Syria – The Players, Their Time Frames and Agendas

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

russ 1Barack Hussein Obama is the weakest U.S. president in history and that fact is now on glaring display on the world stage.

Obama’s intent to create a vacuum of power in Syria, to be, in his hopes, filled by Islamists has exposed his weakness for all to see as Russia takes the lead in truly fighting the Islamic terrorists there. Rather than doing what Obama has done for the past 13 months…bombing empty warehouses and pin-prick attacks on vehicles…Putin has Russian SU-30’s raining hell upon the Islamist command and control centers.

Obama’s weakness was further highlighted last week when John Kerry played second fiddle to Russia’s Lavrov in a press conference after Putin made his first appearance and speech at the United Nations in a decade.

Now, to further relegate Obama and the U.S. under Obama’s control to the sidelines…China is preparing to send warplanes into the skies over Syria, working in concert with the Russians to stop ISIS in their Islamic tracks.

“The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also russ 2not arbitrarily interfere.” Those were the words of China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, as he advocated that nations should unite against, “violent extremist ideology.”

China has moved an aircraft carrier through the Suez Canal and parked it off-shore of Syria and that warship is loaded with J-15 warplanes…multirole fighters not unlike the Russian SU-30’s…and within days, possibly hours, they will join their Russian allies in wreaking havoc on ISIS positions in Syria.

All of this amid reports that Russian fighter jets have begun to dog U.S. drones in the Syrian skies, watching closely where our drones are flying and at what they are aiming. Do not be surprised when the Russians begin shooting our drones out of the sky…as a warning to our fighter pilots and the U.S. military in general that it is Russia that now controls the air space over Syria but dogging our drones is one thing…

Russia, a year and a half ago, in April 2014, was able to hack a U.S. drone over Crimea in Ukraine…severing its capability of connecting to its command operator. The drone in question was, according to a Russian report, “part of the 66th U.S. brigade of military russ 3intelligence with the main location in Bavaria,” and the fact that they were able to intercept it and cut off its control functions leads one to believe they can, and will do it again.

Where did that capability come from? Don’t forget that Iran captured one of our drones or…Obama gave it to them…as he made no request to get it back.

But China isn’t the only entity assisting Russia…so too is Iran.

Iran has sent ground troops from their elite Quds Forces into Syria in support of Russian airstrikes against ISIS forces and command and control positions. Those ground troops are being commanded by none other than Iran’s Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the very General who, while still under sanctions, flew to Moscow to meet personally with Vladmir Putin last July. You can bet that Syria was at the top of their discussions while arms sales, from Russia to Iran played a secondary role.

It is also a sure thing that the Obama regime knew well the approach Russia and Putin were taking. According to Pentagon spokeswoman Navy Cmdr. Elissa Smith, “We have been well aware of Iran’s support for Assad over the past few years, including support through arms, personnel, and funding,” while another regime source stated, russ 4“It has always been understood in [the Pentagon] that the Russians would provide the air force, and the Iranians would provide the ground force in Syria.”

With all of this in place, well before the Putin/Obama meeting at the United Nations a week ago, one can only believe that Obama tried to talk Putin out of a Syrian military engagement to which Putin, in no uncertain terms, said, “NYET!”

Iran of course, has their own designs on the building caliphate which do not include ISIS in any way, shape or form as Tehran has no intention of sharing the power should the caliphate come to fruition, but here’s something else of which we should be aware…

Wherever Iran goes, militarily, their little terrorist shadow, Hezbollah, is sure to follow.

Hezbollah, allied with Bashar al Assad, is also allied with both Iran and Russia and has been fighting Iran’s wars by proxy for some time now and don’t be one bit surprised if, over the next week or less, we find Hezbollah on the ground in Syria as well.

