The Insanity at CNN Continues

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There are so many unknown things in our world, it’s nearly impossible to know where to start.

Why do whales beach themselves? Where do elephants go to die? How were the pyramids built? What happens to socks when they disappear in the dryer?

Why can’t Hillary just shut the hell up and go away?

There is a very long list of things we may never find the answers to, but there are some things we do know as fact, and one of those things is that…

Liberals are bat-crap crazy.

There is no end to the insanity from the left side of our political aisle, and seemingly no end to the lies the liberal mainstream media will tell to bolster that insanity.

Take CNN as a prime example…

Late last month, the Commie Nitwit Network had, as a guest, one Dr. Allen Francis, a psychiatrist, who himself is in dire need of a check-up from the neck up. This cuckoo’s nest escapee started by comparing President Trump to the mentally ill, which is standard fare for liberals whose feelings were crushed by Hillary’s loss in 2016, but then, this yahoo goes on to state that calling Trump mentally ill, is an insult to mentally ill people.

One has to assume that when this half-baked nut is talking about mentally ill people, he’s referring to liberals…but that is far from the depths of insanity he was about to reach.

This Dr. Allen Francis went on to say that President Trump “is as destructive a person in this century, as Hitler, Stalin and Mao were in the last century.” No…he doesn’t cite any facts. No, he doesn’t present any evidence. Does he have any basis at all for such a comment? Does he offer any proof that what he’s saying has even a shred of merit? No…but even that isn’t the end of his warped litany of lies…

Dr. Francis, a psychiatrist…on CNN as supposedly a mental health expert…went on to state that President Trump, “may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were.” Naturally, the CNN talking, brainless heads sat there with practiced looks of deep concern on their faces, nodding somewhat in agreement.

The segment was apparently about President Trump’s policies regarding the weather, and that he’s refusing to throw other people’s money at the weather in the hope that raising everybody’s taxes would be some sort of global thermostat with which we could control the weather.

Did either of CNN’s sock puppet liberal propagandists question the psychotic psychiatrist? Did they call into question his absurd allegations? Did they even seek to see any proof of what the guy said? No…no they did not, which brings up yet another question to which there doesn’t seem to be any sort of answer whatsoever…why in the bloomin’ hell would CNN have a psychiatrist on as an expert on the weather?

Dr. Francis still wasn’t done…

He went on to tell the world what, in his chosen field of expertise, is actually crazy…things like tax cuts…and things like claiming that mainstream media outlets that trot out a psychiatrist as a weather expert are engaged in fake news. THOSE things, according to CNN’s weather expert, are nuts.

Apparently, scraping the bottom of the psychiatrist barrel to find someone to provide their political opinion on the weather is perfectly sane.

According to CNN, via their esteemed expert, President Trump needs to be…”contained.” One must assume that CNN, and their astute weather expert also believe that anyone who dares to accept as fact that the climate on this planet has been in a constant state of change since the day this planet was invented, and will remain in such a state of constant change until the day our Sun swells to the size of Jerry Nadler…must also be…”contained.”

According to psycho Dr. Francis, and the CNN trolls who were somehow able to sit there and listen to that half-assed crackpot with a straight face, it is nothing short of abject insanity NOT to believe that taxing the bejusus out of people will keep our planet at a comfy room temperature.

These, of course, are the exact same people who found it perfectly normal for grown-ups to curl up in the fetal position with coloring books, Crayons, bottles of bubbles and therapy puppies refusing to come out of their “safe-spaces” after the 2016 election.

TRUMP is going to be responsible for killing many more millions of people than did Mao, or Stalin, or Hitler, because he knows that “climate change” ain’t nothing but the weather, and that makes Trump INSANE, but AOC’s Green New Deal that would ban all fossil fuels, ban cars, trucks, and airplanes, and force the tearing down and rebuilding of EVERY STRUCTURE in the UNITED STATES…well…that apparently is perfectly sensible.

Not believing that the world will come to a sudden and horrible end…in 10 years…if we don’t pay-off the weather gods with other people’s money makes one absolutely certifiable. LOCK THOSE PEOPLE UP AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!!! But…Bruce Jenner is the Woman of the Year…and that’s…normal?

There are literally liberals out there running amok, free-range style, who believe with all their being that a Venti Iced Skinny Hazelnut Macchiato, Sugar-Free Syrup, Extra Shot, Light Ice, No Whip is a coffee, that taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will prevent criminals from shooting people, that socialism works, Muslims are all peaceful, traveling to a global warming conference on the other side of the world in a private jet isn’t hypocritical, and that Epstein killed himself. It’s not, it won’t, it doesn’t, they’re not, it is, and…he didn’t.

