Staring Down the Barrel of the Liberal’s Total Control Agenda

agenda 1Over the past several days, I have written many articles surrounding the situation at the Bundy Ranch and the creeping nature of federal land grabs which have taken place over many decades. Today, I will show you how these recent events directly tie in with the core liberal/socialist agenda and ideology.

What you are about to read is stunning and not at all unexpected as the truth is about to be exposed.

To understand the dire nature of what we are experiencing under the current regime, one must first look at where and when the full court press to socialism and its ultimate goal of communism came from.

The first thing Clinton did when he assumed the oval office was to put Hillary ( a very possible 2016 presidential candidate) in charge of trying to socialize the healthcare industry. That was a miserable failure because, coming off the Reagan era, America hadn’t received the necessary prodding to accept socialistic change. Things were good and people were satisfied with their upward mobility.

The economic collapse, the recession, started toward the end of Bush 43’s second term and since then, liberals and socialists have been all too quick to point the finger of blame directly AT George W. Bush. Too quickly because, that collapse, that recession came at the collapse of the housing bubble and economists have widely insisted the housing crisis was indeed the cause of the recession.

It was the Dodd/Frank bill and their insistence on subprime lending that brought about the housing crisis and both are die hard liberals. Bush warned congress not once, not twice but THREE times about the impending crash and each time, liberals and socialists in congress dismissed his warnings as the talk of a crazy man who knew not of what he was speaking.

They set him up and, as Rahm Emanual said…

”Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Along comes Obama, a socialist, a Marxist who claimed he would “fundamentally transform America” and bring about “hope and change” to the American people now DISSATISFIED with their DOWNWARD mobility.AGENDA 2a

Liberals and socialists in congress had indeed, successfully sent our national economy into a tailspin and pinned the blame, falsely, on Obama’s Republican predecessor leading to the rise of the new regime and the very first thing the socialist in the white house did was what Clinton had tried and FAILED to do…socialize the healthcare industry but to accomplish what Hillary couldn’t…Obama had to BRIBE members of his OWN PARTY and he couldn’t allow anyone to read the bill before it was passed and signed into law.

Conservative efforts to delay or repeal what is being more and more widely seen as counterproductive to liberty have been railed against by liberals and socialists who, all the while have done their level best to label Conservatives as crazy, out of touch, dangerous, hostage takers, terrorists and racists.

The American public has also watched as Obama himself has manipulated, delayed and tinkered with the socialist healthcare law in ways neither he nor his minion, Harry Reid would allow from the right side of the aisle. The lies told from the trails of two Obama campaigns regarding Obamacare received the honor of being called the ‘Lie of the Year” for 2013 once the true nature OF Obamacare was being exposed.

But, Obamacare, like the destruction of the economy are but single planks in the liberal/socialist platform of fundamental transformation.

Here is how the land grabs fit into the ugly picture.

For decades, the federal governmeAGENDA 3nt has extorted the states and the people by plying both with federal taxpayer dollars for infrastructure projects and, when the states started demanding the return of their land from the feds, they were met with threats of cutting off federal assistance. That is something which the current regime has raised to an art form especially in concert with having Eric Holder file suits against individual states that would not readily bow to socialism.

Over the past few decades, the federal government has usurped a little land here, a little land there and applied extortion everywhere but what we have now seen, in Bunkerville with the Bundy Ranch is but a microcosm of what is yet to come under this current regime’s quest for control and make no mistake, be it Obamacare, constant and desperate attempts to rid the nation of our 2nd Amendment rights, the creation of ‘free speech zones’ and the abject objections to any devices by which our country can achieve energy independence coupled with the outright and false demonization of any who dare to challenge the fundamentally transformed socialist authority…this is all about control of the people by a tyrannical government now run by a party and an ideology hell bent on communism.

Here is what is yet to come in the puzzle regarding federal land grabs and this is jaw dropping.AGENDA 4

The EPA, under the ideological guidance of this regime has proposed taking control of water. All of it. From rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, reservoirs and wells right down to the rain drops that fall on your roof tops…the EPA is proposing that ALL water and the right of way around it should belong to the federal government.

That would make the EPA proposal THE largest land grab in history and, do not doubt this for a second, it would put the federal ‘fundamentally transformed’ government in complete control of something you can’t live without having for more than three days. Go without water for three days and you…will…die.

Hell…the federal government is, at least for the time being, already in control of your healthcare and the decisions you used to make with your doctor are now in the hands of a panel of 15 unelected government owned bureaucrats. Look at the western United States and you can see the federal government is already in control of the vast majority of the land. If they, via EPA regulations written by MORE unelected bureaucrats operating under this current regime’s ideology of controlling the people’s every move, can take control of virtually every drop of water while they control the economy, energy production, energy use and your ability to seek medical treatment…they would have total control of your very life.

Wouldn’t they?

Now, look again at the Battle of Bunkerville and the Bundy Ranch situation. How exactly did this regime plan to wrest control of that land from a ranching family? At the point of their government issued guns and that, again, is but a microcosm of the real intent of this regime.

