Dear Leader vs Dear Leader From Behind

Tensions in the Korean peninsula are rising quickly.

In the north, THEIR Dictator is doing far more than rattling his sabre. He…Kim Jong Un-stable has declared that a state of war exists between the north and South Korea.

OUR Dictator is puffing out his chest, unwilling to call the nuclear armed enemy of our allies an enemy.

North Korea is a horrible place. There, one will find gulags filled with whole families deemed enemies of the state. There one will find mass poverty, starvation and a “government” hell bent on holding their people down.

No internet. No cell phones. No contact whatsoever with the outside world.

Education in North Korea has all but been outlawed and what there is of it is nothing more than propaganda force fed to the young to bolster their absurd claims that the rest of the world is a far, far worse place then the misery they experience every day.

Kim Jong Un-stable is genetically insane.

No amount of diplomacy can alter that fact and no amount of diplomacy or medication will ever keep him sedated. Those who suggest otherwise are, themselves, delusional. Diplomacy can only reach peaceful solutions between those who share a common desire for peace.

Now, Un-stable has rockets aimed at South Korea and at U.S. military bases in the pacific region. He has made public his intentions, whether achievable or not, of attacking the United States.

And what has OUR Dictator done?

He had a couple of B-2 Stealth Bombers do a fly over and he’s now send a few F-22 fighters to more or less put on an air show.

That’s it.

For those who don’t believe North Korea is any more a threat today that a few years ago when Kim Jong Mentally Il was running the show, think again.

NOW with “Lil” Kim at the helm, he has a lot to prove and there HAS been possible dissent from his military. It that’s true, Un-Stable may well be trying to show his military brass that he’s TOUGHER than Dear Leader…Dear old dad.

That makes him a wild card with a wild hair.

Now, as OUR “lead From Behind” Dictator sends over a missile destroying Navy ship, the little North Diarrhea  Squirt is threatening to re-fire his Yongbyon Nuclear Complex which is capable of churning out enough plutonium to build a nuclear bomb a year.

Allow me to explain what SHOULD happen.

Those rockets that Un-stable has on “standby” should be destroyed. Blow em to bits. Wipe em out. No warning. No apologies. Once the attack has been completed or, while it’s in progress, issue a clear and concise statement.

“As the United States and allies in the region, have been publicly named as targets of the nuclear armed and provocative regime of North Korea , where diplomacy has for decades led to nothing but blackmail, we have taken Kim Jong Un at his word. As the despot of North Korea has also made it known, publicly, that a state of war exists between his country and our ally, South Korea, we have now taken steps to remove the North Korean threats.”

“We have begun a military operation against the North Korean missile and rocket sites.”

“ANY reprisal against the United States, our allies in the region or our military will be considered an act of war against the United States and we WILL respond in concert with South Korea to invade North Korea, remove their oppressive government from power and free the people OF North Korea from decades of mistreatment at the hands of their Dictators.”

“The time has come to put the delusional panty-waste of a Dictator, The son of Kim Jong Mentally Il, Kim Jong Un-stable in his place. Appeasement, ransom payments and a feckless United Nations of thugs, thieves, despots and Dictators has proven to do nothing but further embolden the festering boils on the buttocks of the world.”

“There will be those, at the United Nations, who will vote to condemn the United States for taking this action. Feel free to do so and bear in mind that SHOULD you do so, the United States WILL immediately LEAVE the United Nations, we WILL take our money WITH us and, the United Nations WILL be given 1 week to pack their bags and get OUT of our country.”

“ALL diplomatic immunity for those IN the United Nations WILL be cancelled at the moment we withdraw so, if that is the only thing protecting certain Members from arrest…Be warned.”

“The Korean peninsula will be united and left in the control of a free South Korea and those in the North will live free. Free to pursue their dreams, educate their children and free to interact with, travel to and become a part of the world again for the first time in many decades.”

“We did not want this action nor did we provoke it. This is the sole result of Kim Jong Un-stable and HIS actions.”

There is little, is ANY chance that such a statement will be made.

Regrettably, we too have a misguided and delusional Dictator in office who believes that when leadership is called for, it is best that it come from behind. Our Dictator believes that appeasement and bowing to our enemies will garner respect.

China, the only other key player in the Korean situation has no more desire to exert pressure against Un-stable than does OUR Dictator and with nearly 3/4 of citizens in SOUTH Korea now wanting their OWN nukes, as protection and a growing call for the same coming from Japan, we can either take action NOW or sit by and watch as nuclear proliferation takes hold.

While Un-stable does not, at this time, have the ability to reach the U.S. mainland he does have the ability to hit our allies and interests in the region. Are we to simply allow him the “time and space” to develop the reach that WOULD directly place U.S. mainland cities into his inbred cross hairs before we take action?

Our Dictator seems to think so as he continues to move any real or perceived red line back, and back and back. It’s a foolish and irresponsible recipe for disaster and if worse comes to worse, our Dictator will simply do as Un-stable demands and pay him off.

Why not?

We’re sending military hardware and money to the Muslim Brotherhood…paying a ransom to the Palestinians and Hamas…propping up that lying weasel in Afghanistan…

Hell…If you burn our flag anywhere in the world there’s a damn good chance that the “check’s in the mail.”

5 thoughts on “Dear Leader vs Dear Leader From Behind

  1. Someone else said, regarding sending the jets/B2 bombers over there. With Obama it’s just an air show. Funny….but not really.

  2. Well said, as usual, Craig, saved it to my desktop to show my hubby. Ever thought about throwing your hat in for Secretary of State, once Kerry screws up royally? It’s been way too long since the US has gone on the offense and the world once again believes we are the major world power we once were.

  3. I agree 100%! Take out every single nuke site and military installation. NK has essentially declared war on us and SK. Time to humiliate the little despot and make him wet his diaper. But Obama and the UN will do what they always do. Sit on their thumbs and allow the genocide to continue. Obama and the UN repeatedly ignore the dictators of the world, and instead try to dismantle and destroy America.

    Whatever Obama does, it will be the exact opposite of what he should do. He does have a pattern, as you stated.

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