Elizabeth Warren…A 100% Real, Genuine Fake Indian

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It comes as no surprise at all that Elizabeth Warren is not an American Indian…we have known that all along…what is surprising however is the fact that after she herself released the DNA results that PROVE she is not an American Indian…she has doubled down on the false claim that she IS one.

Earlier this week, Warren released her DNA results, and also released a campaign ad touting those results as proof that she is an American Indian.

A hungry to prove the thinking world wrong, and to poke President Trump with a stick mainstream media immediately seized upon the DNA test results to crow about Warren being an American Indian.

Then…they started looking at the numbers…and issuing one story retraction after another.

Elizabeth Warren’s DNA results show that she is, in fact…

1/1024th American Indian.

The exact number came out to be…0.0009765625%…statistically zero…American Indian.

According to the DNA results, one would have to potentially go back ten generations, to a point before this country was even a country, to find a single drop of American Indian sap in Elizabeth Warren’s family tree.

To put it another way, Fauxchahontas is a 100 percent, real…genuine fake Indian.

Everybody is familiar with Ivory Soap. Ivory Soap’s big claim to fame is that it is 99.44% pure.

By comparison…Elizabeth Warren is more lily-white than a bar of Ivory Soap. Also, by comparison, most European-Americans have more indigenous blood in them than does Elizabeth Warren, and that’s not a good thing for Warren, or liberals heading into the midterm election…especially because even after the not at all stunning revelation, Warren is still claiming American Indian ancestry.

Faced with the glaring light of truth, neither Princess Moonbat Feathers nor her liberal supporters can bring themselves to admit it was all a lie.

Her claims of American Indian heritage that she used to secure plumb positions in prestigious asylums of higher indoctrination were lies. Elizabeth Warren’s claims of American Indian ancestry while running for the senate were lies, and her continuing claims of American Indian kinship are lies.

Warren claims that she based her claims of American Indian ancestry on stories told by her parents…and maybe she did believe the tall tales…but political correctness aside…native Americans look different than non-native Americans and even a kid with a working brain cell would have questioned the fabricated story.

Warren, in that interview, spins the yarn that her mother and father had to elope because her father’s parents forbid them to marry…because Warren’s mother was part Cherokee, and part Delaware Indian. Now IF that statement were true…wouldn’t that make Warren’s mother FULL Indian…and wouldn’t one be able to tell by LOOKING at Warren’s mother than she was an Indian?

Add to the lies the fact that nobody in Elizabeth Warren’s family could name an Indian ancestor, or for that matter, come up with a generation in which such supposed ancestors were involved in the family process…other than Warren’s claim that the Indian in the Warren family tribe was dear old mom.

American Indian features are quite strong and distinctive. There’s a very good reason for this…because for thousands of years, those features were unaltered by outside genetic influences, and let’s face it…you just don’t see pasty white blonde haired kids popping out of a part Cherokee, part Delaware Indian woman.

But the problem for Elizabeth Warren goes much deeper than the surface lie or even that she used the lie to help obtain professional positions although a liberal seizing affirmative action bonus points certainly does fly in the face of their assertions of white privilege.

Here’s the deal…

It may well be true that Elizabeth Warren’s parents had to elope because her grandparents, on her dad’s side forbid them to marry…but the fabricated story she tells in the video above exposes something no liberal can brings themselves to admit.

If the elopement story has any truth to it at all, it means that Warren’s grandparents on her father’s side were…racist bigots. Most likely, they just didn’t like Warren’s mother…but they concocted a story of her being an American Indian to justify their dislike of the woman. Warren’s grandparents may well have not liked the woman based on who knows what, and they may well also have not liked American Indians because they weren’t white, and so they slapped a false identity on Warren’s mother as true racists would, to make Warren’s mother, in their eyes, racially undesirable.

Elizabeth Warren accepted that lie because she couldn’t be thought of as a liberal being the product of racists, and then realized there was a certain privilege in being something she wasn’t…a liberal privilege as in being able to claim victimhood by stolen ancestry.

