Dear Michael Moore – A Letter to an Idiot

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

BAG 1Michael Moore,

A couple of weeks ago, on January 20th, I published an article, American Sniper, Chris Kyle and Liberal Loathing in which I had the following to say about you:

“Then…there is the slob, Michael Moore who, over the weekend crawled out from under some rock and tweeted…”

“Moore just can’t wrap his head around Chris Kyle’s morality. Moore just can’t accept that there are people in our military like Kyle who are not driven by a thirst for blood but compelled to do a job they find horrific to protect his fellow soldiers.”

“Michael Moore’s loathing of America and our military is only equaled by his self-loathing as the ever so courageous Moore pats himself on the back for calling out a deceased hero who will never be able to challenge the accusation as a coward while he makes heroes of 7th century barbarians.”

YOU, in return, have now had THIS to say about ME…and although you didn’t mention me by name, I accept the mantel:

“This past week or so of hysterical attacks on me only proves that the American lovers of violence and the issuers of fatwas in OUR society haven’t gone away. bag 2They are our American Isis – ‘Criticize or mock those whom we deify, like our sainted sniper, and we will harm you most assuredly.’”

So, Moore, because I…we chose to speak my…our mind regarding YOU…I am now American ISIS??? WE are now American ISIS???

First of all, let’s get a few things straight here Moore which, for you, will be a brand new experience.

“American lovers of violence and issuers of fatwas in our society?” Really?

The overwhelming, vast majority of those of us who spent our hard earned money to sit in a theater and watch ‘American Sniper’ over the past couple of weeks are not what you so sneeringly define as “lovers of violence.” What we are is Americans who understand and appreciate the brutal and life-altering job that members of our military volunteer to do, and we also understand and appreciate the talent of a director and producer like Clint Eastwood who realized that trying to paint the war in Iraq as anything but ugly and dark would do a grave disservice to the character study this film was meant to be.

You, Michael Moore, wouldn’t understand ‘character’ as you have none of it yourself.

The “American ISIS” to whom you refer do not come out of the screening of American Sniper cheering and yelping about the kill shots, of which Chris Kyle had 160 confirmed bag 3and another 95 probable…no…we come out humbled by the knowledge that there was someone wearing our country’s uniform back then who did what they did, although distasteful to him personally at times, to save his brothers and sisters lives. We are further humbled to know there are still people like Chris Kyle in uniform today.

YOU…Moore, call them cowards.

WE call them heroes but, we do not deify them nor offer to them, sainthood. We respect them and understand that what they and their families go through is so much more than we are capable of going through ourselves.

Chris Kyle served four tours in Iraq and was wounded twice but you, Michael Moore, need to ask WHY he did all that.

I’ll tell you why…out of respect and to protect YOUR freedoms and the bag 4right to present yourself as an asshole and don’t even think of trying to tell me that you don’t need the Chris Kyles of our military to see to it that you have such rights because were it not for the Chris Kyles of 1776, we could not and would not have defeated the most powerful army on earth to become a nation with a cornerstone called the 1st Amendment.

But you don’t know anything about respect do you Moore?

You called Chris Kyle and those who do what he did while wearing our nation’s uniform and serving with honor…cowards…because YOUR uncle was, in your words, killed by a sniper in WWII and you were taught that all snipers are cowards.

You couldn’t even respect the memory of your uncle could you? While it is true that he did die in the Philippines during WWII, there is absolutely NO evidence to suggest that it was an enemy sniper who took your uncle’s life. Your uncle, being dead, was nothing more to you than a propaganda tool for your fabricated yarns.

Then you followed your first absurd tweet with another.

bag 5

Let’s just pretend for a moment that, while completely unsubstantiated by any facts whatsoever, that your uncle really was killed by a sniper in the Philippines during WWII. Your uncle would have been fighting for our side in that war and, the Philippines being a foreign land, well…that would have made your uncle, by YOUR definition Moore…an invader.

The sniper would have been, again by YOUR definition Moore…”brave” and “a neighbor.”

You can’t even get your own make-believe propaganda straight and you dare to criticize Clint Eastwood???

