2nd Amendment Crusade – 2016 Strategy

As I outlined in yesterday’s Weekend Edition…NOW is the time WE must take a stand. Obama’s gun grab agenda IS the rally point for the 2014 midterm elections and he MUST be stopped.

The ONLY way he can bring FULL socialism to this nation is to REMOVE the citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, render the 2nd Amendment null and void and then…the rest of our rights will come under assault.

Socialists have been at this for DECADES and they are now, closer than ever before, to full assimilation turning the Republic into a socialist based system.

Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” is at hand and WE must get serious.

We CAN have the same effect on the 2014 midterm as we did in 2010 but…WHAT HAPPENED IN BETWEEN???

The opportunity to remove the Dictator from office presented itself in November 2012 but, WE missed it.

How then, do we avoid the same missed opportunity in 2016?

By recognizing the error and NOT doing the same thing again.

I have been told, many times, that I preach to the choir.

True enough for, the socialists have no interest in listening to any plan other than their own.

Rather than a choir, for the sake of this article, let’s call it an orchestra.

Get There Early

The next time you attend a concert where an orchestra will be playing…Get there early.

Early enough to hear them warming up.

Those who are always first to their seats know exactly what I’m talking about.

It’s a cacophonous noise. A mixture of disjointed cluster-plucking by the strings and air being blown through various brasses. You can’t tell one note from the next and it sounds like unadulterated chaos and there is ALWAYS that one last toot from the woodwind section as the rest of the assemblage quiets down.

Each one listening ONLY to their OWN tuning while WE sit there trying to make sense of it all.

Whether we are talking about the 2014 midterm or the 2016 presidential elections…

LET THE ORCHESTRA WARM UP DURING THE PRIMARY SEASON but…when the primaries are over, and we all hear that one last toot…


The Concert Begins

The song they play may not be YOUR favorite piece and the First Chair violinist may not be YOUR choice BUT, get over it.

The BIGGEST mistake WE made in 2012 was that WE were all playing off of different sheet music and the SOCIALISTS applauded the cacophonous din.

As Conservatives, as Tea Party faithful, we rebel against the lock-step approach to politics in favor of the individual voice but, where did it get us last November?

Champion YOUR individual candidate, YOUR individual choice during the primary…The orchestra warm up. If YOUR individual choice doesn’t make First Chair or get the coveted solo, suck it up buttercup, and stop heckling the orchestra.

In 2012, too many of US as conservatives were playing a different song, some of us in a different genre, some at a completely different tempo. The result was a disaster. Some in the audience got up a left before the final movement and the panning reviews will continue to come in for the next 4 years.

Right now, we’re on the same sheet of music. We’re in tune and we’re ready to strike up the band.

The Gun Control Overture

This is where we started this 3 part series, “2nd Amendment Crusade” and here is why we MUST…MUST work TOGETHER through 2014 AND through 2016.

Just yesterday, Obama made the following statement:

“The House Republican majority is made up mostly of members who are in sharply gerrymandered districts that are very safely Republican and may not feel compelled to pay attention to broad-based public opinion, because what they’re really concerned about is the opinions of their specific Republican constituencies.”

First of all, Obama made this, and other statements to…”The New Republic,” a twice monthly magazine and before we examine his quotes…A bit of background on “The New Republic.”

This magazine started in 1914 during the administration of America’s first ideologically socialist president, Woodrow Wilson. The magazine, since it’s first day has been…A Liberal/Progressive political publication.

A liberal/progressive publication coming out during the administration of our first liberal/progressive president is NOT a coincidence.

While the progressive magazine has been varied in its positions over the decades, It has remained to the left and, from 1974 until last year, Martin Peretz, a Harvard Lecturer, has been the power behind the magazine. Last year, HE sold it to Chris Hughes…Co-Founder of Facebook.

Constitutional Compromise???

Mr. “Fundamental Transformation” give an interview to “The New Republic”  and says, “The House Republican majority is made up mostly of members who are in sharply gerrymandered districts that are very safely Republican and may not feel compelled to pay attention to broad-based public opinion, because what they’re really concerned about is the opinions of their specific Republican constituencies.”

In other words, The Dictator is miffed that those elected by conservatives are compelled to pay more attention to those who elected them than to HIM…The DICTATOR.

