Mullen, Nebraska Schools a Triggered Indoctrinator

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Let’s face it, libImage result for liberal crying meltdownerals have problems…lots of problems, and most of them are of their own making. That’s not a secret. We know it…they know it…pretty much everybody knows it.

The list of liberal’s problems is far too long to get into, but one of their biggest problems is that they are far too easily triggered.

Ever since their hopes and dreams for a third term for Obama went up in smoke in the wee hours of November 9th, 2016, liberals have been triggered. The party of tolerance has become just about the most intolerant bunch of triggered trolls one can imagine.

Just about.

There a couple of other groups however that are running stride for stride with liberals in the triggered department, and they are groups fully supported by liberals.

It should come as no great surprise that in being perpetually triggered…

Islam and the LGBTQ bunch are in a dead heat with liberals.

When all three of the most easily triggered groups are combined into one person, well…let the triggering begin.

Just a couple of weeks ago, in Mullen Nebraska, one Ferial Pearson, that would be Dr. Ferial Pearson, an associate professor from the University of Nebraska, a liberal, a self-professed “openly queer woman,” and a muslim  was scheduled to meet with the Mullen School Superintendent regarding some program she was going to present first to the teachers, and then, the next day, to the students.

The program was…Secret Kindness Agents, and apparently, a couple of Mullen’s teachers, believing themselves to be “woke” figured the little town of Mullen, Nebraska NEEDED that program. So…Pearson met with the Superintendent who informed the liberal, gay, muslim indoctrinator that a couple of people in Mullen had googled her, that it’s a conservative community, and that she should leave out any “LGBTQ stuff” from her indoctrination program.

Oh, boy…Pearson said that, “I was immediately on alert.” Here we go…

Pearson said, “I thought of the LGBTQ students in this town and wondered how safe they were.”

Well, let me take a crack at answering that question. I suspect that if there are any LGBTQ students in Mullen, they are a hell of a lot safer in MULLEN than they would be in any primarily muslim Buttcrackistan you would care to name. In muslim countries, gay people are routinely murdered simply because they are gay. Loving someone of the same gender in those places is a death sentence, while loving something of a different species is considered…a normal Tuesday night.

So, Pearson gave her little program on how to be kind to the teachers, but she said, “there were no questions from the staff at the end and no one stayed to talk afterwards, which I am not used to.” What? Nobody in Mullen, Nebraska fawned over her? Nobody stuck around after her presentation to tell her how great she was? Look, I’ve been to Mullen, and there are a few things I can tell you about that small town. First off, they don’t need lessons from anyone, and certainly not from some associate indoctrinator form the University of Nebraska, on how to be kind.

Mullen is, like most small towns in rural Nebraska, a lot like Mayberry. Aunt Bee bakes pies and gives them to her neighbors…the guy at the gas station might seem a little off, but he’s as nice as the day is long, and he can fix anything you can put gas into, the Sheriff might give you a talking to if you double park, and the kids ride their bikes and play outdoors after they finish their homework and their chores.

The good folks in Mullen also have a pretty finely tuned BS detector…so if they didn’t stick around and drool all over you, it’s probably because their BS alarms went off while you were giving your program. Now that’s not to say the good folks in Mullen wouldn’t be nice to you even if they knew you were full of fertilizer, and according to Pearson, “One staff member, while putting away chairs, asked if I would eat a pork sandwich for lunch the next day, which struck me as odd, but I brushed it off.”

Allow me to explain that. There is no doubt that by the time Pearson had arrived in Mullen, everybody knew that she was a liberal, a queer, and a muslim…and they also knew that muslims aren’t known for eating pork.They are also aware that being gay doesn’t fit the muslim ideology, and one of the staff members probably thought…well, if she’s gay, maybe she isn’t apt to stick to the no pork thing either so…and besides, I rather doubt that a staff member just asked point blank if she would eat a pork sandwich. My guess is that she was asked if she would eat lunch at the school, Pearson asked what was being served, and the staff member told her it was pork sandwiches.

Pearson claims that, “When I got back to my motel room, I called my husband and told him I was on edge, that it felt uncomfortable to be there, but that I thought I might just be hyper-vigilant and oversensitive…” Well, suck it up cupcake…the whole world…that would be the REAL world…isn’t a make-believe place geared up just to make YOU feel comfortable…but you can see where this is going…straight toward Triggeredville.

