Little Lyin’ Donny’s Liberal Distraction Tactic Noted, and Exposed

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Obviously, Little Lyin’ Donny needed a distraction from his shortcomings…both on the lld 1campaign trail and from his baffoonish, knot-headed foreign policy statements.

Trump was on the verge of having his Chinese made hat handed to him in Utah, which Cruz won on Tuesday night with 69% of the vote and Little Lyin’ Donny, on Monday night, made what now has to be THE dumbest foreign policy statement ever uttered on a campaign trail when he advocated shaking down NATO for money or pulling out of the compact altogether.

Then, Tuesday morning happened and Islamic pigs attacked the home city OF NATO with bombings at the airport and a metro station killing more than 30 and wounding more than 300 innocent civilians.

So…Little Lyin’ Donny did what all liberals do…he launched a distraction by tweeting out a threat regarding Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

The threat was in responlld 2se to an ad featuring Little Lyin’ Donny’s nude, mail-order trophy bride who, by the way, married Donny not for the size of his hands…but for the size of his wallet. That ad was placed on the internet and heavily distributed in Utah.

Without blinking, Little Lyin’ Donny’s blind, low-information, Trumpoholic followers seized upon the Little Lyin’ Donny’s tweet and immediately started their vile attacks against Ted Cruz for placing said ad.

pac 1Here’s the problem…

Cruz didn’t place the ad. In fact, Ted Cruz had nothing whatsoever to do with the ad. It did not come from Ted Cruz. It didn’t come from the Cruz campaign nor did it even come from a Cruz Super Pac either. That ad, the one Little Lyin’ Donny attributed to Ted Cruz and the ad his blind, low-information  Trumpoholics have their liberal panties all wadded up over was designed, was placed and paid for by the Make America Awesome Super Pac and THAT Pac is an anti-Trump Pac…NOT a Cruz Super Pac.

Helpful hint for the low-information, blind, Trumpoholics…if the candidate doesn’t appear at the end of the ad, stating their name and that they approve this ad, or if a print ad doesn’t have wording referencing that the ad was paid for by the campaign of the candlld 3idate…it isn’t FROM the candidate and a quick search of the Pac name at the bottom of THIS ad CLEARLY shows it is NOT affiliated with Ted Cruz…but when has the Trummper, low-information collective ever been concerned with the facts?

But Little Lyin’ Donny needed a distraction.

You see, on Monday, before his teleprompter speech at AIPCA, Little Lyin’ Donny announced his “foreign policy advisory” team in a desperate effort to prove he has a team after just a few days earlier announcing on Morning Joe that he talks to himself…about foreign policy. The sad fact for Little Lyin’ Donny is that his cobbled together team, in its entirety, doesn’t have the experience of any ONE of Ted Cruz’s “A-Team,” and I can say this with certainty because apparently, the “F-Team” failed to tell Little Lyin’ Donny that we should STRENGTHEN our ties with NATO rather than trying to shake them down for money and that ISOLATIONISM has a 100% FAILURE rate everywhere it’s ever been attempted in the world.

Those, by the way, were Little Lyin’ Donny’s big foreign policy points directly before and directly after the Islamic terrorist attacks in Brussels…that we should shake down NATO or abandon NATO altogether and then, after the attacks, go into isolationism mode by closing the borders. It was juslld 4t a couple of months ago when Little Lyin’ Donny wanted to ban ALL Muslims from entering the country but…after Ted Cruz among others explained it to him…several times…Little Lyin’ Donny changed his tune to match the correct approach OF Ted Cruz and others by just banning Muslims we can’t vet which he now claims to have been his position all along.

The problem with Little Lyin’ Donny’s isolation policy is that it would make the Muslims from Arab states who deplore the 7th century, barbaric Islamic pigs…NOT want to join any coalition we need to build to put an END to the 7th century, barbaric Islamic pigs thus preventing victory over Islamic terrorism.

On the other hand, Ted Cruz steps up and takes a hard-line approach which would include pro-active patrols of Muslim neighborhoods and radicalizing Mosques in America, banning Syrian refugees, who even Obama’s regime admits can’t be vetted from being imported to America and taking the fight directly TO the Islamists over THERE before they come over HERE…but what does the Trumpoholic media do?

Watch for yourselves…

Not a single mention of how bass-akwords Little Lyin’ Donny’s absurd foreign policy was…just attacking Cruz for his well-thought out strategy.

Of course, Littlld 5le Lyin’ Donny also wants to employ torture, of any and all kinds, to extract information from the captured Brussels Islamic, barbaric pig and without fail, Little Lyin’ Donny’s blind following is all giddy over this tough talking rhetoric. But it’s the wrong approach…catching one…getting a scant bit of info that will take months or years to track down and then getting one or two more Islamists if we’re lucky…all to prevent the next attack.

Well, guess what? There are going to be more attacks regardless and Little Lyin’ Donny’s policy approach turns out to be a one for one deal at best.

On the other hand…Cruz offers this statement“Let’s take off the blinders. It’s time to say that these attacks are not isolated incidents. These wolves are not lone, they are instead operating as an ideological pack,” and has followed it up with a slld 6trategy that includes ramping up the bombings of ISIS strongholds inside both Syria and Iraq, building a coalition of Arab partners including arming the Kurds who have shown a courageous willingness to fight and destroy the Islamist terrorists, strengthening our military, strengthening our ties with our allies around the world including Israel by NOT taking a neutral stance so as to garner needed and most valuable actionable intel regarding the whereabouts of Islamist positions and centers of terrorism, taking an offensive position against terror sponsoring nation-states, ripping up the Iran “deal and demanding that if Iran doesn’t immediately dismantle their nuclear program...”we’ll dismantle it for them.”

This is NOT a one for one Little Lyin’ Donny approach…THIS is a let’s lock and load and go get em anywhere and everywhere they are approach that will not just prevent the next attack but will crush the enemy into the sand.

You see…that’s why Little Lyin’ Donny didn’t want to talk about foreign policy in a meeting Monday with the Washington Post Editorial Board…because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and didn’t want to come across as lacking substance, which he does and knows he does. So…what did Little Lyin’ Donny spend a “YUGE” amount of time talking to them about in that meeting?

Ummm…his handlld 7s.

That’s right…Little Lyin’ Donny went off on a RANT about the size of his HANDS…and the transcript of that bit of Little Lyin’ Donny’s “substance” was more than 730 words long. Now in that rant, Little Lyin’ Donny accused Marco Rubio of bringing it up in a debate…which is, in fact, another Little Lyin’ Donny lie. Rubio brought it up a week or so BEFORE a debate in a town hall meeting. It was Little Lyin’ Donny who brought it up to open that particular debate without anybody even ASKING him about it.

This is why, I believe, Little Lyin’ Donny refused to engage in any more debates…because, were he to be asked a foreign policy question…Little Lyin’ Donny didn’t want to have to drop his pants and display his shortcomings…on foreign policy…for the whole world to see.

Which brings us back to the distraction Little Lyin’ Donny started over that Super Pac ad showing a naked Mrs. Trump.

Little Lyin’ Donny’s blind, low-information following has been desperately trying to justify that photo by telling us it was a wonderful photo, taken aboard Little Lyin’ Donny’s big private jet (not that Little Lyin’ Donny’s trying to compensate for anything) on their wedding night and that we should all think it’s as wonderful as they do. Never mind that is was actually a cover shot for a magazine in the year 2000 and not from his wedding night in 2005 but let’s placate the Trumpers and suspend reality so as to pretend they know what the hell they’re talking about.

With that in mind…I’ll tell you what it tells me…lld 8

It tells ME, that on their ‘wedding night,’ aboard Little Lyin’ Donny’s big private jet (not that Little Lyin’ Donny’s trying to compensate for anything) that the anything BUT blushing bride to be was more impressed with the size of Little Lyin’ Donny’s LENS…than with the size of Little Lyin’ Donny’s LOINS.

Little Lyin’ Donny’s liberal distraction tactic noted, and exposed.