Racism – A Sword With Two Standards

sterling 1There are a few things you need to know about L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and none of it excuses what he said on recently leaked tapes.

He’s 80 years old.

He’s been married for more than 50 years.

I’ll hazard a guess that this V. what’s her name isn’t the first bimbo he’s shacked up with.

The bimbo in question is a gold digger and, by some accounts, an extortionist who has kept her recordings close at hand for a time when she got cut off from the money tap.

She got cut off from the money tap.

And, by some accounts, Sterling may be at the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, none of that excuses his view of black people in what we are now learning are more than 100 hours of recordings his extortion prone bimbo has made because, she claims he asked to be recorded as he forgets things easily.

Is the guy a racist?

Yeah, it sure sounds like it but here’s the question. Has he violated any laws with his remarks?

No. No he has not and while his views regarding black people make him sound as stupid as a mud fence…

It’s not against the law to be mud fence stupid. He has not, as far as we now know, advocated any acts of violence against black people, not wished for their deaths, not sought to raise up any paramilitary force to go to war against black people and Sterling, for all his idiotic comments, has not perpetrated violence against black people.

Nonetheless, there is a growing chorus of voices rising against Donald Sterling including the likes of Obama, Donald Trump, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and various others in the arenas of sports, politics, news and social media.

None of which, by the way, lifted their collective vocal chords against THIS moron.

What we have here is a tale of two racists. One white,  one black. One rich, one not. One who openly advocates violence and murder against the others race and one who, as far as we know, doesn’t. Both are racists, both are butt stupid and neither of which, regarding the two tapes, have broken the law in expressing themselves.

Until laws are broken, EVERYBODY has the right to be an abject idiot.

There is one startling difference however…Shabbaz obviously has a history of making HIS racist comments (advocating violence and murder etal) in VERY public forums while Sterling, on the other hand, made HIS comments in private.

One however, DID break the law when he, Shabbaz, was found guilty of intimidating voters at the polls but, as Megyn Kelly reported, before he could be sentenced, Eric Holder had the case dismissed.sterling 2

The other, Donald Sterling, now faces a possible million dollar fine to be levied against him by the NBA without so much as a trial.

Interesting, isn’t it? That professional sports organizations hold their top brass to account without a court being involved but, the decision OF a court was dismissed?

Sterling is not the first to be judged without a judge. Major League Baseball has done it.  Marge Schott was the first female owner of a MLB team, the Reds, when she made PUBLIC comments regarding her admiration of…HITLER and, after several attempts to suspend her into a better, less stupid mindset, MLB forced her to sell the team.

Schotts insipid comments were made in public. Sterling’s WENT public because the bought and paid for bimbo he was shacking up with was being sued for embezzlement by Sterling’s wife and family but that doesn’t make his comments less insipid than Schott’s…it simply exposes his insipid lifestyle and the fact that his wife has apparently known of the affairs and put up with them.

sterling 3But is this Sterling guy a racist?

V. Stiviano, the bimbo with a tape recorder in question here is part black and part Mexican (a nationality but not a race by the way) who could easily pass for being part white and part Asian so, she’s a hybrid bimbo to whom Sterling, according to his wife Rochelle, has gifted with…a 2012 Ferrari, two Bentleys and a 2013 Range Rover, worth a total of more than $500,0000…$1.8 million to buy a duplex on West 4th Street near the Beverly Center last December and $240,000 for upkeep and living expenses.

Sterling’s team, the Clippers, is comprised of a majority of black athletes to whom he has paid millions upon millions of dollars and because of the team, people of all colors are employed in any number of various facets.

Getting back to Sterling’s abject stupidity…his beef with his bimbo was, apparently, that she was being seen in public with black people with whom she may or may not have been sleeping with on the side. Sterling, so far as we’ve heard on the tapes acquired by TMZ isn’t upset that the bimbo keeps all manner of company with black people…he just doesn’t want her to be SEEN with black people and, apparently, he told he just that.

