The Dangerous Truth of Liberal Word Games

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

Back in the 1970’s, liberals told us that the world was about to enter an ice age the likes of which would destroy life as we knew it, and from which, there would be no coming back. Global cooling is what they called it, and unless we did something about pollution, right then, we would all surely die.

But it didn’t get any colder, and along came the 1990’s and Al Gore. Al told us that unless we did something about pollution, and did it right then, the whole world would literally cook itself to death, and all of humanity cook right along with it.

But it didn’t get any warmer. In fact, Al had to cancel one global warming summit after another because of…blizzards…never thinking to try and hold one in Death Valley in August.


Because it wasn’t getting any colder, and ice wasn’t covering the streets of Phoenix, and because it wasn’t getting any warmer, with Anchorage never putting in a bid to host the summer Olympics…global cooling/global warming became…climate change…which was meant to cover the asses of liberals no matter what the weather decided to do at any given moment.

And to be clear…”climate change” is the replacement phrase for what used to be called…”the weather.”

Word games are nothing new for liberals, and there is a reason for that. Liberals have to continually alter the words we use for certain things because the time-honored words and phrases have distinct meanings, which denote certain hard, cold facts and truths. Neither liberals nor their agenda have a relationship with hard, cold facts and truths, so in order to get people to maybe buy into their agenda, certain things must be rebranded, and you must hear that rebranding so often that you either start believing it, or you simply forget what the hard, cold facts and truths ever were.

Let’s examine some of these liberal word games and the dangerous truth behind them..

Myth number one…a racist used to be someone who held, or acted on a grudge against anyone not of their own skin color, based solely on skin color, and while there have always been and always will be such people in the world, the liberal word game has changed the definition of a racist from the aforementioned, to now being defined as anyone who holds any opinion that differs from the liberal agenda.

Regardless of how you feel about the color of your own skin, or anyone else’s for that matter, you are now a “racist” if you have a job, if you think America should protect its borders, if you stand for law and order, if you stand for our National Anthem, or if you support the white man who defeated the liberal’s white woman in the 2016 election.

The idea in this is for liberals to embarrass you, humiliate you and insult you by calling you a “racist” until you relent and vote liberal so as to prove you’re not a racist, and to help that tactic along, some white liberals have become so brainwashed as to now apologize for, and rally against being white. Rosanna Arquette, a Hollywood liberal recently tweeted, “I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame.”

That’s the race-baiting equivalent of a carbon offset for “climate change.” Arquette’s morality now has an offset for the color of her skin and she, and the liberal word game elite are hoping you take the bait and likewise apologize for what you had absolutely no control over, and that you back up that apology by voting liberal to show your sincerity, and to prove that you are now…”woke.”

Let’s talk about “hate crimes” for a moment. It used to be that one of the first rhymes a child would learn was, “sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That was before liberals came to rely on victimhood status as their core voting bloc. Over the last couple of decades, liberals have noticed that their voting bloc had started to shrink, and they needed more “victims” to prop up their numbers. That is why, over the last couple of decades, liberals have labeled more, and more minority groups as “victims” of something, and it is why today, liberals claim that you can qualify as a victim based on what someone else might think of you.

A “hate crime” is really nothing more, or less, than a thought that liberals don’t care for, and if you happen to think something that they don’t like, to liberals, you are guilty of a crime…a thought crime…and they have decided to refer to such as “hate crimes.”

For instance, if you happen to think that gay people are somehow immoral, and you just happen to tell a gay person that, you have committed a “hate crime.” Let’s say that you are walking down the sidewalk, and you notice someone on their knees with their butt in the air, and you take advantage of the target presented and give that person a bit of a kick as you pass by. That’s a simple assault…unless that person happens to be of the muslim ideology…then it’s a “hate crime.”

The problem is, liberals have applied to it their word game nonsense. Originally, it was the “The Civil Rights Act of 1968,” that set things into motion. In 1994, that was expanded to include the “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.” After that came the “Church Arson Prevention Act,” and little by little, liberals expanded it to include more, and more groups of people all the way to today at which point if you throw a man dressed as a woman out of the restroom where your little daughter went to use the facilities, you can be charged with a “hate crime.”

All the term really means is that a judge can sentence you to more time behind bars if the judge thinks that you spent any time at all thinking about what you might do in such cases. It is a way for liberals to try to control what you think. The problem is…it’s arbitrary in its application. What may be believed by one person to be a crime based in hatred of a particular group may not be perceived as such by others, and there seems to be no set standard of proof required in making such a charge. There’s a reason for that. It’s necessary to keep it fluid for liberals to continue to lower the bar to meet whatever present need they have.