Business Insider proposes 4 possible outcomes to the situation in Syria as follows…

1) Prolonged Conflict Between Surviving Statelets in which Syria would wind up divided between Alawite state run by the Assad regime that stretches from Damascus to the Mediterranean coast in the west, a Kurdish state in the far northeast, a moderate Islamist state that controls the area between the outskirts of Damascus and the Israeli border, and an ISIS emirate the spans from Aleppo to the Iraqi border.
russ 52) An Assad ‘Victory in which Assad and his regime forces would slowly grind down the rebel factions by brute force and by playing off of their internal divisions. Even then, rebel groups would likely continue to operate along the Turkish border, the Golan Heights, in the eastern Syrian wilderness, and in pockets of resistance in Aleppo and Damascus.
3) Regime Collapse would be a drawn-out affair involving the slow loss of a substantial number of regime soldiers over a period of months. This outcome would only come about through the rebels acquiring more advanced weaponry like portable anti-aircraft missiles.
Those anti-aircraft missiles by the way are exactly what John McCain proposes we give the “rebels” who, as we know, are actually a combination of ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Nusra operations.
4) A Negotiated Settlement which is, in fact, the least likely to occur of these scenarios. This outcome would rely upon the resumption of now-suspended peace talks and the creation of an inclusive, non-sectarian government in Syria consisting members of the Assad regime and members of the various rebel factions.

I would add a 5th possible outcome…in that between Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and China…ISIS is run out of Syria and Syria itself would then become a Russian/Chinese russ 6military satellite country where Putin can exert his new-found influence over the region thus taking the center stage position from the United States…a position which will be nearly impossible to reclaim.

Under any of these scenarios, the tensions in the region will undoubtedly rise and remain high, especially when Iran decides to make their move against Israel as that will strain not only Israeli/Russian relations but the relationship between Russia and Iran as well.

Time, however, is neither Putin’s nor Iran’s friend in all of this as both know they have but a little over a year to accomplish their goals. Putin’s goal, of course, is to cement his position of influence in the Middle east as the go-to nation for those in the region whose stability is threatened. Iran’s goal is to launch a war against Israel for the expressed purpose of wiping the Jewish nation from the map.

In both cases, each entity knows that a Republican victory in 2016 here at home could well scuttle their plan and if they know it, so too does Israel’s Netanyahu, a leader who russ 7can ill-afford to wait for the outcome of our elections. This is why he has strengthened his nation’s alliance with Russia over the past year…meeting on at least 5 occasions with Putin…as he knows that Israel’s security is better with Assad still in power than with ISIS holding power in Syria and recognizing Obama’s Islamist agenda, Netanyahu has and will remain mostly silent where Syria is concerned…at least for now.

And while time is working against Putin and his agenda…it is the combined military might of Russia, China and their allies Iran and Hezbollah that are working against Obama’s agenda as for Obama to create the vacuum of power he so desperately wants, a vacuum Islamists are all-to-eager to fill, he can’t simply stand by while Putin takes the fight to ISIS.

Therefore, the real showdown in Syria is not between Assad and the “rebels,” it is between Obama and Putin and right now, it is Putin who has the upper hand. After 13 months of pin-prick bombings of mostly empty warehouses, ISIS continued to gain strength in Syria…in no small part due to Obama’s arming OF ISIS there but…after 3 DAYS of bombing by Putin’s Russia…ISIS was beginning to run scared and even cancelled Islamic prayers out of fear of being bombed while their asses were up in the air.

The real question is…how long caruss 8n Russia keep Iran in check? In the short term, while Syria is an open question and until ISIS is defeated…probably but once ISIS is out of the way…and Iran sets their agenda against Israel in motion…well, that is yet to be known.

Time vs military might…Putin vs Obama and in the balance hangs the future of the Middle East…stability or gross instability coupled with a caliphate. Obama says Assad must go…Putin says Assad must stay and if any sense of stability is to be had…Netanyahu’s silence regarding Russia’s involvement, speaks volumes.


TODAY!!! Saturday, October 10th on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide rsp board 1Media from 11am to 1pm EST, Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss Obama’s unwanted visit to Roseburg OR the site of the recent mass shooting, Syria’s prime players, and they give a much needed Constitutional history lesson,

Hope you can tune in
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One thought on “Syria – The Players, Their Time Frames and Agendas

  1. Right, Craig,
    Obama’s whole agenda, from Egypt and Arab Spring to Libya, to Iraq and Syria, has been to create these vacuums that would later be filled with radical Islamists. Obama is the chief Muslim Brotherhood organizer. To think that Americans elected a radical Muslim as a President is astounding but Obama has been a great deceiver since Sept. 11th, 2001. His main goal is still unaccomplished however…that being the destruction of the United States. But he’s still got lots of time to accomplish that.

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