Biden’s the Bait…Wait For the Switch

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

It’s high time that a long, honest look at the democrat’s presumptive nominee be taken, and an in-depth look at what’s really going on with the democrat party be undertaken.

It doesn’t matter what the mainstream media says. It doesn’t matter what the polls say, or at least what the polls that get published and aired by the mainstream media say. None of that matters because it’s all propaganda. It’s a smoke screen meant to provide cover for what’s really happening, and what’s about to happen.

While most would begin the sort of analysis that needs to be done to see where the democrat party is headed, and where their presumptive nominee is headed at the current point on the timeline with but 6 months to go until the election, I’ll step back a couple of months to provide a bigger picture.

Let’s go back to Super Tuesday. The date was March 3rd, and that’s important because it was before the onset of COVID lockdowns and restrictions. At that point, the nation was open and doing business as normal. It was just a few days after Nancy Pelosi was marching through the streets of San Francisco’s Chinatown urging people to come out, to gather together, and telling them they were safe.

In the lead-up to Super Tuesday, Biden hadn’t been faring too well on the campaign trail. Sanders was positioned to gain momentum, and steadily make his way towards the nomination this summer. In fact, Joe Biden’s performance on the campaign trail had been miserable. He had been referring to his own party’s voters as “damn liars,” and “lying dog-faced pony soldiers.”

Biden was on camera telling a democrat voter to “vote for someone else.”

He actually told a member of the auto workers union, and let’s be honest here, unions are a major part of the democrat voter base, he told the autoworker that he was “full of shit.”

None of that is effective when trying to garner support in election primaries, and the results were proving that to be true.

So, leading up to Super Tuesday, Biden suddenly vanished from the campaign trail. He didn’t make a single appearance in a Super Tuesday state in the week before all those primaries but that wasn’t Biden waving the white flag…that was the DNC removing the biggest obstacle to a Biden nomination from the equation…Biden himself. The DNC, without Biden being present to do more damage to the Biden campaign, spent nearly $100 million dollars on campaign ads, and who knows how much on getting their mainstream media propagandists on board.

That was the first clue that there was a smoke screen in place. The first indication that the DNC was up to nefarious tricks, and was planning a fast one.

They couldn’t let the primaries play out on their own because if they had, Bernie Sanders would have become the presumptive nominee for the democrat party, and there was a huge problem with Sanders…the DNC wouldn’t be able to control him. Bernie Sanders would never be Obama’s third term puppet, and this was about getting Obama a defacto 3rd term in the Oval Office. The DNC failed in that regard with Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden was to be Hillary’s replacement as Obama’s puppet.

Leading up to the COVID lockdowns and social distancing restrictions, President Trump’s rallies were drawing more people than the democrat primaries were drawing voters, and Biden’s last few public appearances were disasters as he had gone from silly gaffes to exhibiting signs of dementia, but he was the DNC’s man because he would be Obama’s puppet.

The rest of the democrat candidates dropped out of the race, leaving Joe Biden to fulfill Obama’s destiny, and COVID effectively stopped the democrat party’s bleeding…or did it?

In the desperate effort to provide Obama with a puppet, the DNC had managed to manufacture Biden as the presumptive nominee. Joe Biden…who is on video bragging about the very quid pro quo his party had used in a failed impeachment of President Trump. Joe Biden who now faces the same allegations from Tara Reade that his party leveled against Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump from the ilk of Christine Blasey Ford and Stormy Daniels.

Joe Biden, who has now been named as a key figure in the scheme and set-up of Michael Flynn that became the basis for the failed Russia Collusion coup attempt against President Trump, and the very Joe Biden whose dementia is now on full display every time he speaks to the press, or holds one of his disastrous updates from the basement of his home is now the democrat’s presumptive nominee, and the DNC hasn’t even flinched in their support of him…at least not publicly.


How could Biden’s party continue to back the guy who is hauling that much baggage, and who they know will be the subject of a massacre in any Presidential debate against President Trump?

It’s simple really…and there’s a term for it.

Bait and switch.

Biden, as I have said time and time again is the “PRESUMPTIVE” nominee, but I suggest to you that some time back, perhaps all the way back to Super Tuesday, the decision was made by the DNC and Obama to cull the democrat candidate herd, anoint Biden as that “presumptive” nominee, and then, pull the fast one.

I suggest that Joe Biden will be replaced by whoever the DNC and Obama select as his running mate. My guess is that it will happen right after the democrat national convention which is set for August 17th through the 20th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, unless that convention becomes a virtual convention due to the DNC pretending to still be fearful of COVID-19. If it’s a virtual convention, the bait and switch will go into effect there as the delegate votes would be easy to manipulate online.

