Unions Choose FORCE Over Choice

Yesterday, with their panties in a wad, socialists gathered in Michigan to pitch a hissy-fit.

Yesterday, socialist teachers in Michigan ditched their students to join in the hissy-fit.

Yesterday, union socialist thugs with THEIR knickers in a knot, tried and tried to bully Michigan law makers into NOT doing what they were elected to do.

Well, guess what socialists?

Elections have consequences.

You lost.

Get over it.

Isn’t that what THEY’VE been telling US for the last 4 weeks?

Michigan, yesterday, became the 24th “Right to Work” state and that’s bad news for unions in the very state where unions began.

Pardon me while I wipe away the tears.

So, what does it all mean?

Well…Unions in Michigan are losing their iron workers grip on power.

What Michigan did was pass a bill making it perfectly legal for workers in Michigan to think for themselves.

Oh the humanity…

Workers will now have the ability, in Michigan, to decide for themselves whether or not they belong to a union.



Socialists don’t like that…Do they???

Yesterday, socialist thugs attacked conservatives in Michigan, destroyed property and one unknown felon attacked Fox News’ Steven Crowder.

Yes…Felon. That’s what you call someone guilty of such an assault.

There is now a $7000.oo reward being offered for this goon’s identity and here, are 2 still images of this waste of carbon.

Crowder admits to provoking the goons…By asking why they were against Right to Work and also asking that they NOT tear down a tent with women and old people inside.

After punching Crowder 4 times, chipping one of Crowder’s teeth and cutting him on the head, this good and his thug pals continued to destroy the tent and collapsed it atop women and a couple in wheelchairs.

Oddly, there was not a union cop in sight.

Recent polls suggest that almost 40% of union workers are…CONSERVATIVES and yet…nearly 80% of all union dues are spent to elect…SOCIALISTS!!! Now, in Michigan, if a worker doesn’t WANT his or her money going to SOCIALISTS or…If they want to…Oh, I don’t know…KEEP more of the money they earn by NOT paying union dues…


In former unionized states that have become right to work states…Union membership has dropped. There is no reason to believe that won’t be the case in Michigan.

Regardless of what socialists WANT people to believe, the new Michigan law does NOT outlaw unions NOR does it outlaw collective bargaining.

Those socialists that claim differently are lying.

They HAVE to lie because the FACTS prove them wrong and if there is one thing socialists hate MORE than conservatives, its facts.

Here’s a little something else on which socialists can chew…

This new law in Michigan also means that for the first time, socialist unions will have to MARKET themselves. Those unions will have to build a case for why, exactly, someone would WANT to join.

IF, as the unions would have you believe by the content of yesterday’s hissy-fit, that unions are the best thing since sliced cheese, then, they should have no problem whatsoever convincing workers to either join or stay WITH the unions.

But they don’t seem to WANT to have to make that case…Do they?

One wonders why?

Maybe it has to do with the fact that more and more workers want to think for themselves and more and more workers feel that the socialist unions are NOT a good avenue for the money that they, as hard working Americans, earn.

The unions, for decades, have been nothing more than organized crime syndicates funneling money directly to the socialist and communist party bosses.

Those party bosses take money from the workers and use it to campaign for socialist candidates who will, in turn, stroke the unions.

On Monday…Obama, the recipient of union campaign bribes went to the outskirts of Detroit and spoke up for the unions telling the assembled socialist crowd that “Right to Work” means the right to work for less pay.

Obama also said that the current legislation in Michigan is all about politics and has nothing to do with the economy but, because of FACTS getting in the way…He’s flat out lying…Again.

The current legislation is NOT about politics but, Obama’s actions and words ARE because…In 2012, unions pumped $143 Million bucks into political campaigns and 92% of that went to socialists running as democrats. Socialists running for ANY office NEED the unions because it’s the unions who fill their campaign coffers.

For the state of Michigan, it’s all about the economy and all one needs to do is look back at the auto bailout.

The auto unions were in WAY over their collective bargaining heads. They have more RETIRED non-workers drawing heavily inflated pensions and full benefits than they have EMPLOYED workers paying union forced dues INTO the socialist Ponzi scheme.

What ho???

They ran out of OTHER PEOPLE’S money and, near collapse…They needed a bailout using OTHER…other people’s money.

Wisconsin was in danger of going the way of Greece, Spain, France, Illinois, California and Detroit because of public sector union overreach so to say that anything to do with cutting back on unions is political rather than economic is the stuff of Smores by the camp fire.

If people’s pants really did burst into flames every time they lied, people would be chasing Obama with sticks, candy bars, graham crackers and marshmallows each and every minute of the day.

Back in the day, when unions were actually needed, they protected workers from greedy bosses who lined their pockets by abusing their employees.

Today, free market capitalism and competition can handle that and it’s now the unions lining the pockets of the combustible trouser set as well as their own union bosses pockets by holding workers hostage.

80% of union dues go to politicians who will protect the unions so the unions can give the politicians more money and keep them in power and the a fraction of the other 20% goes to paying a mob attorney to “arbitrate” so those caught boozing it up and smoking pot on their union mandated breaks can take a 2 year vacation before going back to work.

What’s left allows union bosses to fly in their private jets to beg congress for our taxpayer dollars.

Imagine workers NOT wanting THEIR hard earned dollars going into THAT system.

The LONGER term problem for Michigan unions because of this legislation is obvious.

A percentage, possibly up to 40% of workers, will now dump the union altogether. That means, as the years tick on, FEWER employed workers will be paying for retired NON worker’s pensions and benefits and the unions will be running out of OTHER people’s money even FASTER unless they jack up union dues like Obama wants to jack up taxes on the rich!!!

As that happens, MORE people will walk off the union line just like millionaires are fleeing France and Great Britain over tax hikes.

Union revenues will go down just like tax revenues will go down.

Does anyone think the unions will cut back on their pension and benefit spending?

Does anyone think Obama will cut government or entitlement spending?

Right to work states right now have an average unemployment rate of 6.9% while union states have an average unemployment rate of 8.7%.

In February of 2012, Indiana became a Right to Work state and for the last 11 months, Michigan has been bleeding jobs TO Indiana.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Economic Analysis States with the least unionization are increasing their population and GDP hand over clenched fist compared to socialist heavily unionized states.

But it has nothing to do with economics…right?

Does anyone smell smoke?

One thought on “Unions Choose FORCE Over Choice

  1. Great coverage…poor union stooges…hopefully the country sees what Unions are all about..pure thugery, intimadation, and brutality…the name of their game.

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