Weekend Edition: Flight 370’s Fate is Sealed

370 1There is a great deal more that we don’t know regarding the vanished Malaysian flight 370 than what we do know but, what we do know is disturbing to say the least.

We know that the flight departed Kuala Lumpur  on time, with 227 passengers and 12 crew onboard.

We know that 2 of those passengers were Iranian traveling on stolen passports with one way tickets and, that at least one passenger was a Chinese Uighur (translated to Chinese follower of a muslim terrorist organization) while 20 were, reportedly, high tech electrical engineers who had connections to the United States Department of Defense.

I’ll get back to those 2 Iranians shortly and trust me, disturbing doesn’t begin to cover it.

We know the plane was bound for Beijing and that, sometime after clearing Malaysian air space, the pilots said “Goodnight” and then…Somebody on the flight deck, for some reason, turned off the transponders.

We also know, via the Malaysian military, that flight 370 then deviated from its intended path, turned to the west and flew back over the Malaysian peninsula where, according to a 3rd source of transponder, it gained altitude to near 45 thousand, well above the plane’s optimal flight level and then, dropped to 23 thousand…Well below its normal cruising altitude.

After that, while either flying to the northwest or, possibly to the south, southeast, that 3rd device, ACARS, the one that sent data directly from the Rolls Royce engines via satellite, THAT transponder was also shut down.

Let me briefly explain how these transponders are shut down.

The 2 on the flight deck are simple switches. Click…Click…They’re off.370 2

The 3rd however, as I understand it, would require someone going into the belly of the plane and removing circuit boards to turn it off. Someone who knew exactly where this was located inside the plane and someone who knew exactly how to disable it.

Obviously, this was no accident.

This was deliberate. A hijacking.

Here’s something else we know for a fact and, THIS is disturbing.

Those 2 Iranians.

Something stinks from the ground up regarding these 2 and I mean LITERALLY, from the ground up.

Look at the 2 images OF those Iranians that were first released to the public hours after the disappearance of flight 370.

2 different faces.370 3

2 different shirts,

Now, look at their legs.



For some reason, these images were manipulated BEFORE their initial release .


Who is covering this up and, for that matter, WHAT are they covering up???

What was it about the LOWER half of one or both of these Iranian individuals that those involved in the early stages of this investigation either from Malaysia or ELSEWHERE didn’t want anyone to see?

The image on the left was obviously cut and the lower half of the image on the right was hastily pasted over it.


NOW…All images released of these 2 Iranians SUBSEQUENT to the one above, show ONLY the 2 men from THE WAIST UP!!!


We know the 2 Iranians ARRIVED in Malaysia on their IRANIAN passports FROM…QATAR and LEFT Malaysia with passports stolen from THAILAND in 2012 that originally belonged to an AUSTRIAN and an ITALIAN and that their tickets for flight 370 were purchased within MINUTES of one another but…

Why isn’t anyone asking why a 19 year old IRANIAN was in MALAYSIA to begin with and why would he be flying to CHINA on a ONE WAY TICKET if he was, as his supposed MOTHER claimed, seeking asylum in or to immigrating TO…GERMANY?370 4??

This leads me to believe there is more known about these 2 Iranians than we are being told and that, in my opinion, THESE 2 ARE THE PRIME SUSPECTS and they’re being downplayed because…We CAN’T make IRANIANS out to be the BAD GUYS since we’re trying DESPERATELY to make everyone believe they will STICK to a NUKE deal and NOT bomb Israel…

Here is where speculation must be ADDED as the facts, like flight 370 itself, simply disappear but, one MUST take care to base any speculation ONLY upon the known FACTS and NOT delve into wild CONSPIRACY theories.

How does something, nearly 240 feet from wing tip to wing tip and some 200 feet long just vanish?

It’s not as big of an object as one might think given the fact that the purported search area is now some 8 times the size of the United States.

We don’t know whether, after that last data sending instrument was shut down, the plane was flying to the NW or the SSE and, with a full fuel load, it COULD have flown for another 5 – 7 hours.

Flight 370 could be almost anywhere within that extremely large search radius and, within that radius are 600 airfields where that plane COULD have landed.

370 5Given that the Iranians on board are the top suspects, IF that Malaysian plane LANDED somewhere to be refueled, the intentions become dire.

Iran wants Israel OFF the map and, Iran IS working FEVERISHLY to build a nuke. We KNOW they have a stockpile of material not yet refined enough for an actual BOMB but, refined to a level where a DIRTY bomb IS possible.

There are also 239 souls on board that plane who could well be used in attempt to make Israel hesitate in blowing a civilian airliner full of other countries nationals out of the sky.

