By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Next week, my state of Nebraska will hold its primary election and on that day, I will proudly nt 1cast my ballot for Senator ted Cruz and in doing so, I will hold my head as high as the day I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan.

We now have a good idea who the nominees will be. Hillary and Trump are currently leading but Hillary may never make it to the nomination due to a pending indictment as per the FBI investigation into her email scandal which involves espionage.

Trump is facing two court actions…Trump University, a scam engineered to line his pockets and a pending rape charge involving a 13 year old girl in a civil action.

This is the best America has to offer?

No…no it is not. We have far better than either of those two festering louts.

We have Ted Cruz…

nt 2While Trump was busy funding the ilk of Hillary, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell and various other anything but Conservative causes, like Pacs meant to tear down the Tea Party, what was Ted Cruz doing?

Ted Cruz was standing up for us, for our rights, for the Constitution and for We the People.

Nine times, Ted Cruz has argued before the United States Supreme Court and won the majority of those cases. Ted Cruz has defended religious liberty when no one else would…once saving a memorial cross from liberal/socialist progressives and their agenda.

While Donald Trump busied himself standing for one liberal/socialist progressive agenda item after another…like his pro-abortion stand or his defense of both Obama and of Hillary Clinton…what was Ted Cruz doing?

Ted Cruz stood before the United Nations…stood tall for the rule of American law and our Constitution, and fought for the sovereignty of the United States in a case where the U.N. demanded that an illegal alien, convicted of murder, not be executed as per the rule of law…and Ted Cruz won that case too.

Donald Trump has funded five individual members of the Gang of 8 along with the ilk of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a slew of other liberals. Trump has also funded John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.nt 3

Ted Cruz has never funded liberals, stood against the Gang of 8 to expose them and as for Mitch McConnell…Cruz called him a liar from the floor of the Senate.

John Boehner supports Donald Trump and called Trump his golfing and texting buddy but Boehner called Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh,” and an “SOB.”

Let me say that again, so that it really sinks in… John Boehner supports Donald Trump and called Trump his golfing and texting buddy but Boehner called Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh,” and an “SOB.”

John Boehner has never stood with the true Conservatives, fought like hell to tear apart the Tea Party…and used Trump’s money in that endeavor…and consistently bowed to Obama’s liberal/socialist whims before finally being forced from the House. Now Boehner is standing, steadfastly, with a life-long liberal…Donald Trump.

nt 4If Boehner likes him…he can’t possibly be a Conservative or even a moderate Republican because Boehner just doesn’t have it in him.

Donald Trump has, in the course of this campaign, advocated the shredding of the 14th Amendment…even questioning its Constitutionality. Trump has advocated shredding the 1st Amendment…promising to loosen libel laws so as to more easily sue members of the press who write bad things about him.

Donald Trump has advocated the “total and complete shutdown” of any Muslims entering our country which, Constitutionally speaking, shreds religious liberty, due process, and equal protection. Trump has advocated the shuttering of all Mosques in America which again, flies in the face of the 1st Amendment which expressly forbids our government from interference with any place of worship and while I am no fan of mosques…where would it stop once we allow the government to do such things? With certain churches? Temples? Synagogues? And at whose whim?

And while Trump seems intent on burning our Constitution and doing away with our rights…trying to finish what Obama has started…what of Ted Cruz?nt 5

Ted Cruz, as the Solicitor General of Texas, and as a Senator…has stood and fought for…FOR our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. He has faced down the Supreme Court nine times, and won the majority of those cases. From the Senate, he has been a rock solid Conservative and Constitutionalist, defending property rights, standing for small businesses, railing against regulations that cost jobs and for limiting the size and scope of government at every turn.

As my friend Carl Ludwig put it…

Throughout the course of this campaign, Donald Trump has… Mocked Scott Walker for fighting the unions and not raising taxes, praised socialized medicine, called Megyn Kelly a ‘bimbo’, compared Ben Carson to a pedophile and called him a ‘bad doctor’. Trump has called for tariffs and relentlessly attacked the free market, called Ted Cruz ‘lyin Ted’, called Carly Fiorina ‘ugly’ and called Heidi Cruz ‘ugly and unstable’.

Trump has also condemned free speech, said Israel didn’t really want peace, demanded Israel give up more concessions for peace and said he’d be neutral in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict while displaying abject ignorance on foreign affairs, blaming Mexico and China for stealing jobs that we, ourselves are killing, calling for higher taxes on the wealthy, calling for a single-payer health care system and flip-flopping on immigration to support amnesty, changed his stance on every major issue, sometimes several times a nt 6day and hired Roger Stone whose fingerprints were on numerous false stories including the DC Madame accusation.

Trump has even gone so far as to accused Cruz of being the Zodiac killer, and accuse Rafael Cruz if being involved in the JFK assassination.

Donald Trump is absolutely no Conservative, has absolutely no Conservative core values and for that matter, doesn’t even have what could be twisted to be even moderate Republican values. That is because Trump is, and always has been, a liberal/progressive.