“But something started to go haywire with Clint in the last decade. Sophia McClennen in the Salon article wrote that she believes the first sign of his loopiness began that night at the awards dinner at Tavern on the Green in Central Park where he randomly went after me. Then came the (IMHO) awful (and weirdly racist) “Gran Torino” where he got to cast himself as a bigoted retired autoworker in Detroit. Two years later he was on the stage at the Republican National bag 6Convention carrying on a berating and confused conversation with an invisible Obama in an empty chair.”

So, it is some sort of “loopiness” that Eastwood doesn’t like you, Moore? He’s ‘loopy’ because he doesn’t want you showing up at his house with a camera and told you so at an awards dinner in a very pointed way, saying he would kill you if you did so?

That sort of in-your-face honesty just leaves pudding in your pants doesn’t it, Moore?

In ‘Gran Torino‘…Eastwood’s character, Walt Kowalski was a product of another time and set in his racist ways or, at least he thought he was until, by the end of the film, he was helping and protecting the Hmong family…the very family his racism was aimed at in the beginning of the film…and Walt was teaching the you man, Thao Hmong the advantages of hard work, ethics, honesty and morals.

Just like character and respect…you wouldn’t really know anything about hard work, morals, ethics or honesty…as you have none of those traits yourself…do you Moore?

bag 7And… “Two years later he was on the stage at the Republican National Convention carrying on a berating and confused conversation with an invisible Obama in an empty chair.”

Let me just take a stab at it here Moore…you probably think ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ is a menu…right?


Just like Dr. Seuss’ gastronomical children’s story was really political satire, so too was Eastwood’s empty chair at the RNC. I’ll get back to Seuss in a moment but what Clint Eastwood was telling the world was that it was more intellectually honest to have a running conversation with an empty chair than to attempt the feat with Obama as the chair would not lie to you and Obama most certainly would.

Empty promises, empty rhetoric, empty words, empty threats…empty chair. It was brilliant, pointed and a slap in the face to all who have supported Obama from the beginning.

‘Green Eggs and Ham,’ by the way Moore, is all about racism and the lesson learned by the end of the story is the same lesson learned by Walt Kowalski by the end of ‘Gran Torino.’

Clint Eastwood isn’t loopy or confused Moore…YOU are.bag 8

But please dig your hole a little deeper Moore…

“And now ‘American Sniper’ – a mess of a film that rewrites history (we invade Iraq as revenge for 9/11), perpetuates a racist sentiment to Arabs (Iraqis are “savages”), has a simplistic Hollywood storyline of the good sniper in white vs. the bad sniper in black), and (in a rare moment of honesty) shows the main characters in the film, the American soldiers, either returning home all messed-up by the war (and with some of them turning anti-war) or in a box. The lead character becomes a victim of both the PTSD epidemic AND the violent American/Texan gun culture that eventually takes his life.”

bag 9Moore…have you seen the uniforms our military wears over there? Have you seen the way the jihadis dress over there? And it’s staggeringly clear that when Kyle calls out the “savages” he’s talking about those who not only kill members of our military but those who just as easily hide behind women and children, using THEM as fodder and murdering them when they stray from the Islamic agenda of terrorism and repression. They ARE savages Moore…they are 7th century barbarian savages with 21st century weapons whose agenda is ‘submit to jihad or die.’

Chris Kyle was 100% correct to call them savages and Moore…you are 100% wrong to call them “brave” and regard them as ‘neighborly.’ Your brave neighbors are hell bent on genocide and they would just as soon cut off your head as mine and the ONLY reason all of that is taking place over THERE is because of people like Chris Kyle who have kept them from coming over HERE so…while you are free to express YOURSELF…so too am I…

Take your anti-America, anti-American military agenda of loathing and hate, your bag 10criticism of Chris Kyle and those like him, your criticism of me and those like me, your criticism of ‘American Sniper’ and your criticism of Clint Eastwood and shove it all where the sun don’t shine because you Moore…you have all the intellectual integrity of an aging hippy commune’s used community colostomy bag.

And I mean that sincerely.

Craig Andresen

The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

2 thoughts on “Dear Michael Moore – A Letter to an Idiot

  1. “Big mac fart bag”, lovin’ it. Best article yet Craig, keep ’em coming brother!

  2. Geez Craig it sounds like you really have no use for Micheal Moore. GOOD, why should you be any different then the rest of us who have absolutely no use for that slime sucking big mac fartbag. Loved the article, keep up the great work.

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