Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

If you were going to take a vote on making a witch hunt inquiry official, there couldn’t have been a more appropriate day to do so than on Halloween, and that is exactly what the wicked one of the west coast did on October, 31st.

Let me be staggeringly honest here…vodka-soaked Nancy Pelosi spent 7 months trying to gin up some sort of mandate to either move forward with such an official impeachment inquiry, fabricated though it may be, or get to work getting things done to fix real issues we face as a country, and the best she could do was prove that the liberal/socialist radicals that are leading her party are perpetrating a transparent sham.

Save 2 democrats who just couldn’t bring themselves to join the revenge-minded, sour-grapes line of pressured thinking, every democrat in the House voted for moving the impeachment inquiry to the next level, and every single Republican voted against it.

As Pelosi stated some 7 months ago…

“I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”

Let me translate that into something other than liberal gibberish…what that old coot is saying is that if liberals couldn’t come up with something of substance, something of merit, a completely partisan vote would show the world that they’ve been making all this crap up out of thin air.

Well…she got the completely partisan vote she was dreading, and the truth of the matter is…the liberals ain’t got squat for evidence.

What they do have is three years-worth of leaking not so carefully chosen bits and pieces of manufactured nonsense, that they didn’t bother to vet because they knew it was all fabricated to begin with. Thus, it was easily exposed as manure.

What that Halloween vote basically did was tell the American people that the democrat party can’t find thing one on which to base their desire to overthrow President Trump’s 2016 election, and that they are just going to go on believing the propaganda they have spun up to this point, while striving to invent new propaganda from this point forward.

But going forward, at this point, is well beyond problematic for congressional democrats, as even what they have claimed to be their most damning behind closed doors “witness,” LTC Alex Vindman, is being exposed as nothing short of a partisan political hack. Sure, democrats lauded Vindman’s military service, and tried to paint him as a career guy with only the best interests of the nation at heart, and not a partisan bone in his body, but…the truth is coming out.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel (LTTC) Jim Hickman worked with then-Major Vindman during military exercises with Russia in Germany, and he is blowing the whistle on Vindman. According to Hickman, Vindman, as far back as at least 2012, has been a left-wing political activist, a big-time supporter of both Obama, and globalism, and Hickman said of Vindman, “He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of uncomfortable. He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel.”

What we’re talking about here is the guy who democrats, behind closed doors, put up as their best witness because he was on that phone call when President Trump spoke to President Zelensky…the guy democrats insisted was straight down the middle politically, who serves the country rather than a political party, and who’s credentials are beyond reproach. What they had to leave out because it exposes Vindman as hack, is that he had to be reprimanded by his superior officer for being a partisan political hack.

Vindman, by the way, showed up to give his behind doors secret testimony in full dress uniform, no doubt by design in order to provide liberals in those hearings with a visual they could use to portray what their doing as some sort  as a military coup.

Here’s another blast of brutal honesty…it’s not that the democrats didn’t know Vindman was a leftist agenda-driven Obama globalist shill…it’s that they didn’t care because, from behind closed doors, they could leek only those parts of his propaganda that they manufactured in their quest to keep the sale of snake oil flowing.

Democrats know full-well that  the majority of the American public are onto their scam, and now they’re promising public hearings, perhaps by the end of this month as a way to keep the gullible hooked, but there’s plenty they’re not telling the American people about those so-called public hearings.

Will Republicans be allowed to call forth witnesses? Yes…but only those that the democrats like Schiff okay. Will the Republicans be allowed to question the witnesses they call? Sure, but only so far as Schiff allows. Schiff, Nadler and the rest of the House committee chairs are making up the rules as they go, and trust me, the kangaroo nature of the hearings will continue.

So, what happens when the so-called public hearings wrap up? What then?

That’s going to be a huge problem for Nancy Pelosi, because she’ll have to make a tough decision…call for a full House vote to impeach President Trump, which she knows damn well will be the same party-line vote she had on Halloween…or ignore the panty-wadded liberal radicals in the House and put an end to the attempted coup.

If they actually take that vote, and believe me, Pelosi knows this is as true as the day is long, it will then move to the Senate for an impeachment trial, and the dams of hell will break against the democrats.

Maybe, in Nancy’s addled mind, the House will have to vote for impeachment in order to find out what’s in the impeachment.

Here’s what will happen in a Senate trial…

Remember the IG report regarding the FISA abuse investigation that’s been sitting on a shelf somewhere in Bill Barr’s AG office? Well…while the democrats are playing checkers, AG Barr and John Durham are playing 3 dimensional chess, and if this moves to the Senate, that report will go public faster than you can say GOTCHA.

Once that happens, the Republicans in the Senate can call as witnesses, in public hearings, the ilk of Comey, Brennan, McCabe, lovers Strozk and Page, Mueller, Clap on clap off Clapper and just about anybody else involved in that coup attempt including that lop-eared anti-American pro-Islamist Obama…and they will all be under oath. That means they will be the ones scrambling to file lawsuits trying to get out of testifying, and when that doesn’t work, they’ll be pleading the 5th all day long.