But have the unmitigated gall to tell someone that NASA reports show more arctic ice now than ever before, or that NASA studies have shown the SUN is responsible for the temperature here on Earth…and YOU MUST BE CONTAINED!!!

So, what’s really behind this latest fake news blast by CNN?

Well…I think it has become pretty transparent to just about anyone with at least one working brain cell, that CNN, along with the rest of the liberal mainstream media, is Trump-drunk. The liberal agenda is 100 percent geared around trying to dupe their dwindling viewership into believing that President Trump is the embodiment of pure evil, and lacking any evidence to back that lie, they’re just making crap up. Remember, the worst thing that was going to happen due to climate change right up to the last day of the Obama regime, was that polar bears would have to unzip their fur coats. But on the day President Trump first sat down in the oval office…every living thing on the planet is going to DIE because we left the Paris Climate Accord.

To dupe their dwindling viewership, CNN went out and dug themselves up a PSYCHIATRIST…to talk about the WEATHER…and they made sure he added in that Trump was going to KILL MILLIONS of people. CNN knows that nobody with an ounce of common sense is watching their inane programming, and they know that the common senseless will believe whatever they’re told to believe. CNN knows that this psychiatrist isn’t really a weather expert, and they know he’s probably better than half nuts…but they also know that AOC, a bartender isn’t a weather expert either, and she is well past half nuts in her belief that the world’s gonna end in 10 years, but if the CNN viewers believe her, they’ll believe Trump-drunk psychiatrist too.

Allow me to remind you of the progression CNN has gone through trying to paint Trump as THE most evil bastard on the planet for the past four years.

They pretended he was misogynistic, but as it turns out, he actually has a lot of respect for women. Bill Clinton was the misogynist. They pretended, and still do that he’s a racist, but they can’t point to a single racist thing he’s ever done, or said. Barack Hussein Obama, by his own writings and actions, is the racist. CNN and the rest of the mainstream media pretended that Trump colluded with the Russians, but that went up in smoke. Hillary actually did collude with the Russians. They pretended that Trump obstructed justice, and that proved to be yet another false allegation. Hillary deleted better than 30,000 emails, hid her private server, and destroyed hard drives.

CNN and the mainstream media call Trump and Conservatives NAZI’s…but it’s liberals who control the media, the education system, and social media telling people what they are, and aren’t allowed to think or say.

And now, it’s CNN and their fellow propagandists in the mainstream media that are trying, out of shear desperation, to paint Trump as a homicidal maniac…but…it’s the Clinton’s who have a growing list of adversaries who have ended up dead under insanely dubious circumstances.

Obama gave better than $150 billion dollars to Iran…Hillary sold 20 percent of our uranium to Russia, Holder gave thousands of military grade weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, Obama and Hillary issued stand-down orders in Benghazi while running guns to terrorists in Syria, Obama’s IRS was targeting Conservatives, his FBI was spying on American citizens, his intel agencies were engaged in cooking up a fake dossier, Joe Biden issued a quid pro quo to the Ukrainians and he bragged about it…the list just goes on and on…but…according to CNN…TRUMP is now the bad guy because he made a phone call?

Let me tell you something here and now…you don’t have to be a psychiatrist who self-identifies as a weather expert on CNN to clearly see who is really insane and dangerous…all you need is one working brain cell, an ounce of common sense…and a TV remote with which to shut off CNN when the bat-crap crazies start talking.

There are a lot of things we’ll never know, but..there is one thing we do know for sure….if you think CNN is a news network…you’re nuttier than a bucket of squirrel turds.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2019/ All rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Numbers Don’t Lie…Democrats Do



Tomorrow, Friday, November 8th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Numbers Don’t Lie…Democrats Do’; ‘The Insanity at CNN Continues’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at:…or on Tune-In at:

One thought on “The Insanity at CNN Continues

  1. In the past 50-or-so years, the field of psychology/psychiatry is considered, by intelligent persons, to have devolved into liberal quackery. The original work of Jung and Freud has been occluded by the aspirations of celebrity-chasing charlatans. Ann Landers and Abigail van Buren were far closer to understanding the mental and emotional conditions of humans, than any “educated” psychiatrist or psychologist.

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