‘By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

wm 1Reuters has reported that a watchdog group… the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)…will be in Iraq next week to look into what they indicate is the probable use of mustard gas by ISIS against the Kurds.

Here we go again with yet another I told you so.

Before I get to that, let me first bring you up to speed on this latest report.

According to Reuters, “If Islamic State insurgents have obtained sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, it would signal a dangerous development in a conflict that has already destabilized the region.”

Gee…ya THINK???

Not only that but, apparently ISIS has used both mustard sulfide, otherwise known as mustard gas AND weaponized chlorine on at least 4 occasions but mustard gas…that’s significant as it has long been banned by civilized nations.wm 2

Yes, I know…ISIS is nothing but a bunch of Islamic barbarians and this is exactly what one expects FROM barbarians but that leaves the question that Reuters, the OPCW and the U.N. are all asking…from where did ISIS get this crap?

According to a diplomat wanting to remain sans name… “Most probably it was mustard gas but we want to make sure and we want to know where it came from because it is very difficult to get.”

First of all…”most probably?” The blood tests on the 35 Kurdish troops sickened by the stuff showed positive FOR mustard gas and if that’s not a clear enough indicator, as nothing else gives a false positive for the banned WMD, I don’t know what is but this leads me to the I told you so part of all of this.

Where DID they get it…”because it is very difficult to get?”

Back on June 23rd…that would be June 23rd, of 2014…I wrote an article and published it right here in The National Patriot under the title of “Bush Was Right – Saddam Had WMD,” and in that article I gave the specifics OF Saddam’s WMD stockpile that was, at that time, still IN Iraq at a place called al Muthanna.

wm 3As per my June 23rd 2014 article…” And just how dangerous are the chemicals stored at al Muthanna? According to the Telegraph, “The jihadist group bringing terror to Iraq overran a Saddam Hussein chemical weapons complex on Thursday, gaining access to disused stores of hundreds of tonnes of potentially deadly poisons including mustard gas and sarin…. Isis has shown ambitions to seize and use chemical weapons in Syria leading experts to warn last night that the group could turn to improvised weapons to carry out a deadly attack in Iraq.”

“And according to Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, a former commander of Britain’s chemical weapons regiment, “It is doubtful that Isis have the expertise to use a fully functioning chemical munition but there are materials on site that could be used in an improvised explosive device. We have seen that Isis has used chemicals in explosions in Iraq before and has carried out experiments in Syria.””

So…al Muthanna is from WHERE ISIS got their mustard gas, and apparently hundreds of tons of it but “from where” is only half the question the collective should be asking. The other half of the question is…”from WHOM did ISIS get their WMD?”

In 1991, al Muthanna was bombed heavily, destroyed and its contents destroyed for the wm 4most part but that was where Saddam researched and developed his WMD back then. After 1991, Saddam simply moved his WMD base of operations elsewhere but, in 2003, as U.S. troops went INTO Iraq…any WMD they found was collected and taken TO al Murthanna and sealed into bunkers there.

When the U.S. was still in Iraq, when our troops were still there, we were guarding the stuff but when Obama pulled our troops out, without leaving any residual forces there, that stockpile of WMD was ripe for the ISIS picking and pick they did.

So, the answer to the second part of the question is as easy as the first part of it…ISIS got their mustard gas, and various other WMD FROM…Barack Hussein Obama. He virtually wm 5gift wrapped it for them as he told them exactly when all our troops would be pulled from the region.

Sure, they could have gotten some of it from Syria but that then leaves the question…from where did Syria get it as THEY, in compliance with a deal THEY had with Russia, declared some 1300 tons of the stuff about 2 years ago, the OPCW was well aware of it and Russia dismantled it.

Again…simple…Syria got their WMD from two sources…Russia and…SADDAM.

According to John Shaw, a former Pentagon official, “My people on the ground definitively tracked the Russian movement of Iraqi [chemical weapons] and high explosives to three locations in Syria and two in Lebanon in 2003.”