And then…it happened…Pearson was informed about a FB post from Mullen’s Deb Cox…

And her attention was drawn to some of the comments left in the thread, one involving Chris Kyle…and Kalifa bar the door…Pearson was triggered.

Regarding the Chris Kyle comment, Pearson said, “it implies that this parent show up and do what Chris Kyle bragged about doing — killing innocent Muslims.”

So…what was the Chris Kyle comment on that thread? Simply this…”Ok Steven this is some bs all I can say is Chris Kyle was a cowboy first…just be a cowboy.” What Person, steeped in liberalism, gay culture and islam clearly doesn’t realize is that in this part of the country, being a cowboy means minding your manners. Nothing more…nothing less. But let’s get something straight here…Chris Kyle never bragged about killing innocent muslims. He was in a war zone, and had to adhere to the rules of engagement. He killed islamist insurgents who were a threat to Americans in the area…and he was proud that his abilities kept our people, as well as innocent civilians safe.

But the too easily triggered gay, liberal muslima claims she was terrified…she was reminded of mass shootings…was afraid of a lynch mob…and decided to speak the next day at the school only because the Sheriff would be there to protect her…in Mullen, Nebraska…in Mayberry.

By the way, Mullen, Nebraska is in Hooker County, and Hooker County is the most felony-free county in Nebraska. Obviously, little miss Associate Professor/indoctrinator didn’t do her homework.

Pearson said that she “ran to the bathroom and threw up several times. I called my husband, panicking, unable to say much other than “I want to go home. Please. I want to go home.”

Pearson did speak to the students…but…just before her presentation, when Deb Cox arrived at the school, Pearson said that she “hid in the office while the sheriff escorted her (Cox) down to the gym where I was to speak.”

She made that up. Deb Cox was not escorted by the Sheriff…she walked in with the school Superintendent while they chatted about golf and simply took her seat. No fuss, no muss.

Personally, I have met Deb Cox, and I am acquainted with her former husband, AB Cox. I know a good many people who are good friends of the Cox family, and not one of them knows the Cox’s to be anything but salt of the earth people. Deb isn’t prone to violence, other than taking aim at a fly heading towards one of her apple pies, and I’m sure it was laughable to Deb to accused of having to be escorted into the school by the Sheriff.

I know I laughed when my friend Twyla told me about it.

On her way home, after not being shot at or lynched, Pearson said that she, “had a lot of time to think on that drive. I believe that one of the reasons for this type of hatred and bigotry is the result of absent narratives and the perpetuation of single narratives in the curriculum, and that a multicultural curriculum which includes world religions classes and positive representations of historically underrepresented groups is CRUCIAL in every district.”

Now would be the prime time to point out a few things to Pearson. Regarding Mullen, Nebraska…yep, it’s a small town, population 459, mostly white, and overwhelmingly Christian in its demographics…but it doesn’t not exist in a vacuum. Mullen has paved roads, indoor plumbing and internet access. The good people of Mullen also have eyes and ears, and they have seen, and heard the abject hatred from the left, from the LGBTQ community, and certainly from the Islamic world.

The people of Mullen are well-aware of what the ideology of islam has done, and they know that last week, Muslims butchered a Bible translator to death with machete in Cameroon, and chopped off his wife’s arm. The good folks in Mullen, Nebraska know that the number of acid attacks in London has gone from 66 in 2012, to 752 last year making what was once the cultural center of the British Isles into the acid attack capitol of the western world. By now, the folks in Mullen are also aware that at least 147 people were killed earlier this week by islamist terrorists who attacked a Kenyan university, singled out Christian students to murder.

The good people of Mullen, Nebraska will never forget 9/11, they remember Furgesson, they saw what happened when Conservatives went to speak at Berkeley, they hear about attacks on police officers, and they can’t figure out why kids in a football game aren’t allowed to kneel in prayer, but encouraged to take a knee during the National Anthem. In Mullen, they stand for the Anthem, and give thanks on their knees.

The good people of Mullen Nebraska, and this includes Deb Cox and all who left a comment on her post, have seen what life is like in your culturally diverse, liberal run inner cities…Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, L.A., Baltimore and other places…they understand completely that those places are the example of what you are trying to teach their kids, and they don’t want a damn thing to do with it, or for that matter, with you.

The good people of Mullen, Nebraska aren’t “woke” in your way of thinking Ms. Pearson…they don’t hate America, and they’re aren’t about to pretend to be ashamed of either their skin color, or their culture. They know the value of hard work, and the rewards of it and they don’t feel entitled to what others have earned.  While they aren’t “woke,” they are wide awake…they see reality, and this is cattle country…they know bullcrap when they smell it.

