Benghazi Survivors – Where’s the Damn Movie?

“The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide.”

Earlier this week, DC Town Liar, Jay Carney told the assembled press that nobody in this administration was hushing the survivors of the Benghazi attacks.

His exact words were, “I’m sure that the White House is not preventing anyone from speaking.”


According to Sen. Lindsey Graham, “I’ve had contact with some of the survivors. Their story is chilling. The bottom line is, they feel that they cannot come forward. They’ve been told to be quiet. And at the end of the day, we can’t let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the American people and the Congress people who were there in real-time to tell the story.”

The idea that some 3 dozen people made it out of that situation alive and have not uttered a single peep about what happened on September 11th 2012 is very telling.

Not one has gone to the press. Not one has told a Member of congress that they are willing to testify.

Not one.

Their names are unknown.

Their whereabouts are unknown.

And their reasons for their silence can be guessed.

According to Sen. Graham, “I’m not asking the administration to turn over witnesses to the Congress, to compromise intelligence. I’m asking the administration to turn over to the Congress and the American people the witnesses, the people who lived through this, so we can learn from our mistakes.“

“And quite frankly, they’re hiding from the American people and the Congress the primary source of the truth in Benghazi, the people who lived through it.”

When he’s right he’s right.

Somebody has threatened these people.

Those with higher clearance no doubt have been led to believe that should they go public or to the congress, a burn notice will be issued.

Some have no doubt been led to believe their careers will be over and that, due to CIA strong-arm tactics, they will be blacklisted.

Others, if not all, no doubt have been told that should they approach the press or congress, a mental evaluation would be ordered and, as they well know, such a measure would label them unfit to continue this or any other job in their respective field.

If the white house is not behind the silence, the Dictator would have stepped up MONTHS ago and let it be publicly known that these survivors were free and clear to step forward and tell their stories to congressional committees.

He has not done so.

I suspect that pressure from 2 sides is being levied against the Benghazi survivors.

First, from the “most transparent administration in history.”

Obama doesn’t want any of what went on there to become public knowledge. His own involvement or the lack thereof would be exposed. The truth would fly in the face of 6 months of lies and lay waste to his pre-election claims that al Qaeda was dead.

It would also, most likely, expose just who is behind the silence and threats against them.

Impeachable offenses from which one doubts even the Dictator could hide.

Second, the Clinton mafia.

Hillary and Bill are so deeply connected it’s not at all difficult to believe that THEY too have issued threats and there the name, Vince Foster, would come into play.

Should these survivors tell the truth, Hillary would be exposed for HER role leading up, during and after the attacks and THAT would end her aspirations of future power.

Suddenly, OTHER questions we’ve had for 6 months become even MORE dire in the light of the imposed silence of the survivors.

We’ve been asking WHO ordered the “stand down” directive but, maybe MORE telling would be the answer to THIS question…

WHY was a stand down ordered????

Conjecture: There were those in the Benghazi Consulate INCLUDING Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith who knew full well what was going on there. Were they thought to have been ready to blow the whistle on a gun running scheme? It seems there may have been but 1 way to insure THEIR silence and that was to allow the attack to play out.

That would also go a long ways toward explaining the draw down of security leading up TO the attack couldn’t it?

Then you have Tyrone Woods, a former Navy SEAL who just couldn’t let it go and went to the Consulate on his own to assist and HE brings survivors OUT.

Keep in mind that it would be another couple of hours before the CIA annex came under fire.

Military commanders WANTED to go and levy assets in the fight but, they TOO were told to stand down.


What information had Tyrone Woods garnered in those 2 hours? What did HE know?

And, given the fact they he apparently disobeyed orders to go to the Consulate, was he then considered a loose cannon in need of…permanent silence too?

We know that terrorists attacked the Consulate but, are we, as in We the People, sure it was terrorists who attacked the annex and why did it take them 2 hours to do so?

Here’s a question I haven’t heard posed:

WHO killed Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty?

Who tipped off those who opened fire on the annex?

And WHY, at the annex, were there only 2 deaths?

Let’s face it, there were more people at the CIA annex than at the Consulate and they were just as trapped. Under a similar attack, as we are led to believe that the same entities who attacked the Consulate also attacked the annex…Why was the annex not ALSO burned and many MORE lives lost THERE???

Here’s an interesting question…

What WOULD the FBI have found IF they were allowed to go into Benghazi directly after the attack rather than 3 weeks later?

By now, if there was even the slightest chance that Obama could look heroic, Benghazi, the movie, would be in theaters this summer but, a movie, from Hollywood, showing treason being committed by a socialist Dictator?

There is no movie…Is there?

The only people from outside this corrupt administration who know what happened in Benghazi before, during and after the attacks are those 30 some odd survivors and one can rest assured that their silence is NOT self-imposed.

SOMEBODY has something to hide and the truth will end his regime.

5 thoughts on “Benghazi Survivors – Where’s the Damn Movie?

  1. I like the thought of the principles here worrying about what each of them might disclose about/against the other! I am surely hoping they are all having a difficult time sleeping at night! No rest for the corrupt!

  2. I wonder about the Clinton mafia aspect. While we remember Vince Foster (and the Arkansas “accidents”) that was during their ascension. Bill is still newsworthy but cannot wield the influence he once had has deminished. He is no longer able to bestow the rewards he once could. And if Hillary was implecated, she would not be in a position to orchestrate a coverup with prejudice without drawing more unwanted attention to herself.

    Granted, it would not surprise me if she was involved. In fact, quite the contrary. But once she might be outed, I don’t know that it would be the same outcome as Vince. And I wouldn’t look to Obama to bail her out unless he thought she would give him up.

    Any way you slice it, it would make a pretty good movie.

  3. Hope your time off was just R&R. Been RT everything #benghazi, just RTed this post about 15 times, thanks for a good article.

  4. Craig,

    Glad to see you are back. Hope the time off was enjoyable.

    This episode will drag out untill the cows come home, or, until everyone “dissappears”.

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