But Trump is going to be the Republican nominee because Cruz has dropped out by suspending his campaign and barring federal indictment, it’s going to be Trump against Hillary Clinton…right?

Well, not so fast…

You might think I’m crazy here, but I believe Ted Cruz is about to do what makes the least amount of sense in the short run but the MOST sense in the LONG run…I believe Cruz is going to go 3rd party.nt 7

Yes, I know that in the past I have railed at any 3rd party candidate and strongly advised against any such vote, but this really is different. Why? Because now…with Trump as the GOP nominee and with the GOP split already…the GOP as we have known it, is dead. Over the election cycles, the GOP elites have moved the party further and further to the left which is why the Tea Party came to life in 2010…as an alternative to the establishment GOP machine and while the Tea Party never became an actual party, as a grass roots movement, it served an important purpose.

Cruz has never shown any loyalty to the GOP or to its establishment. In fact, he has been its opponent to the point of alienating himself FROM it. Voting 3rd party WILL split the Republican vote…that much is as true now as it has always been…but that vote would be split anyway even without an official 3rd party candidate which means that Trump cannot win and the polls reflect that fact showing Trump losing by double digits to either Hillary or Sanders.

nt 8Even if Cruz doesn’t make all 50 ballots in November…he would still get to participate in presidential debates against Clinton and Trump which keeps the core Conservative message squarely in the spotlight all the way to November but the question is…would Cruz have a snowball’s chance in hell of actually winning in November?


But that’s not really the point.

The point is…Trump loses with or without Cruz being in the race as a 3rd party candidate, but if Cruz goes 3rd Party, and provides the strong Conservative voice rather than just going quietly into the night, 2 things could well result.

First, down-ballot candidates, those for the House and Senate with an “R” behind their name might just survive, thus preserving the Republican majority which would make it much harder for a Hillary, Bernie or Julian to get anything done for the next 4 years and second, Cruz would become the face and voice of true Conservatism for a new nt 9generation of Constitutional voters as well as being able to continue to stand on the floor of the senate scolding the old GOP establishment for moving more to the left and making the “I told you so” case to the American people.

What would emerge, over the next 4 years, is a whole new Constitutionally Conservative party while the establishment GOP withers and dies…that’s the long term goal…in the short term, leading up to this November’s general election…

Ted Cruz has only SUSPENDED his campaign…he hasn’t ENDED his campaign. He has more than 500 delegates and he will win more delegates in the remaining primaries not to mention he has a huge number of uncommitted delegates who have pledged their support should the convention get to a 2nd or 3rd round of voting which, as Trump will now most likely get to 1237 won’t happen but…it does show support for true Conservatism.

nt 10Then there’s the fact that Ted Cruz has in place, a formidable ground game of some 250,000 volunteers, who would continue to work on the behalf of a new Constitutionally Conservative party with Ted Cruz as its face and voice, adding leverage to a new party…that is something, when combined with the Constitutionally Conservative big money donors already lined up with Cruz that no other 3rd party candidate has ever had.

And most importantly, in the long term, Cruz would have the will of the former Republican voters.

Think about it…Republican voters have had it with the establishment and as Trump goes establishment for the general election, and he already is as he now calls for donors from amongst his rich friends to fund his “self-funded” campaign and as he has stated that he will accept Super Pac assistance for the general election…2 things his blind followers have railed against other candidates for doing…the Trumpers are about to find out what I’ve said all along is true, that they’ve been conned by a liberal fraud, so unless they, the Trump voters are as big of frauds as Trump himself is…they will ready to bolt the GOP as well.

And let’s not forget that Cruz already has a running mate in Carly Fiorina so think about nt 11it…why WOULD Cruz name a VP choice just a week before SUSPENDING his campaign as decisions TO suspend aren’t made at the last minute…especially when the one making that decision is a consummate strategist?

Finally…consider this…

After the convention, Donald Trump…a crusty, old, ill-tempered, life-long liberal who has stood steadfastly with every liberal agenda item for decades, and who has no substance or articulated policy plans, WILL be the new face and voice of the GOP and the GOP establishment will have no choice but to support THAT as THEIR candidate in 2016…while Ted Cruz would become the face and voice of a new Constitutionally Conservative party with his words carrying the TRUE Conservative message from the debate stage and from the floor of the Senate over the next 4 years.

The time has never been more ripe for a quantum shift to the right, for the emergence of a new party of Constitutionalists who will run on limiting government and expanding nt 12freedoms, than now, and never before has a candidate so boldly embodied the core principles of Conservatism or so boldly stood and defended the Constitution than Ted Cruz.

As I stated at the beginning of this article…next week I will proudly cast my vote for Ted Cruz as proudly as I cast my vote for Ronald Reagan…and in November…I will do so again because I have never voted for a democrat or a liberal for president and as that is exactly what Trump is, and because there isn’t a gnat’s hair of a difference between Trump and whoever the liberal nominee will be…I will not begin now.