Once Warren started seeing positive results from her ancestral theft, she began to perpetuate the lie while cashing in on white guilt…and the further it took her, the more she relied on it and benefitted from it.

Chief Spreading Bull used her pretend American Indian ancestry to further her professional and political careers, but the DNA results do a lot more than just confirm what we all already knew, and more than prove Warren to be a liar…but only if one steps back far enough to see the bigger picture.

Elizabeth Warren lied about her ancestry, that much we always knew, and can now prove, but she isn’t the only party in this guilty of misappropriation of a culture…there’s also Harvard.

In 1993, the Harvard Crimson reported that the “Law School faculty voted yesterday to offer a tenured position to Visiting Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren.” The paper went on to state that the hiring of Warren, “marks an advance in the student and faculty effort to improve faculty diversity.”

In 1995, the Harvard Crimson referred to Elizabeth Warren as a “Native American.”

While we have always known that liberal’s primary purpose is to fool the gullible into voting for them, this proves it because what we see in the bigger picture here is the fact that is was vastly more important to Harvard to APPEAR diverse on paper than to actually BE diverse in reality. Harvard law, a liberal enclave going at least as far back as Warren would have to go to find a drop of American Indian blood in her veins, had to know at a glance that she was no American Indian, but to satisfy a directive to be more diverse than Warren’s family had ever been, ran with the con job and published the notion that they then had on staff, a Native American law professor.

Adding to the farce, Harvard must have trotted the farce out every chance they got…embellishing it along the way…because in 1996, the Fordham Law Review ran with a story claiming that Elizabeth Warren was Harvard Law School’s “first woman of color,” something Harvard must have been touting via press releases. One would have to guess there was no photo to accompany the story as that would have led to questions nobody wanted to answer.

So, why all the lying from such prestigious schools of law? Simple…affirmative action…a grand part of the liberal agenda by which skin color had more to do with one’s qualifications for a position that their actual qualifications…and as proof of this…an Affirmative Action handbook from 1999 published by Harvard makes reference to their “Native American” law professor…and as Fordham had already made it known that Warren was the ONLY such AT Harvard…it’s easy to know just who they were talking about.

Sure Warren used her pretend status to advance her career, but she didn’t pull one over on Harvard or Fordham…Harvard was playing along. Harvard Law also benefitted by being able to pretend they were more diverse while all the while, not being any more diverse than a bag of Wonder Bread..

Lucky for both Warren and Harvard, they had the same get out of trouble free card to play if they got caught…Harvard could say, “Well…she TOLD us she was an American Indian,” and Warren could say, “Well…MOM told ME I was a Native American.

Obviiously however, it didn’t all start at Harvard…Warren saw the potential in growing the lie much earlier than that.

Back in the 1980’s, at the time when Dances With Soros started seeing the benefits of not white privilege, she perpetuated the lie by submitting five recipes to the ‘Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes’ cookbook…in which she took on the Cherokee ancestry.

Of her five handed down from generation to generation American Indian time-honored recipes, were three that were either swiped from the NY Times, or Better Homes and Gardens…two publications often subscribed to by her ancestral Cherokee tribe, no doubt.

Two of those recipes were for…“Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing.” And “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat”.

Clearly, her Cherokee ancestors, from what we now know as Oklahoma, were roaming the great plains and when the dried buffalo jerky ran out, they would pack up the tepees and papooses and make the long and arduous trek to near what is now near Norman, Oklahoma and the annual crab hunting grounds where they would deftly, and stealthily engage in the crab harvest.

Mayonnaise, being an old Cherokee staple year round was often used by Elizabeth Warren’s ancestors as a practical condiment in the hot summers on the great plains, as back in the 19th century, Indians rather enjoyed a bit of zest mixed into their crab salads…and what 19th century Cherokee didn’t like a good cold crab meat omelet breakfast before sending out a scouting party to raid a settler’s encampment?

