Black Liberals Addicted to Welfare – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stat 1Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I offered that the root of the problem, deemed today to be a racial divide and currently being blamed on various police departments around the country is, in reality, based in liberalism.

Today…I offer to you the statistics to prove my point.

The top ten poorest cities in the U.S. have all be run by liberals for decades.

The top ten most violent cities in the nation have likewise been run by liberals for decades.

And there’s something else these cities have in common…as the levels of violent crimes grow, the white population decreases as does that of law abiding black and Hispanic nuclear families. The fewer black, Hispanic and white two parent families that live in these cities…the higher and higher the rate of violent crimes rises.

According to recent FBI statistics compiled in 2013…the most recent study available…

Detroit is THE most dangerous city in America recording some 14, 504 violent crimes in 2013. That’s 39 violent crimes per day and 1.6 violent crimes per hour.

Here is the racial breakdown of Detroit.

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When we look at the FBI’s report relating to murders, we find Detroit’s per capita murder rate to be 45 per every 100,000 people, and in comparison to other cities on the FBI’s murder statistics… New Orleans (41 murders per 100,000 residents); Newark, NJ (40 murders per 100,000 residents); St. Louis (38 murders per 100,000 residents); and Baltimore (37 murders per 100,000 residents)…two inescapable facts stand out…ALL of those cities have a BLACK majority population and ALL of those cities are run by LIBERALS.

The reason for the racial demographics being what they are is that white people and white families have been systematically fleeing those cities as their crime rates began to soar and the fewer whites there were, the higher those crime rates rose.stat 3

Now that those cities are black and liberal majority cities…they can no longer get away with blaming their problems on white conservatives, and rather than assess blame where blame is actually due…they are…one by one…trying to blame their police departments for their collective woes.

The demographics regarding violent crime are perfectly clear but, that is only part of the overall equation here… another part being the addiction to welfare programs and for that, we must turn to the Pew research Center for their report which shows…

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Here, just as clearly, one can see that blacks and democrats are participating in liberal social welfare programs at more than twice the rate of whites and Republicans.

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The THIRD part of this which must not be ignored is the gender demographics as applied to liberal welfare participants.

Women are nearly twice as likely as men (23% vs. 12%) to participate in liberal social welfare programs and MINORITY women are in the system at a MUCH higher rate than non-minority women. In fact…39% of black women and 31% of Hispanic women utilize liberal social welfare programs as an ‘occupation’ while only 21% and 14% of black and Hispanic men respectively are in the system.

What that statistic shows us is that minority women…black and Hispanic women…are using the birthing of more babies as extra income while black and Hispanic men, suffering from gender incapability, can’t which is why, so many of those young men in those two demographics tend to turn to gangs and violence along with criminality regarding drug use and drug trafficking to garner the money THEY require.

As I stated in part 1 of this article…we are now on our third and fourth generations of liberal social welfare program addicts. Far too many black female babies, knowing no other way of life other than that taught to them by their mothers…and with far too few fathers in the picture…begin in their teen years to perpetuate the garnering of liberal welfare checks by birthing babies of their own while the male babies…unsupervised by fathers…become gang affiliated in THEIR teens earning STREET cred rather than academic credits and the cycle not only continues…it grows.

However…if being BLACK was the problem…ALL black people would be caught in the cycle and we know that a good many blacks manage to extract themselves from the cesspool before it swallows them too.

The REAL problem here is LIBERALISM and the addiction to it that has its hooks in our nation’s minority populations. Liberalism convinces the minority populous that they are victims…based on the color of their skin…and that they can’t overcome their supposed stat 6victimization without liberal government assistance.

They, the liberals, convince minority populations that liberals and ONLY liberals will or can help them and that Conservatives and ALL Conservatives are trying to DISABLE them while they, the minority populous, votes in near lockstep for those whose only fulfilled promise has been to keep the checks coming.

IF liberalism WAS the answer to their problems…IF liberalism was the SOLUTION to their plight…why then ARE the top ten most dangerous AND the top ten POOREST cities in America…run by liberals? WHY…if LIBERALISM is the ladder which minorities can use to climb OUT of poverty and OUT of the crime-ridden streets…why is it that the higher the minority populations of the most liberal cities in the nation become more and more encumbered with crime and poverty?

Because, for liberalism to survive…it needs victims and when real victims aren’t available, liberalism will create victims. Blacks and other minorities in the U.S. are the ‘victims’ that keep liberalism alive. They have been so beat down by liberalism’s agenda for so many decades that they know no other circumstance. Liberals have TOLD them that they are victims and they have believed they are victims. All that has changed is the liberal lies of who is responsible for their victimization.

First it was white people. Then it was white Conservatives which morphed into ALL Conservatives as more minorities became Conservatives and now, facing the undeniable statistics that show the worst most destitute cities in America are ALL run BY liberals…it has become the police being targeted by liberals as the victimizers.

The ONLY common denominator is…liberals. Liberals, their liberal policies, their liberal agenda and the desperate need to maintain liberal voting blocs.

Liberals are keeping minorities on the hook of victimization by buying their votes with liberal social welfare checks…enabling minorities to maintain THEIR addiction to the liberal stat 7system.

Make no mistake, with liberals running our nation’s education system from kindergarten through higher indoctrination, those who stay in school are literally being taught the process of victimization and those who drop out at any level are considered BY liberals, to be the real success stories of their agenda as uneducated minorities will never find the truth and will never leave the system creating generation after generation of social welfare addicts.

As statistically stated above, with 39% of black women and 31% of Hispanic women, comprising the two largest minority populations in the nation, 70% of them combined are currently addicted to liberal social welfare programs and that number is rising every day. Within ten years, if current trends remain unchanged, that number will exceed 8 out of 10 and become all but irreversible. And as that number continues to rise unabated, so too with the crime statistics that always follow suit.

The ONLY way out…the only viable solution for the long run is to completely revamp liberal social welfare programs to make them something that people of ALL colors DON’T want to and CAN’T rely upon for a living. There needs to be hard and fast limits on the amount anyone can receive and there must be strict hard and fast limits on the amount of time anyone can stay ON liberal social welfare.

Like common drug addicts who beg, steal and eventually kill for what it takes to get them through the day, far too many in the onceSTAT 8 strong black or other minority communities are now willing to breed, steal and kill for their access to either liberalism’s handouts or to bolster their credibility in the gutters of our nation’s inner cities.Liberals, the pushers of the minority drug of choice…welfare…are always right there with the fix that keeps them addicted.

To those IN the minority communities…your problem isn’t white and it’s not the thin blue line. Your problem…your REAL problem, is liberalism and nothing short of an intervention will get THAT monkey off your back.


TODAY, Wednesday, May 13th, on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm EST, Craig and Diane will discuss racism encompassing the RSP TEASEblack war against the police and the black bilking of our welfare system. Also discussed will be the decision NOT to indict the white officer in the shooting death of Madison, WI, thug Tony Robertson, Jr.

Hope you can tune in:
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