Israel, in my opinion, would NOT hesitate given the dire objective should a dirty bomb BE the objective but, what if this is nothing more than a rouse?

Consider this…

A civilian airliner, full of passengers from other nations being flown into Israeli airspace with NOTHING deadly onboard and Israel shooting it down.

What would Israel do the NEXT time a similar scenario presents itself?

What would WE do should that scenario play out over Israel if the NEXT attempt is against US???

Israel is capable of withstanding a dirty bomb in MUCH better shape that WE are in OUR country and, the terrorists KNOW this.370 6

EVERYBODY in Israel has gas masks, protection and shelters for this sort of dire plot. Israelis are ACCUSTOMED to being bombed, shelled and dodging rocket attacks and have, over the last couple of decades, been sent to shelters COUNTLESS times as they know they have, at most, 45 seconds to take cover.

How many people in YOUR neighborhood have their own bomb shelter or gas masks at the ready?

While dirty bombs are nowhere NEAR as lethal as nukes nor even as lethal as many believe they are, only a few would die in Israel compared to the toll in the United States.

And what of those 20 electrical engineers with ties to our Department of Defense?

Could THEY be used as HOSTAGES to secure the release of high profile muslim detainees such as Kalid Sheik Mohammad and the blind Sheik as well as others being held in various nations?

One has to believe that too, is a distinct possibility making the scenario something of a double threat.

Of the many countries where those 600 airfields are located, several reside in nations friendly to Islam and to terrorist organizations but one, in particular, would have airfields CONTROLLED by terrorist organizations…

SOMALIA…Home to Jihadis and pirates.

We are now being told that the plane, Malaysian flight 370 is most likely at the bottom of some vast area of the Indian Ocean and that no Islamist terror organization has taken responsibility because, they don’t want to own up to a failed terror mission but…What if they simply aren’t copping to it because the mission is still in play and they don’t want to tip their hand?

The fact that Jay Carney came forward on Friday to say OUR administration will NO LONGER be updating information regarding the investigation is clear evidence that there is more that they know than they want to reveal and, if flight 370, with 239 souls/suspects on board really is at the bottom of the ocean, why then, the suppression of information?

While WE may well never know the true intention behind the hijacking of flight 370…

It’s better than a fair bet…Those intentions are WELL known by those who have made public THEIR intention to remain silent.

While we are being told that the erratic nature of the last known elements of flight 370 could indicate a struggle on the flight deck, I submit they could just as easily indicate a diversion to throw off those who would be searching for the plane until that 3rd data transmitter could be disconnected from within the belly of the craft and that at least one of the 2 pilots could have been involved in the hijacking and let’s not discount the fact that China, the destination point for flight 370 is strongly allied with many of the enemies of Israel much more so than their tenuous 370 7relationship with Israel itself.

Wild conspiracy theories?


Speculation based on the known facts utilizing cognitive deduction necessary to sort plausible conclusions in a most dangerous world.

I sincerely hope flight 370 is a smoldering wreckage on a mountain or in a jungle or, is a sunken tragedy at the bottom of an ocean and while that may seem cold-hearted to those who are looking for a miracle with regard to missing family or friends, whether flight 370 crashed or is in the hands of terrorists, somewhere on the ground being refitted and having its electronics reconfigured…The fate of the 239 souls on board is sealed either way.

THAT conclusion is inescapable.

3 thoughts on “Weekend Edition: Flight 370’s Fate is Sealed

  1. This affair is further proof that the media is manipulated and only publishes the spin that the powers would have one swallow. The truth is anyone’s guess. Psychopathic reporting generally is designed to be bitter and is delivered with intent to enslave the masses to the mists of deception.

  2. Any other aircraft it would attempt to “piggyback” on would be receiving alarms from its collision avoidance system and would be taking evasive action & informing air traffic control. It’s much more likely that if the aircraft was hijacked, it is now hidden in a hangar on a military base in a country sympathetic to the hijackers. It will be stripped of its current paint job, repainted in some other airline’s colors, rigged with whatever weapons the terrorists want, and returned to service in order to complete its mission. Departing a foreign military airfield and re-entering the stream of civil aircraft isn’t much of an obstacle.

  3. very real possibility is that the aircraft can be used for a terror strike by piggy backing on any incoming flights and matching transponder codes. With rudimentary knowledge of modern avionics systems and flight training it would not be too hard to accomplish. If it was me I’d be watching all flights coming into any US friendly airspace for unusual flight patterns or just “ghost” signals from existing flights. The scary thing is that Clancy wrote about a similar scenerio in his book Debt of Honor written in 1994 where a pilot flew his 747 into the Capitol building wiping out both houses and executive branch. We’ve witnessed it before on Sept 11 2001 so who says it can’t be done agian with more devestating results

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