Bernie Sanders will raise hell whether the switch comes before or after the convention, but that doesn’t matter to the DNC, and they have to have an Obama puppet at the head of the ticket and I believe that puppet will be a woman, a minority, and someone already proven to carry Obama’s water, and do his bidding…

Susan Rice.

Rice hasn’t participated in a single primary, and that’s good for the DNC as none of her agenda has been aired publicly. Susan Rice is an accomplished liar, and that’s is a top priority for any democrat seeking the nation’s top office. Rice is a woman, and a minority which the DNC needs to reinvigorate two of their base voting blocs, and Rice already has the automatic backing of the mainstream media propaganda machine because she’s closer to Obama than any other potential candidate.

In watching Joe Biden’s basement tapes, it has become obvious that the DNC hasn’t spent $10 bucks on his campaign. The quality of Biden’s virtual press conferences, his recent virtual rally in Tampa, Florida, and his Skype appearances with various media propagandists has been horrible. The DNC hasn’t even hooked Biden up with an IT staff to produce watchable virtual announcements, nor have they provided Biden with the sort of technical or personal support staff to cloak his dementia from public view.

The DNC spent $100 million to get Biden into position as the bait, then they cut him off, reserving hundreds of millions to spend in the last 8 weeks of the campaign on the switch.

While putting Susan Rice at the top of the ticket would be the DNC’s attempt to sway women, and black voters to vote along gender and color lines, a hallmark of the democrat party as they rely on social division rather than actual issues to drive their appeal, Rice would need a running mate, and there are three other voting blocs the democrat party would need to appeal to in order to bring out the vote in November.

Enter Julian Castro.

Castro isn’t ready for the head of the ticket…yet…but the DNC knows full-well that they need somebody on that ticket to energize the youth and socialist vote, not to mention the Latino vote. Castro is young, he’s a confirmed socialist and his mother, Rosie Castro, is the architect of la Raza, translated into English as “The Race,” an organization dedicated to raising illegal aliens to a protected class above American citizens which includes allowing them to vote in our elections.

Is this a dream ticket for the democrat party? No. It’s a Hail Mary ticket, but desperate times call for desperate measures and there are a couple of things that have become very apparent to the democrat party. Biden, who would be shredded by President Trump on any debate stage, on his best day couldn’t defeat Trump on his worst day, and the democrat party doesn’t have anybody who could have withstood a year of scrutiny on the campaign trail…but 8 weeks is a whole different matter.

With the short time frame between the democrat national convention and election day, the DNC can rely on the mainstream media to provide cover for a ticket the likes of Rice and Castro without the need to cover either’s actual platform or agenda. The media will deflect and dodge any in-depth analysis of such a ticket, and instead divert all the attention to gender, race and social issues.

Neither the DNC nor their propagandists will delve into the economy, jobs, national security, trade, defense or world stage issues as they know all of those are losing issues for their party. Instead, they will laser-focus on abortion, race, gender, income inequality, minimum wage, gay rights and open border issues. Outside of the social issues, the democrat party wants to jack up taxes, provide “free” college and healthcare for all, take your guns and limit your 1st Amendment rights and force green energy down our throats in the hope of dragging our nation into full-on socialism.

Whether or not it ends up being a Rice/Castro ticket for the democrat party, one thing is certain…Joe Biden either isn’t on the ticket at all, or the democrat party has already conceded this race to President Trump.

I’m telling you right now that Biden is the bait.

Wait for the switch.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2020/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article California Dreaming…Turning Blue Back To Red


Tomorrow, Friday, May 22nd from 7 to 9pm EST, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘California Dreaming…Turning Blue Back To Red’; ‘Biden’s the Bait…Wait For the Switch’; and important news of the day.
Hope you can tune in to RSP Radio at:

3 thoughts on “Biden’s the Bait…Wait For the Switch

  1. Once again, I have to thank you Craig for clearing up the issues for me. Wouldn’t it be a scream if they ran Pelosi? Or maybe Biden will pick her for a running mate. They are perfect for each other! Anyway, the democrat bunch will lose again and for the reasons you have stated. If only we could put Biden on the end of a hook and drop him in a pool of sharks.

  2. Last night on Hannity, Mark Cuban informed everyone that his choice for President was BIDEN!!!! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!!! I can’t believe anyone with an IQ above single digits could possibly vote for Biden!!! We sure do keep hearing that Biden is beating Trump in the polls… mind can’t comprehend that!!! I now believe you have it right….Biden is a diversion!! Pelosi and her party are up to no good as usual!!! GREAT STUFF HERE!!!!

    • Good stuff, Valli! Mark Cuban has a swelled head and is full of (ahem) uh, himself. It’s always about HIM.

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