Obama – From the 2008 “Messiah” to a 2014 Pariah

mess 1Think back to early June of 2008…Almost 6 years ago.

The only thing missing from Obama’s nomination coronation in Denver was the white donkey he was to have ridden into the arena that night.

Look at him now.

A shell of his former glory.

Women used to pretend to faint at the mere sight of him.

Socialists with microphones used to claim tingles were running up their collective legs.

Young Americans were dancing in the streets.

In the black community, you could hear the echoes of “Free at Last, free at last.”

Obama promised the most transparent administration in history. He was to have been the great uniter. Obama, the Constitutional law professor claimed he would preside by the rule of law and not by the pen.

His wife was finally proud of her country.

Barack Hussein Obama was the liberal’s messiah.

And now? Well…

Things are different now.mess 2

He’s not drawing the crowds and nobody is fainting.  The country is more divided now that it has been in the last 50 years and, the most transparent administration has erected a brick wall around itself.

The rule of law and the Constitution to which Obama has sworn to uphold and defend be damned…He’s ruling by the pen.

The Dictator, his administration and the mainstream pundits are desperate now. The tingles running up their legs have been replaced by trickles running down them and, like rats from a sinking ship, elected liberals and socialists who once ran to praise his every word are now running away from him in droves.

The beginning of the end came in 2010 with the signing of Obamacare into law. Biden called it a “Big f***ing deal.”

He was close. It was and is, a big f***ed up deal.

Obama had to bribe members of his own party to pass what nobody had bothered to read and not a single vote from the right side of the aisle was cast.

Since that day, Obamacare has been the train wreck one of its authors, Max Baucus, claimed it would be and he may well have been the first dem-o-rat off the floundering piece of ship.

Now, with the 2014 midterms fast approaching and the 2010 midterm shellacking still fresh in their minds, liberals from the house and those up for election in the senate are running scared. They don’t want the stench of Obamacare anywhere near them and the reeking of its namesake isn’t mess 3any more palatable.

When the once anointed Obama wanders into the backyards of those campaigning liberals now, they are too busy to be seen with the Dictator.

Others, like Senator Tom Harkin, John Dingle, Henry Waxman, George Miller and the afore mention Baucus are all retiring at the end of their current terms as they KNOW that the photo of them, standing and smiling behind Obama as he signed the disaster into law will come back to haunt them as surly as the keg stand photos of college seniors posted to Facebook will scuttle their chances in the stagnant job market.

Pelosi, in that photo, looks as though she was on the verge of having an Obamagasm.

Despite their utterances, they know they are no longer electable because of Obamacare and they, along with others, can see the handwriting on the wall.

In Florida’s special congressional election, the liberal, pro-Obamacare candidate, Alex Sink, hand-picked by Pelosi lost to an anti Obamacare Conservative in a district won by Obama in 2008 AND in 2012.

Last September, Ted Cruz stood tall for 21 hours on the senate floor trying one last time to reason with the left and delay mess 4Obamacare for a year while the problems with it and its website could be worked out but, no…Obamacare was “THE LAW OF THE LAND” AND Harry Reid wouldn’t dare entertain such a notion of delay.

Cruz was called every name in the book by liberals and one by one, those socialists rose to exclaim that Cruz was doing nothing more than wasting the senate’s valuable time.

A delay was what he wanted, short of a full repeal but Obama closed down 17% of the government just to make his absurd point. Absurd because, now, the Dictator has used that pen of his to delay what would NOT be delayed some 38 times.

According to Ted Cruz, “We’re still a nation of laws…It’s just that we have to check with Obama every day to see what they are.”

And look at the polls.

With every delay comes more bad news for the one time messiah. Those who voted for him not once but twice are now so ashamed that they’re leaving him too. They’re sick and tired of being lied to, conned and stolen from.

Obamacare was a purely partisan vote but it has, as Conservatives so poignantly predicted, become a bipartisan disaster hitting Americans bank accounts with devastating effect regardless of party affiliation.

mess 6More than 6 million have lost the insurance and the doctors the Dictator and those running for their lives and their seats promised them they could keep and what Pelosi still, to this day, claims to be “affordable” is anything but.

To be clear, elected liberals have their panties so twisted in knots they don’t know whether to defend Obamacare, make up wild excuses for it or simply run away FROM it.

Americans, to be clear, are not buying any of it.

Less people have “enrolled” than had their policies cancelled. Young and healthy Americans who have, for years, been the recipients of entitlement handouts from this administration and firmly believe, as they have been indoctrinated to believe, that they are DUE their government freebies have now discovered that, when it comes to Obamacare…THEY are to be the PROVIDERS of “free” healthcare to OTHERS and they don’t like THAT one little bit.

While Obamacare IS the overwhelming impetus for waning support amongst voters it’s not the ONLY impetus.

Among independent voters, Obama’s glaringly pathetic foreign policy is also turning them from the left to the right in their leanings.

Syria, red lines, Egypt, Benghazi, Israel, Obama’s brazen support for the Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda “rebels,” along with his utter lack of common sense when it comes to Iran and his wussy approach to Putin, Russia, Crimea and Ukraine have all combined to make the U.S. the laughing stock of the world.

Voters are watching as our allies make it clear they no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us while, front and center on the world stage, Obama flops about like a fish out of water.

Long before Obama told us that al Qaeda was on the run, decimated…Back in 2007, he forecast his own greatness via what is, to this day, perhaps THE most narcissistic statement he’s ever made.

“The day I’m inaugurated, Muslim tensions will ease???”

In the mind of the community organizer, he WAS the 2nd coming of both the Messaih and the prophet Mohammad and his mere presence on the world stage would bring peace.

Since his inauguration, he has based his entire foreign policy on that delusional premise and where has that left his “holier than thou” visage today?

Not even Obama’s ilk in congress can stomach his foreign policy as they are now taking steps to do what their Dictator won’t and strengthen sanctions rather than ease them back.

And then, there’s the economy, on life support and crawling along at a vapid 2.5%. Unemployment HAS gone down but only because so many Americans have simply walked away from the workforce which makes them more likely to walk away from voting for more progressive ideas that put them into that situation.MESS 7

The staggering and growing at a record pace national debt, deficit spending, the constant raising of the debt ceiling, inflation and a stock market bolstered by the rampant printing of new money all of which is steering voters to the right this November.

In the midst of it all are those elected officials who votes for and defended the ill-advised policies of the Dictator and they’re watching it all fail before THEIR eyes and directly before the eyes of those who will be casting votes in the 2014 midterms.

Voters are turning away from the failed policies of this anything but a leader occupier of the oval office and, those running for office know THEY can’t be seen as supporting the failure who would be king either.

Those who once reveled in riding the coattails of the messiah are now repulsed by the pariah.

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