Socialism’s Green New Disguise

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It’s easy to make fun of the “Green New Deal.” Lord knows I’ve had a good time snarking at it for several months now. It’s ridiculous…possibly insane…and it’s exactly what we expect from today’s liberals.

On the face of it, the “Green New Deal” is laughable.

AOC, that bone-crushingly inane twerp in the House came up with the idea that all fossil fuel energy in this country must be done away with post haste. According to the bartender, no more cars, no more trucks, ships, airplanes or anything else that uses fossil fuels will be allowed.

How can anyone take that seriously?

AOC claims that the world will end due to “climate change” in either 10, or 12 years if we don’t adopt the “deal” and adopt it right now. Sure, back in the 1970’s, democrats told us that we were headed for the deep freeze…global cooling… if we didn’t do something. 20 years later, when the world had failed to freeze solid, they changed their tune to tell us that the world was headed to the ovens of hell…global warming…if we didn’t do something.

That didn’t pan out either, so liberals made yet another change to the dire predictions and started ranting and raving about “climate change,” because they simply couldn’t predict the weather. They knew that the climate would change…getting warmer, or cooler, because it always has since the day the Earth was invented, and if “change” was the prediction, they would always be right.

It’s bogus thinking. Actually, it’s worse than bogus…it’s extortion.

“Man-Made Climate Change” has become the liberal religion, and they intend to extort money from every American under the guise of controlling the climate…controlling the weather…but here’s the problem…

The liberal preachers of the “climate change” religion have never told us how throwing our money at the weather is going to change anything, nor have they bothered to explain to us how they will maintain an accurate setting on the earth’s thermostat. If they can make it cooler, and that’s a giant if, what happens if it starts to get too cold? How will they warm things back up…and what if in that process they start making things too hot…how do they level it off?

They can’t, and they know it. Along with the extortion of taxpayer dollars, there is also a Ponzi scheme of sorts baked into this particular liberal cake. They won’t be using our taxpayer dollars to control the weather…

They’ll be using that money…your money…to control you.

Looking at the current crop of noxious weeds running from the left side of the aisle for everything from dog catcher to the presidency, one thing is abjectly clear…socialism is the goal of what was once the democrat party, and socialism requires one very important thing…other people’s money…hence the extortion, and the Ponzi scheme.

The 2020 liberal field is embracing the “Green New Deal,” and one by one, they are advocating for the demise, if not the outright killing of the fossil fuel industry. They are promising to kill coal, kill fracking which produces both oil and natural gas, and they are vowing to not build any nuclear power plants.

Make no mistake, this isn’t some grand design to “save the planet,” this is a grand design to make you dependent on the government for everything from turning on your lights, to heating and cooling your home, and to getting from point A to point B. But it goes much further than that, and much deeper too.

The “Green New Deal” includes retro-fitting every home, every building and every structure in the United States for what liberals call “maximum energy efficiency” and to use nothing but “green, renewable energy.” New insulation, new roofs, new windows, appliances and whatever else they can think of. There are millions upon millions of structures, buildings and homes in America, and it would cost trillions upon trillions of dollars of other people’s money to retro-fit, or tear down and rebuild each and every one of them…but if the liberals have their way, guess who will claim landlordship of each and every structure in America…yep…the government. Once the government spends “their” money to shape up your home, and your business…they will then claim that they can mandate to you how you live and work in those homes and businesses.

Naturally, the current crop of liberal candidates will tell you that the “Green New Deal” will create hundreds of thousands, if not millions of new jobs…what they won’t tell you is those will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of government jobs…and guess who gets to pay for all those new government employees?

Under the “Green New Deal” we will have hundreds of thousands or millions of new government employees, drawing government salaries, and living in government housing all bought and paid for by other people’s money.

But wait…there’s more…

The 2020 liberal candidates are also making their feelings known regarding going to war against the fossil fuel industry’s money. Each of the 2020 liberal presidential candidates have signed onto the no fossil fuel money” pledge, vowing to not accept campaign donations from the fossil fuel industry. They say that the fossil fuel industry has too much political power, and that has to be stopped. Again, there is something very important that they won’t tell you…that is that they intend to create a whole new “green energy” industry that rather than wielding political power, will be under the thumb of liberal politicians. The government will own the “green energy” industry, and therefore, own your ability to use the energy it produces.

