Nobody Left to Blame Part 1 of 2

exit 1Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at 1600 Pennsylvania yesterday.

It had to be somewhere between pissed and panic mode after what transpired Sunday in Maryland and I’m willing to bet there were people hiding under their collective desks trying to dodge the verbal hand grenades, tirades and mayhem.

On Sunday, Obama forewent the golf course to do something he has, by and large, been begged NOT to do.

He campaigned for a liberal.

Most liberals in this midterm election year have kept the Dictator far, FAR away from their campaigns because, like rats off a sinking ship, they knew him to be a pariah.

Sunday…the ship deserted the rat.

The Lt. Governor of Maryland, one Anthony G. Brown, is running for the lead chair in his state and, in a move he’ll most likely wind up regretting, he asked Obama to speak at a rally.

Obama delivered a 25 minute speech but…just 10 or 11 minutes into his sad and sorry rhetoric…the crowd…started leaving.

They got up…they turned on their heels and…

En masse…out the doors they went…leaving the Dictator and Brown to ponder what had gone wrong.exit 2

Despite what must have been a very manic Monday at the White House, there is virtually no way for the regime to spin this. They can’t blame it on a You Tube video. They can’t blame George W. Bush.

They can’t blame it on sequester, budget cuts, a falsely labeled “do nothing Republican congress” and they can’t blame it on the Tea Party.

Hell…they can’t even cry wolf and blame this one on racism.

This all happened in Maryland…literally just down the block from the Barack Hussein Obama elementary school and, to make matters even more dire for the regime and the liberal ilk, the vast majority of the assembled crowd was black…as were the vast, overwhelmingly vast majority of those who headed for the exits before the middle point of the Dictator’s speech.

Sure, there are pockets of Conservative resistance in the State of Maryland but, this particular speech wasn’t in one of them. In fact, in 2012, 89% of all the votes cast in the district where the Brown rally was held, were cast FOR the Dictator.

The fact that attendees evaporated during the Dictator’s speech is something mainstream media is loath to report for a couple of obvious reasons. First, the lapdogs won’t bite the hand feeding them liberal/socialist kibble and second…Obama’s audience, those who hit the road 10 minutes in, are the very audience that’s been lapping up the mainstream media’s slobber for the past 6 years. The difference being, while the exit 3tingle in the leg is still there for the MSM, it’s turned into restless leg syndrome for their audience.

So what is it? Why did all those people get up and walk out?

Maybe, just maybe, reality is setting in.

They expected hope. Now…they’ve lost hope. They expected change. Things changed for the worse. They’ve been lied to. They can’t keep their healthcare or their doctors and their costs for both have gone up rather than down. Hell, the guy they voted for and the liberal ideology they fell for promised them the stars and the moon and they were unable to even deliver a website.

Maryland, the Walk Out State, had to scrap their entire Obamacare website after spending more than $90 million taxpayer dollars.

They were promised a better economy. It’s worse now than it was 6 years ago. They were promised jobs. The black community now exhibits THE highest unemployment rate of any demographic in the country.

Maybe they’re are fed up with Obama’s fake racism replacing any concern over real racism.exit 4

When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act and said, “I’ll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years,” he wasn’t counting on Barack Hussein Obama to come along and trash the plan.

They thought they were going to get a share of the wealth. Under socialism, they’re on their way to the equally poor-house.

While their neighborhoods are going to hell in a handbag, the Dictator keeps going to the golf course.

Perhaps, they’ve had enough of the culmination of liberal lies. For the past 50 years, they’ve bought into the liberal agenda of “vote for the liberals, the democrats, and we’ll make your lives better” crap and today, they’re realizing they’ve traded answering to the white man for being beholding to the government.

Are they finally sick and tired of being sold a sow’s ear while being told it’s a silk purse?

All of the above? Maybe, but one thing is clear, they weren’t buying the snake oil the shyster was selling last Sunday in Maryland.

“Don’t boo…VOTE!!!”

exit 5Obama, the fallen from grace Dictator said it over and over again last Sunday at the Brown for Governor rally…“You’ve got to vote.”

Vote for what, exactly? Vote for MORE of what they’ve grown disgusted with? Vote for MORE empty rhetoric? Vote for more LIES? Vote for an even BIGGER share of the misery?

Vote for more trumped up claims of racism where none exist in reality? Vote for more violence in their streets? Vote for more of what they thought they were voting against?

“Don’t boo…VOTE!!!”

“You’ve got to VOTE!!!”

