SHUT UP RINOS – Sen. CRUZ Has the Floor!!!


Shame on Ted Cruz!!!

That’s right, you read that correctly.


How dare he not wait his turn to be embraced by the RINO caucus in the United States Senate.


Doesn’t Ted know that Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn are the minority “leaders” in the senate? Doesn’t Ted realize that a crusty, former “Maverick” who is now so far up Obama’s ass that he can taste what the Dictator had for lunch is, by RINO rights, to be admired from BELOW the pedestal???

Standing there on the floor of the senate…Talking all day…talking through the night…Trying to convince those in his OWN party to vote to keep the provision defunding Obamacare from being stripped from the house bill.

Ted Cruz just doesn’t know his place and he MUST be hit across the nose with a rolled up copy of GOP Newsletter.

The welp.

I say, let the young pup pee on that newsletter and rub Reince Priebus’ nose in it.

According to a report in the October issue of GQ…An aide to John McCain said that McCain…

“F*****g hates Cruz. He’s just offended by his style.”

McCain says it’s “NOT RATIONAL” to believe Obamacare can be defunded.

So…It’s MORE rational to pour taxpayer dollars into something that is killing jobs, eliminating the 40 hour work week and driving healthcare premiums through the roof???

Ted Cruz doesn’t think so and he’s SAYING so much to the consternation of the constipated RINOS.

8 1/2 months in office and he thinks he can pee where the big dogs pee?






According to Chris Wallace of Fox News, “As soon as we listed Ted Cruz as our featured guest this week, I got unsolicited research and questions, not from Democrats but from top Republicans, to hammer Cruz.”

You see, the problem with Ted Cruz is that Ted Cruz is a LEADER and the GOP isn’t LOOKING for LEADERS…The GOP is looking for FOLLOWERS.

FOLLOW in the GOP footsteps. FOLLOW the path to nowhere. FOLLOW what hasn’t worked before. FOLLOW those who make deals with the left. FOLLOW those who don’t have the BALLS to LEAD.

The “Grand Old Party” ain’t so grand any more but they ARE established and McConnell, McCain and Cornyn are trying to teach Ted Cruz a lesson.


After all, where has BOLDNESS ever gotten this country anyway?

I mean, except for those who were BOLD enough to dare think that the COLONIES should leave the KING behind and become an INDEPENDENT country.

The way the GOP looks at the likes of Ted Cruz is exactly the way KING GEORGE looked at THOMAS JEFFERSON.


The audacity of being bold has, contrary to GOP beliefs, made this country great.

Those who sailed to our shores with nothing but the clothes on their backs to become United States citizens and learned to speak English to make themselves a better life were bold enough alright.

Those who stood for freedom and fought a civil war to ensure that “All Men are Created Equal” were pretty damn bold.

The industrial revolution wasn’t pulled off by wimps.

When Patrick Henry stood with his fist in the air and stated, “It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death,” was he a moderate follower?

BOLD Patriots fought in 2 world wars and defeated the forces of evil and a U.S. President who said, “The Buck Stops Here” and made the decision to end the 2nd world war in decisive fashion…was BOLD.

Do you think the establishment of those days told any of them to sit down and shut up?



Oh, hell no.

They LED.

John F. Kennedy made a bold statement when he said that we would put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth by the end of the decade and what happened?

In less than 10 years, we went from never putting a man in space to sending men, in a tin can with less computer power than today’s iPhones, to the moon and brought them back safely?

Yes, there were those who thought it couldn’t be done but…They didn’t name the Space Center after the naysayers…Did they?

Perhaps the greatest moment of leading one’s way through the “sit down and shut up” crowd in my lifetime came more than 25 years ago.

Ronald Reagan had something HE wanted to say and the GOP establishment told HIM to sit down and shut up. THEY told REAGAN not to do it. They told him it would cause more problems than it was worth but, there he stood, at the Brandenburg Gate with all the guile and gall leadership…REAL leadership… requires.

Saying what needed saying and saying it against the “advice” of the GOP establishment LED to the end of the cold war without a single shot being fired.


How fast the GOP has forgotten the power of true leadership.

How little the GOP has learned from the lessons of history.

The GOP picked John McCain to be their nominee in 2008 and because McCain was no leader, the GOP lost.

In 2010, the Tea Party DARED to STAND UP and BE HEARD and SHELLACKED the liberals.

Newt Gingrich lead from the Speaker’s chair in the house and that led to the Republican Revolution but, when he dared to lead in the 2012 presidential primaries, the same GOP that told him to sit down and shut up in 1994, all but removed him from contention by refusing to back him.

The GOP lost again.

Now, the Tea Party is daring to lead again.

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are LEADING the “LEADERS” in the senate and what, pray tell, is the GOP telling them?


When Obamacare was passed, it was passed without a single Republican vote in either the house OR the senate because the Tea Party was leading the way.

