Weekend Edition: Hamas Has Had it Coming

tnp eagleIt’s been five days now and the pounding of Gaza by Israel continues.

More than 1000 Hamas targets in Gaza have been hit by Israeli missiles as the scum of the Arab world keeps lobbing rockets at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Only about ten percent of those Hamas rockets have made it through Israel’s Iron Dome while the Israeli missiles just keep finding their mark. Scores of Hamas terrorists have been killed and yes, some ‘Palestinian’ civilians but guess what?


So-called ‘collateral’ damage is the price of war and the ‘Palestinians’ are whining about it…saying that Israel is committing ‘war crimes.’

Stick it up a camel’s ass.

Hamas has had it coming.

If the ‘Palestinians’ don’t want civilians killed…they should move their rockets, launchers, headquarters and base of operations the hell out of neighborhoods, away from schools and stand out in the open rather than being the damn cowards they are.

Now Lebanon is starting to fire rockets at Israel too. Hezbollah, based in THAT particular two goat country have more than ten thousand rockets aimed at Israel and now they’re testing the sands to see if THEY can somehow make a dent in Netanyahu’s defense of his nation.


Lebanon wants a piece of Netanyahu and Israel?


It’s also been about 5 days since the American Agent of Islam piped up and sputtered: “All parties must protect the innocent and act with reasonableness and restraint, not vengeance and retribution.”

Make no mistake, that statement is a steaming load of crap and aimed ONLY at Israel. Obama solidly backs Hamas and the Palestinian Authority and as has been clearly demonstrated over the course of his prayer rug regime’s reign, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Israel.

Obama made clear he can’t stand Prime Minister Netanyahu during a caught on live microphone moment several years ago.

Obama told Prime Minister Netanyahu that Israel needed to return to their pre-1967 borders…borders he knows damn well are indefensible.

Obama recently PRAISED Mahmoud Abbas stating that, “In President Abbas, Israel has a counterpart committed to a two-state solution and security cooperation with Israel,” but did he offer any such kind words for Prime Minister Netanyahu?

No he did not.net 1

Now let’s look at that quote from yesterday again and this time, we’ll filter out the BHO BS meant only to cover his sorry ass.

“ISRAEL must act with reasonableness and restraint, not vengeance and retribution.”

And how DID Prime Minister Netanyahu respond to Obama after being told to “act with reasonableness and restraint???”

Allowing his actions to speak louder than his words, Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Israel hating waste of a suit and a meal Obama to…

Go screw himself.

It’s about damn time. Israel has been showing “reasonableness and restraint” since 1947 except when they had had enough in 1967 and spent 6 days kicking a bunch of Arab ass then, on the 7th day… rested.

Netanyahu has been reasonable and restrained long enough. He GAVE Gaza to the ‘Palestinians’ and what have they DONE with it? Used it as a forward base of Hamas operations from which to launch incessant attacks against Israel.

The only reasonable thing to do now is bomb the hell out of the place, run the vermin of the Arab world OUT and reclaim Gaza as a part of Israel never to be given away again.

Operation Protective Edge is, I believe, just the tip of the sword.

Hey, Iran…YOU want Israel off the map and YOU’RE building a nuke…

net 2Allow me to paraphrase…

“I know what you’re thinking, punk. You’re thinking “did they fire six rockets or only five?” Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is Israel, the most powerful nation in that region of the world and they have 350 fully functioning nuclear weapons complete with pinpoint delivery systems that can blow your diapered heads clean of the planet, you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: “Do you feel lucky?”

“ Well, do ya…punk?”

Here’s a little compare and contrast of which the world needs to take note…

While Obama, the American Agent of Islam can’t seem to keep six year old Guatemalans from breaching our national security and crossing our border to wet their pants at our expense…Prime Minister Netanyahu is turning a terrorist pit of vipers into a pile of smoldering rubble.

While Netanyahu has his military kicking his enemy’s asses…Obama has OUR military changing diapers.

To be precise, Obama is throwing our country away while Netanhayu is saving his.net 3

More to the point…Obama’s idea of fighting a war is to “win the hearts and minds of the enemy” and then run away creating a vacuum of power for our enemies and the enemies of Israel to fill while Netanyahu on the other hand knows full well that you WIN a war by KILLING your enemies and making sure they don’t come back.

But what does Netanyahu know? HE was never a community organizer.

It was just one year ago, in June 2013, Obama’s White House National Security Council met with Bin Bayyah, the Vice President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a Muslim Brotherhood wet kissing cousin and it WASN’T the muzzies seeking the meeting…it was OBAMA.

“We asked for this meeting to learn from you, and we need to be looking for new mechanisms to communicate with you and the Association of Muslim Scholars,” were the exact words uttered by Obama minion Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of the National Security Council.

Substitute the word ‘terrorists’ for the word, “scholars’ in the above quote and you get the drift.

Anyway…that very same group, the International Union of Muslim (terrorist) Scholars FROM whom the OBAMA regime wanted to LEARN just net 4piped up a couple of days ago and called on the Islamic and Arab peoples to rise up in all parts of the world to wage a holy war…Jihad…against Israel.

And Obama wants Israel to, act with reasonableness and restraint???”

In as much as Netanyahu has yet to bomb the White House Mosque and Prayer Rug Emporium, I’d say he’s showing an EXTREME amount of “reasonableness and restraint.”

And can we please drop the whole two state solution line of absolute dromedary droppings? First of all, there is no such thing as “Palestine” and no such people as the “Palestinians.” They’re made up…fabricated out of thin air. Check your history. There has NEVER…EVER been a country called ‘Palestine’ anywhere on this planet and there have NEVER…EVER been a people called the ‘Palestinians.’

Furthermore, when only ONE nation is amenable to a two state solution…there will never BE a two state solution. ‘Palestine’ has absolutely no interest in a TWO state solution. They don’t want their OWN country…THEY want ISRAEL and before you liberals get a puckered up as a camels butt hole in a sand storm…the PROOF is in the fact that the ‘Palestinians’ flatly reject the notion that Israel should be recognized or, for that matter, allowed to exist.

According to Prime Minister Netanyahu…Israel has “no international pressure will prevent us from acting with all force against a terrorist organization that seeks to destroy us” adding rhetorically to world leaders,  “Would you tolerate missile attacks on London, Washington, Paris, Berlin and Moscow? Of course not.”

Islamic terrorists didn’t need to fire rockets at Washington…Obama has an open door policy towards their ilk.net 5

As Hamas and now, Hezbollah continue to fire rockets at our greatest ally and friend in the Middle East, I submit that the citizens of Israel are imminently safer in the short term than are we, as citizens of the United States and here’s why…

A few days ago, as he moved more than 40 thousand troops to the Gaza border and while the Israeli Air Force began to hammer nails into terrorist coffins, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his people, “From the perspective of the terrorist organizations, all of Israel is part of one front, and all Israeli citizens are targets. Therefore we must stand together as one — united and sure of the justice of our cause. We are acting with determination and assertively to return the quiet, and we will continue to do so until the quiet is restored, so that our citizens and children can live in security.”

“We will do what it takes to bring quiet, Hamas is hiding behind civilians, I’m calling on all Israelis to be strong and united since it might take time.”

From Prime Minister Netanyahu, we hear the words of a true leader.

On the other hand…

craig 1About a week ago, as he threatened to use his pen to subvert congress and force more socialist crap down the throats of all Americans, the Dictator Obama said, “Middle-class families can’t wait for Republicans in Congress to do stuff.”

“ So sue me.”

Aw jeez…

Craig Andresen

The National Patriot

Weekend Edition 7/12/2014

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