Weekend Edition: A Letter to the new Congress

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

tnp eagleDear Republican Members of the United States 114th Congress,

You were elected by this nation’s largest and most influential entity…We the People…on November 4th, 2014. Please substitute the word “HIRED” for the word…”ELECTED.”

WE want YOU to know that YOU work for US…not the other way around and if you fail to do what WE have HIRED you to do…WE…will fire…YOIU.

Let’s start with our borders.

SEAL THEM UP. This is the United States of America and our laws do NOT allow trespassing by those who are not on the guest list so shut those borders down. Enforce the existing laws regarding deportation of ILLEGAL ALIENS and build a damn fence…guard it…electrify it if need be to keep those whom you deport as well as those trying to take from us what is ours, from sneaking into our country.

There ARE legal ways of coming to this country and all who respect those means are more than welcome to be here. That system needs work…streamlining…do that but not until after you have shut the border down.

Got it?


Change the rules of engagement for our military and quit sending our men and women to win the hearts and minds of those who want us all dead.flg 1

Define our enemies and kill them. Don’t leave the theater until the job is done and leave a few Members of our military there to maintain the peace.

Don’t worry about collateral damage or offending those with a 7th century mentality. They don’t worry about offending us and they don’t give a damn about collateral damage either.

Seek them out…destroy their ability to spread and…kill them.

QUIT sending OUR money to countries that want to KILL us!!! Support our FRIENDS around the world…help those who need medicine or have been harmed by forces or others out of their control but…ENOUGH WITH SENDING OUR MONEY TO THOSE WHO WANT US AND OUR ALLIES DEAD!!!

For instance…no more money for “Palestine.” in the first place…there is no Palestine and in the second place…all they do with it is give it to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood who are trying like hell to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. ISRAEL AND THE JEWS ARE OUR FRIENDS…HAMAS AND THE “PALESTINIANS” ARE OUR ENEMIES.

Knock that crap off.


Repeal it…defund it…get rid of it. It’s socialism. It is bleeding us dry and the quality of our healthcare is already going down the toilet. It’s not what we were promised…not at all what we need and certainly not what we want.

Obamacare is based on lies, was passed with bribes and has been altered by mandate without consent of congress ever since.

It’s rife with fraud and it leaves We the People open to identity theft while it is driving UP the cost of healthcare, deductibles and prescriptions.

Do whatever needs to bflg 2e done to get Obamacare OUT of our lives.



The cost of a gallon of gas has been dropping but NOT because of anything done by this current regime. It’s because PRIVATE companies are drilling and retrieving gas from oil shale in North Dakota on PRIVATE land and OPEC is flooding the market because they’re pissing in their pants over the fact we are producing more of our own energy so…ENOUGH WITH THE “SKY-IS-FALLING” EPA REGULATIONS…DRILL SOME MORE HOLES AND OPEN UP GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED LAND TO DO IT!!!

Between getting oil to our southern refineries via that pipeline from our FRIENDS in Canada and tapping our own oil at HOME…we can become energy INDEPENDENT in a few years so…DO IT and while you’re at it…USE OUR MONEY TO SUPPORT CLEAN COAL AND STOP THROWING IT AWAY ON UNAFFORDABLE GREEN ENERGY THAT DOESN’T WORK or is unaffordable!!!flg 3

We HIRED you to get these things done so DO them.

Defund and shut down the Department of Education.

They’re too butt stupid to be on our payroll and they’re making our kids stupid by osmosis. Stupid kids become stupid adults and the last thing we need of our next generation is a bunch of stupid adults in charge of everything that are so damn fragile that their feelings get hurt if they’re not allowed to believe that 2+2=17.

Trust me…they’ll feel a lot better when they LEARN 2+2=4 and they’ll be an ASSET to society later in life.

flg 4Make it ILLEGAL for unions to FORCE membership on workers. If the unions are worthy, workers will join them. If not, they won’t but it should be THEIR CHOICE whether or not they JOIN a union and if union rolls drop and they can’t sustain themselves then guess what? They must not have been worth crap to begin with.