Sadly, while the white man was hunting the buffalo to near extinction all across the great plains…the Indians were decimating the once grand herds of wild crabs that stretched as far as the eye could see in Central North America for no other reason than they enjoyed a good brunch.

Luckily, however…the old time-honored Cherokee tradition of fresh prairie crab can still be enjoyed on the all you can eat Cherokee Indian Casino buffets across Oklahoma.

While this depiction may not be completely historically accurate, it is at least as plausible as Elizabeth Warren’s claim of American Indian ancestry…but let’s be honest here…something Warren is apparently incapable of…

1/1024 American Indian ancestry aside…it takes a good deal more than a DNA test one applies for online to have true American Indian ancestry, because such ancestry has a good deal to do with more than one’s blood…American Indian ancestry is as much about cultural identity as it is about one’s genes.

American Indians are a proud lot, and rightly so, and regardless of their individual genetic disposition, or tribal affinity, they share a sense of very real heritage, experiences, traditions and hardships…crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing notwithstanding…none of which is shared in any way, shape or form by Elizabeth Warren.

For instance…I can trace my family genetics directly back to one of King Henry the VIII’s wives, and one of his court jesters…but that doesn’t make me a member of the British Royal Family….it’s an interesting anecdote but it doesn’t line me up for a share of the Crown Jewels even though I am a good deal closer to a knighthood than Warren is to a Beloved Woman of the Cherokee Nation status…by DNA percentage.

Sadly, far too many of today’s young, and older members of the Indian Nations seem to be more interested in fostering stereotypes than in respecting their ancestral heritage, and those who truly embrace their heritage and culture would be the first to agree with me. Too many Native Americans today are marinating in their ancestor’s misery, using it as an excuse for their own, and too few are respecting their heritage to lift themselves from self-imposed victimhood…but that’s for a different article.

True Cherokee Nation citizens are those who can directly trace their origins directly to a family member who signed the Dawes Roll census at the turn of the 19th-20th century, and Warren simply can’t do that, which makes her claims, DNA test or not…bogus…and makes her, at best, an infringer…and more accurately…a liar.

In Elizabeth Warren’s quest to maintain a long told lie about her heritage, what she has actually done is water down what it means to respect any heritage…Indian or otherwise. She has reduced what is considered proof of one’s heritage to a glob of saliva in a small test tube and eliminated any sense of culture from it completely.

She has staked a claim on the Trail of Tears without ever setting an ancestral foot on that soil and in doing so, Elizabeth Warren has first, used that lie as a way to benefit professionally, and later, politically via the usurping of the ancestral victimhood status of another culture so as to appear more one with those she is conning for votes.

What those who were my ancestors did to the ancestors of today’s American Indians wasn’t right…far from it…but that doesn’t make me the perpetrator of those wrongs any more than it makes today’s American Indians victims of it, but Warren expanded her liberal sense of white guilt to the extreme, by falsely claiming to be a part of another culture’s ancestral victims.

After claiming for decades to be of American Indian ancestry,Warren now says that she took the DNA test, and released the results…which prove she’s been lying for decades…to prove her continued false claim to Native American heritage “in an effort to restore people’s trust in government.”

It’s a bit like building a new Hindenburg, filling it with hydrogen and striking a match to restore people’s trust in dirigible travel.

Using Elizabeth Warren’s yardstick…I am genetically linked to a Golden Retriever…based solely on the fact that I have been called a son of a bitch by liberals for years.

Who’s a good boy…come on…who’s a good boy?

© Craig Andresen/thenationalpatriot.com 2018

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article The Electoral College: The Vote Equalizer v. Mob Rule *************************************************************************************************


Today, Tuesday, October 23rd from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss ‘The Electoral College: The Vote Equalizer v. Mob Rule’: ‘Elizabeth Warren…A 100% Real, Genuine Fake Indian’; and important news of the day.

Hope you can tune in at: http://listen.samcloud.com/w/73891/American-Political-Radio#history
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