Obama’s Iran “Deal” Nothing But Caliphate Cover…Part 1 of 3

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

nd 1This bit of information was barely a blip on the 24 hour news cycle last week and the mainstream media dropped it like it was radioactive.

Iran, after acquiring the full capitulation of the Obama regime and only after the Obama regime had acquired enough votes to uphold Obama’s planned veto of a vote to deep-six the “deal” with Iran has Iran announced that, lo and behold, they have discovered new, substantial deposits of uranium ore.

During the “deal” making…it was widely distributed than Iran LACKED sufficient uranium deposits from which to mine enough of the stuff to supply their “peaceful” application of nuclear energy much less, supply the building of nuclear weapons and that they would likely have to IMPORT uranium just to keep their program up and running.

Then…with the “deal” done and the votes in hand…SURPRISE…Iran has JUST DISCOVERED more uranium than they apparently know with what to do.

They didn’t JUST DISCOVER this new source of uranium and if you believe they diid…allow me to make you a great deal on Arizona oceanfront property. They knew exactly where this stuff was all along. They knew, they hid it and THEN…they discovered it which is a pretty clear indicator of how they will be running their nuclear facility…Parchin…the one that THEY and ONLY they are allowed to inspect.

The “deal,” being voted on here in the U.S. this week, already has Iran playing the hide and seek game yet liberals in congress, and surrender simps from the right side of the aisle, are willing to let the “deal” stand.

But there’s more to this than simply new found uranium that really isn’t newly found at all…

Much more and to properly connect the dots, one must step back far enough to see the big picture.

First of all…who has been the primary pushers OF this supposed Iran nuclear “deal” from the beginning?nd 2

The United Nations (of Thugs, Thieves and Despots) and the Obama regime…that’s who and…who knew that while the “deal” talks were in progress that North Korea was secretly transferring nuclear and missile technology TO Iran despite direct United Nations (of thugs, thieves and Despots) sanctions AGAINST such transfers?

The United Nations (of Thugs, Thieves and Despots) and the Obama regime…that’s who.
Yep while talks were in progress, while John Kerry was capitulating, on Obama’s orders…orders Obama no doubt got from the United Nations (of Thugs, Thieves and Despots) North Korea and Iran were sharing secrets aimed at eventually aiming Iranian missiles at both Israel AND the United States and from this distance, the picture is starting to look dire but…step back a little more and let it all come into focus…

Here’s a little something neither the Obama regime nor the mainstream media wants you to know…the nuclear ties between Iran and North Korea go back a little farther than the “deal” talks…back to as early as 2012…possibly earlier.

It was in 2012 that Ilana Freedman, a veteran intel analyst in counter-terrorism and Homeland Security, stated that her sources indicated that IRAN has started moving THEIR bomb manufacturing operationsnd 3 TO North Korea and that not one but TWO facilities in North Korea…”near Nyongbyon in North Pyongan province, some 50 miles north of Pyongyang,” had, in fact, become the CENTER for Iran’s…NUCLEAR ARMS PROGRAM.

For a long time now…my Right Side Patriots radio partner, Diane Sori and I have been saying that e believe Iran already HAS a nuclear weapon and…here comes the proof…

According to Freedman…at one of those North Korean facilities… Nyŏngbyŏn…”with a code name that translates to ‘Thunder God Mountain’, nuclear warheads are being assembled and integrated with MIRV platforms.” An MIRV platform, by the way, is a “ballistic missile systems that can support multiple warheads, each of which can be aimed at an independent target, but are all launched by a single booster rocket.”

That is not good…not good at all but…it gets worse…a whole lot worse…

According to reports…this hush-hush collaboration between Iran and North Korea, which includes up to 300 IRANIAN nuclear scientists AND an IRANIAN security force, has already nd 4produced…not one…not two, three or four nuclear warheads but…14 such nuclear warheads.

Can it get any worse than that? Yes…oh yes it can because there are several cargo aircraft…747’s and Antonov heavy lift cargo craft…purchased from Russia, that have been hauling the finished product from North Korea TO Iran…and Obama has known about it all along. In fact, he’s been aware OF those shipments as far back as September 2014 and what exactly was in one of those shipments? According to reports, “large diameter engines, which could be used for a future Iranian long-range missile system.”

Intercontinental ballistic missile systems to be precise…missile systems meant not for launching against Israel, as Iran already HAS that capability but for systems capable of launching against the United States.

