A New House of Cards

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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As we get near the 2018 midterm elections, with an eye on 2020, the democratic party thinks they have it all figured out. They’re busy, even as you read this, laying the groundwork for their new and improved political platform.

Given the direction they’re going, they must believe they’ve finally unlocked the key to their 2016 presidential defeat.

The liberals just weren’t…

Liberal enough.

In light of that epiphany, the left side of the political aisle has decided to slide even further to the left, because…apparently…the socialists weren’t socialist enough to win in 2016, and by becoming more socialist than Castro, they think they’ve got a shot at it this November, and in 2020.

To highlight the plunge over the abyss of socialism that they now believe will raise them to new heights…

Lliberals, like Cory Booker, are advocating something called the “Federal Jobs Guarantee Act,” which would “create an employment guarantee would give all Americans a shot at a day’s work and, by introducing competition into the labor market, raise wages and improve benefits for all workers.” 

The jobs would pay the higher of $15 per hour or the prevailing wage and offer paid family leave and health benefits, at least that’s what the liberals are telling everybody…what they’re not telling everybody is just who…exactly…is going to be providing those jobs, and/or those wages and benefits.

Guess who?

The American taxpayers…those working for a living, striving to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck…most of whom don’t even own a business. That’s correct…brand new “Federal Jobs Guarantee Act,” employees will actually be…government employees, and since we all know, or at the very least should know that government has no money of their own…the government will be taking more of your money so as to guarantee someone a job.

Trust me on this…the Federal Jobs Guarantee Act would make Roosevelt’s New Deal look like a 6year old’s lemon aid stand, and trust me too on this aspect of it…it wouldn’t be designed to guarantee jobs…it would be designed for nothing less than guaranteeing democrat votes, by creating a situation where more, and more and more people rely on liberals to keep the gravy train rolling.

Don’t think so?

Take into account what would become part and parcel of this socialist plot…“infrastructure, care giving, the environment, education and other goals.”

Let me put it another way so as to highlight the truth…”infrastructure,” because if we don’t make people wards of the democrat party and in return bestow upon them at least a $15/hr. wage and benefits to boot, our bridges will all fall down and people will die…”care-giving,” because if we don’t make people wards of the democrat party at taxpayer expense and bestow upon them a guaranteed $15/hr. wage and full benefits, people won’t be cared for and they’ll die…”the environment,” because unless we hike the hell out of your taxes to guarantee people at least $15/hr. and a benefits package the polar caps will melt and polar bears will die…and “education,” because even though the liberals have already turned our public schools, colleges and universities into indoctrination centers and asylums of higher indoctrination…we have to do this for the children, or the children will die.

Last week, a liberal’s liberals, Sen. Kristen Gilibrand said that the program would, “help regular Americans who are unemployed and willing to work to better their local community.” All you have to do is substitute the term “socialist collective” for the word, “community” in that statement to decode its true meaning.

Naturally, if liberals were being honest, they’d tell you the cost of this whole thing is going to be more massive than anyone could imagine, and it will be paid for by removing a boatload of money from each and every American’s paycheck…but these are liberals planning all of this, so Bernie Sanders’ office simply lied and said that they have not yet done a cost estimate, or devised how they would pay for the government commitment.

Liberals, of course aren’t going to stop with such a massive tax hike to fund a guaranteed jobs act…as other parts of their hard to the left platform also include…Medicare for all, free college for all, and…wait for it…

Reparations for slavery to black people.

Seriously…reparations…given to people who have never been slaves, and paid for by people who have never owned slaves because, apparently what ended more than 150 years ago in this country still has a monetary effect on people today, but that’s a different topic, and a different article.

Some folks have for years, chastised me either lightly, or harshly for referring to what were once democrats that became liberals as socialists…but perhaps now that more than two dozen candidates for various offices, at various levels from sea to still capitalist sea have announced that they are, indeed, running as socialists.

The question is…to whom exactly are they trying to appeal?

Simply put, young, indoctrinated snowflakes who either can’t, or don’t want to deal with real life…at least, they don’t want to be responsible for real life. Socialism means that the government provides, government is responsible, and government protects you from…yourself.

What these young socialists have never been told, or don’t care to hear, is the truth about socialism, and there are a few key truths with which they need to come to grips. First, as I said before, the only money the government has, is the money they take from those who earn it, and if everybody ends up on the government dole, be it a guaranteed job, or welfare, and I grant it’s hard to define much of a difference, sooner or later there won’t be anyone from whom the government can take money, and as the government can’t very well take money from itself…you’ve got a big problem.

Margret Thatcher said it best…“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” And believe me, when the government runs out of other people’s money, ain’t nobody getting provided for, ain’t nobody gonna be responsible, and ain’t nobody gonna be there to protect you from anything…including from yourself.

Second…socialism fails…every time…everywhere because…eventually it runs out of other people’s money.

Third…when you rely on the government from the moment you wake up, until you go to bed, and rely on the government while you’re sleeping for each and every thing you want or need…the government is in complete control. So, what exactly does that mean? It means it will be the government under socialism that decides what you want…it will be the government that decides what you need…and it’ll be the government that decides what you get…until the government starts running out of other people’s money, at which point the government will decide that you’re gonna start getting less and less than what you actually need, and nothing of what you want…and that of course includes where your health, and the health of your loved ones is concerned.

