racist and anti-slavery, as can be seen by their demands that statues and monuments honoring Confederates be removed or destroyed, and if, as the BLM claims, the Confederate flag needs to be banished, why throw in with the American Indians?

Here’s something else the BLM has gotten all wrong, because they’re too butt stupid to do their homework. Have you ever heard of The Five Civilized Tribes? That’s what the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole tribes were called at the time of the American Civil War, and those 5 tribes took part in skirmishes, and battles during the War Between the States.

All 5 of the Civilized Tribes were aligned with the democrats, and the democrats were aligned with slavery. Okay, maybe that’s a loose connection, but the ties that bind get inescapably tighter when one realizes that all 5 Civilized Tribes, the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole fought for the Confederates, under the Confederate flag during the Civil War.

Sure, those Indians were fighting against the U.S. federal government, but that does not diminish that they aligned themselves with the side who would have kept the practice of slavery had they come out of the Civil War on top.

Now think about it…if slavery that ended in this country 157 years ago had really left black people today so overtly oppressed that they require the removal and destruction of Confederate monuments, the banishment of the Confederate flag and reparations to black people who were never slaves from white people who never owned a slave, why on Earth would the BLM throw in with the American Indians who fought under that flag, and for the Confederates who wanted to keep the practice of slavery alive?

Why would they follow the teachings of the avowed and abject racist Karl Marx?

They wouldn’t, unless…

It had nothing whatsoever to do with racism, and everything to do with gaining political power.

If BLACK lives mattered at all to the BLM, they would not be torching black owned businesses and thus putting black people out of jobs. If BLACK lives really mattered to the BLM, they wouldn’t be burning, looting and destroying their own communities.

If BLACK lives mattered at all to the BLM, they would be doing something to protect black lives within their own communities. Roughly 95 percent of all black people murdered in the United States every years are murdered by other black people, and yet you don’t see or hear of the BLM taking any sort of stand against that.

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, another avowed unmitigated racist who hated black people for the purpose of exterminating the black race, but you don’t see the BLM demanding an end to government funding for Planned Parenthood and you don’t see them burning Planned Parenthood abortion mills to the ground.

What do we see the BLM doing when they’re not engaged in arson, looting, other acts of destruction and violence against white people? We see them painting ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER” in bright yellow on streets in front of Trump Tower in New York City, or somewhere near the Capitol in Washington D.C..

If Black lives mattered to the BLM, they would be painting their name on streets where innocent black men, women and children are being needlessly, and tragically murdered every day by other black people. They would be in the inner cities helping the police to rid those neighborhoods of gangs and drug dealers who prey on innocent black people. They would be demanding better teachers in inner city schools, promoting cooperation between people of all colors and recognizing true black success stories rather than trying to make heroes out of common street thugs.

Last week, in in New Albany, Indiana, a statue of Lucy Higgs Nichols was defaced by the BLM. That statue stood in front of a church. Lucy Higgs Nichols was an escaped slave who became a nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War. She was a black hero. That church, the Second Baptist Church sits just across the Ohio River from Louisville KY, and during the Civil War, was a sanctuary for slaves who escaped from Kentucky and crossed the river.

A statue, of a black woman and her infant daughter who had escaped slavery and who became a nurse for the Union Army, sitting in front of a church which was a sanctuary for escaped slaves and which has today a primarily black congregation, was vandalized by the BLM.

But the BLM isn’t interested in those things, because BLACK lives don’t really matter a squat to the BLM. Their interest is in political power and the “fundamental transformation of America,” into a Marxist regime. Why would Obama, a Marxist, tell the BLM leadership at a White House function back in 2014 that they were doing a good job? Because he knew that their goal was Marxism…nothing more.

The BLM claims that black people today are oppressed by white people, but they can’t even get that right. Obama, the first black President isn’t as black as he claims. He’s half white, and yet, he claims his black half and despises his white half. Why? Because there are many benefits to being black, but there’s no benefit or privilege in being white.

The BLM is simply using skin color to take advantage of those benefits and privileges to get away with arson, looting, rioting, destruction and violence including murder. If anyone dares to speak out against the Marxist movement of thugs, they are immediately labeled as racists and publically scorned. The aim of the BLM isn’t to build up any part of society, but rather to tear all of it down. They don’t give a damn about the lives they destroy, and God forbid anyone utter “ALL Lives Matter” lest they be assaulted in the street.

The ONLY part of black that matters to the BLM is using skin color to force Marxism as a political party for the purpose of gaining political power.

It’s not equality they’re after, it’s division because a house divided cannot stand.

If the BLM cared one lick about the lives of black people, they’re getting everything wrong, but if all they care about is becoming politically powerful and ushering in a Marxist regime…none of what they claim is true.

They need to change the name from BLM to MPM…Marxist Power Matters…at least then they would be honest about themselves.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article BLM…Separating Truth From Fiction



Tomorrow, Friday, July 17th from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘BLM…Separating Truth From Fiction’; ‘The BLM’s Astounding Hypocrisy Exposed’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in to RSP Radio at:
Radio link goes live at 6:45pm EST.

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