Liberals Going Whole Hogg Against Our Rights

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

So…last week, there was a nationwide student “walkout” in protest of the NRA because of the shooting in Parkland Florida. Also last week, we saw several national companies pull their support of the NRA over what happened in Parkland Florida.

How quaint.

It doesn’t matter one bit to those students, or to those companies what the truth is, or what the facts are…they’re just jumping on a mainstream media driven bandwagon that’s heading for an abyss with no brakes.

The mainstream media, liberal/socialist narrative is…guns are bad…guns kill people…the NRA is all about gun ownership and therefore…the NRA is responsible for the murder of 17 people in Parkland Florida.


Was the Parkland shooter a member of the NRA?


In fact, have any of the mass murders who have gotten way more than their 15 minutes of fame from their personal publicists in the mainstream media been NRA members?


Did the NRA sell the weapon used in Parkland Florida to the murderer?

Nope…in fact, the NRA doesn’t sell weapons to anyone, and they certainly don’t “walk” high powered weapons to the Mexican drug cartels. They leave that to liberal gun control socialists like Obama, and Eric Holder.

Is the NRA against background checks?

Nope…and, in fact, the NRA advocated FOR all the background checks that are now a matter of law.

Is the NRA responsible for processing background checks, or responsible for red-flagging individuals whose background checks don’t pass the smell test?

Nope…that’s the job of various federal agencies that are rife with liberals whose party keep demanding more and more anti-2nd Amendment legislation on top of the existing laws they don’t already enforce. Furthermore, were it not for the NRA, most of today’s background checks wouldn’t even exist.

So, when students, steeped in both liberal propaganda delivered by the mainstream media, and indoctrinated by the liberal agenda thanks to their schooling walk out of classes in protest of the NRA, and when various companies cut ties with the NRA also in protest, they are all, in fact, lodging their protests against the very entity that has openly, and actively advocated for the systems in place today that would, if enforced, help to prevent people like the Parkland murderer, and so many others from carrying through with their insidious plans.

But, never mind the facts…liberals are never interested in the facts…only in their agenda which should, by now, be crystal clear. They want the 2nd Amendment shredded…gone…and with it, the right of good, law abiding citizens to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property.

That is a good part of what the 2nd Amendment is all about…that…and making sure that the citizenry is armed against the possibility of a tyrannical government triying to restrict, or remove the rights of the people.

I know that many Conservatives were upset last week when an article started circulating stating that according to the United States Supreme Court, it is not the job of the police to protect citizens. A good many Conservatives were outraged…but perhaps they’re not seeing the bigger picture. According to the Supreme Court, the job of the police is to make arrests when crimes are committed, investigate crimes, and basically, issue tickets, and that much is true. There simply aren’t enough police officers to protect the 350 million or so citizens of these United States…and that is something of which I believe our Founders and Framers were well aware…hence…the 2nd Amendment.

And that is exactly why those Founders and Framers were adamant when they included…”shall not be infringed…” because they knew tyranny was but a vote away, and because they also knew that nobody would do as good a job of protecting themselves, their loved ones or their property than an armed citizen.

Think of it this way…national law enforcement statistics indicate that the average response time for a police officer is about 10 minutes, while the interaction between a criminal and that criminal’s victim lasts about 90 seconds. Given that statistic, which is more likely to protect you during a violent crime…the police officer who takes an average of 10 minutes to arrive, or exercising your  2nd Amendment rights?

So…while tyranny knocks on the door, disguised as a liberal every time a shooting grabs the headlines of their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, and liberals try harder and harder to remove or restrict or infringe upon that which “shall not be infringed.

The problem isn’t that liberals don’t realize the fact that the NRA has had absolutely nothing to do with any of the mass shooting murders in this country…it’s that liberals DO realize it, but it just doesn’t fit into their covert agenda.

That covert agenda relies on conning people into a false sense of security by blaming the NRA for this act of mass murder, or that one to create a fabricated outrage which can be directed at a tangible entity. The goal is to con enough people to scare members of congress into enacting more, and more “gun control” measures which most decidedly would infringe upon that which “shall not be infringed.”

It’s not at all the NRA that liberals see as the problem…it’s the 2nd Amendment they see as the problem, but unless liberals can deflect their outrage over the fact that the 2nd Amendment exists onto something else…they won’t be able to advance their covert agenda of shredding the 2nd Amendment.

