Midterm 2014 REAL Issues Spotlight – The Border

ISS 1We are now just two short months away from an election which will set the course for the next two years. Midterm elections historically have much lower voter turnout than do general elections and that is exactly why, in this particular election, we need to come out to the polls.

Numbers are everything.

If your chosen candidate didn’t win his or her primary…get over it and vote for whoever is on the ballot with an “R” behind their name. It may be a RINO, an establishment GOP candidate or someone with whom you don’t agree 50% of the time but believe me, we can hold them accountable much more easily than we can a liberal.

Today, in a nutshell, we’ll be looking at yet another of the REAL issues upon which we MUST focus if we have any hope whatsoever of starting to turn this ship around…

The border and our national security.

Right now…not because of any social issue…not because of any particular religious affiliation…we have neither a southern border not national security because of it.

It is directly because of the policies of the current LIBERAL regime and the liberal ideology…


The Issue at the border is 100% political/policy…0% social and unless REPUBLICANS whose names appear on ballots are elected…unless the majority in the senate shifts from LIBERAL to REPUBLICAN, the tsunami of illegal aliens, pillaging our nation’s coffers for everything from to free educations to free housing…from food stamps to Obama phones…from free medical care to welfare…at the expense of AMERICAN ISS 6TAXPAYERS will not only CONTINUE…it WILL become WORSE.

Any attempt to split the Republican vote this November or in 2016 by advocating 3rd party or write in voting is a guarantee that WE will LOSE these elections and a guarantee that LIBERALS will WIN…maintain control of the senate and the White House and a GUARANTEE that the economic disaster will continue.

Jobs are at stake, our economy, already on the brink of collapse is at stake and our national security is already dangerously compromised by the liberal effort to erase our southern border for no other purpose than to pad democrat voter rolls.

We have seen reports of aliens from Central America and Mexico being told that amnesty is theirs if they come to the United States but, unless they vote DEMOCRAT after GETTING that amnesty, they WILL be deported and if that’s not incentive enough to build a future voting bloc, elected liberals are giving ILLEGAL aliens the store…bribing them with freebies and removing obstacles like LAWS which would prevent ILLEGALS from a free ride for life in our country.

But the situation is far more dire than just those who want what they can take for free…

Also pouring across our now non-existent southern border are those who are using the Obama regime’s ‘open the border and look the otheriss 2 way’ POLICY to enter the United States for the sole purpose of KILLING as many Americans as possible.

Strewn along the border, on OUR side of the border, have been found prayer rugs…Korans…and Urdu to English dictionaries. Aliens, ILLEGAL aliens flooding across our southern border from Central America and Mexico are not…NOT Muslims…they are, for the most part, Catholics…CHRISTIANS whose language is primarily…SPANISH. They would have no use for PRAYER RUGS…KORANS or dictionaries that translate URDU…the language spoken primarily in PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN…to English.


But when our border agents are on order NOT to do their jobs, when ICE is under orders to look the other way and when our border patrols have been, in many cases, pulled more than 100 miles OFF the border…those who wish us dead and are hell bent on MAKING us dead…are just as able to stroll into our country as are those ILLEGAL aliens from countries to our south.

Pakistan and Afghanistan, as we know, are the homes of al-Qaeda and the Taliban but what few are aware of at this point is that Pakistan is also hosting branches of ISIS right now although everybody should damn well be aware of what ALL those various bands of Islamic terror want to do.

I don’t care what some propose, in that prayer will put an end to Islamic terror. It won’t. Plain and simple, prayer ain’t gonna TOUCH Isis and as simple proof of the fact, I would ask…don’t you think those Christians in Iraq have been praying to beat the band and has that abated the iss 3barbaric rampage of ISIS through their country?

After 9/11, Americans asked “how could this happen? How could Islamic TERRORISTS get into American FLIGHT SCHOOLS and learn how to fly?”

There will, no doubt, be those after the next episode of mass Islamic murder, on our soil, who ask…”How did this happen? HOW did these Islamic terrorists GET here?”

They will have cone in through the unguarded door that used to be our southern border. They will be here at the pleasure of this Obama regime. They will kill Americans because of LIBERAL POLICIES and LIBERAL POLITICS…not because of our social issues but there will be those who will attempt to assert that we just didn’t pray hard enough or that we just didn’t ascribe to their brand of religion.

They are frauds, robed in a certain choice of religious brand, trying to conceal their 3rd party and write in advocating by pretending to be Conservatives when in reality, they are, by intentionally trying to split the vote to ensure liberal victory in November, acting AS agents of liberal policy and politics while trying to convince us to donate our money to them.

Terrorists don’t give a damn about our social issues and for that matter, the closer we come to a theocracy, the more determined they will be to kill us.

Illegal aliens also don’t give a damn about our social issues. That’s not what’s drawing THEM here either. THEY are being lured by nothing but the promise of free passage and a free, handed to them existence once they arrive.ISS 4

BOTH are encouraged to come, without fear of being stopped, by nothing more than liberal policies under the control of the Obama regime and a willing, democrat controlled senate.

This November, by securing the senate with a Republican majority, we can begin to secure the border and the key to securing our border against illegal aliens, a downwardly spiraling economy and the dire threat of attack by Islam’s terrorists is numbers. Voters. We MUST show up, vote and VOTE REPUBLICAN to defeat liberalism and retake the Senate while holding the majority in the House.

If we are to ostracize Republican and Conservative voters based on their faith or lifestyle, we are setting our nation up for its greatest fall. We will lose again should we base our votes on social issues. We will lose again if we split the vote. We WILL LOSE AGAIN if we write in candidates who do not appear on the ballot and standing there, claiming to be better than anyone else because we voted our conscience, based on our individual moral stand while letting our nation sink into oblivion is somehow better or more moral that saving our nation from impending disaster is an act of unmitigated arrogance.

Our nation’s founders intended for us to employ common sense when voting. If you don’t like the direction our country is taking, unite and vote the scoundrels out. Right the ship. The PEOPLE are in charge of political change…not religion.

Those who claim to be Conservatives aISS 5nd claim to stand for the Constitution while trying to chide people into voting based on their own particular religious beliefs, making them feel they are BAD Christians for not holding the exact same views as they do are neither  Conservatives nor standing for the Constitution. They are charlatans and common sense leads one to believe they are working directly against the causes of Conservatism and Constitutionalism.

REAL issues, like the dire situation at our border, are not social issues nor are they due to a lack of a certain religious beliefs. They are political matters and policy matters.

Let faith, all manner of faith solve our nation’s social issues, as our founders and framers envisioned, through the church by engaging the families of Americans  but not from the voting booth and let we the people solve our political misdirection by uniting vote the liberals out of office.

One more common sense notation here…

If our nation’s vast array of religious and faith based institutions can’t reach the hearts and minds of individuals or families from the pulpit…what is it that makes the wolves in sheep’s clothing think they can effect political change from the halls of congress?

For more on the REAL issues we face going into the 2014 midterm elections…CLICK HERE!!!

One thought on “Midterm 2014 REAL Issues Spotlight – The Border

  1. America 2-Months and you must be ACTIVE for these MID TERMS – WE have to STOP OBAMA -Please work with you neighbors and friends. This Liberal Agenda is Killing our way of life. Lets roll up our sleeves and get busy. STOP OBAMA these next 2-Years and heal our country. We will hold the RNC accountable. It is up to you AMERICA.

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