Quit using our money to fund abortion clinics. It’s not healthcare and both you and they damn well know it. Let those who support the practice donate THEIR money to them and quit making those who DON’T support the practice PAY for it.

Liberals are always squealing about being “fair” and well…THAT’S fair.

Clear off Harry Reid’s desk. There are more than 365 bills…PASSED by the 113th House sitting there because HE wouldn’t allow them to come to the senate floor for a vote. PUT THEM ON THE FLOOR AND VOTE ON THEM…pass them and send them to the Lame Ducktator. If he VETOS them…try to OVERRIDE the vetos and if that doesn’t work we won’t blame YOU but we WILL replace HIM.


Too much of OUR money is being wasted…spent on pet project CRAP and we DON’T need to know how fast a SHRIMP can run on a treadmill. CUT the stuff we don’t need. CLOSE any and ALL government offices who have a long history of WASTING our money.
Use that money to invest in our MILITARY as THAT is an investment in FREEDOM and LIBERTY that WILL pay dividends for our children who know that 2+2=4 and their children as well.

The Obama scandals…

Where do I start?

Go full on, in his grill DEEP with the investigations into Fast and Furious…Benghazi…the flg 6IRS and the spying. SUBPOENA HIS NARROW ASS…HILLARY’S WIDE ASS…HOLDER’S ASS…LEARNERS ASS and all the rest of the asses…THERE IS TREASON THERE…IMPEACH HIM AND ARREST HIM!!! ARREST THEM ALL and put them on trial.

Make it known that now that YOU hold sway in the House AND in the senate…whistle blowers have nothing to fear. THEY WILL BE PROTECTED and WE need to know the TRUTH.

DO…NOT…COMPROMISE…with liberals.


There is NOTHING that they have done over the last 6 years while this regime has been in place that has been good for America. Not one damn thing. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY QUARTER…NOT ONE INCH!!!

We hired YOU to stand UP to them and to undo the damage they have brought upon our nation.

If what they want…SOCIALISM…had been working…YOU wouldn’t have been hired to FIX it.

Tell the “Constitutional Law Professor” to keep his damn hands OFF our guns…give us our privacy and stay the hell out of our religious faiths. We will stand with the Constitution and our founding documents even if he doesn’t and YOU would be wise to stand with US.

And finally…

Don’t lie to us. We’re in no mood to be lied to. Tell us the truth…not whFLG 8at you think we want to hear because when you start doing that, you’ll say one thing to this group and another to that group. We can smell bullshit upwind from a mile away.

Our founders and framers entrusted to us a short leash upon which you are to be tethered and we will honor that trust. They entrusted us to remain engaged and to hold you accountable. We will honor those trusts too.

Many of you who were hired were not the first choice of many Conservatives and we have the clothes pins to prove it but you would not be where you are today were it not for us. You know it and so do we.

Know that if you fail to deliver…if you fail to be honest and trustworthy employees of We the People…we will fire you and find more suitable replacements.

This coming January, you will be sworn in. You will vow to uphold and defend the Constitution and we will be watching…every day…to make sure you do.

Remember…the same people who sent you to Washington can send you packing.

Fellow Americans…if you agree with this letter, I encourage you to sign your name and your state in thecraig 1 comment box below and forward the link to this letter to as many Members of Congress as you feel need to read it.

I will sign it here!!!

Craig Andresen – Nebraska
The National Patriot
Weekend Edition

29 thoughts on “Weekend Edition: A Letter to the new Congress

  1. I standby each and every point Craig made. We have to get this County going again and this is a very good staring point.

  2. Well said. Yes, if only the ones we elected weren’t a compromise from true conservatives. Now the real challenge begins to not be blamed by Democrats for whatever they do/don’t do.

