Designed and Destined to Fail – Obamacare is On Target

Just because the Dictator issued his 30 somethingish Obamacare delay, without congressional action, to stave off the further disaster which will undoubtedly befall Americans until HE is off the throne in 2016…Don’t you believe for one blink of an eye that this will forestall the disaster fixing to befall liberals seeking seats in the house and the senate.

The momentum is surely building for those who know exactly what a turd in the punchbowl Obamacare really is.

There are numbers…Hard and fast numbers, that fly in the face of this regime’s claims.

So far, only 1 out of 10 Americans who were uninsured BEFORE Oct. 1st, 2013, have signed up for socialism in the 5 plus months SINCE that now, infamous date.

1…Out of…10.

Of those uninsured on the go date of Obamacare…Survey’s show that only about 50% have indicated they will even have a LOOK at Obamacare.

Those state run Obamacare sites we were told were THE place to go for socialism are now being exposed as state operated disasters. Maryland’s site, which was ballyhooed as sporting the least expensive Obamacare crap in the marketplace spent more than 200 MILLION dollars ON their site and have, so far, only claimed 38,000 “enrollees” of which oly 20,000 have actually PAID for their insurance.

That means, including a good deal of FEDERAL TAXPAYER DOLLARS…Maryland has spent something like $200,000.00 PER paid up socialist.

On the other side of the nation…

Oregon, which spent more than $300 MILLION on THEIR site…Has YET to enroll even 1 SINGLE RUBE.

All across the nation, Obamacare NAVIGATORS are being discovered to have CRIMINAL PASTS and, as we now know…Obamacare had ZERO background checks FOR their “navigators.”

Speaking of security issues…Neither the FEDERAL Obamacare website NOR the STATE RUN SITES…To THIS day, have ANY SECURITY built into them.

And speaking of things not built into the sites…The FEDERAL site STILL has ABSOLUTELY NO PAYMENT PORTAL on it.

We have had, over the last week or so, Harry Reid, standing on the floor of the senate explaining that those Americans…ALL of those Americans exposing their and their family’s horror stories regarding the entire Obamacare scam…ARE LIARS!!!!

In Obama’s delusional world…Obamacare is working just fine but…How can he or, more specifically, his liberal minions on the campaign trails hither and yawn make such a claim in the face of now, more than 30 IMPERIAL Edicts to delay any and all parts of “the law of the land” for nothing but political reasons?

They can’t.

Nor is any of Obama’s propaganda quelling the rising outrage of individual Americans or Business owners.

Business owners, who, to be successful, must forecast their earnings potential, grow, expand, do research and development and, invest in new workers…Simply can’t keep up with the delay of the day desperation of this absurd regime.

Want to know who ELSE can’t keep it all straight?


Insurance carriers, far and wide, are left holding the bag in ALL of this as THEY must ALSO forecast the marketplace in order to set premium rates.

Part of that is based on the size of the pool from which they draw their clients. Part of it comes from the age and health demographics of the pool. Some parts are based on geographical data.

The list of formulas insurance companies must utilize goes on and on but, as Obamacare continues to change each and every database used to arrive at rates on nearly a daily basis…Insurance companies are left to just MAKE CRAP UP and nobody signing up for private insurance TODAY has ANY idea what their rates will be TOMORROW.

This is also the exact same situation brewing in the bowels of Obamacare itself. As more and more people are given the opportunity to delay THEIR forced acceptance of socialism, they are taking it and, as the young and healthy learn more and more about how THEY’RE being HOSED by Obamacare, fewer and fewer have any intention whatsoever of taking part in their own demise.

A few weeks ago, MOOchelle Obama blew that ever-so-needed demographic straight to hell when SHE went on a talk show and made a point of calling America’s young people…”KNUCKLEHEADS!!!”

All of this is only part of the reason liberals seeking seats are running like rabbits from a wild fire.

Look at Obama’s latest approval ratings.


And look at the Obamacare polls…After being promised LOWER healthcare insurance costs, according to Rasmussen  now, 77% of those polled expect their costs to RISE because of Obamacare.  47% now believe the QUALITY of their care will DROP because of Obamacare and…Here’s the kicker for those running for liberal seats…Only 38% of DEMOCRATS polled now believe that Obamacare will provide BETTER care than they had before it kicked in.

Obamacare is a BIPARTISAN disaster and office seeking liberals know full well that THEY are ON RECORD promising their liberal voting base PRIME RIB and, what they delivered…was nothing but CRAP SANDWICHES.

None of the 30 something odd delays already mandated by the king nor those yet to come will change that fact because, Americans from both sides of the aisle are feeling this disaster equally. The delays only delay the pain yet to come and everybody damn well knows it.

The deadline for the first year’s sustainability redline is now less than 3 weeks away and, after making it public as the “failure to launch” was taking place that 7 million enrollees…PAID enrollees were needed by the end of March…Obamacare is going to fall well short of the mark regardless of how this regime tries to spin the numbers.

In fact, BY the end of March, there will STILL be MORE Americans who have had their insurance CANCELLED than those who have chosen to cliff dive into the shallow waters of Obamacare…FAR more signing up for expanded Medicaid than young people signing up to carry the weight of the elderly and/or infirm and, as stated earlier, only 1 out of 10 previously uninsured have taken the deadly plunge.

Doctors are abandoning their practices. Insurance companies are on the verge of demanding a bailout.

Americans with grievous medical issues are fighting for their lives.

Leftist pundits who used to feel a tingle up their collective legs are now noticing a trickle running down them. Hollywood has abandoned Obamacare, liberals on the stump are abandoning Obama and…

Those who once swore that the Dictator could walk on water are now watching him disappear below the putrid, festering surface of the Obamacare cesspool.

Obamacare is a system designed and destined to fail and, in that respect, it’s right on target. Please stand by for the regime’s announcement of a single payer system.

2 thoughts on “Designed and Destined to Fail – Obamacare is On Target

  1. All I see in this article is WHY Oblameacare is failing.. so how exactly is this by design? very misleading title

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