Last week, talking with reporters about Ebola, the Dictator said“But let’s keep in mind that as we speak, there are children on the streets dying of this disease, thousands of them. And so obviously my first job is to make sure that we’re taking care of the American people, but we have a larger role than that. We also have an obligation to make sure that those (African) children and their families are safe…”exit 7

That’s correct. The liar they elected to take care of African-AMERICANS sees it as his HIGHER obligation to take care of African-AFRICANS. Maybe that’s what pissed them off. Maybe THAT’S why so many beat it the hell out of that auditorium.

Maybe it was something he said just before the exodus.

“There are no excuses. The future is up to us.”

“There are no excuses?” Seriously?


That from the KING of excuses? All those people in Maryland have heard from this regime and its Dictator for the past 6 years ARE excuses. It’s always been somebody elses fault. Somebody else is ALWAYS to blame and when he hasn’t been able to blame a person or organization…Obama’s blamed the WEATHER.

exit 8Just last week, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was out there saying CLIMATE CHANGE…the weather…is the greatest threat to our national security. Just last week, John Kerry was all bunched up over the dire threat of climate change. Hell…Obama’s tried to make that the issue himself.

Well, these are folks who see what ISIS is doing, they remember 9/11 and the Boston Bombing. They are seeing a tsunami of illegal aliens flooding into our country who are getting everything from healthcare to an education, from housing to food stamps…all the promises that have been made to THEM for 50 years and for what?


“You’ve got to vote!!!”

The ILLEGAL ALIENS are “DREAMERS” and what of the inner city, urban black communities?

Nothing but useful props and only when the Dictator calls for them.

If any in the liberal community are equally pissed over Obama’s plans to give amnesty to illegals as we are in the Conservative community it would be those liberals in the black community.

How many in that Maryland audience do you suppose have family members in the military? Do you think they’ve had enough of his disdain for those who volunteer amd put their lives on the line for freedom?

It’s all right there…on a silver platter. The liberals are on the ropes and walking out on their chosen one. They’ve heard enough and had enough but we, as Conservatives, Republicans, Teapublicans all, should NOT be backing off now. NOW is when WE must POUR IT ON!!!exit 9

We have the opportunity to make walking out on the Dictator’s speech look like a Sunday social. While liberals, and not just ANY liberals but Obama CORE liberals walk out on the liberal agenda, we need to walk INTO the polls and do exactly what he said…”VOTE” but not for his agenda. While Obama is not on the ballot this November, his agenda clearly is and we must vote that agenda…OUT!!!

With but 2 weeks to go before November 4th, there are only two ways we can lose.

Voter fraud perpetrated by liberals or…our own self- implosion.

More on that…tomorrow…right here in The National Patriot.

7 thoughts on “Nobody Left to Blame Part 1 of 2

  1. Allow me to explain. In 2008 soon to be El Presidente’ elect stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

    He has made good on that promise, in fact the only one he has kept, but that transformation has not been a good one. Between outrageous Federal Spending to the point of being ridiculous, to stripping away our basic liberties set forth in the Bill of Rights, to a Health Care System that does not work nor will ever have any hope of working, more increase taxes and debt and on and on. Ostensibly, de facto zero interest rates are used as a stimulus for a moribund economy that so far seems oblivious to all the traditional liberal priming tools of massive borrowing, growth in federal spending, and more entitlements and public hiring. Yet almost nonexistent interest rates have sharpened the class divide. The very wealthy have benefited enormously as capital streamed into the stock market in desperate search of almost any return. The very poor do not depend on interest on savings as a hedge against inflation or as central to retirement.