  3. “Many of you who were hired were not the first choice of many Conservatives and we have the clothes pins to prove it but you would not be where you are today were it not for us. You know it and so do we”. So true Craig. There were Independents I wanted to vote for but didn’t want to split the vote. Republicans need to know their time is running out and the Tea Party and true conservatives are a force to be listened to. Great article as usual.
    Jim Howell, Oklahoma

  4. Our representatives need to stay true to their beliefs. We did not send them to Washington to “compromise” with the democrats. If we wanted people to work with the democrats we would have elected democrats.

    Kevin Rooney – Nebraska

  5. We should all copy this letter and keep it handy. As the matters arise we must not hesitate to call, write, e-mail or visit our Representatives to let them know we are not among the uninformed and we expect them to fight vigorously to defend our Constitution.

    We have become so complacent and allowed Political Correctness and apathy and the negative press about the Tea Party lead us into the mire of Socialism.

    We all need to pray daily that this evil enveloping our Country be stopped.
    What is happening in the U.S. is simply following the same pattern as every Country taken over by Communists.

  6. Now we can’t go back to business as usual. Nope, it’s time to ride herd on the employees. And let’s do as much as we can to wake up other Americans.

  7. Remove American citizenship of all Muslim Brotherhood/Cair and deport. Close down 80% of mosques on American soil. Close down and dismantle ALL terrorist training camps on American soil. Deport ALL Muslims associated to terrorist groups. Stop the influx of Muslims from terrorist countries, NO citizenship granted to Muslims and certainly NO voting privilege’s . NO welfare or other tax funded entitlements to Sharia Muslims. If America is to survive we must remove the # 1 threat that is plaguing our nation, Muslims threating American’s on American soil.

  8. AMEN!!!! Very well stated. I totally agree with everything this letter says. I truly hope the Republicans will finally get the job done that this country so desperately needs after 6 years of Obama!

  9. “Fellow Americans…if you agree with this letter, I encourage you to sign your name and your state in the comment box”. Not one comment at this time has followed the instructions (encouragement). Maybe they can’t spell Iowa or Ohio.

    J Herb Kerekesch – Pennsylvania

  10. Great letter and well said! They now know what we want and see if they can make the grade!! If not they’ll be fired just like they were hired!! Keep up the good work!!

  11. Thanks Craig, for clear and concise expectations for all we hired last Tuesday to work for We The People. American citizens, who truly LOVE this country have recently re-learned a hard lesson – Freedom Is NOT Free. We owe our great nation a CONSTANT VIGILANCE from this day forward. We can never be too busy, too distracted, too uninvolved EVER AGAIN.

    If we truly WANT OUR NATION BACK we must be determined and dedicated to do the hard work it will take to care for and about America each day. TOO MANY ARE NO LONGER WITH US BECAUSE THEY GAVE EVERYTHING FOR THEIR COUNTRY. Put that on your bathroom mirror so you are reminded each morning how very fortunate you are to live in this great nation.

  12. This is one of my favorite quotes from Americas history.

    George Washington – “The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny mediated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”

    Smashing article Craig,

    “We The People” shall not tolerate any form of Tyranny to exist in our Government. Persons elected to govern are held accountable to the citizenry by which they’ve been given their authority. Said authority can be taken away when the people decide that they have had enough of those individuals do not put Americas best interests first.

  13. I agree. It’s time they stand up for WE THE PEOPLE. If they can’t we will fire them next. Keep the pressure on.

  14. Thanks. Your wording was straight to the point and clear as crystal. Now if this Congress doesn’t get it (what the American citizens want), they don’t need to be working for us. All we want are the laws and the Constitution to be obeyed!

  15. The words, the tone and the absolute truth of it all fills me with courage to stand beside you! Thank you Craig, for putting pen to paper and saying what so many of is feel.

  16. I am certain we can find many other items to add to the list but, these will do for starters. I have no issues with putting my name on this list either… Don Kelly, Missouri

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