Over the past 5 years, this regime has been purchasing and stockpiling ammunition and weapons and dispersing them throughout a vast array of federal agencies. So far, the federal “fundamentally transformed” government has armed the likes of the Library of Congress and Federal Reserve Board. They have armed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service…National Oceanic and the Atmospheric Administration…offices of inspector general…the United States Postal Service…Government Printing Office… The Social Security Administration and here’s where it all takes an even nastier turn…

AGENDA 5The federal government under the current regime and its ideology has also armed…National Institutes of Health, well hello Obamacare…The Bureau of Land Management, no kidding and…THE EPA that wants to control every drop of water in America.

Those are but a handful of the now 73 armed federal agencies under this regime and do not be fooled…they are vastly nothing but various federal bureaus of paper shuffling that now have weapons, ammo and in some cases, light armored vehicles at their disposal.

Yes, it’s an ugly picture as the puzzle pieces come together but, it’s about to become even worse as, in order to maintain such control of the people, this regime and its ideology must also fundamentally transform or, perhaps a better term would be to brainwash generations into going along with the program and, for as long as the land grabs have occurred, so too has the brainwashing via our public schools and institutions of higher indoctrination.

Common core is the to be the final solution to turning out generations of Americans who believe that a government is more capable of making decisions for us that we are for ourselves. Remove from the curriculum the history of our nation’s founding, remove the meaning and intentions our founders and framers entrusted us via the Constitution, make every child believe that equality by government standards is magenda 6ore desirable that the opportunity to succeed, dumb them down, instill in them that faith and religion are paramount to bigotry while making their families ever more reliant on government provided entitlements like food stamps and Obama phones because, why strive to be self-reliant when the government will provide and you will have them right where you want them…as willing participants in the socialist/communist state, breeding and teaching THEIR children the glories of a perverse and failed ideology while automatically casting out the demons who profess exceptionalism and a Constitutional republic.

Trust me…for the complete package of the liberal/socialist agenda to succeed, common core will eventually be mandated and the states that have or are considering removing it from their schools will be extorted into common core acceptance.

Think I’m full of conspiracy beans?

Two days ago, in Georgia, parents who had refused to allow their children to be part of a school’s standardized testing were met at the school by police and called trespassers when they arrived for a meeting with the principal.

Have you see what’s being proposed in Des Moines, Washington? Under the local government’s proposed regulation, a home owner would have to seek and pay for permission to prune a shrub in their own back yard.

We now know that IRS workers, the agency charged with the heavy-handed enforcement of Obamacare, were actively campaigning for Obama…disparaging republicans who called to ask tax related questions and wearing pro-Obama stickers in their offices which were adorned with Obama 2012 signs during the last election cycle and that those in charge at the IRS were harassing Conservative groups in a targeting scandal with the help of a congressman who is now the ranking member of the house committee investigating the scandal as well as with the help of this regime’s Attorney General.

Just yesterday, Joe Biden exclaimed to a crowd in Ukraine that, “No nation has the right to simply grab land from another nation. We will never recognize Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea,” and he said it just one week after the regime of which he is the 2nd highest ranking member attempted to grab land from a family of ranchers at the point of a paper shuffling agencies sniper rifles in a sovereign AGENDA 7state now 85% occupied by the federal government.

For those who will no doubt deride both me and this article as well as those who share this article as purveyors of wild conspiracy, loons, dangerous, inciters of violence…wake up you damned fools. WAKE THE HELL UP because these truths which should be self-evident that I have exposed here are not things that MIGHT happen or things that could NEVER happen…they ARE happening…right now…right here in this nation and when those Patriot militias arrived at the Bundy Ranch armed to the teeth just as those of us who engage in the fray from our keyboards stand and fight…we fight for your freedoms every damn bit as much as we fight for our own.

There is no way in hell you can allow government, regardless of who is at the head of it, to control you and still claim to be free.

No way in hell.

4 thoughts on “Staring Down the Barrel of the Liberal’s Total Control Agenda

  1. The housing crisis and its origins began before Dodd-Frank. J Carter’s reign produced the Community Reinvestment Act in 1979. Bill Clinton and Janet Reno forced banks to give subprime loans in the 1990s. When the Republicans (Bush too) demanded answers from Fannie and Freddie (2003 Eliz Dole and Chuck Hagel, 2005 those two plus J McCain) they were stiffed by Dodd and Frank and assured there were no problems. Derivatives and bank gambling started in the 1990s, was unsustainable and finally broke in Sept 2008. BTW, the dotcom bubble burst in Clinton’s last year of presidency, with the NASDAQ going from over 5000 to under 3000 n his last year, oon the way to 1500. The “Bush tax cuts” (with 11 Dem senators voting fo them) in May 2001 were to stop the Clinton recession.

  2. Great outline. Each point could easily be a chapter in a book.
    But have some optimism. I seem to find more and more people who are aware. Or maybe they at least se one aspect and know that particular issue is not tenable. The difficulty is getting people to see the whole puzzle, not just a small piece of the puzzle.

  3. Craig,
    Great article, and summarizes the communists’ agenda very well. I have been expressing similar concerns to my friends for quite some time, but I am viewed as paranoid and a radical. The communists have done a remarkable job of infiltrating the schools, press, Hollywood and government at all levels.

    They have caused us to decline from within. I hope that people wake up before it is too late. It will take generations to undo their tactics, or a bloody revolution.

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