Benghazi – Transparent Lies to Cover the Truth

The very idea that, now 6 months after the attacks in Benghazi, we still don’t have anywhere near adequate answers to the most basic of questions regarding the attacks should be appalling to each and every American.

That we do not yet know how or why all the red-flag warnings in the months leading up to September 11th 2012, why each and every single cable, email and memo asking for added security or at the very least, a status quo in security were completely ignored is also abysmal.

That as the attack on the Benghazi Consulate was taking place, Tyrone Woods was instructed to stand down is not only absurd but the fact that nobody is taking the responsibility for that order is simply disgusting.

That upon his arrival in Benghazi, Glen Doherty began to assist Tyrone Woods at the CIA annex in Benghazi, called for air support, gave coordinates and the two, while fighting for their lives and the lives of others were painting enemy positions with guidance lasers for help that would never be sent is completely beyond comprehension.

That, while all of this took place, Obama would speak with his CIA director and Secretary of Defense for only 30 minutes before walking away, never to personally check the status of the situation again until after it was all over, some 7-8 hours later is dereliction of duty at best, downright suspect and, at worst, treasonous.

The fact that the morning following the attacks and murders of 4 Americans, including the murder of our Ambassador, the 1st such murder in more than 30 years, Obama made a brief statement in the Rose Garden before flying to Las Vegas to campaign showed a callousness I have never seen from the highest office in the land.

And yet, here we are, 6 months to the day after those terrible events and those in congress, both the house and senate committees, investigating this situation have been stonewalled, stalled, lioed to and misled by the small handful of people who would actually have knowledge of exactly what transpired before, during and after the September 11th attacks in Benghazi.

Nobody knows why the requests for added security before the attacks was denied or who denied them?

Nobody knows who issued stand down orders during the attacks?

We’ve been told that the reason no assets were sent to assist those under attack that night was because we didn’t know what was happening? How can that possibly be true as there were 2 former Navy Seals calling in intell and painting targets? How much more accurate intell can one want than that???

The FBI for goodness sake, cooled their heels in Tripoli for 3 weeks after the attack before they finally spent just a few hours in Benghazi. Why? Are we to believe the FBI took it upon themselves to cool it when reporters were crawling all over Benghazi and working the story from the Consulate itself?

My, oh my…Reporters even talked to one of the main suspects at a sidewalk café.

No…The only reason the FBI wasn’t there immediately had to be because they were ORDERED not to be in Benghazi.

By WHO and for what REASON?

6 months later, we don’t even know THAT.

Survivors of the attacks have been kept away from congressional committees and transcripts from them, so heavily redacted as to not provide a single bit of usable information were presented to those committees.

Either those survivors should be made available to the committees or their unredacted documents should be as these committees have dealt with classified information before.

When Hillary Clinton testified, then the Secretary of State under whom the Ambassador served, the most startling headline to come of it was her clenched-fisted emphatic screeching of, “What difference, at this point, does it make, anyway?”

What difference doe it make?

Basically, what she was saying was, “They’re dead, let the lies replace the truth and stop asking me what I know.”

Any who will tell you there is not an active and concerted cover-up of Benghazi is lying.

Flat out, bald face…LYING.

Anyone who claims the questions have been answered is lying as with every 1 sidestep or misdirection, with each answer to throw investigative committees off the scent, 10 MORE questions arise.

Obama has called Benghazi a “bump in the road” and said what happened there, to Ambassador Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, was not optimal.

Then, when the 2 main suspects, Obama and Hillary appeared together on “60 Minutes,” they had themselves a laugh over the whole thing.

It was as disgusting a moment as I have ever seen.

4 dead Americans at the hands of terrorists, one being our Ambassador and those 2, Obama and Clinton, relegate it to a silly government screw-up and they LAUGH about it?

Congressman Chaffetz…

If you’re reading this…

It’s time to draw a Benghazi RED LINE.

Give those from whom you need the answers most including Obama, a red-line date.

By date x, and make it a short timeline, you WILL turn over ALL memos, emails, cables and unredacted documents regarding Benghazi.

Subpoena Obama…DEMAND that he sit before the committee and answer questions.

DEMAND that by date “x” the survivors of the Benghazi attacks be made available to the committee.

If ANY, including Obama, fail to adhere to the red-line guidelines…

CHARGE them with contempt. FORCE their hands and HOLD their feet to the fire.

Were the Benghazi 4 killed by our own weapons which we supplied to Libyan “rebels” who were, in fact, al Qaeda affiliated?

Were we funneling weapons from Benghazi to the Syrian “rebels” via contacts in Turkey?

Rather than wait for the next sidestep, the next lie, the next truth to be swept under the white house rug…Go to the FULL COURT PRESS.

No more 4 and a half minute platitudes followed by a question about the witness’ children.  No more opening statements. No more wasting time. ALL questions MUST be about the Benghazi attacks, what took place that led to them, what transpired during them and what has been done after them.

Each questioner should be allowed 5 questions and no time limits.

