Trump’s Incoherent, Obama-Esque Foreign Policy

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Just a couple of days ago, Donald J. Trump gave his first big speech on foreign policy taz 1where he had promised to name the names of the best and brightest who would be advising him. In fact, he made that promise on Morning Joe…just a few short hours before giving the speech.

He didn’t name a single advisor. Not one. Zip…zilch…zero.

It wasn’t that naming names just slipped his mind…because the entire speech was read from a teleprompter. Had there been names to name, as Trump had promised…those named names would have been in the teleprompter for Trump to name…or read…but they weren’t, because they don’t exist.

This is something Trump would have known before his appearance on Morning Joe…that he didn’t have any names to name, but he said he would name them.

Oh my…

taz 2Trump lied.

The sad fact is, lying about naming names that weren’t there to name was far, FAR from Trump’s biggest problem regarding his foreign policy speech. There was the fact that his foreign policy speech, lacked any foreign policy prescriptions whatsoever.

Trump stated, quite clearly, that should he become the president, we would, “finally have a coherent foreign policy.” The problem was, that his speech…meant to outline his coherent foreign policy…was completely incoherent.

During his incoherent ramblings, Trump spoke of, “the dangerous idea that we could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interest in becoming a Western Democracy,” which, I suppose, is a lot like the dangerous idea that we could make a Republican and Conservative candidate out of a candidate who had no experience or interest in becoming a Republican or a Conservative.

Trump bemoaned the idea that we help defend other countries and they don’t pay us cash money for protection. Trump’s idea is that they SHOULD pay cash money for protection which, by the way, is called a shake-down in criminal circles.

Let’s use Saudi Arabia as an example.

Do we protect Saudi Arabia?taz 3


Should we be protecting Saudi Arabia?

Well, that depends on which branch of the Saudi royal family’s interests we’re protecting I suppose, but Trump didn’t get into that, because obviously, he didn’t have a named advisor to fill him in on that aspect of our foreign policy with regard to Saudi Arabia.

Does Saudi Arabia pay us cash money for our protection?


But they do allow us a military presence in their country and permission to base there which, if one has access to something as technical as say…a map…is quite significant in the grand scheme of things with respect to our national interests and the interests of our allies in the region.

Under Trump however…no cash money…no protection and were I the branch of the Saudi taz 4royal family worth protecting…I would say no protection…no military presence or base for regional operations.

You see…that’s the art of the deal we have with the Saudis, but I really wouldn’t expect Trump to know about such things.

Trump, in his incoherent speech, also said that America needs to be a better ally to our allies which makes sense, but he followed it up with another round of, unless our allies pay cash money for our protection, they can just go pound sand which, I can only guess, is Trump’s way of getting back on the good side OF our allies.

Now then…over the years, and indeed just last week, Obama has called our European allies “complacent” regarding their defense and has scolded them, and our Arab allies, calling them, “free riders.”

What Trump did in HIS foreign policy speech a couple of days ago, was take Obama’s policies a step further by threatening to cut off those allies altogether which highlights one very, VERY important thing…

Trump agrees with Obama on that aspect of our foreign policy, but just doesn’t think that taz 5Obama has gone far enough in alienating our allies…a flaw that Trump intends to correct.

Trump claimed, in his incoherent foreign policy speech that he, and he alone, is the only candidate who can fix our foreign policy and he punctuated that claim with his signature…”believe me.” And why, pray tell, should we believe him? Because of this added bit of substance…because he knows the other candidates. NOT because he knows anything about foreign policy, not because he has any foreign policy experience, not because he has the best and brightest unnamed advisors but because he knows the other candidates.

“I’m the only one – believe me, I know them all, – I’m the only one that knows how to fix it.”

I suppose that’s good enough for Trumpers but it’s not good enough for me or for our allies around the world.

One of Trump big criticisms, regarding our current foreign policy, was that we no longer seem to know or understand our foreign policy goals.

Okay…and then he highlighted what I suppose HE believes one of those goals should have been…because he slammed Obama for not being able to bring the Olympics to the United taz 6States which, I believe, equates to a Trump endorsement of Mitt Romney.

