Obama – King of his Own Mountain

The socialists have now proven, beyond doubt, that they don’t know the difference between clover and crap.

Socialists like Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Hoyer along with socialist talking heads on MSM are crowing.

They are all blaming Republicans for the government shutdown and they are just plain giddy.

They think they’re rolling around in clover.

They’re not.

What they are actually rolling in is their own poop and they are too dense to notice the difference.

Their poop…Obamacare…Is what caused this shutdown and it’s a stink so pungent that even Obama doesn’t want Obamacare coverage.

Reid doesn’t want it. Pelosi doesn’t want it. Hoyer doesn’t want it either.

NONE of the elected socialists wants Obamacare to provide THEIR coverage and were it not for SUBSIDIES provided them and their $174,000 salaries…They wouldn’t have it at ALL.

YOU didn’t get a subsidy…Did you?

People with common sense try to avoid stepping in poop but socialists just can’t help themselves from rolling around in it.

Just how bad IS the stench of Obamacare?


Obama had to BRIBE several socialists in congress just to get it passed and…Obama handed out more than 1,200 OBAMACARE WAIVERS to his friends and supporters just to keep THEM from TALKING about the stink.

The Republicans, now being blamed by SOCIALISTS for shutting down the government, have been trying everything they can think of to defund or delay Obamacare which, by the way, is exactly what they were elected to do.

One of the main causes for the gnashing of socialists teeth has been the rhetoric FROM the socialists that “OBAMACARE IS THE LAW OF THE LAND…YOU CAN’T MESS WITH IT!!!”

Why not?

Obama has messed with it and MESSED with it and, against the Constitution, Obama has unilaterally delayed parts of Obamacare for certain segments of the population.


Because he needs the support of business owners so…Throw them a bone…Obama delayed the employer mandate.

Did you, as an individual…Get a delay of the INDIVIDUAL mandate?

No. No you did not.

Monday night, as the shutdown came closer, Obama stated, , “One faction of one party in one house of Congress in one branch of government doesn’t get to shut down the entire government just to refight the results of an election.”

Interesting coming from ONE MAN IN ONE PARTY, IN ONE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT who altered the “law of the land” unilaterally.

The socialists are thinking they have, in the shutdown, the resurrection of their hopes in 2014 but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Socialists, who have always counted on Americans to have the attention span of a goldfish actually believe that, 1 full year from now, this shutdown will be top of mind?

The reality is…the shutdown will go away before 95% of Americans even knew it was here.

What will linger is the stank of Obamacare.

Premiums will continue to rise, the quality of care will continue to decline, the economy will grow even more stagnant, more and more people will find themselves transforming from full to part-time employees.

The bureaucracy will continue to grow, people will find themselves at the doctor for a runny nose being asked if they feel safe in their homes.

The IRS, a corrupt government organization will become the enforcement wing of Obamacare, a panel of bureaucrats will be making healthcare decisions for patients rather than their doctors and one year from now, nobody will be able to get the same answer regarding an Obamacare question from 5 different “navigators.”

Government shutdown?

WHAT government shutdown???

Right now, socialists are calling Republicans everything from arsonists to terrorists to radicals to…

TURDS…because of a government shutdown brought to fruition by the socialists in the senate.

Here are a few real turds.

Obama’s economy.

Obama’s foreign policy.

Obama’s record on jobs numbers.

Obama’s legacy on energy prices.

Obama’s inflation in the cost of living and deflation of the dollar.

THOSE are turds that affect REAL people, REAL families and REAL quality of life for ALL Americans.

Those are turds people can’t get away from, can’t wash off and turds Obama can’t polish.

And then, there’s Obamacare.

If socialists don’t think Americans are disgusted that socialists rejected a fully funded government AND a fully funded Obamacare just to maintain THEIR Obamacare subsidies…

They need to think again.

If socialists don’t think Americans are going to be outraged over their paychecks shrinking as their health insurance premiums rise…They need to think again.

If socialists think that Americans who used to work full-time jobs and now, because of Obamacare, have been reduced to part-time hours are not going to be thinking about that in 2014…They need to think again.

But there they are…Doing the socialist happy dance in their own septic tank while trying to convince their low information voting bloc that Republicans…Need a breath mint.

There have been 17 previous government shutdowns since the 1970’s and neither the economy nor the American people have suffered from any of them.

The longer the socialists drag this one out, the deeper they are digging the basement of the outhouse they’re dumping in.

Really think you’re the kings of the mountain, don’t ya socialists?

Well, here’s The Dictator’s wife planting the socialist flag on top of POOP PEAK.

Really? The “shutdown is preventing the Queen from TWEETING???

I guess her highness’ (sort of like “congress’s without the extra and unnecessary “s” at the end) TAXPAYER PAID-FOR official TWEETER is…NON-essential.

Here is what her subjects think of your shutdown victory.

Just keep telling yourselves it’s clover and…Roll in it socialists…Roll.

6 thoughts on “Obama – King of his Own Mountain

  1. It’s not Obamacare that shut the government down, it’s the actions of the tea party bullies shoving their will on our government without regard to the people who exist under this government. The teaparty does not care about people – and if they really want to negotiate, do it the way they’re supposed to, not by grandstanding at the risk of the econmony. I can’t believe how stupid people are who believe the poop being spewed by the tp and Rep party. They are truly sick and ignorant. Pass the budget and then negotiate just as the democrats have promised you even though you’re in the minority. Majority used to rule this country which is becoming used tp thanks to the tp.

    • Karlee,

      We are not, nor have we ever been, a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Please do get to know the difference.


  2. It is not Obama Care that shut the government down. It is the bloated system that, we the people, have let our government become…..It is because we let our government officials set their own pay, and do pretty much want they want–even though the “rights” every one quotes–say “ALL need to be treated equally.” The abuse of the Citizens of the USA has been going on for many years because of the “ruling class”–this system did not just happen in 4 years 8 years or 200 years. It started when the colonists came and decided to fight for their rights for freedom. And that fight was given to the government– Just some thing to consider…..perhaps “WE the PEOPLE” need to find others to help change the path and direction of this country. Our money, food and water are now under threat of being taken away…Our school children are being taught to tests instead of being taught to learn……ummmm…..ummmmm and on and on…

  3. all i saw was that i got gas yesterday and it was cheaper? gov shut down and gas goes down sounds like a good deal for me

  4. Excellent article. I just watched CNN interview children about the government shut down. I did not watch the whole thing, I could not get past the first question..”does it scare you that the government was shut down (or something like that)” well of course the children nodded their heads yes. Who is telling them that we need bloated government to run our lives otherwise what??? These children need to be taught about freedoms and how they are being whittled away one by one.

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