Naturally, Trumpers are now calling for the #NEVERTRUMP voters to get on the Trump bandwagon because they are afraid that without their help, Trump won’t win and they are saying the same thing I have said in past elections…unless we vote together as a bloc, if we split the vote, it’s the same as voting for Hillary. But Trump himself has a different take on it and don’t blame me, or the #NEVERTRUMP crowd…HE said it HIMSELF…

“Ideally we’re going to be together. I think we’re going to win even if we’re not together. There are some people I honestly don’t want their endorsement. There should be and there has to be unity. Would I win, can I win without it? I think so.”

WE didn’t nominate Donald Trump…Trumpers did so don’t tell US that OUR 3rd party or write-in votes are votes for Hillary…WE didn’t nominate the guy who couldn’t beat Hillary with or without us…YOU…the TRUMPERS did that. YOU saw to it that Hillary would win…we had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

I say…let him wallow in his arrogance and narcissism and let’s let him have at this without nt 13the votes of true Conservatives because that’s what he wants. We, the true Constitutional Conservatives should add #NEVERESTABLISHMENT to our label and #GOTEDGO to herald the not a grass roots, but a Constitutional foundation to a new Conservative party.



As my partner and friend, Diane Sori, is in FB jail, I urge you to read her very important article, “The Battle Between God and Medicine…Part 2 of 2” by clicking here and please share both her article and mine. Thanks so much!!!


  1. I will not be voting in the upcoming primary in Nebraska because I disassociated myself with the democrats 24 years ago and the republicans 9 years ago. Neither of them are conservative. I will find myself, in the fall, with a choice between a socialist and whomever the republicans have. Economically I cannot vote for the socialist. Plus I think of the possibility of 2 or more new Justices to the Supreme Court in the mold of Kegan and Sotomayor or ever further left and I cannot vote democrat. This would be the beginning of the end of the United States. We will no longer be the country of freedom and independence within a generation.

    Vote ideology if you want. I will vote to keep our country afloat for a little longer.

  2. Cruz only won 2 of the 9 cases. Read for yourself Craig. And taking down my comments, doesn’t change the facts of the matter. I know….. You don’t like to be wrong about things ….. But you have bought into the Cruz Craze, that most people didn’t want.


    • Joe…I know how partial you are to common core math but…here are the REAL results of Cruz’s arguments before the SCOTUS:

      In the landmark case of District of Columbia v. Heller, Cruz drafted the amicus brief signed by the attorneys general of 31 states, which said that the Washington, D.C. handgun ban should be struck down as infringing upon the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.[51][54] Cruz also presented oral argument for the amici states in the companion case to Heller before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.[51][55]
      Cruz speaking to the Values Voters Summit in October 2011

      In addition to his success in Heller, Cruz successfully defended the constitutionality of the Ten Commandments monument on the Texas State Capitol grounds before the Fifth Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court, winning 5–4 in Van Orden v. Perry.[37][41][51]

      In 2004, Cruz was involved in the high-profile case, Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow,[37][41] in which he wrote a brief on behalf of all 50 states which argued that the plaintiff, a non-custodial parent, did not have standing to file suit on behalf of his daughter.[56] The Supreme Court upheld the position of Cruz’s brief.[57]

      Cruz served as lead counsel for the state and successfully defended the multiple litigation challenges to the 2003 Texas congressional redistricting plan in state and federal district courts and before the U.S. Supreme Court, which was decided 5–4 in his favor in League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry.[41][58]

      Cruz also successfully defended, in Medellin v. Texas, the State of Texas against an attempt to re-open the cases of 51 Mexican nationals, all of whom were convicted of murder in the United States and were on death row.[37][41][43][51] With the support of the George W. Bush Administration, the petitioners argued that the United States had violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations by failing to notify the convicted nationals of their opportunity to receive legal aid from the Mexican consulate.[46][59] They based their case on a decision of the International Court of Justice in the Avena case which ruled that by failing to allow access to the Mexican consulate, the US had breached its obligations under the Convention.[60] Texas won the case in a 6–3 decision, the Supreme Court holding that ICJ decisions were not binding in domestic law and that the President had no power to enforce them.[46][59]

      Michael Wayne Haley was arrested for stealing a calculator from Walmart in 1997.[61] Because Haley had two prior convictions for theft, as well as prior felony convictions for delivery of a controlled substance and attempted robbery, he was sentenced as a habitual offender under Texas law to sixteen and a half years in prison. It later came to light that Haley’s robbery offense occurred three days before his conviction on the controlled substance charge was finalized, so the habitual offender statute might not have applied. The habitual offender issue was discovered after Haley had exhausted his appeals. As Solicitor General, Cruz declined to vacate the sentence saying “I think justice is being done because he had a full and fair trial and an opportunity to raise his errors.”[62] The Supreme Court later remanded the case to lower courts based on Haley’s ineffective assistance of counsel claim. During oral argument, Cruz conceded that Haley had a very strong argument for ineffective assistance of counsel since Haley’s attorney failed to recognize the sentencing error and that he would not move to have Haley re-incarcerated during the appeal process.[62] After remand, Haley was re-sentenced to “time served”.[63]

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