From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

Tuesday evening, the Dictator delivered his State of Future Mandates speech to a 60% ungrateful nation.

Don’t they realize what the remaining 40% who approve of his highness have embraced?

BIG GOVERNMENT is WORKING in their minds.

There are now more people collecting welfare than ever before.

Big government works.

There are more Americans than ever utilizing food stamps.

Big government works.

More and more Americans have applied for and received disability compensation than ever before and, it doesn’t even matter whether or not they actually need it.

Big government works.

More Americans have been thrown off the health insurance plans they had and, would have liked to have kept, than have signed up for the propagandized, “BETTER” and more “AFFORDABLE” Obamacare and, of those who have signed up, the overwhelming majority are those signing up for expanded Medicaid along with those Americans who are older and more in need of healthcare than those who are young, healthy and NECESSARY to carry the financial burden.



That is exactly what Obama wanted everybody to know on Tuesday evening and, for those areas where there isn’t enough big government already making things better…The Dictator is suggesting…MORE…BIG…GOVERNMENT.

With a saggy 40% approval rating, Obama knows that 60% of Americans just don’t understand that, if they would just pay more taxes…GOVERNMENT could SPEND more to make the 60% of DISSATISFIED customers…HAPPY customers who would gladly come back for more, and more…and more.

Now…How do we get more of what’s been working so damned well?

We have to VOTE for it and, so too, supposedly, does congress but, CONGRESS is SUPPOSED to be the guardrail that keeps America from driving off the financial cliff.

No worries. Not for a Dictator.


“Some require congressional action, and I’m eager to work with all of you, (meaning both sides of the political aisle including those with whom he has tersely told, time and time again, that he will not negotiate) but, America does not stand still – and neither will I.  So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.”

That’s exactly correct.

The man who, just 5 years ago, regaled us all with how HE was going to CHANGE the WORLD…LIFT UP the downtrodden, CREATE JOBS…FIX THE ECONOMY…PROVIDE HEALTH INSURANCE FOR ALL and…UNITE THE NATION…

Admitted that his most formidable weapon, 5 years later, is not the success of his ideas or his agenda but…His ball point pen.

Oh, the guardrail is still there but, it’s only on the right side of the knife’s edge cliff and the rail on the opposite side wildly applauded and slapped one another on their collective backs over the hard left turn the Dictator threatened on Tuesday evening.

He said he will RAISE the federal contractor’s minimum wage to $10.10 dollars per hour so that those who cook for Americans in uniform can make a living.

When you break it down, that’s not bad, considering the average Private in the army (E-1, S1) grunting all day to get to the chow line, is pulling down almost $8.17 per hour IF that E-1, S1 ONLY puts in a 40 hour week.

Yes, I know they get some sort of housing and a square or 2 a day for that $10.10 per hour cook but, when they get home, in one piece or several, they can’t find a job, their homes are being foreclosed on, they are standing in line for years at the VA waiting for treatment and Obama has cut the retirement benefits of those who have put their lives on the line to protect our freedom.

But, an army does travel on it’s stomach while their current Commander in Chief crawls like a worm, spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars every year on his family vacations.

Don’t fret…BIG GOVERNMENT and its Dictator will MANDATE income equality and, allow me to decipher that for you.

Given enough ink, Obama will do his level best to make sure NONE of us are earning any more than the army cook, well, except for those in the ruling class, like him.

Oh, I know liberals think we Conservatives are full of it but, soon, they will learn the reality we see coming and, as proof, consider this…

With every swish of his pen and, to thunderous applause from his minions, Obama will…WILL…be spending more and more of our money on that 40% who currently approve and want more free candy while, at the same time…

Nearly 70% of all federal spending, 69.4% to be exact, is spent on programs of dependence…your food stamps, your disability whether or not you actually need it, your never ending unemployment because, why get a job if you can get by on the dole and all the other goodies like your Obama phone, your welfare and on and on.

69.4 percent…Of ALL federal spending RIGHT NOW…Is being spent on dependency programs while only 30% is being spent on other things and that 69.4% is growing every day.

If that’s not bad enough…We, as a nation, are already nearly $18 TRILLION dollars in debt and, we are currently spending far more that revenues bring in.

Big government works and, according to the candy man, what we need right now is…MORE big government.

Currently, 44% of all Americans are receiving some sort of big government assistance and Obama wants to drive that number higher.

Think of our nation’s economy as a teeter totter and realize that we are now only 7% away from the tipping point.

But there he was, Obama, the Dictator, calling for more big government to solve the problems caused by big government. More spending to solve our over spending, more taxation to solve over taxation, more entitlements to solve the burdens related to being entitled and, if congress won’t bend over and say, “Please sir…May I have another,” on your behalf…He’ll just whip out his pen and bypass them.

