Don’t Take Rudy’s Word For It…Take Obama’s!

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rudy 1“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”

“He doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

“What country has left so many young men and women dead abroad to save other countries without taking land? This is not the colonial empire that somehow he has in his hand. I’ve never felt that from him. I felt that from [George] W. [Bush]. I felt that from [Bill] Clinton. I felt that from every American president, including ones I disagreed with, including [Jimmy] Carter. I don’t feel that from President Obama.”

Rudy Giuliani was spot on with those comments last week. Spot on and the reaction from liberals was 100% expected.

Josh Earnest, Whitehouse town liar and spokesweasel said: “I can tell you that it’s sad to see when somebody who has attained a certain level of public stature, and even admiration, tarnishes that legacy so thoroughly. And the truth is, I don’t take any joy, or vindication, or satisfaction from that. I think, really, the only thing that I feel is sorry for Rudy Giuliani today.”

Al not-so-Sharpton said: “Rudy, first of all, needs a hug,”

“The best thing that can happen to the Democrat that succeeds President Obama is for Rudy Giuliani to keep running his mouth.”

Sharpton continued…

“Give him all the airtime you can give him because he doesn’t know but one song to sing. He don’t realize it’s 2015. He thinks it’s ’93.”

Rep. Steve Cohen, a liberal Florida moonbat had THIS to say: “Maybe he thinks he loves it 3/5 as much as Giuliani & his pals,” thus intoning that Rudy is a racist for making those spot on comments about Obama.

And let’s not leave out some of the liberal media’s response to Rudy’s comments either…

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These are all so typical, such worn out and inane and completely predictable liberal responses. Take that not one of these liberal cockroaches, not one, offered even a single example of how Obama LOVES America to refute Rudy’s claims. Not one single example of Obama’s love for this country.

First of all, they can’t offer any examples of it as none exist and second…the standard liberal response to such truths as Rudy spoke last week is to attack the messenger and label that messenger a racist.

One doesn’t sit in a ‘church’ for 20 years where the preacher delivers “Not God BLESS America…GOD DAMN AMERICA” sermons if one does indeed love America now does one?

One who truly LOVES America stands at attention as our national anthem is sung and does so with one’s hand over one’s heart don’t they? One does not stand there with one’s hands folded in front of one’s crotch looking bored as all hell.

The MARXIST professors and the FOREIGN students are not those sought out by students who LOVE America…those are the professors and students sought out by those who do NOT love America…so as not to be thought of as a…SELLOUT.

Only an American president who loathes America would make it their first order of business to go on a world tour for the purpose of apologizing for American exceptionalism. An American president who loves America would take every opportunity to champion American exceptionalism .rudy 2

No American president who loves America would arm our enemies in a time of war. No American president who loves America would turn his back on our allies.

Only an American president who HATES America would ignore the rule of law and subvert our Constitution to act as a dictator.

Would any American president who LOVES America put those who break our laws by being in our country ILLEGALLY above those who are CITIZENS of America?

Of course not but those are exactly the things Obama has done, is doing and has promised to continue doing.

Obama once said: “You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a (flag) pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest…”

Does that sound at all like a president who loves his country? No…no it does not.

Obama also stated: “In America, we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We rudy 3must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.”

Would a president who loves America be advocating the socialist/communist collective over the American principles of individual actions and individual dreams that were the foundation of this great country and propelled this great country to become the shining light on the hill?

No way in hell.

Those are the words and true feelings of an American president who was reared and is to this day saturated in a deep seeded hatred of America…the words and true feelings of an American president who believes that America is the catalyst for all the world’s ills. Those are the words and true feelings of an American president who stands up for the ideologies that have failed everywhere they have been employed and against the freedoms America has offered the world and her own citizens.

Yes, we have made mistakes. We haven’t always been right but, America has recognized her wrongs and has always taken steps to correct those wrongs. Slavery ended more than 150 years ago. Our treatment of the American Indian was once shameful but those wrongs have also been dealt with and today, the American Indian culture is both revered and protected by American society and American law. Only a great country would rise to correct its own mistakes, admit its own mistakes and reverse its mistaken policies.

Since those corrections in course, America has fought wars to protect our freedoms at home and to provide freedom for people around the world and America has done so without laying claim to the lands of those who were our enemies.

But then…there is this…perhaps the most telling of Obama’s anti-American statements and the one that proves that, as Rudy Giuliani said…“I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America.”

If Obama loves America…why would he want…not only to TRANSFORM America but…FUNDAMENTALLY transform America?

Fundamental – adjective
1. serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying:
fundamental principles; the fundamental structure.
2. of, relating to, or affecting the foundation or basis:
a fundamental revision.
3. being an original or primary source: a fundamental idea.

Transform – verb (used with object)
1. to change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose.
2. to change in condition, nature, or character; convert.
3. to change into another substance; transmute.

One does not…DOES NOT want to…change in form…change in appearance…change in rudy 4structure…to metamprphize or to change in condition…change in nature…change in character or to convert…change into another structure or to transmute into something else…the country which one loves.

ONLY a president who LOATHES America would campaign on FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMING America and only those who, just like Obama, loathe this country would stand and applaud and vote for such a notion of hatred toward our country.

And finally, it is our Constitution that is the foundation of our country and all presidents swear an oath to DEFEND and PROTECT that Constitution.

Obama once told Russia’s President Medvedev, at an Asia-Pacific summit when asked to respond to Putin’s statement that the United States should stop its march toward socialism…Obama’s march toward socialism…“It doesn’t matter since for all intent and purposes the US Constitution is dead”.

And further…Obama had THIS to say of the Constitution…

How are we to believe that someone, an American president LOVES America…a nation founded upon the Constitution…or even BELIEVE that president when he swears to “protect and defend” that Constitution when he utters such words of disdain FOR the Constitution?

Liberals can do nothing but attack the messenger…attack Rudy Giuliani and in some cases, make death threats against him because he spoke the unadulterated truth last week by making those comments regarding Obama. Sure, they can offer quotes where Obama seems to be defending America but they cannot offer up any examples of his actions matching those words and actions do speak louder after all.rudy 5

The proof that Rudy was right…spot on and 100% correct does not lie in Rudy’s words. The proof that Obama does not love America is found in Obama’s OWN words….backed up by Obama’s own actions.

Rudy Giuliani’s words were right and those words are backed up by Obama’s deeds.

Barack Hussein Obama does not love America.

One thought on “Don’t Take Rudy’s Word For It…Take Obama’s!

  1. He is not legal president by our laws. Treasonous traitors one and all in this administration. Democrats placed barry soetoro aka obama in office through fraud and forged documents along with the ninety fraudulent signatures they created and then covered up to get his name on 08 ballot illegally for our enemies. We have been sold out. They have filled our government with muslim brotherhood, our country invaded with illegal criminals, Syrian muslims and muslim terrorist to amass armies at the 35 jihad terrorist camps across America. Our economy will collapse soon and barry/obama will cut off our fuel, food, money, and utilities for us to be sitting ducks when he gives the order for the vowed jihad on us. obama was raised in his formative years by a muslim family in a muslim country and schooled in islam. His main job is to keep US military from wiping them out before they take down America. If we go down the world is theirs. We are not this stupid. God will deliver us into the hands of our enemies for allowing our money and weapons to build up these evil vile ones of a false god to murder, rape and torture. False prophets have misled the masses with teaching of God’s love without his discipline or laws. Prayer without acts does not bear fruit. We are to be Christians warriors standing again evil in God’s name. He will bless us with victory but we must rise up in his name for the greater good to save our children’s future.

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