    That leaves the middle class, who so far have not felt the upside of zero interest rates — the interest on their credit-card debt remains sky-high, their student loans are steep, and their mortgage interest for the most part is not all that low. The banks loan at high interest and pay almost nothing on deposits; Wall Street welcomes in cash without much worry about competition to produce returns; and the poor are the beneficiaries of the vast federal borrowing that goes some way toward explaining why interest rates cannot climb, given that servicing the ever-rising federal debt would become almost unsustainable. An imperial presidency is not new. But rule by executive fiat that escapes audit from the media is. We live in an age when a president can arbitrarily nullify a law, like Obamacare’s employer mandate; ignore it, or simply create it, as with partial blanket amnesties. Various wars — on coal, guns, non-union businesses, and political opponents — are waged by executive action. For now, the logic is that the president’s means are justified by the exalted ends that he professes. Obama has set the precedent of a president creating, ignoring, or defying laws as he sees fit to forward a progressive agenda. But as a now former progressive, that term no longer means to me “progress for all Americans, but an agenda that will fundamentally change us into a Socialist/Communist Dictatorship, and all of the dumbasses such as myself that put the SOB in as the ones to suffer and lose in the end. Since January 2009 I have lost 2 jobs due to the companies closing, my savings and investments have gone from over $500,000 to less than $32,000 and we are having to decide if we will be able to even keep our home. We have had to pull 2 children out of college as we can no longer afford to send them. Our healthcare costs have tripled since 2010 while he is forever on the golf course and holding fundraisers. There are so many restrictions on businesses not to mention restrictions on the coal and gas industry, that business is practically on it’s knees begging for relief. I could go on and on with a fucked up Foreign Policy where we are now the laughing stock of the world, his polictics as usual, race division is worse now than ever before in the history of the nation, the illegal immigration situation, scandal after scandal to the point I personally want to shove his pen and his phone up his Imperial ass!!!!! Who do I blame? Numbnut voters like myself. Tom W., Maryland

    • Thomas…

      Walk into the light.

      It has never been about race rather, it has always been about our nation. The liberal agenda will lead us all to ruin equally and THAT has always been our platform. We’re glad you have joined us and thanks for your kind words.


  2. Thomas I am so glad that you have crossed over from the dark side, and I just hope and PRAY that there are millions more just like you, who finally see the light. Every single Republican running for Congress should run ads against their opponents with the voting record of each and every one, showing that they voted right down the line like lemmings on every single Obama policy. They need to be forced to FACE their records, and answer for them. The Democrats have voted nearly 100% lockstep with Dear Leader. I am surprised the races are so close in many cases and I think the only reason WHY they are close is because some in the R party have told them to lay low and keep quiet. Now is not the time to be quiet. Now is the time to call each and every single Democrat (Communist/Socialist) to account. Now is the time for it to be shown how that evil ideology does NOT work, and is in fact very dangerous. But as disgusted as I am with some of the R’s for not making more of a point of Obama’s demonic ideology, which would be SO easy to do, it is still important to vote against the Democrats. We MUST get rid of the Harry Reid and start taking them down one by one. They are destroying this country faster than ebola. Even IF we take over the majority in Congress, we still have to contend with the Dictator. We will have to ride the backs of Congress like a whipped mule to get them to stop as much of his plan as they can. Obama’s hero, Alinsky taught that when you meet resistance or a wall, STEP ON THE GAS. Obama is doing that RIGHT NOW with his talk of worker cards for millions of illegals. Such a clear cut example of stepping on the gas to retain and take over more power. As Rush says, Obama and the Dems are trying to eliminate the Republican party.

  3. Maybe the word had gotten around that Obama was shaking hands, hugging and kissing the nurses that have been treating Ebola patients. As the word got around that the speaker was a health risk, people started leaving.

  4. A few years ago I would be jumping down your throat over a post like this. I voted for BO 2wice and campaigned hard for the bastard, however, I have to apologize not only to my country but to the American people. I was one of the ones that walked out Sunday. My tingle for the sob has gone from euphoria to disgust and almost pure hate. I am still registered as a Democrat, too late to change now, but I have to say once I am able to make the change I am changing my ways. I will not be voting Democrat on the 4th. I will be voting as a registered Democrat, but for Conservatives that are running. I have followed your threads mainly as a means to use to diss you as a Conservative Nutjob, I APPOLOGIZE!!! I have seen now I was running on pure blindness and wanted all that hope and change a little too much. I see what it got me. I am asking that if you reply please no I told you so or tried to warn you. But I will have to say thank you for helping to open my eyes. You and your co-hort Miss Sori I have been listening to your shows for several months now and I have been reading your posts. In the past 6 months though, however, not to diss your information but to be informed. Believe me, I am punishing myself with guilt more than any words you could come up with. As far as I am concerned the Dems can all rot in hades where they all belong, I am reformed as of the past several months. To be honest I wanted to puke when the bastard got up to speak Sunday. Everything he stated was another lie or excuse and I left about 15 minutes into his BS. The Conservatives are RIGHT, he has left us with no HOPE and the fucking change is just a few pennies left. Oh well, at least I learned, just hope it was not too late. All he cares about is turning us into a Socialist/Communist nation with himself at the helm. Fuck that! Keep on putting the good word out there. Tom W., Maryland

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