Furthermore, every covert agenda relies on covert ops, and when it comes to shredding the 2nd Amendment, liberals have been employing those covert ops for years.

In 1995, Eric Holder, the man who would later become Obama’s Attorney General said, “One thing that I think is clear with young people, and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this…We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”

Here’s how that covert op works, and note that Holder mentioned both young people and adults…first, you have to make young people, kids, terrified of guns so that when they become adults, they will be terrified of guns and teach their children to be likewise terrified of guns. And how have liberals been going about this brainwashing?

They have made such mundane things, as a Pop Tart chewed into the shape of a gun, finger guns, stick guns and anything a kid could pretend was a gun out to be as dangerous, and as deadly as the real thing. Chew your Pop Tart into the shape of a gun in school…and your liberal indoctrinators will treat you the same as they would had you brought the real deal into the lunchroom.

It happened to Josh Welch, then 7, in 2013 when he nibbled his breakfast pastry in something that roughly, crudely resembled a gun. The school suspended him for 2 days but that’s not where it ended. A court in Maryland, with a liberal activist judge on the bench, upheld that suspension, further terrifying, and further brainwashing 7 year old Josh Welch.

They called it…”zero tolerance,” which is more than a bit ironic coming from the party that claims to be all about tolerance.

In 2014, in Ohio, 10 year old Nathan Entingh was suspended for 3 days, and told that the next time it might be permanent, for what under Ohio’s “zero tolerance” law was called a “level 2 look alike firearm.” Nathan had pointed his finger like every kid used to do, pretending it was a gun.

A 6 year old got the treatment in Colorado for the same thing…as did a 8-year-old boy who was suspended in Florida for making a similar gesture while playing cops and robbers on the playground.

Caitlin Miller, a 5 year old kindergartener in Florida got suspended, from kindergarten, because, while playing her favorite game, Kings and Queens, where she was the palace guard, little Catlin picked up a stick, pointed it at another kid, and then, well…Caitlin’s mom described what happened next this way…“The assistant principal told me Caitlin had a stick and she was using it to shoot and kill other students.”

To that liberal assistant Principal, that stick was a real gun, and that 5 year old little girl was using it to kill other students. The 5 year old had no idea why she was in trouble…no idea at all, but liberals are counting on little Caitlin to remember the day that her stick gun, as dangerous and as deadly as the real thing, nearly killed other kids at her school.

So…step one of the covert op, make kids terrified of any gun, real or pretend, including those made from tasty pastries. Step two…when teaching history, or should I say, when indoctrinating young minds in the liberal agenda, be sure to remove the real reason for the 2nd Amendment, and replace it with the absurd notion that our Founders and Framers meant it only for “hunting.” The young indoctrinees won’t know the difference, and by the time their indoctrinators get around to history lessons, the sponges will already be brainwashed into being terrified of even sticks,

The problem for the liberal agenda, and the covert ops they employ to further that agenda, is that lurking out there, in pockets of common sense, there are a few teachers, grown-ups, who have a much firmer grasp on reality than the covert liberal agenda allows.

Such is the case regarding Timothy Locke, a teacher from the Cherry Hill NJ school district, and an Iraqi war veteran who, just a couple of weeks ago, talked to his Advanced Placement History class about school safety, telling them that should a situation like what happened in Parkland Florida happen in his school, he’d be there doing whatever he could to protect his students.

According to Eric Ascalon, a parent of a student in Locke’s class, “During the course of the conversation he indicated that he would protect his students if something like (Parkland, Florida) happened here. He was raising safety concerns about the school with the students. And the intent of his statement (was that) he would protect his students at all costs.”

On February 22nd, Timothy Locke was called to the school office, his bag was searched, and the school placed him on administrative leave.

The school also told him to undergo a physical and a psychiatric evaluation.


Because in a liberal indoctrination center, any teacher who would “protect his students at all costs,” must be out of his mind…any teacher who would actually speak to his students about school safety…must be crazy…and unfit to…indoctrinate young minds.

Think about it for a minute…

In Parkland, Florida, where a school shooting took place last month, students “concerned” about their safety at school have been encouraged, by their teachers, the school administration, and clearly by the liberal mainstream media to walk out of class in protest of the one organization that has made it their priority to stand for, support and defend the 2nd Amendment, and without whom, current background checks wouldn’t even exist…

While a school in Cherry Hill, New Jersey…placed a concerned teacher on administrative leave, and ordered that teacher to get a check-up from the neck up…because he said he would protect his students.

