SOTU – More of the Same Ol’ Socialist Song and Dance

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

coll 1In his State of the Disunion speech, Obama laid out his plan to further wreck the economy while trying to make us all believe that because of his policies, roundly slammed in the midterm election, our economy is so bright we have to wear shades.

Obama’s plan is to further the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist state and whatt he is promoting is abysmal and decidedly un-American.

Obama wants 7 days of paid sick leave for every employee. That SOUNDS reasonable until one gets to the reality faced by business owners who have to pay it. What any savvy business owner will do is simply make an adjustment in their pay scale. 7 days of paid sick leave adjusts to the equivalent of 7 days less pay per employee because business owners, at least those who intend on staying in business, won’t eat it…they will adjust FOR it and the workers will pay the price…not the business owners.

Obama wants to expand overtime.

Again…savvy business owners, should such a mandate be presented, will cut pay to compensate and once again, the workers lose.

Obama AGAIN went on the warpath for a hike in the minimum wage and again, until one recognizes the truth, it sounds good but…when the minimum wage gets hiked, it results in LOWER pay because business owners cut workers hours and hire fewer workers to keep their bottom line even.

Don’t think so?

The National Bureau of Economics Research and the University of California San Diego just released a 2 year research report where they tracked workers after the last minimum coll 2wage hike in 2009…again…on Obama’s watch and what they discovered is that more than 1 million of those workers either LOST their minimum wage jobs or couldn’t get hired at the new HIGHER minimum wage, and the average income OF minimum wage workers…DROPPED by an average of $150.00 per month.

This is all economics 101 so…why would Obama and his liberal minions in congress be advocating this mess?


They want everyone to believe that a higher minimum wage is aimed ONLY at the workers who RECEIVE it which is why they ONLY refer TO it as a WAGE when in reality…it SHOULD be referred to as the minimum COST to the employer.

Each worker an employer HIRES…COSTS that employer, and employers are not in coll 3business to LOSE money so…they WILL compensate…NOT by driving down their bottom line but…by cutting their COSTS and that can either be done at the expense of the consumer OR at the cost of the employee and since there IS a line that consumers will not cross when it comes to THEIR costs…the employees become expendable.

That is exactly what Obama and liberals WANT to happen because, when it does, more and more Americans end up seeking and receiving GOVERNMENT assistance and THAT is the basis of SOCIALISM.

As Obamacare forces more and more employers to cut jobs to compensate for the higher and higher COST of providing full time workers with healthcare insurance…more ancoll 4d more FORMER full- time workers are becoming PART-TIME workers and as PART-TIME workers continue to get their hours CUT…more and more apply for GOVERNMENT assistance.

Speaking OF Obamacare…the COST per employee OF that mandated piece of crap will, in fact, drive UP the cost of hiring a full-time employee by an average of $10.30 per hour this year. Based on a 40 hour week…that’s an ADDED COST to the employer of $412.00 per week per full-time employee or…an ADDED COST of a staggering $21,424.00 per full-time employee PER YEAR.

Some businesses are going to a hybrid system of sorts when it comes to dealing with the COSTS imposed by Obama’s mandates and let’s take Buffalo Wild Wings as an example.

While I’ve seen some consternation in social media resulting from the BWW approach…I applaud them for their honesty in this matter. What they are doing is ADDING a SURCHARGE based on a percentage of the total bill to the consumer’s COST of enjoying their great wings and the games on TV.

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It’s right there on the receipt for all to see.

What this means to the chicken wing crowd is clear…while they pay for their own insurance, whether it is Obamacare or an independent carrier…they are ALSO paying for the Obamacare coverage of the people who cook, serve and clean up the aftermath of their wing-a-palooza.

Start checking your receipts and see just how many people you’re paying the cost of Obamacare for and you might just be gob smacked.

Now…add to that the higher costs of producing the chickens…ala regulations…the higher cost per employee to process those chickens…the higher costs involved in transporting those chickens (based on employee costs and not necessarily the cost of coll 6fuel) the higher costs of heating and cooling every location involved from the point of origin to the restaurant and so on and so forth and you start to get to the real TRUTH of the economy.

And finally…Obama spoke of tax increases because…that’s how liberals think. Raise taxes FIRST and then…spend MORE.

The fact of the matter is this…despite Obama’s self-aggrandizing pat on the back regarding a shrinking deficit…over the next 10 years…our deficit spending if nothing changes, is going to INCREASE by $950 BILLION dollars and as projections made that far in advance are always short of the real outcome…it is easy to see our deficit grow by 1 TRILLION dollars or MORE in the next 10 years.

That’s just the deficit…not the national debt which is already over the 18 trillion dollar mark right now and increasing by the second. and that deficit projection INCLUDES the off-sets of Obama’s proposed $320 billion dollars over 10 years tax INCREASE.

All of that blathering about closing tax loopholes was liberal code for jacking up taxes and while most of it was aimed at increasing the COSTS associated with doing business, coll 7there was ONE part of it that should really be examined in the glaring light of  truth.

FREE community college tuition for everybody.

FREE is never FREE because SOMEBODY has to pay for it and those who will be paying for a large chunk of that “free” community college tuition are those who have been SAVING for college.

Since the W. Bush administration in 2001…people who want to do the right thing and save money for college, be it for their OWN tuition or for that of their children, have been able to do so free of being taxed on those monies as long as at the time of withdrawal, the money goes TO paying for college tuition.

Well…Obama doesn’t want that “loophole” in existence anymore and has proposed ELIMINATING it which means…when you take that money OUT to pay for college tuition…it would be TAXED as earned income and the proceeds then diverted to pay for community college tuition for those who did NOT save money in that regard.coll 8

The inevitable outcome of this is clear…when no incentive to save exists…people will stop saving and as that happens, there will be less and less tax money to be diverted to community college “free” tuition which will then result in the need to hike taxes again and again to PAY for it.

Of “free” community college tuition, Obama said…“I want to spread that idea all across America, so that two years of college becomes as free and universal in America as high school is today.”

Reality paints a vastly different picture. High school isn’t free as property and other local taxes are footing the bill which means everybody in town, whether they own or rent their abode…is PAYING for it.

Don’t be misled by Obama’s or liberal’s pie in the sky lies…when they tell you it’s FREE…what they mean is that YOU’RE paying for it.

Obamacare isn’t free health care…Obamaphones aren’t free communication devices…welfare isn’t free money…food stamps or EBT isn’t a free meal and “free community college tuition” is anything BUT free because those who are still working, those who are tying themselves in knots trying to make ends meet and those who are saving for their futures or the futurecoll 9s of their children are paying it all for those who have been so indoctrinated into the liberal/socialist mindset of cradle to grave ‘government takes care of everything, that they can’t see the truth through the free candy.

The bottom line is this…

You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear especially when the promise to do so for free comes from a swine’s ass.

2 thoughts on “SOTU – More of the Same Ol’ Socialist Song and Dance

  1. Obama’s complete resume for president is “community organizer”. You cannot count his time as an Illinois state senator as he was running for president most of the time. This guy couldn’t run a lemonade stand much less what was once the most prosperous country on the planet. He has no concept of basic economics, foreign policy, or how to move his purple lips without lying. He is a devout muslim though.

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