At this point, it bears note that the two secret “side deals” contained in Obama’s Iran nuke “deal” aren’t the ONLY secret “deals” involved. Remember the revelation of the secret “deal” Obama struck with Iran back in 2011? Iran’s Supreme Leader let it be known, about a month ago…AFTER the “deal” was done that Obama had…in 2011, approved of Iran’s “right to operate a nuclear program,” and that THOSE talks had, in fact, started with Iran’s former president, Mahmoud Ahmadenejad.

nd 5Well…I submit that the REAL first “deal” was struck well before THAT “deal” back in 2009…that’s when then Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON accepted a HANDSHAKE from North Korean leader, and told us all that the rogue nation would no longer be testing nuclear weapons. North Korea, then kicked all independent and U.N. inspectors and promptly conducted more nuclear weapons tests. I believe the “deal” was that both the U.N. and the U.S. under the Obama regime would simply look the other way and allow North Korea to begin a collaboration with Iran but there’s more…

Just last week, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency revealed that two emails, found on Hillary’s private and unsecured servers and email accounts contained TOP SECRET intel reports, including SATELITE IMAGES of…NORTH KOREA’S NUCLEAR FACILITIES. And when did she receive those top secret emails containing top secret intel on North Korea’s top secret nuclear facilities? In 2009…and in 2011…and it can be no coincidence that those dates so closely correspond with the dates of HER “deal” that North Korea would cease their testing of nuclear weapons and Obama’s “deal” with Ahmadenjad to approve of Iran’s quest for a nuclear program.

Think about it…Hillary accepts a wink and a nod from North Korea in 2009…Obama strikes a secret “deal” with Iran approving of them having a nuclear program in 2011 and then, in 2012…Iran starts receiving shipments of nuclear weapons and missile technology from North Korea. This new “deal,” the one Kerry capitulated on, is nothing but cover for the fact that Iran already HAS nuclear weapons and has had then since 2012…a fact that was sure to come out sooner rather than later and Obama needed a PUBLIC “deal,” one voted on by congress, to provide cover for the SECRET “deals.”

Now then…from where has North Korea been getting the raw material for their collaboration with Iran and with which they have already produced some 14 nuclear nd 6warheads?

For the answer to that question we must take one more step back to see the whole, big picture.

Remember the beginning of this article…Iran’s “discovery” of new deposits of uranium? Well…in yet more news no covered by the mainstream media…last month, it was revealed that North Korea, via intel garnered from new satellite images, has been expanding their nuclear facilities for the purpose of processing more and more uranium and the satellite images show that they have been ramping up for more than a year now.

Another North Korean nuclear facility has also undergone expansion over the past year to 18 months… Nyongbyon…te one only 15 miles from ‘Thunder God Mountain” where the collaboration between Iran and North Korea has reportedly produced 14 nuclear weapons.

Obviously, North Korea has been expecting large shipments of raw uranium ore from Iran for more than a year meaning that the “newly discovered” uranium deposits in Iran were actually discovered…a year ago and there is absolutely no way Obama didn’t know about it then, before the “deal” making process even started.

nd 7Can you see the big picture now?

The “deal” between Obama and Iran…the “deal” between Hillary and North Korea and Obama’s secret “deal” with Ahmadenijad back in 2011 are nothing but cover for Iran’s “deal” with North Korea to refine uranium and produce nuclear weapons as well as provide intercontinental ballistic missile technology to Iran…weapons and technology which are already in Iran and have been since 2012. All Iran is lacking at this point is the capability to miniaturize those warheads for placement on the missiles and guess what? North Korea is claiming they have the expertise to do exactly that.

In May of this year, CNN reported that North Korea “has the ability to miniaturize nuclear weapons, a key step toward building nuclear missiles.” According to North Korean military spokespeople…“We have had the capability of miniaturizing nuclear warheads, as well as producing multiform weapons, for some time.” See above…Ilana Freedman’s reporting of nuclear warheads produced in North Korea and “integrated with MIRV platforms,” being shipped from there to Iran since 2012.

Naturally, the Obama regime, the same Obama regime that knew all about the transfer of nuclear weapons and missile technology between North Korea and Iran yet said and did nothing about it, claims that, “Our assessment of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities has not changed. We do not think that they have that capacity.”

Wanna bet? Want Obama betting your life on it?

Not me…no way in hell.

From the “deal” Hillary made with North Korea to the “deal” struck by Kerry with Iran…Obama’s goal has been to get nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran with which they can attempt to “wipe Israel from the map” and threaten the United States and it seems, at least in arming Iran, he has been successful thus setting the stage for WWIII. nd 8

Remember, Obama has it written into the “deal” that should anyone, and that includes Israel, attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, preemptively or otherwise, the U.S. will support Iran militarily and believe me that is the ONLY part of the “deal” Obama has any intention of enforcing.

It’s not peace he’s after…it’s a caliphate he wants and the Islamist in Chief is now closer than ever to having it.

To read Diane Sori’s Part 2 of this report please go to The Patriot Factor by clicking here!!