If it takes days or weeks of keeping a witness before the committee, so be it.

If any witness subpoenaed fails to appear, for any reason, an immediate charge of contempt should be filed.

Now, Susan Rice, the face of the You Tube Video lies is at the top of the list to become our National Security advisor…An appointment which requires no senate confirmation.

It’s a payoff.

It’s a pat on the back for lies well told and a consolation prize for not being the Secretary of State.



It’s been 6 months since 4 Americans were murdered in Benghazi by terrorists and we are no closer to the truth today that we were on September 12, 2012.

What we have is an alphabet media complicit in a “fast and furious” cover-up of Benghazi.

What we have is an occupier of the oval office who covers up the truth with transparent lies.

5 thoughts on “Benghazi – Transparent Lies to Cover the Truth

  1. smoke and fire at Benghazi

    The Incident at Benghazi has become a Medusa’s head for many of our politicians. If they look directly at what happened at Benghazi they will turn to stone.

    Why have so many in government from the president on down to the secretary of state and pentagon generals lied or have not been totally forthcoming about what happened at Benghazi? At this point, everyone knows a video was not to blame for the death of ambassador Stevens.

    Two possible answers are before us. On the one hand, by keeping the American people from the truth about Benghazi our politicians are covering their own mistakes. On the other hand, they may know the truth about Benghazi will cause a social upheaval that would not be good for the country. In short, they may be self-serving or patriotic. It’s hard to see our politicians as both.

    The only way you protect yourself from your first lie is by telling a second lie. That’s what we learn by reading the conflicting stories coming out of the Senate hearing on Benghazi. One says the president was not in his office. Another says he was. Back and forth the stories go. None of this testimony was given under oath, so there is no reason to take any answer as the truth.

    If you had a government career that hung in the balance because of what happened at Benghazi, then you’d probably not be forthcoming, either. Just stall until the storm blows over, and then get on with the fundamental transformation of America.

    But what if the truth about Benghazi is so startling that it would rip a tear in the social fabric that politics as usual could not repair? What if the truth about Benghazi tore the mask off the illusion of presidential power? Would you disguise the truth for the sake of the nation’s stability?

    Some politicians may hope to prevent the truth about Benghazi from coming out, not so much because they want to keep their power but because they want to keep a minimum of social order. That may be their motive for stalling and subverting the truth about the Incident at Benghazi.

    The false stories about the Incident at Benghazi may be the noble lie Plato warned us about. The public cannot see the president or the secretary of state or a general for what they really are. The truth about Benghazi will not set us free. Instead, the truth will set us at each other’s throats.

    If this is where we’ve come in our politics, if we’ve come to a point where only a lie will save us, then aren’t we already beyond saving? We might as well agree and say forget Benghazi. Let’s get back to work shipping illegal arms to the Syrian rebels. What difference does it make?

    If Chris Stevens were alive today, what would he say about the Incident at Benghazi? Maybe he would avoid the truth, too, because he wants to become the ambassador to Iran. He has a career to consider, his “cursus honorum to follow,” not just his UC Berkeley idealism. Maybe he would slough off his betrayal as just part of his job.

    But then again, maybe ambassador Stevens would see that the lies so far told about the Incident at Benghazi are in fact a smoke screen. There may have been at the core of Stevens’ idealism the uniquely American trait of being honest in the face of corrupt power.

    We hope that Stevens would have realized that the smoke of lies at Benghazi hides a real fire in Washington. We’d better find that fire and put it out or the whole house will burn down, not just the oval office.

    And if we don’t put out the fire of Benghazi, what then? Are we to stand before the smoldering ruins of our home, staring at a few charred boards covered with charcoal blisters and say, “See, they told us they’d fundamentally transform the way we live.”

    So they will, and go one to add, it wasn’t that nice of a house to begin with. What difference does it make? Let’s go back to building with straw instead of brick. Straw is more natural, more honest. It’s the Benghazi way.


  2. I am with you, Craig. They need to pursue this with dogged determination until all questions are asked and answered.

    Two things…Obama spoke with the CIA Director and SOD for 30 mins, but by their testimony, only about 15 minutes was about Benghazi. 15 whole minutes!

    Also, news has surfaced that reporters are prevented from even knowing the names of the 30 survivors, and that the name of one in the hospital has been changed. We HAVE to get to the TRUTH. Obamaliar is getting away with it now, and Hillary stands a very good chance of becoming the next Liar In Chief if we don’t expose their murderous lies
    now. Neither should be anywhere NEAR the seat of power of any government, let alone OURS.

  3. I use this gauge with kids
    And what lays underneath this [ego] EVIL-maniacal behavior is yet to be witnessed. I believe in my heart of hearts that what these EVIL Criminal Bozos are about to unleash on the world is going to turn even that red tailed devil on its head.
    Opposite Land. Absolutely.

  4. By not revealing the facts, and documents of proof. Gives the appearance of failing by the Government to protect it’s citizens

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