Did the liberals running the Cherry Hill school really believe that Locke was nuts, a time bomb ready to explode who needed a psych exam, and had to be removed from his class before his actions resulted in a tragedy?

Of course not…but they couldn’t take the chance that a realistic approach to school safety would somehow impart the truth on those the liberals were trying so hard to indoctrinate into their covert agenda. Putting Locke on administrative leave, searching his bag, and sending him off to a shrink wasn’t for Locke’s interests…that was all done to further terrify his students into believing that anyone who dared to express reality, to tell the truth and show some common sense…is dangerous and should be locked up.

I can all but guarantee you that had Timothy Locke burned a flag, preached a sermon about how evil guns can load themselves, march to the nearest school and pull their own trigger, and then organized a school wide temper tantrum over the NRA…they would have made him “Teacher of the Year.”

Now, add into the covert op mix, the latest poster boy for the liberal covert agenda, one David Hogg…a student from that school in Parkland Florida who has become the propaganda darling of the mainstream media.

I don’t give a damn about all the conspiracy stuff. I don’t give a damn whether or not this Hogg character was, wasn’t or is a student at that school. I don’t give a happy damn about all the claims that he’s some sort of paid “crisis actor.” And for that matter…I don’t give a flying crap whether he’s 17 years old, 20 years old, or an FBI/CIA/ shadow government plant. None of that matters in the light of his current 15 minutes of fame.

Hogg is crisscrossing the country, appearing on any liberal, mainstream media show that will stick a mic near him, and doing the bidding of the infringers by demanding gun control. In my opinion, he’s a useful liberal tool, already brainwashed to be terrified of guns, and an opponent of the 2nd Amendment. Hogg is leading student protests against the NRA, he’s blaming President Trump for what happened in Parkland, Florida, and he is desperate to become a mainstream media propaganda star.

David Hogg is a product of liberal covert ops, and a puppet of liberal propaganda. He’s exactly what they’ve been striving towards…a next generation voter who is ready for his close-up.

Now, he says he won’t return to school until some form of anti-gun laws are passed in congress…as though anyone in the world cares whether or not he ever sits in another classroom. In fact, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the liberal indoctrination center he claims to be skipping school from doesn’t make him his class’s valedictorian whether or not he has enough credits to graduate.

I’m sure that as far as his school is concerned…because he’s doing the bidding of the liberal infringers…Hogg is at the top of his class, empty seat or no empty seat.

Personally, I’m glad Hogg is exercising his 1st Amendment right to express himself, and even if he can quite remember his scripted lines,he’s at least getting the fake news liberal talking points across…Hogg said that Dana Loesch is the CEO of the NRA…she’s not. Hogg said that Loesch, “controls legislation in Congress,”…she doesn’t. Hogg claimed that President Trump called Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, “a coward,” which he did not. The President referred to Deputy Scot Peterson, one of the Deputies who stayed outside while the shooting was in progress as a coward, but not the Sheriff.

The conspiracy nonsense being circulated by those who think this Hogg character is some sort of crisis actor, 20 years old, and a deep state plant is ridiculous…he’s nothing more than a useful idiot parroting the lies he’s been told by his liberal indoctrinators because in it, he sees a shot at YouTube stardom…his 15 minutes of fame…and he won’t be the last useful idiot deployed in the effort to further the covert liberal agenda, as a covert operative.

The fact of the matter is, David Hogg has sold more guns, and more NRA memberships over the last two weeks than any employee of a gun shop, or any membership director of the NRA. Why? Because common sense Americans can easily see through the covert agenda, and don’t believe the liberal’s covert operatives…and common sense Americans know full well that the blame for what happened in Parkland, Florida lands squarely on the head of the punk who pulled the trigger.

The fake news mainstream liberal media is trying to portray Hogg as an activist when in reality, he’s a slacktivist…trying to gain fame by telling as many lies as he can, as fast as he can, and while the 2nd Amendment has been a force to be reckoned with for 227 years…Hogg’s fame has about 7 more minutes to go.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / all rights reserved

For more on the gun issues…please read Diane Sori’s Op-Ed,DACA and Guns…Two Hot-Button Issues of Contention” by CLICKING HERE!!


Today, Friday, March 2nd from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss the two hot-button issues of DACA and guns; another aspect of the Parkland school shooting; and important news of the day.