Free Vaseline and Other Empty Promises

Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this article, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Russian collusion is over.

The Mueller report is over.

The Trump/Zelensky phone call with its quid pro quo, it’s extortion, and its bribery along with its “abuse of power,” and its “obstruction of congress” is over.

And impeachment is over too.

All of those things ended with liberals wadding up their collective panties, and with President Trump standing tall, still in the White House, and still their president, but all of those things had one thing in common…

They were distractions, and now, liberals have run out of distractions.

That’s a problem for liberals because without the myriad of distractions, the entire political world, once focused on their distractions, is now focused on them, or to be more clear about it, the entire political world, and voters, are now focused on the democrat primaries. That’s bad for liberals, because that means people now don’t have anything to focus on but the democrat candidates.

It is no longer about what they have falsely claimed Trump did, or about the stuff they made up regarding what he said…it’s no longer about 2016, Russia, fake witnesses or a phone call…now it’s all about their own party’s candidates and what they have to offer the voters.

That’s really bad, because they have absolutely nothing of value to offer. Sure, the liberal millennials don’t see it that way, but all of the free stuff millennials think they’re being offered, isn’t free, and none of it is designed to ever be put into place. It’s all designed as a fishing lure, and those millennials are eager to take the bait.

Here’s what democrats actually have for candidates…

They’ve got a Mayor who is a socialist, a fake Indian who is a socialist, a grumpy old communist, and a guy who bragged about HIS quid pro quo ultimatum to the Ukrainians, whose crackhead son was on the Board of a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company and pocketing millions upon millions of dollars that Quid Pro Joe was protecting as the then Vice President.

They are all in favor of abortion, including late term abortion which is now starting to see even democrat voters coming out against that plank of the liberal agenda. They’re all in favor of the AOC Green New Deal, but they’re also more than willing to fly in private jets to campaign stops to tell people they’re going to do away with their cars, trucks, trains, planes and houses. They’re all in favor of relieving everyone of their student debt obligations and providing free college for everyone.

In fact, they’re all in favor of pretty much free everything, from free healthcare, even for illegal aliens, to free housing and government guaranteed jobs. It’s a very long gravy train to be sure, and the socialist Mayor, the fake Indian, the grumpy old communist, and qui pro Joe are telling everybody that it’s all free.

It’s not, and they know it. They also know that even if they soak the top 1% for 100% of their income, they would still come up several trillion dollars short every year. News flash democrat voters, and especially you liberal millennials…that’s nothing but bait so that you’ll bite the hook and vote for them. They won’t follow through on any of it, because they can’t follow through on any of it…and they can’t because there’s not enough money to pay for it. Not even close. If you really want to know how the ol’ liberal bait and do nothing approach really works, just ask around in the black community. Liberals have been promising them the stars and the moon for better than a half a century, and yet never delivered.

That’s why two very important things are happening within the democrat party today. First, minority voters are starting to walk away from the party of empty promises, and second, the party of empty promises is now latching on to illegal aliens as the new gullible fish to catch.

Have you seen that “New Way Forward Act?” It’s damn near 4,000 pages long, and it is nothing but an engraved invitation to future illegal aliens.

Liberals, democrats, and millennial liberal democrats should really pay attention to this. The “New Way Forward Act” eliminates virtually any penalty for coming to this country of ours illegally, virtually eliminates jail for illegal aliens who commit felonies while they’re here, and completely erases their criminal past, disallows deportations even for those illegal aliens who commit violent crimes like rape, child molestation, manslaughter or other horrible crimes, and it literally brings past deportees who have committed felonies during their illegal stay in our great nation BACK to our nation…not to face charges, or go to jail…but to live free on our streets, and in our cities and towns.

That’s right…under the “New Way Forward Act,” illegal aliens will become the privileged class…the preferred class. Preferred over you, and all American citizens. The things that would send you to jail for decades, will get them a free ride, and a plane ticket at your expense to bring them back to YOUR cities and towns where YOU will have to pay THEIR way through life.

Why would democrats do such a thing?


The democrat party is losing its base, thanks to the liberal lunatics like the “squad,” or as I call them, the No Clue Klan, and that’s becoming more evident by the day. In fact, a poll by CBS last week, a poll conducted by a liberal mainstream media propaganda machine, cited a sad tale for liberals. The poll asked a simple question of speech writers…did you like the State of the Union Address? 97% of Republican speech writers said yes. Not surprising really. 30% of democrat speech writers also said yes, and that’s cause for alarm in liberal circles but a full-on 82% of independent speech writers said THEY liked it, and that is panicsville for the liberal elite.

Human nature is what it is, and those writers who were polled aren’t just answering on the technical aspects of that speech, they’re reacting to the validity of it based on their personal perception of their individual socio-economic situations. The liberal elite looks at that and knows they’re in trouble because of President Trump’s Conservative policies, the traditional liberal voting bloc is realizing that their individual boats are riding higher because Trump has added water to the lake thus raising ALL boats.

Minority voters, women, and even blue collar voters are far and away better off today than they were 4 years ago, and rather than empty promises like they’ve gotten for half a century from the liberal ilk they have supported all those years, they are seeing real results, positive results from Conservative policies now.

That’s why the liberal field of 2020 presidential candidates, the socialist Mayor, the fake Indian, the grumpy old communist and the old guy who likes it when little kids feel his hairy legs are so desperate to bait a new voting bloc, but there are 3 important things that democrat voters need to come to grips with…all of that free bait comes at a price, it won’t just be Conservatives paying that price, and included in that price is your freedom.

Here’s something else…ask yourselves, you democrat voters, whether or not you’d like the treatment liberals gave to Justice Kavanaugh, or President Trump. Ask yourselves if you would like to be presumed guilty based on baseless accusations and then have to try to prove your innocence. Those running for elected office from the democrat party at every level supported the guilty until proven innocent liberal agenda, and that agenda won’t just be applied to the likes of Kavanaugh and Trump, that system of injustice is also meant for you if you’re stupid enough to elect democrats.

Our Constitution and Constitutional system of justice demands innocence until proven guilty, and President Trump has been appointing a record number of Constitutional judges. Thankfully, the Senate, under a Republican majority, is confirming those Constitutional judges, but let the Senate become controlled by the democrats, and only activist liberal judges will be confirmed…judges that adhere to the liberal guilty until proven innocent system of injustice.

Here’s the bottom line…

Liberals know they can’t beat Trump in 2020, and they know all of their presidential candidates are miscreants, socialists, or communists. They’re just hoping that democrat voters will vote a straight ticket without paying any attention to the personal successes they now enjoy due to Conservative policies as put in place by Republicans. Liberals are losing their once solid voting blocs, and they’re desperate to import illegal aliens who will illegally vote and sway the election based on empty promises of free bait.

That bait is socialism, which history shows quite clearly won’t do anything FOR you, but will do everything TO you. Socialism is an express elevator to the bottom of the shaft, and once your there, you’ll get the shaft…in your shaft.

Don’t take the bait, because if you do, you’ll have to buy your own Vaseline…even if the government says they’ll give it to you for free.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2020/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Trump’s Acquittal Wasn’t The Only Good News Last Week.


Tomorrow, Friday, February 14th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Trump’s Acquittal Wasn’t The Only Good News Last Week’; ‘Free Vaseline and Other Empty Promises’; and important news of the day.