Amnesty is Nothing But Trading Citizenship for Votes

BIDEN 1According to Vice Weasel, Joe Biden…

“These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully, and by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view. They just want a decent life for their kids and a chance to contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build the next great American century. I really believe that. That’s what they’re fighting for.”

That’s a direct quote from his speech a few days ago at the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and, it leaves me with what I believe to be a pertinent question.


He’s talking about ILLEGAL (undocumented in liberal speak) ALIENS.

One simply cannot be an ALIEN…Illegal OR undocumented and still be an AMERICAN. It doesn’t work that way Joe and YOU KNOW IT.

What those people are, to liberals, are UNREGISTERED LIBERAL VOTERS and nothing less.

Hmmm…Come to think of it, I have more than one pertinent question.

Given the FACT that we learned, ON THE SAME DAY as this BLOVIATING, BOVINE BUTT-BLAST’S speech…That ICE, under this regime has turned loose some 68,000 ILLEGAL ALIEN…CRIMINALS…into our cities and onto our streets…COUPLED WITH THE FACT THAT…they have failed to remove from our soil…SOME 870 THOUSAND…ILLEGAL ALIENS…WITH MANDATORY DEPORTATION ORDERS AGAINST THEM…IN 2013 ALONE…


Oh yes…

Democrat votes in our upcoming elections. BIDEN 2

How silly of me.

One wonders how liberals would feel about amnesty for bank robbers.

There’s a reason we lock banks up for the night and keep the vaults locked, security cameras on and guards at the doors.

Let’s just say, for instance, 11 million people start waltzing into banks and robbing them.

Would liberals lobby to allow that? Would they claim that these people are just trying to “contribute to a free society?”

After all, would they tell us, that those 11 million bank robbers would be spending all that money to elevate our economy and therefore, they should be allowed to do as they pleased?

Well, yes…Liberals probably would because, as long as bank robbers ability to rob banks is protected, those making large monetary gains FROM it would be likely vote for the party that ALLOWED it.

Wouldn’t they?

What’s the difference?

There are laws against robbing banks and, there are laws against entering and living in this country without the proper documentation.

We would be losing money and property to bank robbers and, we ARE losing money and property to ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!

BIDEN 3Now then, before I go any further, let me address the number 1 inane argument offered up by liberals who are reading this article.

THEY will jump up and down, having kittens and asking…”Well, how is what we did to the Native Americans any different than what Mexicans are doing NOW???”

Well, show me the WRITTEN LAW that was broken by our ANCESTORS and I’ll stop calling your argument inane.

Next up on the liberal list of insipid arguments would be calling me or any Conservative who stands against amnesty…”A RACIST!!!”

We don’t care if the problem was on our NORTHERN border. If the CANUCKS were pouring over THAT border…WE’D BE DEMANDING THEY BE SENT BACK TO SASKATOON!!!

Trust me…We know the difference between a GREEN card and the RACE card.

And, to those who claim that all we do is complain rather than offer solutions…

First…SECURE THE BORDER!!! Use the National Guard if that helps but…LOCK IT DOWN the way we lock down the bank vaults.

Second…DEPORT THE ILLEGAL ALIENS but NOT until we have created a database of their finger prints and tell them to get in the BACK of the line as there are PLENTY of folks WAITING and RESPECTING the law to get here and THOSE folks would be MUCH MORE productive in our society than are those who BREAK THE LAW TO GET HERE!!!

Third…Streamline the immigration system so that those who choose to come here LEGALLY can do so without having to wait a decade or more to BECOME AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Fourth…When those who were DEPORTED get caught here AGAIN…WITHOUT the proper documentation…THROW THEIR LAW BREAKING ASSES IN JAIL for 5 years and then…DEPORT THEM AGAIN!!! Each time they get caught breaking our immigration laws…ADD ANOTHER 5 YEARS TO THEIR SENTENCE until they get the hint.BIDEN 4

Meanwhile, on the other side of our nearly non-existent southern border…

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said he is “indignant” at the United States’ deportation of Mexican migrants and says that our congress is displaying a genuine, “lack of conscience” by not reforming our immigration laws.

El BOO-o, el HOO-o.

Why WOULDN’T he be indignant? After all…those we actually DO send back are the ones that weren’t “productive members” of the MEXICAN society.