On the issue of “gun control” Obama suggests that conservatives in the house are simply unwilling to work with him or listen to the desires of the American public and, he says, “it’s understandable that people are protective of their family traditions when it comes to hunting so gun-control advocates also need to do a little more listening than they do sometimes”

Decoded from the back end to the front, that quote is astounding.

Once again, Obama is trying to redefine the intent of the 2nd Amendment so that it has only to do with…Hunting.


He also bemoans the idea that republicans in the house are unwilling to “compromise” in his anti-gun agenda.


For someone claiming to have been a Constitutional Law Professor (he was actually a lecturer) and who headed the Harvard Law Review…He should DAMNED well know that, in matters of the Constitution…THERE IS NO COMPROMISE!!!

But, if he can convince Americans that the framers ONLY wanted to ensure that the People could go HUNTING…He has a case.

Obama is COUNTING on the INDOCTRINATION and DUMBING DOWN of students from grade school through asylums of higher indoctrination at the hands of socialist teachers controlled by socialist unions will, if not NOW…Someday SOON…Make that intentionally deceptive definition of the 2nd Amendment a reality.

He’s counting on nobody READING that Amendment and its words, “A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, BEING NECESSARY TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE…”

This Dictator and his ilk continue to say that YOU don’t need an AR-15 to go hunting.

The NEXT time someone tells YOU that line of crap…Give the the ONLY proper response…



Clearly and decisively, the founders and framers were NOT talking about HUNTING and…BY INCLUDING THE WORDS…”SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” they meant…ABSOLUTELY NO COMPROMISE!!!!!

The Dictator, however, continued in The New Republic by stating he has “a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that date back for generations.”

Just last week, this Dictator was judged by a Federal Appeals Court to have acted UNCONSTITUTIONALLY in making recess appointments and that now, more than 300 measures enacted by the NLRB SINCE those UNCONSTITUTIONAL appointments are NULL AND VOID.

He has overstepped his Constitutional authority on the Defense of Marriage, the Dream Act, Sending troops to Libya and now Mali, He’s armed Mexican drug cartels, our enemies in Libya and now in Syria, he is courting a U.N. Anti-Gun treaty which would be unconstitutional, he has, with Obamacare, made it criminal for people and entities to follow certain doctrines of their religious beliefs thus infringing on the 1st Amendment and speaking, while I still am allowed, OF the 1st…He has made it ILLEGAL to protest HIM within earshot of his Palace Guards…The list just keeps growing.

2014 is about making sure he gets as little of his agenda through as possible but, and make no mistake about this…

2016 will NOT be our candidate against THEIR candidate, his chosen successor…

2016 is about stopping the ideology to which he adheres.

Regardless of our 2016 nominee, regardless if it is my chosen candidate or yours, if WE don’t come together, WE ALL LOSE.

Choose your 2016 candidate and push that candidate vigorously in the primary but regardless of the nominee, RALLY around that nominee to STOP the socialist ideology!!!

By doing in 2014 what we did in 2010, we can set a pattern impossible to ignore.

In 2008, the GOP loses the election…In 2010 the Tea Party WINS…In 2012 the GOP loses the election…In 2014 the Tea Party WINS…2016???

We may not get Stars and Stripes Forever but whatever the song, as long as we’re all playing the SAME song…

It’ll be a DAMN sight better that listening to Shostakovich and an endless loop of his Fourth Symphony which was being written while most of the composers family and colleagues were being imprisoned or SHOT by Stalin.

2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt. 1)

2nd Amendment Crusade (Pt. 2)

5 thoughts on “2nd Amendment Crusade – 2016 Strategy

  1. Craig, I agree with 99% of everything you write, but I take issue with your urging to support the 2016 ‘candidate’ regardless of whom that is. 2008 had a candidate that had no chance of winning, 2012 had a candidate that had no chance of winning. I will not support another one in 2016. The Republican Party has proven itself, to me at least, to be an arm of the liberal agenda. I will not trust them again. I will not vote for them again simply because they are the Republican Party. I will vote Tea Party or I will vote someone else. I know your arguement about splitting the vote – I agree. So what to do? We have to crush the Republican establishment NOW so they do not have the opportunity to ram-rod their chosen one down our throats in 2016, so the liberal agenda can carry on unabated. Battle cry for the Tea Party and ignore the RNC. Everyone ignore the RNC and we will win in 2016. Take away their power and crush them NOW so they can never again betray us. Carry on, sir, and thank you for being an American Patriot.