Part of the allure of socialism to young people, is that everybody will be equal, and in fact, everybody will be equal, but the reality of it is that everybody will be equally poor. Socialism doesn’t provide anyone with the opportunity to climb the ladder of success as capitalism does…socialism knocks everybody down to the bottom rung of the ladder, and only the socialist political elite have the money.

Another part of the allure of socialism to young people is that under socialism, everything you need is free. Oh really? Somebody has to be paying for your healthcare…somebody has to be paying for your education…somebody has to be paying for what you eat, the gas for your car, your light bill, your water bill and on, and on it goes.

Just remember, as is often the case…you get what you pay for.

A recent microcosm of socialism played out in this country just a few short years ago…it was called, “Occupy Wall Street,” and that movement was made up primarily of young people blinded by the allures of socialism…free food, free drinks, free blankets, and free entertainment. It was great for them while it lasted, but faster than any of those young socialists could have imagined, the reality of socialism kicked them squarely in the ass.

Suddenly, the food wasn’t free any more. The drinks weren’t free any more. There were no more free blankets, and no more free entertainment.

“Occupy Wall Street”…the movement…that socialist movement…had run out of other people’s money, and the socialists who embodied the movement evaporated.

Socialists, by any other name, call themselves a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, or D.S.A. which seems to be nothing more, or less, than an attempt to make their socialist platform more palatable to the general population.

Franklin Bynum, who recently won the democratic nomination for a criminal judgeship in Texas said, “Yes, I’m running as a socialist. I’m a far-left candidate. What I’m trying to do is be a Democrat who actually stands for something, and tells people, ‘Here’s how we are going to materially improve conditions in your life.’”

Let me break that down, and decode it…what Bynum is saying is that democrats, as democrats simply don’t stand for anything, and that in order to stand for something, democrats must move further and further to the left and become socialists. Then, as socialists, such former democrats and liberals must then stand for big government, invasive government, and hike everybody’s taxes through the stratosphere in order to “materially improve conditions in your life,” by making everything…”free.”

In other words, for democrats and/or liberals to stand for anything at all, they must set their platform on a direct collision course with running out of other people’s money.But there’s a good deal more to it than the pending financial collapse that socialism always brings about…there is also the must have fundamental collapse which is necessary before the financial collapse can even begin, and Obama set the stage for that when he promised to “fundamentally transform America.”

Before socialism can eventually run out of other people’s money, the fundamental bedrock of a nation must be erased, and in our case, that means the destruction of the Constitution, which is something Obama tried to do, and something Hillary would have** tried to finish had she been elected.

This goes a long ways toward explaining why yesterday’s liberals…today’s socialists…are so bent on getting rid of President Trump, who promised not to fundamentally transform America, but to make America great again. That, of course, wasn’t the only thing then candidate Trump promised…he also said we might get tired of winning…and in that regard, yesterday’s liberals, today’s socialists are tired of winning.

President Trump, in less than two years, has managed to steer the ship of state back to success, and away from collapse. Our economy is growing again, unemployment is at an all-time low in 14 states, people are reentering the workforce, businesses are growing, hiring, and many are returning to our now much more friendly tax climate.

Consumer confidence is rising, spending is rising, and trade is swinging back toward an even playing field.

On the world stage, the U.S. is once again leading from the front, our allies respect us again, and our enemies once again fear us.

This fundamental shift back to what makes America great, and away from what garners votes from young, idealistic, and mind-numbed socialists…the utopia of free everything, and income equality even though in a socialist nation that means that everybody will be equally poor, has today’s socialists so desperate to remove President Trump from office, that they have manufacture a lie about collusion with the Russians, and have pinned their hopes and dreams of removing Trump on a porn star, and their hopes and dreams of fundamental transformation on a high school student who has been anything but truthful regarding his whereabouts during a school shooting.

As liberals grow more and more desperate, and openly turn to running as socialists, we Conservatives must avoid the primary pitfall of winning…complacency.

We, as Conservatives, must not grow complacent, and must continue to work toward replacing the complacent Republican members of government at all levels…local, state and federal…with elected officials who embody Constitutional values, Conservative core principles of smaller, less intrusive government, lower taxes, national security, military strength, and reliance on individual opportunity and private business rather than reliance on government, and government mandates and regulations.

America has always been the land of opportunity, and has never been the land of governmental forced equality, which can only be accomplished when the government controls every aspect of our lives. It’s the difference between Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, and a life of servitude to the government.

The new democrat bent isn’t so much a party platform as it is a house of cards, and liberals can run as socialists if they want to…it is, after all, still a free country, but it is up to us to see to it that they fail, lest our country fail due to our complacency.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog The Patriot Factor to read her latest article Slavery’s Islamic Face.


Today, Tuesday, May 1st from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss Slavery’s Islamic Face; the new Democrat Party platform; important news of the day; and a special discussion on the muslim invasion of Europe.

Hope you can tune in at:http://listen.samcloud.com/w/73891/American-Political-Radio#history