Weekend Edition: The Obamacare Crap Sandwich

Obamacare is 100% pure crap and liberals and socialists are running away from it, using any desperate line of bull they can concoct to blame it on others.

They are now trying to blame it on the government shutdown.

It was NOT the Republicans who shut down the government…The Obama administration with the assistance of Harry Reid and the liberal/socialists of the senate did that.

We KNOW they did it because this administration had everything they needed ready to go the second the shutdown began.

They had their “closed” signs professionally printed by the THOUSANDS and barricades ready to be placed IMMEDIATELY and that could ONLY have been accomplished with PRIOR PLANNING.

It made no difference WHAT proposals the Republicans would have made leading up TO the shutdown…Obama said he would NOT negotiate and Reid was bound and determined to NOT allow a single measure put forward to see the senate floor for a vote.

Liberals and socialists had their talking points, all the names, “arsonists, hostage takers, ransom demanders, terrorists, extremists, racists” and others all lined up and were ready to let it fly and blame the Republicans for what THEY, the liberals and socialists, had planned.


Check your calendars…

How convenient that the government shutdown would coincide EXACTLY with the roll out of Obamacare.

This administration, we are now learning, had all the advanced warning necessary to KNOW, full well, that the Obamacare website was going to crash and burn.

They also knew that once that site went live, any who WERE able to log on would be met with the shock of their lives.

Sticker shock.

The high price of Obamacare insurance was going to be enough to stun and anger the public and Obama, his administration and his liberal/socialist minions in congress KNEW it.

This administration also knew that people, MILLIONS of Americans, were about to be kicked out of their existing insurance coverage and when THEY got a look at the prices of their new plans…THEY were going to be seeing RED.

In an attempt to keep people from achieving instant outrage, this administration, just a couple of weeks prior to the roll out, ordered that the browse feature of the Obamacare website be buried so deep within the site that those who managed to log in wouldn’t be able to get there without first entering all their personal information.

The intent, during the liberal/socialist administration’s imposed “shutdown” of the government was to brag about the “high numbers” of people trying to log on to the website in order to make it look as though there was a high demand for Obamacare and, they did just that.

They were lying.

Once the “shutdown” of 17% of the government came to an end…they were exposed.

Obamacare was exposed.

Obama’s lies regarding “if you like your plan…If you like your doctor…You can KEEP them…PERIOD” were exposed.

The obscene prices were exposed.

MILLIONS of Americans being kicked off their existing coverage was exposed.

And the liberal/socialist buffoons in congress who voted for Obamacare and defended Obamacare for the last 3 years were exposed.

Perhaps, most importantly…

The ideology behind it all, the driving force of this administration…SOCIALISM…Was exposed.

And now, liberals and socialists, like Frank Pallone from New Jersey, are left to lie about Obamacare as they try, uncomfortably, to dismiss the truth.

Pallone seems ready to wet himself here.

Pallone, trying to mask socialism, offers that nobody is going to buy lousy insurance if there is a better alternative. Pallone…OBAMACARE is lousy insurance and people are done buying the lies!!!

We know that the Obama administration is now, actively, blaming insurance companies for kicking Americans to the Obamacare curb.

We know that’s a lie because…

We also know that the original “grandfather clause” in Obamacare would have allowed people to keep what they already had and, that this administration quickly crafted NEW regulations which would make that IMPOSSIBLE by TIGHTENING the noose on Insurance companies within 2 months of passing the bill.

We now know that it’s not just a website purposefully designed to fail that is keeping people from enrolling in Obamacare.

OBAMACARE itself is keeping people from enrolling.

On day 1, October 1st, 2013, we know that 4.7 million Americans logged on and that all of 6…SIX PEOPLE bought into the Obama/Reid, Pelosi and…Pallone lies, and enrolled.

That is only 1/10,000 of 1% of those who logged on.

That destroys the liberal/socialist talking point and bragging point of high numbers.

We know that in those states with their own exchanges rather than the federal government exchange…approximately 80%-90% of those who have enrolled, have enrolled in Medicaid…the FREE healthcare and that only 10% or so have enrolled in out of pocket Obamacare insurance.