Trump did say he has a plan for how to deal with ISIS during his incoherent foreign policy speech, but…it’s a secret…not unlike the best and brightest foreign policy advisors he promised to name and didn’t. To be fair though, Trump’s secret plan isn’t really that much unlike Obama’s plan that he outlined when HE said he had no policy to deal with ISIS so, once again, Trump and Obama are on the same page.

Trump attacked Obama for turning our backs on key allies like Israel at a time when he, Obama,was treating Iran with “tender loving care,” and Trump made a point of stating that such things would not happen should HE be in the Oval Office. Of course Trump has also said that he would remain neutral between various terrorist organizations and Israel along with stating that HE would have made a BETTER “deal” with Iran so frankly, I again don’t see the difference between Trump’s incoherent foreign policy and that of Obama’s.taz 7

Speaking of some of Trump’s other incoherent foreign policy projections not necessarily covered in his incoherent foreign policy speech…

There is his idea that should military action become necessary anywhere in the world, Trump would keep those nations on whose behalf we were militarily engaged, natural resources, because apparently to Trump, that’s how you make friends and allies around the world not to mention Trump’s projection that he might use nuclear weapons in Europe…or even in Chicago.

Then, of course, there was the time Trump claimed to be steadfastly against nuclear proliferation, and without coming up for air, then said he would allow Japan and South Korea to be armed with nuclear weapons.

Naturally, during his incoherent foreign policy speech, Trump spent a little time talking about terrorism. He brought up the attacks against our embassies in Kenya and…what was that other one? Oh yeah…Tanzaynia…or as the rest of the more literate world calls it…Tanzania.

It’s “Tan-zu-KNEE-uh,” Donald…Tanzania…not “Tan-ZAY-nee-uhl,” and for that matter…it’s AL Qeada…not EL Qaeda unless of course, one doesn’t know his al Qaeda from his El Chapo.

And he spoke about 9/11 which of course, went more smoothly that what he formerly called it…7-11.

Wait, what? It was a worse MILITARY disaster than Pearl Harbor because…ITALIANS got killed???

With all due respect to our friends, the Italians, who I am rather sure Trump would never help as they never paid us a dime of cash money for liberating them in WWII, and while we deeply empathize with them over the loss of their 10 Italian nationals ON 9/11…either one of Trump’s unnamed foreign policy geniuses actually WROTE “Italians” into the teleprompter or…Trump simply can’t READ a teleprompter, and frankly, I’m not sure which is worse.

And Trump also spoke incoherently regarding our Veterans, saying that they must be taken caretaz 8 of. “A great country also takes care of its warriors. Our commitment to them is absolute, and I mean absolute. A Trump administration will give our servicemen and women the best equipment and support in the world when they serve and where they serve. And the best care in the world when they return as veterans and they come back home to civilian life. Our veterans have not been treated fairly or justly. These are our great people and we must treat them fairly. We must even treat them really, really well and that will happen under the Trump administration.”

That’s all well and fine, but what of our veterans who have returned home after being captured by the enemy? What was it Trump said about those brave souls just a while back? Oh, yes…

So basically, Trump wants ALL our Veterans taken better care of UNLESS, of course, they happened to have been CAPTURED in battle, survived after being TORTURED for YEARS and then, somehow, had the strength to make it home alive…or…unless you happen to be a Veteran who is still waiting for the $5.2 MILLION remaining dollars taz 9of the $6 million Trump raised for them in Iowa when he ditched on that debate.

Now, I’ve had scores of Trump’s blind followers tell me, over the last few months, that foreign policy doesn’t matter but apparently, they’re wrong because HE thought it matters enough to give a big, incoherent speech about it which means, if you got all the Trumpkins together in one place…Donald would be the smartest idiot in the room…so he’s got THAT going for him.

But the Trumpkins, blind, low-information followers all, are CROWING about how GREAT their dictator wannabe’s incoherent foreign policy speech was. They’ve been DROOLING over it for DAYS, which means…either they’re nothing but little lap dogs in heat, or it’s half past pudding time at the asylum.taz 10

To be perfectly honest…Trump’s foreign policy speech, as incoherent as it was…made Obama’s foreign policy sound BRILLIANT by comparison, and Obama’s foreign policy has been an unmitigated DISASTER!!!

Is it any wonder that Donald is scared TRUMPLESS to debate Ted Cruz one on one?