It was passed strictly by Democrats. Nobody had read it. Nobody knew what was in it and it took bribes and kickbacks to even get the liberals to vote for it.

Now…We KNOW what’s in it and it’s worse than anybody dreamed it could be. It’s killing jobs, stifling the economy and turning America into a part-time nation.

One of the Obamacare key architects, a LIBERAL, Max Baucus…LESS THAN 5 MONTHS AGO…said OF Obamacare, “I just see a huge train wreck coming down.”


And now that the time to fund it has come…Ted Cruz is standing up and is doing all he can to stop the train while GOP senate “leadership,” the ilk of John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell and John McCain, are buying rounds of drinks in the bar car.

“ALL ABOARD THE TRAIN WRECK EXPRESS,” they cry behind closed doors. “GET YOUR TICKETS HERE,” they tell their fellow RINOS.

And what of Ted Cruz?

McConnell, Cornyn and the rest of the RINOS are trying to send HIM to the BACK of the train. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP…That’s what the RINOS are saying to Ted Cruz.

They’re telling Ted Cruz to FOLLOW THE GOP LEADERS but, just who are the GOP “leaders” following?

They are following a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER AND A BUNCH OF SOCIALISTS rather than following their conscience and the will of the people. They’re following an ideology that has never worked, anywhere in the world where it’s been employed.


Because they can’t win?

Because the socialists in the senate have the votes and even if they didn’t, Obama would veto the defunding of his pet legislation?

That’s the same line of thinking that got Obama elected…TWICE. It’s surrendering to socialism.

No. Not Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz is doing what they should ALL be doing. He’s LISTENING to the American people and he is STANDING for them.

All day and all night…UNTIL HE CAN NO LONGER STAND…And he’s fighting against the odds.

That is what LEADERS do.

Now is the time for BOLD leadership not to FOLLOW the “leadership” that lost the last 2 presidential elections.

There is not one single reason the funding of Obamacare should receive one more single Republican vote than the passing of Obamacare did and Ted Cruz knows it.



I’ll get on the Ted Cruz bandwagon, thank you very much, and let the losers ride the train all the way to the scene of the wreck.

6 thoughts on “SHUT UP RINOS – Sen. CRUZ Has the Floor!!!

  1. I think we should all write emails and call McCains office so he is slammed with you know you are a coward and a turn coat.

  2. During Sen. Ted Cruz’s 21-hour filibuster defending the House move to defund ObamaCare, the entire nation saw an incredibly eloquent, attractive, charismatic, young, patriotic leader and ace debater: A new conservative star is born. The event may have changed the dynamics of the Washington game. Sen. Cruz himself acknowledged he needed a tsunami of grassroots support to achieve his goal of defunding the controversial health care law. Whatever the outcome, Sen. Cruz has already gained supporters across the nation and effusive accolades from Rush Limbaugh himself!

  3. We can’t recover from one crisis before another happens….we rally around to put out one fire(Obamacare) and another breaks out (Kerry and the UN). It seems like they are overwhelming us not by firepower, but legislative power. From Fast & Furious, to Benghazi, NSA, IRS, Gun Control, Obamacare and now a UN fight? Wow, just wow.

  4. And so, here we are. A patriot, Ted Cruz, fighting in the spirit of Payne And while we are seething about the Affordable ‘CONTROL’ act, Kerry signs the UN arms treaty. Sure, it’s more than likely to be vetoed by House and Senate, but the whole idea is to get a foot in the door for demolishing our 2nd amendment. Kerry said it wouldn’t inhibit ‘credible’ gun rights!!??? REALLY!! So, KERRY, WHAT DO YOU CALL CREDIBLE GUN RIGHTS?????? All the while, Hillary is readying her posturing for her whitehouse run. The Clintions are masters at riding the fence. Having their idealism defeated, she will come in at the final buzzer to deride whatever side is defeated and support ‘popular opinion’ and say ‘I told you so!’ Patriots of strong moral courage STAND TALL!!! The house is up against two deadlines. The budget w/Affordable ‘CONTROL’ Act, AND the following week or so, will be facing a Debt Ceiling debacle to deal with. A viable third party would be wonderful, but right now, can’t be effective. 2014 election cycle, especially for the Senate seats that are up, is critical to our Nations very existence. Two things we are faced with on a National level is getting control of the Senate, and thusly, winning the White House. If we can’t get the Senate, then, in my humble opinion, we won’t win the White House. Who will have the moral courage to Sacrifice self, Stand tall in adversity, Unite our great Nation, and Lead our Republic back to being the envy of all the world???

  5. Ted Cruz stood for me all day and night. So I will now stand for him. Thank you, Senator Cruz, for standing up for ‘We the People.’ (I will certainly remember the names of the cowards who did not.)

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