Yes, the government subsidizes all energy in this country, that much is true, but the subsidies now being paid to “green energy” dwarf those being paid to the fossil fuel industry, and the return on that investment is laughable. As it stands right now, according to the Institute for Energy Research (IER), in fiscal year 2016, fossil fuels, including oil, natural gas and coal, supplied 78% of total U.S. energy while receiving 7% of federal energy fuel subsidies. That’s a great return on investment…but…”green energy” raked in 93% of federal energy fuel subsidies while generating a scant 22% of total U.S. energy in fiscal year 2016, according to data from the same agency, which is a lousy return on investment. And let’s be clear on another important point in this respect, those figures do not include state or local subsidies, mandates or incentives.

Make no mistake, liberals under the “Green New Deal” don’t want to subsidize the “green energy” industry, they intend to own that industry lock, stock and empty oil barrel.

There is, however, one more very important element in all of this “Green New Deal” extortion and Ponzi scheme that also is designed to control you…they intend to control what you eat.

The “climate change” preachers, including AOC, are screaming about cow farts destroying the planet, and they want to do away with the red meat industry right along with the fossil fuel industry. They claim that livestock, through belching and farting, produces 15% of the greenhouse gasses that will doom the world and all the world’s inhabitants, and that in order to save the planet food control is to be mandated.

There’s just one problem with that line of liberal thinking…its nonsense.

According to agrobiologist and scientific researcher Dr. Albrecht Glatzle, the author of over 100 scientific papers and two textbooks, research shows that, “there is no scientific evidence, whatsoever, that domestic livestock could represent a risk for the Earth’s climate” and the “warming potential of anthropogenic GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions has been exaggerated.”

Imagine that…the liberals have exaggerated the effect of cow farts in the world’s weather…shocking. You can read Dr. Glazel’s report by clicking here.

When one reads the “Green New deal,” it is imperative that one discerns the liberal nonsense through the filter of common sense. Where the “Green New deal” says, “We the People will:” it has nothing to do with the “We the People” from our founding document, rather…it means…”We the Government.” It states that the government will, “Invest in green business by providing grants and low-interest loans…” and that the government will, “Move to 100% clean energy by 2030: Prioritizing green research by redirecting research funds from fossil fuels and other dead-end industries…” and that the government will, “Provide green jobs by enacting the Full-Employment Program, which will directly provide 16 million jobs in sustainable energy and energy-efficiency retrofitting, mass transit and “complete streets” that promote safe bike and pedestrian traffic, regional food systems based on sustainable organic agriculture and clean manufacturing.”

And finally, the “Green New Deal” promises to implement what the liberals are calling an “Economic Bill of Rights.” That should be enough to shake you to your very core. Liberals don’t care for the actual Bill of Rights, because that Bill of Rights puts the true power in this country into the hands of the real “We the People.” The liberal’s “Economic Bill of Rights” is specifically designed to replace the rights of the people with the mandates of the government.

You need to be fully aware of the truth regarding the “Green New Deal.”

It is not a blueprint to save the world, it’s a socialist manifesto, and it is not based in any scientifically confirmable process to control the weather, or the climate, it’s a politically socialist process to be implemented for the sole purpose of controlling you.

So, how do liberals intend to pull of this extortion and this Ponzi scheme…how do they intend to sell this snake oil to the masses? By predicting doom and gloom, and telling us that we must do this for our children.  Last week, at an NAACP event, AOC told us that unless we all get behind the socialist manifesto and line up to be controlled by the government via the “New Green Deal,” that the city of Miami would cease to exist in just a few years.

She said, “We need to start getting comfortable with how extreme the problem is, because only until we accept … how bad climate change is and how bad it can be for our children’s lives, are we going to be comfortable pursuing really big solutions.” Just a couple of weeks ago, Bernie Sanders said, “We have got to be super aggressive if we love our children and if we want to leave them a planet that is healthy and is habitable.” Every time the liberals want to further strip the people of their rights, they say that it must be done for our future children…the very children they fund abortions to prevent from being born.

Had Hillary Clinton been elected in 2016, as Obama’s third term, the “fundamental transformation of America” would be near completion by now, but that liberal dream, what common sense people know would have been a socialist nightmare, evaporated with the election of Donald Trump. Today, liberals see Obama’s road to socialism crumbling before their eyes, and they are desperate, and the “Green New Deal” is their Hail Mary

They know they can never control the weather, but they are hell-bent on doing everything they can think of to control you.

The “Green New Deal” has nothing to do with saving the planet…it’s socialism’s Green New Disguise.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2019/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Uncle Joe…The Democrat’s 2020 Nominee



Tomorrow, Friday, September 20th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘Joe Biden: The Democrats 2020 Nominee’; ‘Socialism’s Green New Disguise’, and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at:…or on Tune-In at: