On Foreign Policy…It’s Cruz 23 – Trump 0

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

fp 1Donald Trump completely lacks any foreign policy substance…a fact that has become alarmingly apparent during debates as well as on the campaign trail.

If you go to Trump’s website, he has no foreign policy listed. None whatsoever. Nothing.

I have asked many of Trump’s blind followers to explain any detail of Trump’s foreign policy.

They won’t because they can’t. He hasn’t told them what to say to those who ask, and until Trump issues some talking points to be spread like propaganda by his followers, there is absolutely nothing, regarding his foreign policy, to tell.

Last Thursday, on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Trump himself was asked about foreign policy and specifically, he was asked who was advising him on foreign policy…a valid question considering his bone crushingly stupid remarks pertaining to Israel and the Palestinians. The Palestinisna, by the way, are run by an Islamic terrorist band of 7th century barbarians called Hamas and represented, at a government level, by the Palestinian Authority who also represents the Muslim Brotherhood…another Islamic terrorist faction.

Trump’s response to the question was priceless…

fp 2

“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain, and I’ve said a lot of things.”

Trump’s primary foreign policy advisor is Donald Trump and as near as anyone can tell, his entire foreign policy team consists of…himself.

Obviously, his blind followers have no problem with this as they simply can’t see a dictatorship in the making.

As I support Ted Cruz, I have been asked who is advising my candidate of choice with regard to foreign policy and Cruz himself is now ready to supply the answer…an answer that blows Trump and his blind following completely out of the water.

Ted Cruz is currently assembling the “A-Team” to tackle foreign policy in the wake of 8 years of the Obama Doctrine that have left our nation’s foreign policy and position on the world stage a laughing-stock and completely feckless.fp 10

Heading up the Cruz foreign policy team is Chad Sweet, Co-Founder and CEO of The Chertoff Group which specializes in cyber-security. Sweet was also Chief of Staff of the United States Department of Homeland Security and served in the CIA’s National Clandestine Service.

Chad Sweet is also part of the FBI’s InfraGard Advisory Board, and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Naval Analysis. To say that Sweet is accomplished in foreign policy would be an understatement.

fp 3Jim Talent, the former senator from Missouri and a key figure on the George W. Bush National Security Council who is also an expert in jihadi organizations is a part of Cruz’s “A-Team.” Talent is also a Fellow with the Heritage Foundation and a member of the National Defense Panel who is a hardliner regarding the need to rebuild our military to meet the expected threats of a 21st century world.

While Trump sees China as a trade problem, Talent sees much more there of grave concern…“By 2020, the Chinese will have somewhere between 300 and 350 modern ships in their navy, which would give them a navy they can concentrate in the eastern and south China seas substantially bigger than our entire navy. In addition the ships are stuffed with anti-ship missiles; they’re going to have 1500 fighters; they can attack our space architecture.”

Talent knows, full well, that our foreign policy must be back by a strong defense and he is one who can draw the proper picture that brings both back into line.

Also joining the Cruz team is Elliott Abrams…a man who worked with George W. Bush to coalition build between our military and the more moderate Muslim nations and who has said, “It’s now 15 years since 9/11, and I think it’s obvious that Muslim citizens in fp 4the U.S. and Muslim leaders abroad have an absolutely critical role to play in fighting jihadis and other Muslim extremists.”

Abrams has also quite correctly stated, “Alienating these potential allies is the kind of foolish policy that the Obama administration has engaged in when it comes to Arab states that are our allies.”

Elliott Abrams, it should also be noted, stands firmly with Israel and would never advocate the sort of neutrality Trump says will be his position between Israel and the Palestinians.

So who else is on board with Ted Cruz?

From the Reagan administration… Frank Gaffney…who takes a very hard-line when it comes to all matters Islafp 5mic. Frank Gaffney has been accused of being downright Islamiphobic and while that might be true, and apt, as Gaffney has warned that Sharia law and those who adhere to it, even amongst Muslims in our own nation, are national security threats, Gaffney has been spurned by the Washington establishment or cartel as Cruz puts it.

But here’s the deal…a deal Trump hasn’t even considered making…

Via his senate National Security advisor, Victoria Coates, Ted Cruz has brought together various individuals with a wide-ranging scope of vision related to foreign affairs and formed them into a remarkable team.

Gaffney and Abrams are as divergent as possible when it comes to Islam and yet, because Cruz met with both, many, MANY times individually, one on one as a senator fp 6regarding the most pressing and dire foreign affairs issues that we as a nation face, he was eventually able to convince them that the best path to follow includes pieces of both men’s tightly held visions.

There is also something else very telling in this team of divergent components…

That being that Cruz, vastly unlike Trump, wants to hear and consider ideas, plans, strategies and details from all angles before making decisions regarding how to reconstruct our shambles of a foreign policy and bringing together the sorts of coalitions and allies that make sense in the 21st century.

Donald Trump’s foreign policy, by his own admission on Morning Joe last Thursday, is unilateral in nature and relies only on Donald Trump for advice. Ted Cruz’s foreign policy, on the other hand, is diverse and culled from more than 35 years of expertise in the field.

While Trump has built a team of one, that obviously agrees with everything he says or thinks because his foreign policy team only consists of himself, Ted Cruz has constructed an “A-Team” of thfp 7e best available, who’s views and ideologies are sometimes in direct conflict with one another, to work together to not only right the ship of state but propel it forward with the best interests of our own national security but the strengthening of bonds with allies that the Obama regime has stabbed in the back for the last 8 years.

This is, by the way, what real leaders do. They bring together individuals with a wide array of opinions and expertise to work together to find the best long-term solutions to our nation’s problems. Real leaders, like Cruz, know that often, the best path to take is the one built by strategies discovered in areas of agreement between seemingly opposing factions.

The question is…is this the sum total of Cruz’s foreign policy team?

No it is not as Cruz has so far named 23 people who are a part of his foreign policy team including Clare Lopez, a colleague of Frank Gaffney, Andy McCarthy, who successfully prosecuited the blind Sheik, Omar Abdel Rahman and Randy Fort who worked for Reagan and both Bush 41 and 43.

Fort was the Assistant Director at the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and later Deputy Executive Director of that board before becoming Special Asfp 8sistant to the Secretary for National Security, as well as Director of the Office of Intelligence Support at the United States Department of the Treasury…all under Ronald Reagan.

Under George H.W. Bush…Fort was with the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the United States Department of State and under George W. Bush…Fort held the position of Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research from 2006 – 2009.

Randy Fort has been in the private sector in recent years as the Director of Programs Security, Cyberdomain Team, Raytheon Corporation….a major defense contractor.

For those prone to conspiracy theory and/or Trumpers trying to spread false information regarding Cruz, regarding some of this “A-Team” having been employed by Wall Street banks over the years…it’s true, some were…but that isn’t a NWO red flag as many of our nations most prestigious companies always seek out the best and brightest to take on their own security issues.

For those keeping score…that’s Cruz 23…Trump 1 and that 1 is Trump himself so in reality…it’s a shutout and according to Cruz...”I am honored and humbled to have a range of respected voices willing to offer their best advice.”

Others will surely be added and I might suggest to Cruz that he seek out and include what would be a very key addition to the team. Cruz will need someone who can work with this foreign policy “A-Team” and who can take the newly crafted policy and necessary legislation to the halls of congress and present it for maximum effect and to push it on a fast-track.

My suggestion…Marco Rubio…who has spent the past 6 years on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. Rubio would not be as much of a fence mender as he would be a ramrod, spearheading legislative efforts needed to get our foreign policy back on track as quickly as possible in a Cruz administration and as someone who knows foreign policy like the back of his hand, Rubio also knows exactly how to present it so as to get new policy in place as fast as possible.

I believe Cruz was set to make his team public at next Monday’s debate in Utah, a debate which has now beefp 9n cancelled due to Trump using AIPAC as an excuse for being too afraid of what would have become a near one on one match-up with Ted Cruz, but Cruz himself is now set to speak at AIPAC and I wouldn’t be one bit surprised of he makes Thursday’s announcement of the “A-Team” a major part of his speech.

If Cruz does this, at AIPAC, it wouldn’t just be a shot across Trump’s bow, it would be a shot heard around the world by our enemies who have nothing to fear and our allies who have nothing to gain from Donald Trump.

3 thoughts on “On Foreign Policy…It’s Cruz 23 – Trump 0

  1. C’mon … we don’t support Trump because of his foreign policy. We don’t support him for any of his ideas. And probably all of us agree with you. However, I’m hoping Trump goes to Washington, finds out what’s going on
    and cleans that place up. His supporters are sick of politicians and their slick
    talk. None of them … NONE … rate my support…or yours. Most are thieving scum, Don’t ask me to prove that. I can’t. It’s just a feeling that’s in my bones.
    In my opinion, a politician has three things in mind. 1. To get elected. 2. To get
    reelected. And 3, to do some small thing for the people that will get him reelected. Now why do you suppose they want to do that? To serve the people?
    Their country? If you believe this, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell you. They’re there to make a buck. Washington is where the money is … and one way or another, they’re there to get it. Trump doesn’t need it, That’s what we pragmatic realists like about him. We think he may actually clean house down there. And if you were smart, you’d be rooting for him, too.. Forget that he’s not politic. Just believe (and pray) that he’s an honest man, beyond the political corruption that has taken roots in D.C.

  2. One would have to be brain flat-lined not to see the difference between Cruz and Trump. Cruz is a statesman with a track record to back up his claims and his agenda for leadership; the other is a carnival barker. It’s that simple.

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