In fact, Ms. Pearson, I suspect there isn’t one single person in Mullen, Nebraska who doesn’t know which bathroom they are supposed to use.

Ms. Pearson, you wrote your little article which can be read by clicking here, and in it, you painted the people of Mullen, Nebraska as being the most hateful, most vile, and most violent people imaginable. You did to them exactly what you claim they did to you…and yet you profess to teach people how to be kind to one another.

Pearson said, “A lot of times those of us from marginalized communities when we experience oppression and discrimination and hate, we don’t get believed and I thought- well here’s proof and I also need these folks to know that I’m not alone. That there are other people who have my back.”

Ms. Pearson, do you even care that some of your “Secret Kindness Agents,” those who have your back, sent vile messages to Deb Cox, and one even made a death threat against Deb Cox? Those threats came from people who share your ideologies Ms. Pearson…not from the sort of people in Mullen, Nebraska…and in these parts, that makes you a pretty piss-poor spreader of kindness.

For her part, Deb Cox said, “I don’t have any hate or animosity towards her at all. What I don’t care for is the part that we are being asked as individuals to promote lifestyles that go against our faith.”

Ms. Pearson, anyone with a lick of common sense who reads your little article will clearly see that you weren’t there in Mullen, Nebraska to spread kindness…you were there simply to indoctrinate those students to think just like you…a furtherance of the liberal agenda. You don’t give a happy damn about those who don’t share your ideologies…your article makes it abundantly clear that any whose opinions differ from yours are vile excuses for human beings…that they’re entitled to your opinions, but not to their own. You don’t care whether those students are kind to others…the only thing you care about is that they think, and act like good little liberals.

Here’s a little something else about the people of Mullen you are simply to thick too realize…they’re able to spot a hypocrite from 10 miles off.

By and large, the people in Mullen, Nebraska don’t care what color anyone is, they don’t care much what religion someone follows, and while they may have a difference of political opinion with some of their neighbors, when the chips are down, they will stand with their neighbors, help their neighbors, and they will even offer a stranger with whom they don’t agree a pork sandwich for lunch.

The good, kind people of Mullen, Nebraska are cowboys first Ms. Pearson, and whether you like them or not, they mind their manners while showing you the door.

It appears to me that the gay, muslim, liberal Associate Indoctrinator didn’t take too kindly to being schooled by Mullen, Nebraska.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2019/ All rights reserved



For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, Two Cases…Two Verdicts Overturned…Two Reasons To Clear Our Judicial House

7 thoughts on “Mullen, Nebraska Schools a Triggered Indoctrinator

  1. I saw that she visited another neb small town school this week. Had no problems but didn’t write an article or even a Facebook post. She answered a comment that asked how it went. Calls a whole section of a state racist off of an online post . Only reports on the bad. typical liberal nutjob . Scary that this lady is a college professor !

  2. This is great! I’m from Mullen and I actually got quite the laught out of all the articles, and comments made, about my home town. Anyone who knows the town, or the people, would also laugh at the accusations. I appreciate your article and will be passing it along!

  3. F you!! And I grew up there… I think you need to listen to her bullying and kindness speech. She was not there too spread her views that may or may not be liberal to the students and faculty. And I think you need to read her article again. And I’ve also known Deb Cox for a long time and know how she is. She had too much time on her hands and decided to stir up trouble which that’s what she usually does in my opinion.

    • So…you lack the courage to include your name…AND you begin your little lecture on kindness with…and I quote…”F you!!!” That’s just priceless.

  4. If I could do it, I would move my whole family to Mullen, Nebraska!!!! I love those folks already and would love to join them for pork sandwiches anywhere!!!! Great read and great information too. It is time for “regular” people to speak up like Deb Cox did. I’d love to meet her!!!!

  5. Great article Craig. I was very unhappy with how my home town was portrayed by this Ms Pearson. You told it like many people in Mullen think but will not say anything.

    • Thanks Donald. I wish more folks in Mullen and everywhere else for that matter would ignore the left’s attempts to intimidate them into silence, and speak out for what is right, and and tell it like it really is. The tactic of liberals now is to silence those who have differing opinions by launching preemptive strikes aimed at making good people afraid to embrace their culture, their beliefs and their way of life. Mullen is both a great place to, and as you can attest, a great place to be from.

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