Shaw was making his comments all the way back in 2013 and he also stated back then…“Now we have the Russians ostensibly about to certify quantities of weaponry that until a few weeks ago no one admitted existed in Syria, much less that part of it had been moved from Iraq.”wm 6

So apparently, Syria was the recipient of Saddam’s WMD back in 2003, as Saddam was trying to get what Bush said was there, the hell OUT of there and then, about 10 years later, as Obama was drawing his non-existent red line against Syria…Syria wanted to get it the hell out of THEIR country as THEY had claimed it had all been declared and destroyed already and back to Iraq it went.

The point here being this…whether Saddam’s WMD was in Iraq, in Syria or some amount of it was being moved back TO Iraq…Obama, having already creating a vacuum of power in Iraq and in attempting to do the same in Syria, was making sure that wherever Saddam’s WMD was…ISIS would have access TO it.

And that leads to yet another point…as we now know it was ISIS that used the mustard gas on the Kurdish troops, along with weaponized chlorine in several attacks…it seems less and less likely that it was al Assad who used WMD against his own people back in April of this year.

wm 7Those isolated attacks utilized Sarin gas and Sarin gas was present at al Muthanna in Iraq and, as we know, ISIS took control of al Muthana back in June of 2014 so…it is now highly probable that it was ISIS and not al Assad who fired those weapons. In fact…it is most probable that the very forces Obama has been arming and the very forces Putin has been bombing in Syria that fired those WMD in April of 2015.

Right now, Syria is in meetings with the OPCW to determine whether or not Syria actually disclosed all their WMD a couple of years ago and the most obvious answer is no, they did not. What they DID disclose was the WMD they acquired from Russia and that is what Russia, on Syria’s behalf, dismantled. What Syria did NOT disclose was the WMD they got from Saddam…the WMD they apparently tried to return to Iraq, or declare to the OPCW before ISIS got ahold of it and then USED back in Iraq, making those particular WMD the most well-traveled in history.

In my article in June of 2014, I issued a dire warning…”As the last of our troops left Iraq, al Muthanna and its deadly contents have been waiting for someone to claim them.”wm 8

“ISIS has now done that very thing and if they can find a way to transport the sarin, the VX and the mustard gas stored there, if they can find a way to disperse it in populated areas…the horrors we’ve seen over the past two weeks perpetrated by ISIS will pale by comparison.”

And we all know that gassing the Kurdish troops is just the precursor to what is to come as ISIS has been calling for “lone wolf” attacks against the Israelis by the Palestinians. It is only a matter of time before ISIS attempts a WMD strike inside Israel. ISIS is advancing on Israel from the Druze mountains and they are already setting up shop in Lebanon along-side of Hezbollah not to mention their presence in or around the Golan heights and their attempts to gain some sort of foothold in the Sinai Peninsula.

It doesn’t take an wm 9OPCW genius to figure out where ISIS wants to strike with their WMD next now does it? And if that happens, a WMD launched by ISIS at Israel…from Syria…that would likely draw Israel into the battle in support of Putin’s efforts against the Obama backed “rebels. Just think…none of this would even be possible without Obama’s running of interference for Islamists across the Middle East which brings me to one last thing I should do before closing out this article.

Hello Valerie Jarrett…she reads both mine and Diane Sori’s articles and loves it when we expose the truth. And it would be rude of me not to extend a greeting.

One thought on “ISIS is Now Using WMD…SADDAM’S WMD

  1. Where I am not an expert in chemical warfare, I have heard that Sarin does not have a long shelf life after it has been mixed. Mustard gas, however, probably lasts longer than the mustard in your fridge.

    But when did we quit trying to win wars? When did we decide that we cannot use more force against an enemy than they are able to use against us? If we had Patton and his 3rd army this war on terror would be over in 6 months.

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