Not only that, but the timeline comes into play in a couple of different ways. First, a trial in the Senate won’t be for a few more months, which takes it to a starting point next year. Next year is an election year, and there are a few key democrat 2020 presidential candidates who are currently sitting U.S. Senators. Guess what? According to the law, candidates who are Senators are not allowed to campaign while a Senate Impeachment trial is under way, and with key democrat early primaries, in New Hampshire and Iowa, that’s very problematic. Second in the timeline problems for democrats should this ever reach the Senate, is who could well be masterminding the defense in that trial.

Come January…Trey Gowdy will be released from his prohibition against being an active part of the Trump defense team, and one thing the democrats are scared crapless of is the fact that Gowdy is not a defense attorney…he’s a prosecutor…and he will puree the aforementioned list of witnesses.

Oh, and by the way, nobody should be surprised if Gowdy adds to the list of witnesses, the names of everybody who has testified behind closed doors, and he’ll also add the names of the “whistleblower,” Eric Ciaramella, and one Adam Schiff who is, after all, a fact witness due to the fact that he had contact with Ciaramella before the manufactured complaint was ever filed.

Now remember, next year is an election year, and that puts even more pressure on the democrats, because if this goes to trial in the Senate, all of their dirty laundry will be publicly aired in the months leading into the November 2020 election, and even if it doesn’t make it to the Senate, democrats will be faced with keeping a witch hunt going for the purpose of trying to overthrow a sitting President for 3 full years while ignoring the business of the country.

So…what’s the bottom line?

It appears that the democrats, in their desperation to attempt one coup after another since the day Donald Trump became President Trump via the use of fabricated, manufacture and partisan BS evidence delivered by a steady stream of deep state operatives, have created for themselves a circular firing squad. Their hatred has far and away overtaken what little common sense they may have possessed, and they are now faced with a prospect so dire to their party, that they will do just about anything, regardless of ethics or the law to prevent it.

They will lose it all in 2020.

The democrat party has swung so far to the left with their socialist rhetoric and virtually communist promises, and their hatred of President Trump and Conservatives has progressed to the point that I believe not only will their actions get President Trump reelected in a landslide, but the Senate will remain in the hands of Republicans, and the House will flip back to red.

To wrap this up, let me put it this way…

Democrats aren’t worried about foreign interference in the 2020 election…they’re terrified that American voters will interfere in the 2020 election…and they just can’t bear the thought of people who love this country holding all three branches of power.

Democrats have less than one year to plan their political funeral…I’ll brings the nails for the coffin.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2019/ All rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article,  What America Is and What America Needs



Tomorrow, Friday, November 15th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘What America Is and What America Needs’; ‘Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at:…or on Tune-In at:

4 thoughts on “Democrats Pre-Planning Their Own Political Funeral

  1. The democrat party may not be able to find anything on which to base the overthrow President Trump’s 2016 election WIN, but that doesn’t mean they won’t quit trying!

    As long as Democrats continue to hold “behind doors secret hearings” they will “leak” to the media whatever made up crap they fabricated that day to the FAKE MEDIA. I find NONE of the “behind doors secret testimony” credible, and neither should the media or Congressional Republicans, INCLUDING the 2 Democrats that didn’t participate in the SHAM vote.

    IF the Republicans won’t be allowed to call any witnesses other than those that the Democrats and Schiff okay then NONE of the Republican’s witnesses should cooperate or even bother to show up.

    Pelosi won’t put an end to the “attempted coup”, she wants it as bad as the rest of the Democrats. I don’t know what her motivation or intention in saying she’s NOT for is but you can bet your last penny she has some kind of dirty trickery planned…

    I want to see the FISA abuse investigation report. It’s been sitting on a shelf somewhere in Bill Barr’s AG office for too damn long. I want to see AG Barr and John Durham call Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strozk and Page, Mueller, Clapper and anybody else involved in the coup attempt… ESPECIALLY Obama. But I doubt if Barr and Durham get any answers, they’ll be pleading the 5th on EVERY question asked.

    The Senators that are not [by law] allowed to campaign while a Senate Impeachment trial is under way will figure out a way around that law. And even if they don’t the participate anyway and the mamby-pamby Republicans will let them.

    Trey Gowdy worries me. It’s hard to tell what side he’ll take. But he’s (a little) more honest than the rest of them so Trump and WE THE PEOPLE have that going for us.

    Personally, I want this to go to trial in the Senate. It’s time for America to see their dirty laundry… ALL OF IT. It should be publicly aired.

    Due to their hatred of President Trump and Conservatives, the Democrats have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the past 3 years except CRY “Impeach Trump!” They were elected to do a job. A job they have ignored. I know a helluva lot of Democrats that will be voting RED in the 2020 election because they’re not as stupid as the Congressional Democrats and they’re tired of the hatred, racism and general Bullshine!
    A close friend told me he was a life-long Democrat… until Obama was elected. He said He, his wife and children will NEVER vote Democrat again. His whole family changed their voter registration to Republican. I’m sure there are MANY more just like them out there…

    Craig, you bring the nails, I’ll bring the hammers…

    • @Scooter— Oh no, I called hammers first. And now I’ve added firewood to cast their coffins into the flames when it’s hot enough. You can bring more firewood, but a dump truck full of hammers is already being shipped to Craig Andresen’s office now….ETA later today thanks to!!!!!!! LOLLLLLLL

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