  2. A couple of things. First, we must figure out why the GOP doesn’t know how to unite. If the left has one thing going for it, it’s unity and preparation. Second, there is absolutely NOTHING in the 2nd Amendment that describes what kind of weapons are included. What it was intended to do was make sure that the people had whatever it took to fight the enemy (foreign and domestic). If the enemy has AR-15s, then the people must also have access to those weapons. If the enemy has tanks and drones, then the people must also have them, or be able to access them.

    I don’t remember whether I’ve mentioned this before or not, but I have a theory, one that takes a bit of explaining. One thing that gets us into trouble is believing what we are told, by the government and by the media. I am a proud conspiracy theorist, and I’ve learned to take what I hear, see, and read, and make up my own mind.

    I believe that Obama wasn’t elected in 2012, I believe the election was fixed by powerful people with an agenda: to keep him in power. And I believe he knew it would happen, no matter what he said, or what Biden said, or what Clint Eastwood said. It was a “done deal,” engineered by a huge amount of money and an agenda that had been in the works for nearly a century. Romney never had a chance, even with Paul Ryan as his veep. As nice a guy as he is, they were looking for “change” and “hope” and he just didn’t fit the bill.

    I also believe that many, if not all, of the events of recent years were planned by those same people. I believe that they found a young man who fit their idea of what America would rally behind, taught him and encouraged him in the socialist/marxist lifestyle (after he was raised by a muslim stepfather in an Islamic country), and made up a “resume`” for him that wouldn’t/couldn’t be challenged. I believe that Michelle was “chosen” because of her background and socialist bent to be his wife, and the daughters were “thrown in for good measure” so they would appear to be the perfect family that people could relate to.

    I don’t remember much of what happened before the Kennedy assassination, and at the time I believed that it happened just as we were told. The “agenda” that began early in the 20th century hadn’t really reared its ugly head by the early 60’s. But JFK would have been a great POTUS had he lived, and they couldn’t let that happen even though he was a democrat … he had morals and ideals that included a great nation and patriotism. He and his brother Bobby knew what the plans were to change America into a socialist society, and vowed to not let it happen. How did that work for them? Following the manifesto, they had to die, and the bad guys chose people to do the killing (remember Sirhan Sirhan and Jack Ruby?) who were expendable and easily persuaded.

    Then the guy who tried to kill Ronald Reagan, and failed miserably, saying it was to impress Jodie Foster. What sane person does that? Did anyone test him to see what kind of drugs he was being fed? How about the other shooters since students were killed at Kent State in PA? We are in the age of video games that play no-holds-barred murder and mayhem that are intended to control the minds of unsuspecting kids and teens when their brains are developing into what they will be for the rest of their lives. In recent years, the events get more and more horrific (hate that word as it was used over and over and over ad nauseum after the Newtown crisis), making us wonder what could they possibly do that could be worse than killing 6- and 7-year-olds? Take my word for it, they will come up with more and more, and it’s all for one purpose: TO TAKE AWAY AMERICA’S ABILITY TO DEFEND ITSELF.

    Think about it. Suppose that there was no Sandy Hook school in Newtown (town records have no mention of it and aerial photos didn’t show buildings that adhered to the descriptions). Suppose what was shown on TV were practice scenarios, somewhere else, with actors portraying residents of Newtown. If there was no such school, perhaps there were no such teachers or children, and nobody (not even Lanza or his mother) would have died. As gruesome as it would have been, why has no one taken any photos of the carnage, and shown the world? Why haven’t we seen any photos of the carnage in Colorado, in that midnight theater show, or read what they discovered about the shooter’s physical and emotional health? Was he on drugs? If so, what kind, and how did he access them? Was he addicted to vile video games? Columbine gave these evil people with an agenda the idea that proving confiscating weapons would solve this kind of problem, but it didn’t happen. Feinstein’s push didn’t work in 1994-2004, and it won’t work now.

    You have been warned. Watch for it, it’s coming. Just hope you and those you love aren’t in the crossfire when it does.

  3. There are 2 things that need to happen. 1 is , we have to have a candidate that appeals to our party s people and who is not afraid to use the words, liar, half truth, and so on , and not stand there smiling like a whipped puppy and 2, we have to get the message through to the I’ll vote my conscience and get everybody out to vote. If we run another lame candidate then Hilary will be next and we will be done.!

    • Mark,

      Without a doubt I would prefer the sort of candidate you describe however, even if we wind up with the lame sort…I would rather be limping toward liberty than rushing toward Russia.


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