On your behalf, of course.

There was nothing new in Tuesday evening’s speech, nothing new at all. No new ideas, no new motivation, no new willingness to solve the problems Obama has only made worse over the course of the last 5 years.

He DID, however, say: “Our job is to help Americans build a future of hope and opportunity. A future of hope and opportunity begins with a growing economy. A future of hope and opportunity requires that all our citizens have affordable and available healthcare. Extending opportunity and hope depends on a stable supply of energy.”

It sounded good, in the way it sounds good to a pig when you tell one that you would like to have them over for dinner but, that wasn’t new either.

THAT was plagiarized directly from the George W. Bush 2007 State of the Union speech.

For 4 years, Obama blamed Bush for every issue that plagued him and then, in his 5th year, he steals from Bush’s speech?

From a “Hope and Change” bumper sticker pasted to a clunker he doled out taxpayer dollars to buy and crush, to “Hope and Opportunity” he stole from the very one he has blamed for every problem.

Somebody else’s pen wrote that bit of the thief’s speech.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword and I would be inclined to believe it were Obama to use HIS to cut and slash spending, skewer government waste and reduce the unsustainable, over -regulated and income-crushing “affordable” care act to confetti but…That is not what he said he would do.

Now then…To decode what OBAMA meant by giving voice to the pilfered portion of the Bush speech, one simply needs to replace the word “AND” with the word “THROUGH” and the word “OPPORTUNITY” with the word, “SPENDING.”

Now…Read the decoded message…

“Our job is to help Americans build a future of hope THROUGH SPENDING. A future of hope THROUGH SPENDING begins with a growing economy. A future of hope THROUGH SPENDING requires that all our citizens have affordable and available healthcare. Extending SPENDING THROUGH hope depends on a stable supply of energy.”

And by “energy” Obama means…More Solyndras to which, HE can extend even more taxpayer funded…”SPENDING.”

Some people are saying the speech on Tuesday evening was far, far from doing the BIG things Obama presented 5 years ago but, I disagree.

THOSE things…Obamacare…Creating Jobs…Fixing the economy and…Uniting the nation…THOSE, by comparison, are the small potatoes.

Expanding government into every segment of our lives by getting Americans addicted to the promises and dependency of government doled out entitlements in order to institute full-blown communism and declaring yourself the Dictator, with a pen and a phone…

“Fundamentally Transforming” America from a Constitutional to a BANANA Republic…


An un-American, unconstitutional act of TYRANNY and TREASON for which Obama should be ARRESTED, TRIED and at the very least…IMPRISONED  but…


3 thoughts on “From a Constitutional to Banana Republic

  1. I just want to go on the record again, I do not hate Obama because he is black. Since he is only about 13% black, the most I could do is strongly dislike him for that reason.

    I do not hate him because he is clean, well spoken, and has an Ivy League education (supposedly) as Joe Biden said during the first primaries. The same could be said of many of the politicians in Washington.

    I do not hate him because he is a Socialist, nor do I hate him because he doesn’t have a clue as to how business works. Socialism is only another type of economic model that has always failed, and his ignorance in business issues is due to his lack of ever having had a real job.

    I do not hate him because he has no respect for either the Constitution or the rule of law, hell most lawyers have the same attitude towards them, that they are something to be gotten around. And we all know that we can’t shoot them all, we could try, but there is just to damned many of them.

    What I do hate is not the man that calls himself Obama, or Sorento or what ever else he is using this week. I hate with all my heart and being the fact that he truly believes that he is better, smarter, and slicker than everyone else and is the only one that knows what is good for every man woman and child in the country.

    Obama is free to have any thoughts, feelings, and beliefs he so desires. That is the primary founding principle behind this country. He is free to spout them off at every opportunity he gets and since he is president even use the TV and other media to try to persuade everyone else he is right.

    But, he is not free to force feed the American people, no matter how stupid many have become, his beliefs by bypassing both Congress, even if they don’t have the balls to oppose him, and the Constitution. He needs to realize that while he may have the title of Commander-in-Chief, titles are fleeting things that can quickly disappear. The American people will put up with a lot, but they will only put up with so much, for so long, and then watch out.

    The American Citizen is the final voice in all matters that pertain to our country. From time to time leaders have forgotten that, but never before have they just ignored the will of the people. We are entering into uncharted waters and dangers are all around us. I hope that Obama and the congress wake up soon and realize that they are not rulers, but servants of the people and as such need to follow the rule of law just like the rest of us or soon they may be facing more than just low poll numbers.

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