This is What Happens When Judges READ the Bill

ka 1One of the key selling points employed by Obamacare snake oil salesmen was SUBSIDIES!!!


To liberals, that meant something for nothing.

To those with a working brain cell…it meant $1 TRILLION DOLLARS of AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY as part of THE largest tax increase in American history.

Yesterday, 2 federal courts offered up two opposite opinions on that spoon full of sugar-coated crap in the Kool Aid pitcher.

Let’s take the second opinion first.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, hearing a case challenging the subsidies related to those who somehow managed to sign up for socialism on that malfunctioning Obamacare federal website and THEY found that the subsidies were A-ok and upheld the federal government’s ability to give your tax dollars to the something for nothing crowd.

Now…the first court decision from yesterday…

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that those subsidies, to be paid to the something for nothings who signed up on the federal site are null and void.

Oh my, what are we gonna do NOW?

Well, according to the lone dissenter from the DC Court of appeals…“This case is about Appellants’ not-so-veiled attempt to gut the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ACA’).”


Not so fast there Judge Panties-in-a Wad…

According to the majority in that ruling“We reach this conclusion, frankly, with reluctance. At least until states that wish to ka 2can set up Exchanges, our ruling will likely have significant consequences both for the millions  of individuals receiving tax credits through federal Exchanges and for health insurance markets more broadly.”

Okay…that doesn’t really clear it up until one understands the nature of the case itself, Halbig v. Burwell, which maintained that the LANGUAGE of ObamaCare law…AS WRITTEN AND PASSED INTO LAW (by liberals with not a single republican yes vote to be seen by the way) in fact RESTRICTS the subsidies ONLY to state-run exchanges – and there are only 14 of those to be exact — and does NOT authorize them to be given in the 36 states that use the FEDERALLY MALFUNCTIONING WEBSITE SYSTEM.

So there you have it. All cleared up now except for liberals who I realize are still having trouble grasping the meaning of the two opposite court decisions rendered yesterday.

Let me type this real slow…you know…for the liberals…


KA 3Their decision was not, as Judge Wet Panties claimed, based in someone’s desire to “gut the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (‘ACA’),” rather, it was based on exactly how the law was written and if he or any other drooling liberals have a problem with that, especially those who passed that socialistic wad of dung in the dark of the night…perhaps THEY should have read the manifesto TOO!!!

But there ARE opposite decisions reached by two different courts on this subsidy subject which would usually send it on a fast track to the United States Supreme Court were it not for the fact that the Obama regime intends to appeal the D.C. Court ruling by calling for a en banc ruling or…rather than the three judge panel…a ruling from all eleven of the court’s judges.

Given that seven of those judges are liberals and only four are conservatives…how do YOU think THAT will turn out?

What’s at stake here is staggering for the regime.

Almost a full 90% of those who enrolled in socialism via the FEDERAL exchange WERE eligible FOR subsidies and should the regime lose on this…MILLIONS of Americans, having already had the insurance they liked, CANCELLED…would then be without any health insurance at all.


The simple fact is, those folks can’t afford Obamacare and if they drop OUT of socialized health insurance…the REST, those who signed up via state OR federal websites…will see THEIR premiums…THEIR deductibles and THEIR prescription costs SKYROCKET to the point where THEY KA 4can no longer afford any of it either.

But…guess who had to know all about this latest revelation? Why ELSE would he have refused to fix the “broken” website and then, tell people it was better to sign up on the STATE sites while trying to BULLY the states into OPENING an exchange???

The Obama regime has a few options.

They can hold their collective breath and hope the federal court legislates from the bench and that the majority of the Supreme Court decides to rewrite the law from the bench as well or…

The Obama regime could simply BRIBE the judges they need and why not? They had to bribe members of their own party just to PASS the damn thing so it wouldn’t be breaking any new ground or…

They could hope beyond hope that one of the conservative Supremes dies from the Rockin’ Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flue or…

The regime COULD try and introduce new legislation to make it all legal to dole out subsidies to all those lining up for their free healthcare but THAT solution does pose a bit of a problem.

As it is TAX money we’re talkin’ about here, such legislation is SUPPOSED to originate in the HOUSE where it will NOT find itself well received AT ALL but, should the regime have a mind to…they could try to initiate it in the senate but, when it GETS to the house…it WILL die.

The only OTHER option for the Dictator would be to whip out his pen and…well…subvert congress again and…make up his own version of thka 5e law…AGAIN…

All of this leaves one pertinent question.

Just how DID the federal subsidies for Obamacare get extended TO those whom the law clearly says shouldn’t be getting them in the first place?

Simple…The IRS…the same IRS that can’t keep track of its emails and the same IRS that can’t keep track of its hard drives…the EXACT same IRS that acts as the Gestapo enforcement arm OF Obamacare…acted ABOVE and BEYOND the scope OF the law and took it upon itself to both collect AND redistribute your money.

And under this regime, would you expect less than the branch that enforces the law would be making UP the law as it goes along?


Today, July 23rd at 2 to 4pm, on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS, Diane and I will again be talking with leading terrorism expert rsp promo bevel orange liveWalid Shoebat on the happenings in the Middle East especially in relation to Israel vs Hamas.

We will also have as our guest…LIVE FROM ISRAEL...Dr. Gary Katz an Israeli psychologist who will tell our listeners things the media will NOT say…that is if he doesn’t have to run for a bomb shelter.

We have LOTS to cover on today’s show INCLUDING  this new Obamacare mess!!!

Tune in to RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media at 2pm as this one show you do NOT want to miss.

4 thoughts on “This is What Happens When Judges READ the Bill

  1. SUBSIDIES……HHHMMMM………FEDERAL, at that…….Watch This One Folks. 😛

  2. Gaining control over all human life in America is the GOAL !!!! Obamacare is one of the many tenements of U.N.Agenda 21….Without having a compelling interest in health outcomes , their United Nation’s agenda for the 21st Century will fail….Control the healthcare and you control every aspect of life .

  3. “To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. Their maxim is boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem [good justice is broad jurisdiction], and their power the more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.” –Thomas Jefferson to William C. Jarvis, 1820.

  4. A lighter side to look at Obamacare. Please Review this insightful posting

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