So far, in Oregon…ZERO have bought Obamacare and 100% have gone on free Medicad.

Liberals and socialists are running amok trying to convince people that this is all the fault of Republicans and the Tea Party. That this has been made worse because of the shutdown they are still trying to blame on the Republicans.

And the ideology behind it all…SOCIALISM…Is now fully exposed in that their liberals are now trying to tell those who simply can’t afford the “Affordable Care Act” that the reason they HAVE to buy Obamacare insurance is because whatever they had has been deemed…BY BIG GOVERNMENT AND BIG BROTHER…To be inadequate.


The lies and corruption just keep coming.

Obama hired an outfit, CGI Federal from Canada to build the Obamacare website.

CGI Federal has now been fired BY Canada for building THEIR loused up healthcare website.

What was it Obama said to do when HIS website wouldn’t work? Oh yes…Phone it in and fill out the PAPERwork and MAIL it in.

So…Who did he hire to process all that PAPERwork???


According to the Obama administration…“Serco is a highly-skilled company that has a proven track record in providing cost-effective services to numerous other federal agencies.

“The selection met all of the requirements for a full and open competition and, the timing enables us to be ready for marketplace open enrollment starting on October 1.”

Serco…The “highly skilled company that has a proven track record providing cost-effective service to numerous other federal agencies,” and a worldwide employer of 120,000 now under investigation for…RIPPING OFF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT to the tune of $80 MILLION dollars.

Now,  we discover that the Senior VP of CGI Federal, the inept company that won the no-bid contract to build the insipid Obamacare website is none other than…Toni Townes-Whitley, a Princeton class of ’85, classmate of none other than…MICHELLE OBAMA.

And finally, the socialist Obama must hire “the best and brightest” to fix the Obamacare website. It must come as the ultimate shame to his ideology that the “best and brightest” work in the PRIVATE SECTOR and NOT for the government.

The website can be fixed but, the law itself cannot.

The law will fail as surely as has the ideology upon which it is based, Socialism, fails every time and in every place it has been tried and there are reason for that.

Obamacare, like socialism itself, requires other people’s money and while the Obama administration says the numbers aren’t available yet, they’re lying.

The number ARE available, those numbers are leaking out and they tell a sad tale for socialists.

When at least 80% of those who have been able to see the prices on their state run exchanges are enrolling for the FREE Medicaid rather than the out of pocket Obamacare…It’s failing.

When ONLY  1/10,000 of 1% of those who logged on to the Obamacare site on day 1 bought Obamacare…It’s failing.

That is because, Obamacare, just like socialism, is based on lies and corruption.

Liberals and socialists up for election in the house in 2014 must now run FROM Obamacare rather than ON Obamacare and those liberals and socialists in the senate, seeking to keep their seats in 2014 have to run away from it too.

They have all been exposed and now…THEY want the individual mandate delayed.

Funny, isn’t it?

Those are the exact same liberals and socialists who, just 4 weeks ago, called anyone who was asking for a delay…Terrorists, arsonists, extremists, hostage takers, ransom demanders and…Racists.

Now, Americans…ALL Americans know that Obamacare is A 100% crap sandwich  and, they know exactly who packed their lunch.

Craig Andresen

The National Patriot

Weekend Edition 11/3/13


2 thoughts on “Weekend Edition: The Obamacare Crap Sandwich

  1. Notice the Two-step song and dance this buffoon Pallone can’t keep from doing while he talks (spews crap and lies)!!!!!
    Remind me of the “Best Little W4orehouse in Texas (Chicken Ranch)” movie with Burt and Charles Durning as Governor!!! always doing the two-step….

  2. Hello,

    I’m in the Anti-Obamanation group and this is the first time that I’ve read your National Patriot article. Very impressive. I have several facebook platforms, my main page is http://www.facebook.com/forcestrong. I also put my Benghazi page in the website column above. If you would like to admin on my benghazi page then I would very much like to feature your columns on my page. I’m looking to partner up with people like you to sound the alarm about all the harm this administration is doing to the country. Thanks for your time.

    Travis Gibson

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