More examples of word game foolishness by liberals include “undocumented immigrant” rather than illegal alien. “Economically challenged areas” used to be slums. “Season’s Greetings” rather than Merry Christmas. You get the idea, and don’t even get me started with the whole gender thing. All of it however comes under the generalized, liberal word game heading of “politically correct,” and that should tell you just about all you need to know. Politically…correct…in that what is correct in the view of Image result for liberal thought controlliberalism, is only what that particular political party deems to be correct regardless of the reality of hard, cold facts and truths.

While a good deal of this sort of word game foolishness is designed to control your way of thinking, and thus control your actions in accordance with a singular political viewpoint, there are other reasons for it, and one that has recently come to light is to simply make things that are problematic for liberals…vanish from the lexicon.

Take San Francisco as an example. Recently, the Bay City has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Crime has been soaring. Homelessness is staggering. People are allowed to relieve themselves on city streets, sidewalks, and in parks.  The city is a mess, it’s getting worse by the day, there is no light at the end of that bleak tunnel, and liberals have no one to blame for it but themselves. It starting to have the obvious effect too. Tourism is down, people are moving out, and the danger level there is on a sharp incline.

What should be done is a mass clean-up effort that would involve law enforcement, adhering to laws, an end to sanctuary city status, and to stop coddling those who have no regard for the rule of law. But that is not the option chosen by the liberal leaders of San Francisco. They went in the word game direction.

You see, in San Francisco, the real problem isn’t that San Francisco has real problems…they think the problem is that people are aware of their real problems…and that’s what has to change. People must be made unaware of the problems, and the best way to accomplish that is by employing word games to make the perception of the problems vanish.

Convicts, ex-cons, or convicted felons are no longer allowed to be referred to by their hard, cold reality. They are now to be referred to only as, “justice-involved individuals.” The police are “justice-involved individuals,” just as victims of crimes are involved in justice. Judges, court reporters, witnesses, and those who empty the trash cans at City Hall are all “justice-involved individuals.”

In San Francisco, anyone under the tender age of 18 who got in trouble over and over with the law used to be called juvenile delinquents, but now, they must be referred to as, “young people impacted by the juvenile justice system.”

That could just as easily describe the kid whose bike was stolen, as the kid who stole it.

And henceforth, the Bay City has no more drug addicts despite the growing number of used needles you might find on the streets, sidewalks or parks in the shadow of the Golden Gate…such addicts are now nothing more than, “people with the history of substance use.”

While Liberals are trying to disguise this as “political correctness” meant to spare the fragile feelings of criminals and drug addicts, nothing could be further from the truth. What liberals are doing here is trying to make a problem of their own making simply disappear. Thanks to liberal word games…San Francisco no longer has such problems. Ask any San Francisco city official who toes the liberal line how many convicts, or ex-cons they have roaming the streets, and they’ll tell you…none. Ask them how many juvenile delinquents they have causing problems for law abiding folks…none. Just ask about the number of drug addicts San Francisco has and those liberal officials can now proudly tell you that there are no drug addicts in the City by the Bay, and that city’s liberal leaders can now proclaim that they have cleaned up crime in San Francisco.

But there’s more to it than just that…

If you happen to be a law abiding citizen of San Francisco…congratulations…now the criminal element of your city is on the same level as you are. There’s no difference now in the way they are referred to than the way you are referred to. If you are taking meds for a heart problem, you too have “a history of substance use.” If you have ever reported vandalism to your property, or harm to yourself inflicted by someone under the age of 18, you too are now “impacted by the juvenile justice system.” And, if you have ever been the victim of a crime, you are now also a “justice-involved individual.”

Liberals in San Francisco haven’t raised the status of criminals and drug addicts…those liberals have lowered your status to the same level of criminals and drug addicts.

Behold the reality of socialism…where everybody’s equal at the bottom of the barrel, because socialism has never been, and will never be capable of raising anyone up. If you’re a liberal, planning to vote for liberals whose platform is based on socialism, be aware that it’s nothing but word games…in a game you will never win…

And the best you can hope for is a participation trophy.

Copyright © Craig Andresen/ 2019/ All rights reserved


For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article, The Untold Truth About the Rainforest Fires.



Friday, August 30th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Untold Truth About the Rainforest Fires’; ”; and important news of the day.

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