We’re talking about a government that hands out INSTRUCTIONS to their poorest and least productive citizens telling them how to sneak INTO our country AND take advantage of our TAXPAYER FUNDED BENEFITS!!!

This leads me to yet another pertinent question for Obama’s best life insurance policy…Joe Biden.

If they can’t be productive in their own country…WHAT ON EARTH WOULD MAKE YOU BELIEVE THEY WOULD BE PRODUCTIVE IN OURS???

Well, okay…I’ll grant you that it’s much harder to vote for United States liberals and socialists from MEXICO CITY than it is from MINNEAPOLIS but, seriously…

And finally, allow me to address one last liberal/socialist argument.


To which I say…


Press 1 for English…HORSE CRAP!!!!!!!

First of all…They aren’t IMMIGRANTS of any sort.

IMMIGRANTS come he via LEGAL means and become U.S. CITIZENS.

At best, we’re talking about SQUATTERS here and I submit there aren’t even any socialists who would come home from their vacation, find a family from ANYWHERE living in THEIR homes and ALLOW THEM TO STAY but…That said…

If you take all the money we, as taxpayers spend on educating ILLEGAL ALIENS and providing them with HEALTHCARE and combine it with the amount of U.S. Dollars they send to THEIR FAMILIES back in MEXICO and divert it to their 2 hots and a cot…WE WOULD BE MONEY AHEAD TO TOSS THEM IN JAIL FOR 5 YEARS!!!

Biden and his ilk couldn’t be more wrong in their assessment of ILLEGAL ALIENS.

They are anything BUT Americans.

Immigrants are those who come here seeking to BE Americans. They seek the OPPORTUNITIES America offers all wBIDEN 6ho obey our laws and THEY still see America as being special….EXCEPTIONAL and CITIZENSHIP to be of the greatest value.

ILLEGAL ALIENS on the other hand are only interested in what they can TAKE FROM this country rather than what they can ADD TO it.

Liberals and RINOS only genuine interest in them…Is their voter registration.


TODAY on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS our special guest will be Matthew Tsien. Matthew was National Director of President Reagan’s official lobbying organization and helped direct media operations for Reagan’s legislative agenda during his rsp promo 1second term in office. Mathew also was Communications Director for Citizens Against Government Waste and the National Taxpayers Union and was a National Political Correspondent for the American Conservative.

Matthew will soon be a colleague and have his own talk show on the CPR World Wide Media Network and we are honored to be introducing him to our listeners.

So please join Diane Sori and me, Craig Andresen as we welcome our special guest Matthew Tsein, and cover ALL the important topics…TODAY…Wednesday, April 2nd at 2pm EST for RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on the CPR Worldwide Media Network.

2 thoughts on “Amnesty is Nothing But Trading Citizenship for Votes

  1. Not all the illegal immigrants are criminal leeches. I know; I live in Texas. Interestingly, last year I was the Republican judge in the general election. While we generally didn’t talk politics, the Democrat judge, who was latino and a precinct chairman, had no kind words for “those damn liberals and Democrats” pushing for amnesty and fast-track citizenship. Most of the “mojados” are here to work, make decent (for them) wages and send them back home. They don’t want to be US citizens. Around here many are skilled stoneworkers and tile-setters. Quiet, well-behaved folks.

  2. Aside from being illegal, stealing our resources, criminalizing our system, taking our jobs, leeching our social programs and being Mexico’s undesirables. Far more sinister than being a potential voter base for the Democrats. These illegal trespassing foreigners have another agenda in play. The Mexicans opening admit they intend to retake some of our southern states they feel were stripped from Mexico’s possession and they’re building an army within our borders to do so, literally at our expense.
    Likewise, the muslim cult has been building numbers, as is their historical pattern for the destruction of every civilization they’ve ever infected. This amnesty will give them the combined numbers with American muslims, legally immigrated muslims and Obama’s refugees enough voting power to be capable of taking over our government. Which of course, would be their goal to be able to implement and enforce their sharia law and implement a one nation religion. All as a part of their process to take over and realize world dominion.
    This Amnesty bill is the second largest sinister Trojan Horse being shoved on Americans since the implementation of obamacare and will realize the same illusion of being a failure once they jam it through the House & Senate. If it truly is to secure votes, the Democrats are bigger idiots than any of us ever dreamed.

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