“I don’t want to change. If my girl can’t do what I want, I don’t want the girl. I’ll find a girl that will do what I want. Believe me. I thought you were that girl — because I tried to do what you want. But you’re not that girl.”sterling 4

The two deserve each other as far as I can tell.

So what is to be done about Sterling? Fine him a million bucks? He has apparently given more than that to his bimbo and the guy’s worth $1.9 BILLION according to Forbes so that’s chump change. Suspend him? According to Michael McCann, the founding director of the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute at the University of New Hampshire School of Law, “other owners may be wary of setting a precedent by suspending Sterling and opening the door for future suspensions for less-serious violations.” And what of forcing him out completely? Making him sell the Clippers and never own another NBA franchise?

Again, according to McCann…”that path could open the NBA to legal retribution from Sterling as he could sue claiming the league and his fellow owners conspired to force him out, leading to low-ball bids from potential Clippers buyers due to the assumption that Sterling has to sell the team.”

Racism is a sword with two standards. One for white racists and another for other racists and neither is worth a damn but the sword does only seem to cut one way.

White racists are condemned, ostracized, held to a vast array of different standards than are other racists who are free, in today’s politically correct, coddling society, to express their butt stupid views and beliefs with reckless abandon. Those to whom the color of their own skin is the first and foremost consideratSTERLING 5ion in everything they say, do and believe are worthless to society regardless of their color whether or not they air their opinions publicly or privately.

Those who step forward to shout from the rooftops their disgust for white racism while remaining as silent as a church mouse in regard to other racism, especially acts of it perpetrated by those of their own demographic are in the same league as the so-called moderate Muslims who remain as silent as a mosque mouse in regard to acts of Islamic terrorism.

If we, as civil people, regardless of our race, are expected to shun white racism or figuratively, beat it into oblivion, shouldn’t we ALL be expected to do likewise in cases of OTHER racism? Black racism? Brown racism? ANY and ALL racism?

Were being an idiot a crime, Donald Sterling should get the electric chair but, as far as we know at this point, his brand of racism didn’t rise to a criminal level. He and his bimbo have had their collective dirty laundry aired and they have made their respective though lesterling 6ss than respectable beds…let them sleep in them…alone.

My Right Side Patriots radio partner Diane Sori and I will have more…MUCH more on the double standard of racism during tomorrow’s show from 2-4pm EST on the CPR Worldwide Media Network  and we will be speaking with our friend, Pastor Manning about this and his Unity of the Races Rally to be held at Gettysburg on July 3rd, 4th, and 5th.

Perhaps Matt Kemp, of the L.A. Dodgers a man of mixed race himself and one of the people Sterling objected to his paid bimbo being seen with publicly said it best a couple of days ago when he stated:  “I just feel sorry for him that he feels that way about African-American people and I feel bad for Chris Paul and Blake Griffin (two personal friends of Kemp’s) — who have to play for a guy like that.”

Me too, Mr. Kemp.

Me too.

One thought on “Racism – A Sword With Two Standards

  1. I don’t feel sorry for Chris Paul. I’m sure he has a multi million dollar deal to play and he makes over $ 4 million annually on endorsements. He also bought an $ 8.5 million dollar home in 2012. Now, if it really bothers him, he doesn’t have to play, he can quit. Besides, if Chris Paul is the Christian he claims to be, then he should rise above the fray. He would publicly forgive Donald Sterling and move on and play ball……..with his shirt on properly.

    Ditto for Blake Griffin…….as a Christian……forgive and move on. Rise above the fray and wear your uniform properly and proudly.

    If you work for a man, in Heaven’s name work for him. If he pays wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, think well of him, and stand by him, and stand by the institution he represents. I think if I worked for a man, I would work for him. I would not work for him a part of his time, but all of his time. I would give an undivided service or none. If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness. If you must vilify, condemn, and eternally disparage, why, resign your position, and when you are outside, damn to your heart’s content. But, I pray you, so long as you are a part of an institution, do not condemn it. Not that you will injure the institution – not that – but when you disparage the concern of which you are a part, you disparage yourself.-Elbert Hubbard

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